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  • Legion has a number of unnecessary downsides you have to work with. Tbh he/she is probably a mid to low tier killer but as always it’s up for debate. Your strategy sounds solid, I’d say don’t double hit players because you give them a quick speed boost. Additionally, consider running thanatophobia, sloppy butcher, hex…
  • DCs are definitely a big issue in the game. It happens on both sides and just ruins the game for everyone, literally. Less bloodpoints, wasted add ons and offerings, game is too easy/hard then, etc. It needs to be fixed pronto because it happens like every other game
  • I gotta agree, I was about to make a post about this. New content is always nice, everyone agrees. But I’d rather have a more enjoyable game and better balanced gameplay and content rather than more stuff, and it’s not even all that different just new killers and survivors. Of course I like it but that certainly isn’t what…
  • (To you and your teammates). Use borrowed time and the new decisive strike. Don’t be overly altruistic or go for unsafe saves. If the killer camps form a plan to get the unhook or rush through gens. And if the hooked survivor is toxic, or the game is at a late stage, you can expect camping and tunneling to happen. Camping…
  • While I do feel they probably didn’t DC all the way back to level 20, I do agree that DCs need to be dealt with ASAP. It’s happened practically every other game for me for a while and it’s so aggravating to lose/waste my good add ons and offerings, and then the killer gets less bloodpoints and the survivors have less of a…
  • Nah, while I hate camping and tunneling for no reason other than to be toxic, penalizing the killer is wrong. Theres already borrowed time and the new DS, and most survivors cry “camper” for anything the killer does. Don’t do unsafe hooks, and if the killer camps just rush gens or communicate a plan to get the unhook.…
  • While you’re not wrong that the last survivor is essentially screwed, it has nothing to do with hex ruin. If your whole team is dead and you’ve collectively only gotten 0-1 gens done then you/your team played very poorly and/or the killer was very good. Situations like that should rarely happen but if they do it’s just a…
  • Ah, this is such a tricky topic. Way I see it, camping/tunneling is understandable when there has been about 2 gens done and you aren’t doing so good. You gotta start killing them off at some point, and camping/tunneling can be proven effective. It’ll waste the time of the survivors and sometimes get you another down at no…
  • That’s a pretty solid response. Definitely a good number of ways to earn points. My issue is that there’s a lot of RNG in there with how the killer plays and how your teammates are, and just a bunch of other things in general. Like even when I play a normal game and I do a variety of things, the points still come out…
  • Like I mentioned in other comments, I know legitimately how to play survivor and I play just fine. 10-15k is pretty normal, maybe 20k if I survive and had a solid game. I’m not amazing, but I’m well aware there’s more than just doing a gen or 2 and getting out ASAP. But there’s nothing I can do to change my play style. I…
  • Except it’s a killer I routinely get 25-30k, while survivor I get around 10-15k. It sounds like you’re either bad as a killer, and as a survivor you’re literally god or have rank 1 teammates and verse a rank 20 killer. I’m not amazing as a survivor but I’m certainly not bad nor do I need to improve to get more…
  • No they don’t, although I’m not opposed to anyone getting more bloodpoints because the grind is insane especially for anyone unfortunate enough to just start playing now. And yea they can maybe like 5% of the time but the rest of the time killers routinely get double if not even triple what a survivor gets in about the…
  • Idk what you’re going on about, but if you actually opted to read what I wrote, you woulda seen that I explained the amount of bloodpoints acquired by the survivors is arguably too low when you take in the amount of time put into the game as well as killer gameplay. And a small increase would both help balance it out, as…
  • What’s your problem lol? Like seriously cut the toxicity. I do play as a killer, matter of fact I play killer more than survivor. Congratulations I hope you’re happy that you have that info. Now that that’s out of the way, which was completely off topic...feel free to address the issue I presented, where survivors get…
  • Seems interesting and fun to play as, but I’d say he’s probably one of the weakest. Definitely needs a buff. Sure you can say wait until he comes out to judge but still. His perks are also pretty lacking, except for maybe the generator one. Judging from gameplay as well as other opinions, I’d say the majority also match my…
  • Interesting idea. Although I feel hatch standoffs can be frustrating, the debate of whether survivors deserve the hatch or not will certainly come back up if it’s changed. I like your concept, but some people will feel it’s unfair to the survivor. And doing gens as the last alive can be even slower and riskier, so it might…
  • Thats a solid idea, gotta agree completely 
  • Yea I don’t see what most of these ppl are talking about by excessive farming or messing up the game balance. It’s not impossible but I doubt it’d happen because of limited reward, chance, and variety 
  • Really? How have they been against it? And yea there’s a tutorial...and your point of asking is?
  • While I do see the possibility of farming, the potential fun of KYF is wasted since everyone wants those bloodpoints, and it shouldn’t be like that. 
  • While I get what some people are saying about survivors being able to keep their items, that doesn’t rly happen all that much. Like you’re kinda likely to die, and even if you do survive you might use up your item or fail to find a new one. Plus survivors may lose more things should they die, 4 (item, 2 add ons, offering)…
  • I like that. I wasn’t even asking for anything crazy haha, just like an extra 5k in general to better balance it out. And like I had said too if you put that in things like the struggle phase and end game, it can limit other problems like rage quitting and rage suiciding. The only thing to be careful for it to make sure…
  • Why would you want them to lose all their stuff? That makes no sense, they already do lose everything except items, and those are lost if you die too
  • I got called pay2win trash because I got a 4K as
  • I get what you mean by the killer is by himself but you’re still putting in work and everyone is also putting in the same amount of time to the game. Most of my survivor games are pretty hectic but I also agree the system could use an overhaul too
  • I was called “pay to win trash” because I killed a guy, last, as Freddy lol
  • I’ve had a good few grab bugs happen in various places. Worst one was at a generator and it froze my character for the entire game because it clipped me into a wall. Other times I would freeze up a short time like you described. Very frustrating and it makes me not want to use grabs even though I should.
  • I agree, rage quitting is a huge pain. It’s tricky to deal with because a punishment can cause players to not play in general, and we don’t want to be hurting the games population. Plus sometimes a player needs to leave a game for whatever reason. But for sure, losing/wasting your add-one and offerings in an unbalanced…
  • I was thinking about that the other day, definitely would love to see him as a killer
  • I know there’s offerings and perks to help out but I still feel it’s small. I’m not talking a huge increase, just maybe like 3k for the struggle and 3k for finishing the game. This way its more worth your time to play survivor, and also helps limit the issue of rage quitting and suiciding. 