Updated video card driver and it's working now.
Ill give it a try, but im starting to see a lot less of him now that survivors realize that they can loop him pretty well.
Ya i'll tell you what: With that terror radius and that perk with the speed. No one will be healing. There's gonna be a lot of missed skill checks with it being "beam me up scotty" fast.
ive seen it on wesker and doctor so far. both times, i had less than 1/2 a second to react
Damn, if that's the case, I'd like to see the devs hit one of those skill checks. Reminds me of old school doctor skill checks, but on hyper drive.
Ok i did notice it with chlorophobia, but I thought all it did was slow down healing. But those skill checks are damn near impossible to hit.
Thank jeebus! That's what I thought it meant, but the way it is worded is very confusing. lol. I appreciate the help my man!
ya ive noticed lately it is the reworked maps.
ahh ok thanks guys, ill give it a try. im not the greatest survivor, but now that there's cross play, im playing more survivor since my fiance is on xbox XD
ya thats what i figured. best just touching them with no kit
I just got another one done 9/10 so im guessing its better without a med kit
nope, it just says to heal them
Ya I agree. But camping and tunneling isn't the answer for the hate mail either. It just adds to it =/ So something has to change. Their sensitivity setting, console optimization or something.
seriously? wow. ive played a lot of dbd (something like 2.2k hours.) and no thats not a boast. probably more of a burn than anything. but ive neeeverrrrrrrrrr seen so many since this cross play. it is fun though! besides the whole insta down mori noed club.
Playing with the fiance and shes on xbox =/
i could use 1 ebony mori every match for like a month and still have extra. its just a waste of time, unless you know the survivor and want to ######### off. as i said, i play for the blood points. there's really no reason to use one unless you just want to be an ass imo. or vengeance against a survivor who was an ass to you.…
so what i gather, with a controller, console killers cant compete with mouse/keyboard or survivors on console turn speed. hence the reason i only see myers, ghostface, a camping bubba, or a hag. so they get pissed and dont leave the hook area and if someone actually does get off the hook they tunnel the injured person…
3/5 games now =/ and a myers noed to boot.
First two games, two mori's today.
I understand the struggle but still value points over kills. My girl plays on xbox and i see all the camping tunneling and mori's. I feel bad for them lol
Nevermind, I see the banner.
Ahh ok, thank you!
im a killer main, but when i play survivor, i play as ash because i love the movies and bruce campell
cool! appreciate the info!!! thank you!
hmm, ill use it next game to try it out. streamers have been telling me its been working, but for me, it only just sits there bright and shiny with no exhaustion lol
ya ive never used it as a bug or anything. as of right now, (for me) sprint burst is simply not activating when you hold shift to run away.
as a killer main myself, i try to use other killers to gain blood points to farm into said new killer. going into purple/red ranks using a new killer with sub optimal perks is asking for it as well. but i do think the blood webs could be toned down a bit. and no im not some bad ass or anything.
same man. i tried it again a few matches ago and nothing. started the game, sprinted to a gen and it didnt active. got chased and i ran away without exhaustion and still didnt activate
people think this grind is bad, didnt play wow when it first released. if you had every perk handed to you, you would get bored, fast. the journey is often more fun than the destination. or else, it wouldnt be a saying, now would it? lol... :P
It did randomly activate once.
im not complaining, im coming back from a couple of months because of a new job and schedule and didnt know all the changes. chill out.
i try to play fair as i can. slugging them kind of goes against what i like to achieve. yes, im one of those good killers who doesnt run noed and ruin on all killers and still does very well. but if thats the case, and the answer is to just leave em on the ground. i will. dont get me wrong, i will try to kill you. but i…
puts rbt on survivor, gate opens, survivor escapes =/
its funny because before you click on 'find a match' it says 2 minutes estimated time. then pooof, unknown
10 minutes and counting. =/
thats what im saying. you cant control if they unhook or not. And if they are all or some hooked in a relatively small amount of time with others already on hooks, they cant unhook and you lose points.
playing as pig, 2 dead one on hook, the last one had a rbt on. i saw her going to the hatch, so i remained crouched. the person on the hook lets go and the other is about to escape when no joke, 2 feet away from hatch the trap explodes :)
does this mean they are still processing it? it also says this item is no longer available for follow up order
all i see is "order in process" for the last month :(
the door was wide open. i hooked him there on purpose so i could see that the door was open
also, it was the first person hooked after the exit gate was open.
im in vegas and have never had this issue. i mean, maybe 3-5 minutes but not seeing any survivors after more than 10 minutes still
im still waiting; "the shipment is in process"
Mooooooooom! the killer is trying to kill me!!!! reddit here i come! let me equip ds, deliverance, hop in discord, throw on that insta heal or commodius tool box, and get ready to be as obnoxious as i can first! is that an infinite window that is open!?!?!...
its usually just against the SWF groups. i like playing against the altruistic bunch. its the gen jockeys that are annoying. but ya, i usually just hook the 3rd because of BBQ and hope for the best.
rank 2 killer, not sure if that helps or hinders either
im still able to go have a cigarette, do a shot, and play on my phone while in queue. around 7-8 minutes. its down but still taking a fair amount of time to see the first survivor join the lobby
my queues are around 6-7 minutes instead of 15 +. maybe it is just the event. still taking forever though and i hate playing survivor solo queue =/
MorfWut at the original question. As a killer main I don’t care if a survivor tries to 360 me. If you’re worried about it, get a little closer before lunging.
Yup. Just haven’t had the time to play as per Work and other things. :/