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  • I agree, the fact that it pop ups even when you dont have any rewards to claim since you dont own the battlepass but its spamming you with the notification that wont disappear half the time is so irritating. DBD Isnt known for its amazing UI but making something this annoying has to be an achievement within itself LMAO;…
  • That looked like it was fun to build! Awesome job haha!
  • Dookieth mine own pants; When spotting a killer in close proximity, you scream beyond humanly octaves to reveal yourself and the killers aura for the next 5-10 (more?) seconds to the other survivors. There are too many times I've been beyond jumpscared in this game I've had to find a hiding spot and just afk for a moment…
  • Its amazing how you say you dodge lobbies to create a better gaming experience for yourself and people still manage to come out with, "Haha baYbY kiLLeR, you dOnT AFFECT ME!" Like, if the next killer joining almost instantly doesnt affect your gameplay thats good survivors, killer getting a new lobby because they…
  • No Mither, Self Care, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst; I think the first two are the classic survivor troll perks together since they have 0 syngergy. I'm guessing Unbreakable would be somewhat useful to get some speed off recovery but No Mither already allows you to get up however many times you want so basically pointless, and…
  • It is super cute! I love her head piece and the headphones accessory, really cute and full of personality!
    in Skins <3 Comment by Sydraen May 2020
  • Ooo a fun thread! Your tattoos sound so random but I love that! I dont have any tattoos currently because of money but! I really want a bull skull surrounded by raven wings and emerald gems ornaments on it horns because of my birth stone and zodiac on my chest! I also wanted a Dragon Age tattoo on my forearm but I'm not…
    in Tattoos Comment by Sydraen May 2020
  • You do get bloodpoints for doing the missions!
  • You are /actually/ physically killing me. The situational aspect isnt getting injured, its having the pallete or window right where you want it. You're basically saying people shouldnt be rewarded for using a complex perk correctly, as rare as it is to use it correctly. The counter plays you mentioned to your fantasy DH…
  • Just because you can farm a survivors as a killer doesnt mean you have to. Its not a killer thing, its a player thing.
  • Yikes, most people CANT use it because its highly situational, you have to be injured and you have to be 100% sure theres going to be a pallete or even a window there and even then theres plenty of errors to be made when looking behind you and not seeing infront of you, directions on it mess up plenty bc of camera etc; or…
  • I feel like movement speed changes are a bit iffy since bloodlust is a thing, It doesnt affect gens directly but it does let you chase a survivor faster when you are failing the chase. Also, Thrill of the Hunt already gives you a notification when people touch your totems, its a Hex perk.
  • I feel like getting red rank on survivor is too easy, you can do gens the whole game, heal a few people who find you and do maybe a totem and bam, you're pippin your way to rank 1. Alot of people there dont know how to play against a killer, how to chase I guess and it can give you a false sense of how good you are when…
  • With how the rift currently looks, If I paid for it and unknowingly got what it has on offer right now I'd be preeeeetty m a d. Id rather know what im signing up for, especially when things look the way they do in there right now.
  • I think you just dont deserve to be rank 2 and rightfully lose, deranking to be somewhere where you actually level at. (Focusing on rank impacts your mindset in the game poorly btw, I wouldnt recommend that :)) If you actually played killer effectively you would know this buff has been well needed as the killer players…
  • Hooo Amen baybe! I see so many dumb posts on this forum complaining about killer powers because... they have powers? Like yeah, the killers are meant to be unique and feel good to the person playing them, but because a survivor doesnt like playing against them they absolutely riot about it. There was that one post saying…
  • Your friend being new and getting confused doesnt call for an entire rework though, you learn where to go and not to go with game experience. As I said, what the killer did was bad and you should have reported it but that was just a situation you end up with because of the player, a fair killer would have simply downed him…
  • It does show a light up aura of a crow when a survivor distrupts them alongside of the noise tho.
  • Its a good hiding spot if you're not against a doctor and a stupid way to die when you run in there as a mistake during a chase. Im assuming this is one of the houses without the door directly infront of the steps, so its a perfectly fine way for a killer to get a kill if a survivor makes a mistake running into this area.…
  • Well, play her and get good at her lmao, people are able to play her without this just fine. Shes a hard killer for a reason and most of her gameplay comes from muscle memory. You have the addon to help you if you need it, and its useful when youre just starting out. Its not a neccessary requirement as a base as anyone who…
  • This has been posted plenty of times already, but yes. They fixed her lullaby to no longer reset and it plays through completely now throughout the course of the game.
  • Yep, she has an addon for this!
  • Huh really? I couldve swore its always there when shes phasing.
  • Did they remove her phasing sound or something? The phasing sound is a clear giveaway shes phasing?
  • If Borrowed Time, I try to tank the hit, if not, I sandbag whoever saved me to farm me in hope they get downed for farming me but also just to save my own ass. As killer I try my best to hit the rescuer, unless I know they have DS then sadly their teammate is gonna have to take the fall.
  • Difficulty of gameplay is subjective to everyone, some people might find Nurse easier than other, but on average shes Hard. Giving her a special rating just because you cant play her effectively makes no sense when other people can pick her up easier. Weird request.
  • Personally I think its a neat thing against people who tap the gen during a chase or when theyre heading for a survivor, chances are if the killer is in another chase they wont be going back to that gen to kick it again knowing they have already kicked it, so the Overcharge makes sure it stays regressing if someone misses…
  • I believe NOED only works with M1 hits, by spearing them youre using your ability which applies the mend status thus cancelling out the effect of the NOED I believe, just how a Legion ability would apply mend instead.
    in deathslinger Comment by Sydraen May 2020
  • Yes she is fat, but shes not obese like you said she was with the mcdonalds comment. She has the best face model in the game imo, and her body isnt accurately modeled either with how stretched it all is, you could see it was a low effort model, atleast in the base skin with the stretch of everything on each movement. Its…
  • Bruh this turned into a bully fest, shes not even that overweight, she looks more common than a Meg, yall just mean LMAO.
  • Overcharge skillcheck will follow you if you just touch a gen and run away, you cant cancel the skillcheck it just happens.
  • I mean Jeff is already pretty thicc and he already has the most asthmatic breathing as the loudest survivor in the game. Realistically a fatter survivor would never win a trial, this is why Clown is bottom tier killer LUL.
  • I've played hag and she seems completely fine? I didnt hear anything about her being broken.
  • I recently bought Doctor and been playing him level 1 just to get a feel of how he plays, despite being Rank 7 killer. I'm not really trying to play perfect or anything in my usual matches but the knowledge that I have no perks kinda makes the stress of playing killer ease up since if I win, thats good! I managed to use…
  • I forgot survivors are allowed to bring 4 brand-new parts into a single trial but god forbid a killer uses an addon to make their experience easier, playing against 4 seperate people. You can counter half the stuff you mention if you open your eyes and practice, you're literally just expressing you're bad at the game by…
  • If you can bleedout at any moment you can simply just give up playing the game as you would when people die on first hook by trying to escape and then not struggling. Plenty of times killers will slug because they're chasing more survivors if there was a bunch grouped together, if you simply bleed out right there and then…
    in New function Comment by Sydraen May 2020
  • Oh you didnt have that screenshot up before, Jesus Christ even the poor killer? Yeah thats some matchmaking at its best yikes!!
  • Possibly a rank 1-2 with SWF babies gettin b o o s t e d.
  • I see a Monto fan so I present you with the concept of playing different games! Wild I know, just like the man himself, go over to Hide or Die, you are allowed to play more than one horror game!
  • I think seeing a Bubba should automatically trigger your flight response because literally anyone I've ever seen regardless of rank always tends to camp as him, its pretty much only played as a meme from what I've seen. Its stupid sure, but if hes afking camping just try to stack up on those bloodpoints and leave asap.
  • Uh, you do realise that each map has a few maps that are different variation of the map? And if you completely remove the map, thus removing the 5 variations of it, when the game would have to calculate which maps to avoid from the 5 players previous games, you'd probably have nothing to play on. Its a nice thought but…
  • Legion literally moves faster than the survivors, makes it hard to see as a survivor when in need of mend, increasing the chances of error in finding a safe spot to run away from a Legion behind them or hiding, and they basically get free vision on survivors in a proximity area. Mending already takes time out and a Good…
  • Adrenaline, you're basically perkless until the end of the game, and even then its a heal (if you happen to be injured) and a short sprint burst that usually only works if youre SWF. (Though in the baby days of the game and my playing I did use it on Meggo LMAO!) It works for some, but I personally just carry a brown…
  • From that screenshot I can completely understand why the killer brought a mori, Death Slinger is bad enough as it is and struggles to get pressure on gens due to his ability, 3 strong med-kits would mean that by the time he injures 1 or 2 people, they would be immediately healed up when a healthy survivor gets in a chase…
  • Jeff and Jane, my THICC lovelies and I'm waiting for matching outfits, give me goth gf Jane BHVR D:<
  • NGL I didnt read this entire thing but did you just post your IP with the ping thing? You should probably delete that for safety reasons by guy!
  • I'm skipping right to the comment without reading if someone already recommended this or if you've already played it because if you did you have to replay it and I will scream and shout this game into the void and back because of my great love for it BUT!! Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines!!!! Its such a good roleplaying…
  • I snorted at that comment bc its so wild LMAO hope your rug is ok. But I dont think you can get punished for going afk for whatever reason though since the game still carries on regardless since the survivors can do everything they want to escape anyway and endgame collapse will kill anyone else who lingers behind. I know…