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  • Lmao.. I know that the "official" understanding of the phrase "taking the game hostage" means to prevent the game from progressing. Facecamping IS actually the "real" definition of a hostage. You have no options, no counterplay and therefore I think counterplay should be added if this is a "legit" strategy. I don't…
  • I don't deny that killer can be hard at times. I am saying you can't compare the "having no options at all" to actually being able to do stuff and change playstyle throughout the game? You guys are compairing being facecamped all match, to sweating against SWFs and no I don't think it's comparable.. It's nowhere near the…
  • This is a typical killer main response. Completely overlooking their own level of toxicity in the game and blaming the survivors for every bad thing that ever happened to this game. Killers sit in here and cry about Eruption, genrush, flashlight saves, DH, SWF swat teams and what not, but when they people that actually…
  • The game is supposed to be pretty balanced. It’s not a killer should win almost every match kind of game. There should still be a 40-50 % chance of you at least making it to the end-game, but Solo is nowhere near that balance. If survivors should just accept not doing ######### the entire match and be eliminated within…
  • You still Got options don’t you? In the lobby you see what items the survivors bring in and Can make a plan accordingly. Lots or flashlights -lightborn. Lots of toolboxes - gen perks. You have the option to make a plan before you even go into the game. You decide which survivors you want to chase, for How Long. Are you…
  • You Cannot compare the two things. Because in games like that you are equally strong. You are both armed, you both have the same chance of being the first person to shoot. In DBD SWF and killers are more or less equally strong, and then you have solo which is a whole different league. You never know what kind of teammates…
  • The problem is that the state the game is in right now, it’s more bad than good games and it has been for a while now. Like I Said in my original post, I don’t know how bad it is on the American servers, but the EU servers are really bad with almost every other game being a tunneler or a camper. Solo is just not strong…
  • I do. But my entire post was an attempt to save solo survivor. If we all just play killer or go SWF it won’t fix the issue, just make it worse
  • , A lot of Them say that neither are preventing me from playing the game? I am not twisting anything, read the comments, lmao.
  • None of the perks you are mentioning are helping specifically against camping or tunneling? Besides from DS, which is useless now with only a 3 second stun. I give up on this Forum. I came on here to adress a serious balance issue with Solo versus SWF and to tell my side of why I and many others choose switch to killer or…
  • If everyone was just hiding in a locker until someone Else Got found, nothing would ever get done. It’s not really a counter. Against a strong killer who knows what they are doing, everyone Will go Down at Some point. It’s enevitable. Especially against killers like nurse, Huntress and Blight. And it still doesn’t solve…
  • It’s both. I still Think Facecamping and tunneling should be less beneficial for the killer to do. I still Think it ruins the game. You are all saying that facecamping is not preventing the hooked survivor from playing the game, but none of you Can come up with actual counterplay or options for the person hooked the entire…
  • I didn’t say I was the one getting tunneled out first each game? But as a solo player, random teammates doesn’t always know How to loop. You never know what you are gonna get or what level or skill your random teammates have. If the first player is tunneled out before you are done with the first gen, you know as Well as I…
  • I guess not. I Think I am a very atypical DBD player 🤷🏼‍♀️ No matter what side I play I try to play fair. I had a new Wraith the other day, and mid-game he cloaked up and went to the corner to wait it out and be over with it. I went over to him and gave him a hook, tried to be kind.. and then 2 of my randoms comes over and…
  • I know it’s hard to balance these things without giving the survivors a Way to exploit it. But I Think DS just lasting longer would be okay. A 3 second stun is an absolute joke and gets you nowhere before the killer is able to catch up. I Think it should be 10 second ish, but as soon as you touch a gen or a totem the…
  • That is exactly my point. I do see the difference in tunnelling and camping because you run out of options, or doing it because you enjoy being toxic and doing it before you even know what kind of team you are up against. I don’t think tunnelling in a pressured situation towards the end-game is toxic, but hardcore…
  • You still have options? You can still try to mindgame, still try to influence the game. What options do you have while hanging on the hook the entire match while the killer takes out months of frustration on your dangling body? You can DC or hang in there, that’s the options you got. Because someone else chose not to play…
  • I am adressing BHVR and the devs in my post but as I mentioned earlier, I also Think players carry a Big part of the responsibility for things to get better. If everyone is just bringing in their worst toxic behaviour and don’t give a Damn about other players, it’s never gonna be fixed. We also carry a responsibility for…
  • I don’t Think slowing gens Down is an option as Long as Tunneling and camping is not adressed. People tunnel because a survivor out of the match within the first few minutes of the match is almost a guaranteed 3-4K. Imagine being facecamped and the gens going even slower, it would be impossible to more than one and a half…
  • I don't get upset. I admit I think it's frustrating that I try to adress my issues with Solo (Same as all the other solo players trying to be heard) just to get told to stop playing, that my rank is too low, that I suck at the game or that I just need to "accept the reality". Or people just trying to belittle me, being…
  • Exactly my point. I know it's hard, but I really hope the devs would come up with some perks that would seem rather redundant to SWF teams, but make a huge difference if you are playing Solo. I don't think SWF teams would "waste" a perk slot on Anti-tunneling or anti-camping perks as much, cause they rely on eachother.…
  • Are any of you actually reading my original post? Yes I do play killer and survivor pretty even and I have been playing more and more killer and less survivor over the last months. Even if I have a ######### game as killer and go against a really good team, I still get a decent amount of BP for chases, pallets, hooks ect.…
  • Lmao.. I reach red rank every reset, so I fail to see why I would be in low MMR? Even really skilled DBD streamers with thousands of hours in the game are giving up on Solo and go for SWF or survive with viewers to stand a fair chance. Solo is almost dead, and everyone denying it are lying to themselves. Killer mains sit…
  • Did you feel better about yourself correcting my spelling? English is not my first language, and I fail to see it has any relevance for my post? And yes, it does prevent people from playing the game. If you have a hardcore tunneler and get caught first, you are out. With a pretty much useless DS, a DH that can be waited…
  • Well your understanding on how to debate in a civilized and respectul matter also seems kind of flawed, but oh well.. You clearly haven't read my original post, as I specifically wrote that I do play killer more and more often because it actually lets me play the game way more and provides me with more BP. Dead by daylight…
  • Saying someone else should just stop playing when they adress serious issues with the game, is just arrogant and narrowminded. If you don't have anything constructive to bring to the table, why comment at all? So everyone should just accept that Solo Que is slowly dying and adapt to the new reality where hardcore SWF…
  • How is tunneling not being prevented from playing? If you go down fast with Iri Hatches, A strong nurse or a Meyers, just to be tunneled right off hook? With the DS nerf it's almost impossible to escape the killer if a teammate is not willing to step in and take a hit or distract long enough for you to get away. The DS is…
  • As I said.. Killers complain about too many SWF groups, and want more people to play solo... BHVR wants more people to play Solo. But both Devs and killers ignore the biggest issue about Solo Que. It's not balanced enough compared to SWF with the "Strats" the killers are using. If a killer facecamps a person in SWF the…
  • I am not a new survivior... I have been playing DBD on and off for 5+ years, and I reach red ranks every single reset. The problem is that even in red ranks I still get potato survivors doing nothing all game (Cause matchmaking is not about rank anymore) . Solo que is too weak for the tunneling/Camping strat. SWF is the…
  • It's still preventing someone else from playing the game. From doing nothing at all the entire match. And I fail to see why a person who WANTS to play the game, should pay the price for someone who decides to be toxic for no reason at all
  • But post after post about genrushing, teabagging and all those swat SWF team you all run into all the time is just fine or? You can’t compare clicking with a flashlight or teabagging at the exit gate to tunneling and camping.. tunnel and camping a survivor out of the match is a sure depip for the survivor that is targeted,…
  • I am. Way better bloodpoints and less que times. But when I used to love playing survivor I think it's sad to see them completely nerf it beyond reason
  • I agree, it isn't for me anymore. I used to love playing DBD, was my favorite game for years. It's just sad that the experience is so terrible now, that I simply have to go play something else. I only play killer now if i play, but I hate to see them destroy solo survivor that was struggling enough as it was before the…
  • I agree, but you will never get this forum to agree with you. 90% of people in here are killer mains. Everytime someone makes a post about this, they will classify it as "bait" 🙃 Facebook forums and twitter are more survivor sided than this forum
  • I always loved Nurse! Really fun to go against. Sure a really good nurse is a super hard challenge, but I always enjoyed going up against them. I also like the trapper and Billyboy :)
  • Well crying whiny killers got what they wanted I guess.. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Well.... Solo survivor is over for me, only going to play SWF and killer from now on. Good job BHVR, thanks for ruining the game completely. In a week this Forum will be overflooded with “Why are my killer ques so long” and SWF complaints 🤦‍♀️
  • Yes the tunneling has definately gotten worse, and no we Don’t bring DS because it’s useless... you can use if ONE time, the killer will just eat the DS and slug you 3 seconds later anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ Makes no difference, so why bring it. It’s literally one of the most useless perks now.
  • We are just as tired of Toxic killers... I never play toxic as survivor, i don’t teabag or blind the killer (unless i have a challenge). I don’t do anything to provoke the killer, and yet I often get slashed repeadtly on hook.. slugged while the killer just follow me around waiting for me to bleed out. Tunneling and…
  • This is why I stopped playing this game. I haven't been playing DBD for 6 months or so. Decided to give a shot again to see if things had improved. Played around 25 matches in a row, only 3 killers didn't tunnel, more than half brought a mori. This game is broken beyond compare. Killers get more bloodpoints for tunneling…
  • Nice bait... It's so obivous you are just another killer-main pretending to be a survivor who suddenly woke up to see the light. First of all, If you really were playing survivor mostly, you would already have noticed this behaviour amongst your teammates. You would also know how terrible the survivor experience is right…
  • Why do you take this as an attack on killers? Nowhere have I mentioned that killers are the ones ruining my fun.. Do you consider it a fun match hanging on the hook watching your 3 teammates crouching around the hook, reaching second stage, getting unhooked right in front of the killer just to be hooked again and die??…
  • Lol! And killers just play to have fun right? Your argument doesnt make any sense. Survivors have their objektives, killers have theirs... and no i dont consider a match where I don’t get to do ######### fun, just as much as killers don’t consider it fun being renrushed within the first minute of the game.. as killer you…
  • I love this! 😂😂😂 its so true
  • i agree that people DC more when penalties are active, and I Think a Big part of the issue is that people play more toxic when they know the penalty is active. I have noticed WAY more Moris, iri hatches and tunneling after the penalties came back, and survivors teabag and bully the killers Way more, because they know the…
  • All survivors should have some kind of disability... i suggest the following.. one survivor is blind and can’t see anything but a blurry screen (total Black screen would be preferable but let’s be fair) , one is deaf and can’t hear skill-checks or terror radious, the third survivor is in a wheel-chair, and the fourth has…
  • I agree with you, I really hope more survivors will take a break from the game, or switch side, until this massive killer favoring stops. Someone said it in another thread “I love winning, but not when it’s shooting fish in a barrel”. #survivorslivesmatters
  • I am thinking i finally had it.... done playing survivor, there is no Way in hell this game is even close to balanced after adding this... solo survivor is terrible enough as it is, with these new killer perks it’s going to be a freaking nightmare. My Bet Will be that a few weeks after launce, there won’t be enough…
  • Toxicity on both sides are insane right now because of People’s frustrations, and the toxicity just makes everything worse.. killers being bullied with flashlights, teabagging and insults, by the team who just came from 3 matches in a row being camped and tunneled to death... this killer will then out of frustration Bring…
  • remove remove, nerf this nerf that... nerf pallets, flashlights, medkits, toolboxes, keys, DS, unbrekable... nerf self-Care, nerf adrenaline.. just nerf survivors!! all while tunneling, camping, pop, BBQ, NOED, iri hatches and moris still exists.. but as soon as someone just mentions touching some of this, killers go…
  • Cause Killer is Way easier, and give better bloodpoints.. thats why :)
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