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  • He is funnier to play since the small buff (not being slowed when throwing bottles) but still quite boring
  • I would really like a Prop Hunt (like that: I would also like a No perk / no addons / no item mode. This will bring back the everybody is naked feeling and should help with balancing killer's base kit.
  • Spirit, Doctor, Legion, Hag (the ones who place 5 traps under hook)
  • I believe that Shred is already quite usefull without this addon. It's a really nice one indeed but I don't believe it should be include in base kit. What I would like for Demogorgon is a massive addon rework. Since most of them are quite useless and the most usefull addons are brown/yellow
  • Stridor is balanced except on Spirit. But I believe Devs should rework Spirit and not Stridor. Other than that the're a lot of bugs with sounds that completly negate Stidor for whatever reason... Devs should fix these sound bugs before even thinking about changing Stidor or Iron Will...
  • Honestly I would be happy only by nerfing the "locker juke"... Something like "Grabbing a survivor (traps, lockers, windows / pallet vaults) does not trigger DS. Other than that, I would really like Devs to add a new mechanic working such as exhaustion perks for all second chances perks. For example, you can bring DS and…
  • It has been something like 3 months since the last time I saw a Pig (pun not intended but I found it while reading my post again :D). After that poor piggy girl, I'll say Demogorgon, Clown
  • But... I always have very bad luck with totem placements... which leads almost every match to get it broken before 3 tokens :/
  • Spirit because it's all about gambling at this point when you face her... Then I'll change DS to avoid the stupid "locker juke". I'll also look at it in a more general way about second chances perks: DS, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Soul Guard, Mettle of Man, Deliverance. Why not adding a system to prevent using 2 second…
  • Hell No!!! If it was only the nerf I would probably still play Hillbilly, but with this horrible sound there's no way I play him again until they remove it...
  • @Watery The problem with DBDR is that you can't select the killer addons. And killer addons can be really impactful on your build. @HavelmomDaS1 Vykaris website:
  • Glad someone created an online DbD builder. What I would like to have on it is : a comment section to give people more info about why you made this build or to give them tips on how to play it. A way to rate builds would be great. And finaly an overlay of perks / addons / offerings giving the ingame description of it would…
  • Hell yeah! It's so frustrating to self-care instead of unhooking...
  • Je ne crois pas qu'il y ai de mot français pour FINGERGUNS c'est pour cela que je demandais si quelqu'un connaissait un terme "officiel"... Personnellement j'y vois plus comme une emote d'encouragement. Il y a différents types de pistodoigts (oui c'est le terme que je préfère... :D) : * Le pistodoigts "Tu gères". Celui que…
  • We don't have full French Forums, that's why Devs added the "International sub-forums" topic. To let us fully enjoy talking French on forums. We're exactly in the same situation than Korean and Portuguese players
  • We are in the "International sub-forums/French". And even if "English" and "French" are sharing some letters ("e", "n" and "h"), they're not equal :p So... We are free (almost forced...) to speak Molière's language in this sub-forum!
  • If you want the achievement, my advice is to try it 1 week after the rank reset. You will face more low rank survivors that are not aware of this build and will not hide in lockers. I also recommand you to use this build: Perks: M&A, PWYF, Overcharge, Hex: Ruin Addons: Both pink ones Strategy: Do a 3 gens strat for better…
  • About the SB change. It totally makes sense. A cool thing to do should be to slighlty change the Vigil perk. Why not allowing the exhaustion recovery while unning if you use this perk and adding the bonus speed recovery only when you're not running.
  • STBFL + PWYF will now have a really better sinergy. You now have 2 reasons to let your obsession alive. We will now have again the Machine Gun Build xD (but you'll need to build it up instead of having it right at the start as it was before) The scratched mirror's Build has been slighty buffed with the increase movement…