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  • Here's some tentative ideas to help the guards: Jailer: 12 sec. chase time. If a hunt begins and a gen is within his radius, that gen is blocked for the duration Carniflex: 14 sec. chase time. After finishing a break action, begins a hunt if any survivors are in his radius Assassin: 16 sec. chase time. No other changes
  • Yes. This is all I'm asking for. Many killers' turn rates are capped to balance their powers (Hillbilly, Blight, Oni) and nobody says a word, but suggest survivors get their turn rate capped and suddenly everyone loses their minds.
  • That's a bad comparison. Survivors getting downed because they failed to drop a pallet in time is normal gameplay. Killers missing their swing because a survivor exploits their turning speed to forcibly cancel the killer's attack is not normal.
  • If you see Saboteur becoming the meta, you bring anti-sabotage perks. Just like how killers always bring gen slowdown perks since gen-rushing is the meta. And even if survivors buy themselves more time by sabotaging hooks, gens aren't getting done as fast with them running around. It would make sense to pause killer power…
  • This discussion is solely about rescues, not chases. The only time it's easy to blind a killer is when they're vaulting or breaking a pallet because they literally cannot look away. Any decent killer will evade your flashlight attempts otherwise. And the time to blind can no longer be modified by add-ons like it could be…
  • This doesn't prove anything. The video's from 4 years ago, insta-blinds are still a thing, he never picked up a single survivor, and Mathieu isn't even trying to evade the blinds.
  • What, and you think flashlights in their current state are a good idea? Why's it matter if a killer is blinded 0.25 seconds earlier than their pick-up animation ends? They're still blinded. It makes no sense not to force a drop. Plus, any killer worth their salt faces a wall every time they pick up a survivor anyways, so…
  • The idea is that if they only allow killers to have 1 regression perk slot, they could buff all regression perks so they're all viable by themselves. Killers could have some variety in their builds for once instead of having to stack Pop, Ruin, Corrupt, Surge, etc.
  • Opinion discarded
  • "Looking at a locker" Yeah, maybe that'd make sense. *Locker is 32 meters away and your Instinct tells you a survivor is in there* Not so much.
  • Well yeah I played around his power 5 times like I mentioned. Stayed outside his radius every time he activated it. But eventually he finds you because he narrows down your position with Killer Instinct. I just want to know why lockers aren't allowed to block his wallhacks. How's it make sense that stabbing a survivor…
  • It does. In cases where there's only two survivors remaining, a Legion can just Frenzy hit one survivor, then use Killer Instinct to find the last one even if they're inside a locker. I just came out of a game where this happened 5 times so the killer could get a 4k. It's pretty silly.
  • Her chase is pretty weak without Corrupt Purge, but I'm not sure if buffing Vile Purge is a good idea given how it's essentially a free (but delayed) first hit that can spread to other survivors. But if they were to buff it, maybe cause infected survivors to gain the Hindered status effect as well. Would give them another…
  • I don't see how's it a nerf honestly. As killer, the chance that you're going to reach the survivor before the Exposed status wears off is very slim. This change gives the killer a chance to reach the locker before the survivor takes off.
  • Bump, still not fixed, and didn't see PTB notes on a fix either.
  • No, but he can stand on top of the hatch while cloaked to block the survivor from taking it. The survivor will come along and try to jump in the hatch, but Wraith can just uncloak and close it, then chase the last survivor and basically guarantee a kill.
  • The killer could use Insidious, Wraith, Freddy, or Pig to hatch camp until the survivor comes along, then close the hatch and basically guarantee the survivor gets chased down. Even worse if they have NOED.
  • If I want a free first hit, I'll play Wraith / Myers / Hag. At least my melee attack on those killers will actually down survivors. If I want to waste survivors' time, I'll play Pig, Doctor, or Plague. At least those killers' powers don't have a bunch of limitations built into them.
  • Say the killer is the Wraith or Pig, or is using Insidious. If only 2 generators get completed and the hatch opens, what's to stop these killers from simply standing on top of the hatch until the survivor finds it, then closing it and chasing them immediately after?
  • Crashes mostly. It's affecting everyone. Even if I don't crash, someone else in the game does. Maybe 1 out of 3 games I'll get a normal match.
  • But I did want attention. What better way to get attention from the devs about a serious problem with the game than announcing I'm quitting until it gets addressed?
  • Like I know a lot of people like saying "ciao" in response to these posts, but I'm a veteran player and these crashes are so frequent that it's putting me off from playing.
  • Thx seeya
  • I think Corrupt Purge shouldn't be a ranged damaging attack, that's Huntress' territory. Instead, just make it Vile Purge on steroids. Double infection gain rate Double infection time on objects Survivors can become infected with Corrupt Plague that Hinders them until cleansed Corrupt Plague takes twice as long to cleanse…
  • also, killer perks are always supposed to be superior to the survivor perks with similar effefts, as the killer is only able to carry 4 perks at all time, while the survivors have 16 perks in total. So by superior, in the case of BBQ vs WGLF, you're saying the survivor perk should do absolutely nothing to help win the…
  • Implying players actually care about rank in a game that offers no rank-based rewards.
  • wrong thread deleted post
  • So devs just created a perk that screwed over the low tier killers even more than they already are. Smart! If your killer doesn't have a special attack, you can't avoid triggering MoM unless you use one shot perks. And the downside to MoM hardly ever comes into play because survivors just stay injured until Adrenaline…
  • I guess you didn't see my "inb4 comparing survivor items to Mori offerings" point. Perks and items Should have a significant impact on gameplay, but offerings should not. Or at least not as drastic as cutting survivors' lives in half. Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, and anything else are just perks. Both sides always have…
  • I shall bump once in hopes the devs see this idea since I like it that much. It's certainly more exciting than the current version of Wake Up.
  • Could make it trigger exclusively to status effects caused by killer powers, not perks or add-ons. What I meant by "cleansing" was actions that remove negative statuses from you. So only when your character needs to: Wake Up Snap Out of It Mend Drink from a fountain after becoming fully infected Remove a Reverse Bear Trap…
  • Honestly just remove BBQ's wallhacks and we'll be in a good spot with stealth again. Literally every game as a survivor you have to play as if the killer can see your aura after each hook. It feels really cheap to get caught out by it and sometimes it's just plain unfair, especially in the cases of Nurse and Billy. "b-but…
  • Moris reduce Survivor's lives from 2 to 1 and there's no counterplay to them. They give Killers an advantage that Survivors have no answer to, and Moris aren't even tied to a perk or add-on; they're just offerings burnt so Killers don't sacrifice any add-on or perk slots using one. It directly aids in completing the…
  • BBQ and Chili doubles your bloodpoints too, while giving you wallhacks after a hook. It also requires far less effort to get BBQ stacks than WGLF stacks.
  • Yep, deaf to all sounds but terror radius / lullaby. Could make for some nice mind game opportunities since the Survivor wouldn't hear pallet breaking or ranking up Evil Within III.
  • Check out my avatar, I play Doctor a lot. While I understand OP's complaint that getting unhooked into Madness 3 makes it nearly impossible to lose the Doctor in a chase, his idea to regress Madness to level 2 would have a major impact on generator completion times. You can't take away Doctor's ability to stall the game…
  • Self care is the number one perk in the game anyways. Just free up the perk slot and allow more build diversity by making it baseline for Survivors, but debuff their action speeds if they don't heal up. Whether Survivors heal themselves to get rid of the debuff or choose to stay injured and work on generators, games will…
  • You can't nerf 4 players communicating in a Discord channel, it's external to the game. Also, how does one quantify the value of voice communication? Is it worth 20 extra seconds on each generator? 10 less seconds on the hook? Or maybe the voice comms work against the team and they just yells at each other, which makes…
  • Autodidact is already a crappier, less reliable version of both Botany Knowledge and We'll Make It. I'd never use it over the other healing perks. I've had games where I've healed 2 survivors to full without getting a single skillcheck. Here's another idea for the perk though, if you like skillchecks so much: * While…
  • I know SWF groups are a problem, but addressing it by inflating generator times isn't how it should be done. The devs should try to grant solo players the same advantages that SWF groups have so playing solo feels almost indistinguishable from playing SWF. Give Survivors things like: * Bond perk baseline (SWF groups can…
  • Yep, a Survivor usually does 1-2 generators in most games. So getting 2 stacks from generators and unhooking 2 survivors seems pretty reasonable to me. Also the concept of generator rushing is pretty silly. You don't hear people complain about killers "kill rushing", do you? It's just both sides trying to accomplish their…
  • That might help, but it's still reliant on RNG. I doubt players want the outcome of their matches to be based on luck. Freddy games are a good example of that with the Survivors sometimes instantly waking themselves up, while other times it takes a full minute for a skillcheck to appear.
  • What's the timing on these things, the delay is huge I can't get blinds off very easily.
  • The reason I say the stacks should be given for generator completion is that generators are Survivors' main objectives, just as hooking Survivors is the Killer's main objective and he is given tokens for that with BBQ. You see the parallel here? Generator completion isn't suited thematically for WGLF, but the equal…
  • The only music related option in the menu is Menu Music, not in-game music.
  • I agree. The music while injured is Really annoying. Even if I'd rather not heal, sometimes I do just to get rid of the damn music so I can hear ######### again. Also a reason I hate playing No Mither, the music plays the whole game and you can never get rid of it.
  • Doctor isn't showing screams on PC either. I thought it was an undocumented buff since Doctor can see the scream bubbles but Survivors can't. Maybe it's a bug.
  • The problem with Decisive Strike is that it allows Survivors to drag out chases for an extra 20+ seconds for a misplay on THEIR part. Not only that, but it's a massive time saver to not have to go unhook your teammate. Imagine every Survivor running this perk. 80 seconds is equal to 1 fully repaired generator just for…
  • If you pair it with Unrelenting, maybe... I'll have to try that myself.
  • All I want is a clear visible indicator for the killer that shows the Survivor has immunity. Maybe something similar to Deathgarden where there's a highlighted outline around the Survivor that disappears once immunity expires.