There was a streamer that used to play basement Bubba for views. I don't think he streams anymore. He got irl threats to his family.
It was Moonlight Burrow and we gave each other bp gifts with Red Envelopes. I have a bunch of BBQ invites too.
The game has gone through lots of changes. It was designed for 1 killer with specific limitations and 4 survivors with specific perks. It's grown wild now, become some kind of arms race between the 2 play modes.
I agree. It's way faster in real time to get into another match than to lay on the ground.
Slug for the 4k is fine. Got to do what you got to do. And having an instant bleed out option is fine if you can give hatch chance to last survivor. But what I was trying to address is low mmr solo queue matches where a killer player does their hardest to grief the survivor players by putting them all on the ground and…
Okay I only play survivor and solo queue because this is not the single player game I would choose. I think this game is fine you know you play it in short bursts or whatever maybe just during events. The only problem I have with this game is it's like the same thing over and over and over and I can't keep doing that. Like…
I see it a lot with the cenobite and wraith. I was just think people are trying to get a good Saturday night game going on by going AFK all week before they go to work, like while they're getting dressed or taking a shower just queue up and walk away.
I feel bad for the survivor slugged but I hope I'm the one getting Mori. I try to give Mori the way survivors wanted hatch from killer.
I'm svveetpotato on Xbox. I main yunjin. Slug me and Mori me. Please. I don't want hatch, don't want escape. I nearly never see Mori animation. Ghost face is still my favorite, also Hag.
I did report this but that was a while back and I didn't hear anything.
They hide the prestige. I'm not saying prestige equals devotion, or even skill. Just was something people dodged. Or targeted.
Slugging is insanely strong., especially in solo queue lobbies. Don't let anybody tell you differently. Even the 12k hour content creators will use slugging. It's like a hidden ace. In most games, the killer player loses because they don't slug.
Yeah. Survivors can't tunnel a killer out of the game or leave them on the ground to bleed out.
I think you should just play the game and not worry about what other players are doing.
Myers must be so difficult to use in this mode.
OMG. I can't do anything as survivor unless the killer memes. I just want the challenges they locked into this mode.
The devs must hate survivor players.
Oh yes! And I really want a Simon Belmont skin for Trevor. And I want a Count Chocula skin for Dracula. This is a serious request. DBD and General Mills please get on this.
There should not be a disconnect penalty for survivors. Bots take over. The game goes on. The bot might be more fun for the killer or more helpful to the survivors. Also, serious question. Is it okay to let go on second hook? Usually I watch to see if someone is coming for the rescue. If not, I just let go. No one was…
I would give Dwight the Brad skin and Felix the Rocky skin.
Same problem. And this report is 6 days old.
Killer players shouldn't make dead zones the way survivor players shouldn't make 3 gens.
Or a get up option. And there does exist a give up option, but it incurs a penalty.
It's not as competitive as it should be. I understand the devs say it's not supposed to be competitive, but I know the difference between when it's raining and when someone is...
No. Just slugging.
Survivors can pick themselves up when 2 left. Why does OP feel justified punishing players. Sounds abusive. Object of obsession and iron maiden activates when 2 left. Something in game can resolve this. The pieces are there.
It doesn't have to be a guarantee to get up. Slugging for 4k is bogus. Activate it for the last 2 survivors if needs be. Every match I have had today has been slug for 4k. It's bogus and a little over powered. 2 v 8 had a perk that let survivors pick themselves up and it didn't break anyone's game. I've got vids of killer…
Slugging can still be in the game, but killers should need to use a perk slot for it.
Like slugging?
No. I mean a perk to leave survivors in the dying state until dead. It's too powerful to have basekit. Survivors should be able to revive themselves unless the killer takes the perk that let's them slug.
Meh. It's a silly little game. I have only played since SAW chapter, but I buy all the DLC and almost all the new cosmetics (at least the ones for my mains). I like to play survivor because my friends play multiplayer with me and that's fun. We don't have comms but I know they'll do gens/rescue. Killer feels like god mode,…
lol. I nerf killer by getting better at survivor everyday. 💪
They are never going to buff survivor. SWF bully squads upset the power dynamic and caused a lot of killer players to lose their cool. The devs slowed gens, removed dead hard, nerfed medkits, and created survivor bots. Why do you think killers have unique abilities and survivors are all the same? This was always a killer…
It's hard to get my friends who don't play into the game. They want to hang out but they hate the bad form plays. They still jump when they hear the terror radius. 😂 And they can't hit skill checks and can't run for more than 5-10 seconds. This is a pretty unforgiving game to new survivor players.
Scratch marks more visible. Yes. But killers only see generated aura within 16 meters. lol
It depends on the player.
The devs need to create an easily accessible game for new killer players/ revenue streams.
That's part of a good killer player's skill set; being careful of not creating dead zones. It's like survivor players being careful to not create a 3 gen. Don't matter anyway.
I don't like it when I go against hard survivors either.
I was just surprised. If he is supposed to be able to, then so be it. Also, I didn't find it to be killer-sided. It actually seemed really balanced with most of the matches that I was in a 2K/2 escape situation.
Also, there is something lacking from "toxic" players. Maybe they didn't play team sports growing up. Maybe they didn't have a good role model like a father or coach. But if they're using The Good Guy, at least they're spending money on DBD. And I'm talking about real scummy players. If a player is just "sweaty", so be it.
Kids who play that way likely have some deeper emotional trauma. Maybe their home life sucks, maybe they are bullied at school. It's possible that playing killer in a video game is the only time they feel in control and maybe we should be grateful they're displaying this horrible behavior in a digital way and not in real…
The hide and seek aspect is my favorite part. I even confused a giant oni for a minute by running right at his feet lol. Although I did see an oni try to slug for a 4K.
This might be the most balanced game design I've ever seen in dead by daylight. Most of the matches I've done this mode in have ended in ties it's incredible it's incredible. The gates open up automatically, you only need to do three generators, generator speed seems to be faster, survivors seem to run faster, killer can…
Do you think people just run away because they don't know how to loop? Maybe there's like a new player base that's coming in and they're just trying to experience this game in a way that makes sense to them. Maybe there's like a bunch of people that have under a thousand hours instead of everybody who brags about having…
This might be the most balanced gameplay I've seen in a long time. And I'm totally serious. The killer gets you in one down, it seems like gen time is shorter and survivor speed is faster. You only have to do three gens and the gates open automatically. The killer typically gets two kills.