Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • To main nemesis, he didn't need all of that. We could rework it but it would make things more complicated : 1) Rework the virus effect to have a system of tier that will kill survivors if they don't vacinnate or snap out with a system similar to bt where it could pause in chase. The idea is to have a special kill system…
  • Voice com would litterally break the game. If you tend to play solo a lot, you must have seen that the problem is not the communication. It is mostly the gap of level and logic. As solo : you will tend to found : 1) The scaried bird that will hide or do nothing. 2) The guy who will only do gens. 3) The guy who will want to…
  • Personnaly : => Hex bloodfavor : the hex part should be the perk already have a cooldown system. => No mitther : it could remain the same but just add a bp bonus. => Insidious : i still don't see the point to nerf a weak perk just because it annoy people. At this point, let rework it that way to make it…
    in PTB IDEA Comment by limierr August 2021
  • To an extend it would be logical with blindeness as you "wake up" however for hindred and exposed .... Also sorry but madness 3 skillcheck are not hard at all.
    in Wake up Comment by limierr August 2021
  • The idea is interesting but quite hard to put in place. I mean imagine to have a fast killer, How do you want to remain for 30s at 10m of him ?
  • The idea is to get more token with a downside. The main point is to offer a good stealth tool which will penalize gen rush in compensation. A bit like inner strength works were you waste 14s to cleanse a totem and around 8s to get heal (without taking account the search time ).
  • No. Distortion is suposed to be a solo perk to work like a lone wolf. However there is a buff that the perk could deserve , it is a way to get back some token with a downside. An idea could be to request to a survivor to for exemple hide for 8s in order to get one token.
  • If it was working also well as survivor i would tell you but .... nope.
  • Same here. I get the experience with nemesis. The worst is that the survivor could pass through zombie after pallet stun and the whip didn't even infect them. It only have work a few second after where i could hit them normally. I would try some test in kyf to try to indentify the cause but right now for me , the game is…
  • Wait so if i resume : => You get in a corner of the map at more than 40m and => In a spot where is 0 locker at 20 m of you and => There is no gen unfinish to hide and => The killer manage to down, grab, hook and finish the hook animation see survivor aura in less than 5s... To make it simple , the only moment it could…
  • Wait a second ... How it is possible to be hard to be at 40m of the killer when : => You see the survivor who get down (so you can estimate the distance) => You know when the killer is carrying the survivor and his global direction when he moves => You see the aura of the survivor who get hook before the animation is…
  • I mean you have multiple counter : => Stealth for 120s = one perk lose without any pallet and looping spot. => A simple principe that people forgot : If you block gens, you will have more chance to have multiple survivors on gens and so to increase gen rush ....
  • Unfair ? No as there is counterplay. => Mori are counterable by the gamecore => Noed can easily be counter by different way : stealth, loop , break totem. No fun : if we should remove all things that are unfun , you can remove : => Gens => Loop => Hardcore stealth player => Camping, => Tunnel => Use a killer => Use an item…
  • All it ask you is to follow two simple rules in order to counter the perk at 100%.
  • Though a system based on rank won't be adapted as survivor will derank to be able to beneficiate of the advantage ...
  • In fact the idea take nearly everything devs have talk : => Replace safe loop by breakable wall as the others spot remains. The only thing i propose is to add to this idea the fact that survivor need to build them themselves. For that they will be reward in bp, emblem system and give themselves chance to survive to them or…
  • The point is to remove all safe loop to leave unsafe spot loop with pallets and force them to build safe loop that will be breakable without much trouble and will make them waste time.
  • Ok but i did that on two survivors. The only thing that could have maybe influence is that the hit were made around 20s after they get the exposed state.
  • Is that a joke ? You can cleanse any totem in 16s. Also you can follow this simple rules who works with nearly everything in the game : If the killer is camping .... , do a gen. If the killer is camping a gen, go for another or ....
  • How do you want to buff the brain of someone else ... ?
  • A killer is penalized for camping : => Directly by emblem system => But also indirectly by emblem system, bp system and the gamecore (which is not even balance in the first balance for the killer ...). A killer is penalized for tunnel : => Indirectly by emblem system but also for bp system.
  • "So you are saying matchmaking and ranking are OK? (even though the developers have said themselves, otherwise??)" : no i didn't say that as it is not link to the topic and you didn't talk about it. It is an interesting topic as the gamecore , but as we have some difficulty to understand each other, i think we can both…
  • "Feedback to the developer was my intention, as I've already stated." : ok fair enough "I do not care to engage in discussions with people who deny actual factual data." : but where are the "facts" ? I mean if you tell me that your fact are the info you give in the main post ... I am sorry but there is no fact, at least…
  • "Yes, that's my goal. To make people look like bad guys." : so what is the point to make suggestion / feedback if whatever someone is not agree with you, he is bad and he need to be flame ^^ ? "You just compared DBD to CS:GO. You invalidated your own arguemnt in one sentace as it shows your lack of knowledge of video games…
  • "Does the match go on when the killer DC's. Nope, There, explained. That is the ultimate control of a match. If a survivor DC's after the match starts, it continues for the other 3 people." : but if killer dc, the game is over and survivor win ... So no the control is not in killer hand. Also as explain before the killer…
  • If a killer dc, the match end and you escape with bp, the item you got and in the worst case a black pip. In two words : you win. So yes killer don't have the final world as the result is the win of the other side if he dc. Also if you put the system to punnish, he will ALSO be punnish for that. Care to explain me…
  • To make it simple : 1) As the last gen get complete, mori didn't require any hook. That mean you can put a great pression in end game. Pair with noed it create a good combo. 2) Out of this case, as you resume, the survivor need to be dead on hook and so it would give more like a ... "finish it".
  • I would say yes but : => The killer is suppose to know who he is versing : swf or not, flashlight or not , in order adapt his build. This i would agree to get ride IF the game balance around it.
  • Ok for me if : 1) You lose all survival and objective point ( as you did the opposite of what you should have do and there is perk to avoid slug). 2) The killer get compensate for that : chase, deviouness and sacrifice. 3) The trap door can open only after 15s as you die (in order to avoid to offer a free escape).
  • Personnaly i see only one valid change : => Nerf : mori can only be use in the last hook stage. => Buff : mori can be use any time as the last gen can complete. Change ? Mori won't be anymore a tunnel tool but it would become a "scare" tool for endgame mainly or a finisher.
  • Is that a bait ? Loop , gen rush and stealth is the key against all killer.
  • What is the point ? In all case killer queue are long and you will found a lobby easily ...
  • "One player has absolute control over the match. The killer." : wrong , the time management is in survivor side not in killer side. The killer can just influence it at some point but it didn't have the control. "They DC, the game is over for everyone." : and with the dc punnishment he will be punnish as you will get your…
  • Hello , i bump this after the update of the information.
  • Well it won't satisfy people who don't see how to use it. But as people get how to make it worth .... Well they can make it crap, at least they have a decent suggestion here. So if they decide to ignore it, it is fine for me. I give my feedback about how to change it.
  • Well : => Apply all effect of others addons as hindred for 60 s => Apply an action speed penality of 15% for 60s. I mean pair that with thanatophobia , a fast aim addons and you can give quite some slow down.
  • Though lag work with everything ... I mean with this argument : all insta down should be remove even if they have down side because the lag can have an effect.
  • Well i know that the main counter to this is the ability to dodge a hatchet in the first time. Though i think it would be more interesting to change it to a polyvalent addons which slow down survivor and slow down their action speed.
  • A bit pointless in my opinion ...
  • Could be an idea. Though i found it more interesting to be able to apply an action speed penality.
  • Well this is like the irredescent king at the difference that only one shoot is necessary to apply all effect and the survivor get also slow down.
  • Well iredescent is powerfull for multiple reason : 1) People never believe the killer use it and usually always get suprise first time (survivor side) 2) People dc as they get down and make the game easier for the killer (survivor side) 3) People usually don't know how to deal with a huntress using her normal hatchet…
  • Not really : => You obtain with the ultra rare addons all the power of nearly all existing addons. => You also obtain something who will slow down survivor which will end the chase quicker or manage to slow down his speed and all his action speed. By action speed , it apply on : repair, heal, sabo, openning chest , cleanse…
  • I would totally agree IF the gamecore were balance in the first place. But at the current time i would say no. Also 4 hook could also mean that you can 1 hook all survivors and kill them straigth away.
  • I get this suggestion on the steam forum and here is my answer : => It should be balance around the gamecore. => It should replace one of the survivor perks. to make a 1 ability, three perks.
  • No : the main issue i see is the waste of time ... Also not all map have a killer shack .... For memory this is the killer shack :
  • No as it suppose to make you feel tense ... but a system of skill check to replace it ... why not.
  • Personnaly my blood point account is not cap anymore and it is just fine.
  • It can't work in dying state as you can't technically meditate to handle the pain as you are in the border to death. If you want to reduce the noise in dying state you can still use no mitter but ... For the plague , you are technically sick and in the last state you are vomiting ... I don't think you can really vomit…
  • For the first one : the system of hit detection should be adjusted. For the second i guess , you mean OoO. I would just add an extra condition no swf can use the perk.