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  • Hag is pretty rare. She's not the least common for me (that's Twins) but she is a very close second. I keep track of all my survivor matches, and its not uncommon to go a patch without seeing her at all. I have 2106 games logged, and I've seen her 35 times (that's since Oct 2021 when I started keeping track). Her kill rate…
  • I keep a stats sheet on my matches, so I have some personal data on this. I've played 113 games since his release, and have seen him 18 times, giving him a pick rate of 15.93%, which is the highest of any killer this patch (2nd place is Wesker with 8.85%) in comparison to other killers for the patch that they released:…
  • I've been subscribed to the newsletter for a while now, and I used to get emails, but haven't gotten one since October. When the tweet about BP came out i went to double check to make sure I was still subscribed and I was, but still no email/code.
  • I would say most of the time it is probably an accident. Sometimes I play with friends and the amount of "sorry sorry sorrys" that get dropped as someone accidentally runs the killer over to a gen in progress is funny. If you are in chase with a killer, you typically want to run to a strong loop, but also sometimes that's…
  • The last update we got on it was in Jan 2022. They basically said DLCs weren't transferring (?) and while they 'remain dedicated to solving the issue, they can no longer provide a clear eta'. Since then has been radio silence. My hope is whatever technical issue that is preventing current account merging is also the…
  • I don't understand why cosmetics that have been permanent in the shop will be removed to be LTOs. If something is going to be limited time only, it should be released that way, not made retroactive.
  • The first three gens could pop in 90 seconds, with the next 2 popping in 90 more seconds. That's 3 minutes. You could shave off a few seconds if we assume that they only hit great skill checks, but then you also need to add in some travel time in between gens. Also, if you were kicking gens, that means they have to stop…
  • Yes, people can be banned for griefing/trolling/bad behavior, but I believe that you have to report in game, and then also submit a support ticket with video evidence of the behavior.
  • I like to keep a stats on my survivor games, and have since MMR came out a little over a year ago. 4ks are actually the most common result I see by far (27.7%), with second place being 1ks (19.4%). To quantify that a bit more, out of 1400 games I have recorded, there are over 100 more 4ks than there are 1ks. I chalk those…
  • Similar, but not the same thing. Although now that we are the point where you are arguing semantics, I don't think you are being genuine and just want to argue.
  • It's called an incentive, not a reward. It is meant to incentive people to choose the role that needs more players. This isn't some kind of conspiracy against killer players. The devs have stated that ideally there would be no bonus bp, as the goal is to have queues balanced between the two sides. If there is an…
  • But it wouldnt be fair for killers to get an incentive to play when they don't need one and survivors do. That is the point of the incentive
  • I don't think that would be a good idea since the point of the incentive is to ease matchmaking times. If there is already a need for survivor players, having an incentive for killer would just make killer queues longer.
  • I know that in the grand scheme of things the prime skins don't matter at all, but it just feels so cheap and lazy to have them just be old rift skins. I get that people will complain about literally anything, and that there were some people complaining because they didn't have prime and didn't have access to the skins,…
  • Every few months tru3 gets involved in some kind of drama, and the one common denominator is tru3. Anyone who disagrees with him is an emotional survivor main, anyone who beats him is a comp swf or stream sniper. It is hard to feel sorry for him when he is getting back the energy he is putting out.
  • Deathslinger being so low is a crime. His chase music slaps.
  • I would really like another update on this, if just to tell us it is something that is still being worked on. We are coming up on 2 years since it was announced, and I feel like every update the game gets harder to play on Switch.
  • This isn't super scientific or anything, but I keep my own stats on my survivor games, and the kill rate from 5.3-6.0 combined was 52.77% and 6.1 is 55.63%. Noticeable increase but not crazy drastic. Here is my table if you wanna look at what I have patch by patch:
  • I don't think it would be a significant buff to decent SWF teams. I am someone who plays both solo and swf, and I am addicted to kindred in solo que, or if I am in a duo, because if you don't run it you get left on hook, or your teammates get left on hook. I stop running it when I am in a 3/4 man, because I realized I…
  • I think if the goal is to bring solo more in line with SWF, then basekit kindred as it is now would probably be what you wanted. I know a few people don't want the killer aura, but the first thing people on comms tell their teammates when they get hooked is where the killer is headed. I think it would probably…
  • Now that they have started to have the rift recolor outfits be pieces of different outfits put together, I was really hoping that they would use pieces from sets that wouldn't be an issue to mix and match into new outfits. I get how the torso on the Yun-Jin set wouldnt work except as a set, but I want to be able to wear…
  • This has been bugged since the midchapter ptb before the anniversary. I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be fixed in the Project W patch though. I think I saw something about the upcoming perks, and it mentioned an active ability button 1 and an active ability button 2, so I am thinking that BM and RA are going to…
  • Is it true that Fog Whispers get no DC penalty? I am pretty sure I have seen Otz have to wait one out after a crash, and I would think he would be the most obvious steamer to get a pass on them since he is the FW with the largest following.
  • So I have a theory that super stealth is the survivor equivalent of camping. You are playing in a way that greatly reduces the ability for the other side to play the game, if done well its a super strong strategy that is very difficult to overcome, if done poorly it will cost you the game. Also, if the other side is kind…
  • No hacking per se, but I did once go against a streamer who very confidently said I was a stretched res gamer. I'm not even that good really, he was just making no attempt at all to hide his red stain, and doubling back over car loops that anyone can see over.
  • The date I've seen floating around is August 16th. Nothing is confirmed though.
  • I'm a switch player with 2k+ hours. Basically I am just going to echo exactly what @TragicSolitude solitude said. Performance is rough, survivor can be manageable but there are certain perks that are so unreliable due to timing issues you can't really use them (DS, dead hard) and certain killer perks that make you look…
  • I would take what people say they are going to do on the forums/reddit/twitter with a grain of salt. The amount of people who say they are going to uninstall but then keep posting match screenshots is pretty high. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a significant drop in solo queue players though. It's been rough for a…
  • Usually killer queue times are longer after the chapter/mid chapter update (at least for me). It will be interesting to see how quickly it goes back to normal. I am honestly not sure how much effect the match making incentives will have. I think a lot of people will want to be playing the side with bonus BP, but…
  • I feel like people are a little over-paranoid about hacks. Even before the hatch change, there would be times when the hatch spawned under my feet. While it is mostly luck, after you play a certain number of matches on a map, you get a feel for where the hatch does and doesn't spawn, so you know where to start looking to…
  • My basic ######### solo queue build didnt change too much (Sprint Burst, Windows, BT, Kindred) so I will probably still keep that as my #1 loadout, but I do feel like I have some room to play around with other builds since I don't think BT will feel like a requirement anymore. I've been wanting to run Overzealous, Inner…
  • Old moris were awful. Unless the killer was incompetent, they were a guaranteed win. Even ivory moris were bad because the first person downed would usually just get camped/tunneled off hook and moried, turning the game into an early 3v1. No offering, item, or add on should have that kind of power. And there definitely…
  • I keep my own stats and track NOED. This comes from 1030 games played: NOED shows up in 13.7% of matches, including all matches in which killers equip NOED as a perk even if the match does not reach endgame or NOED is cleansed before a survivor is hit with it. Killers that do not run NOED had a kill rate of 53.0%, NOED…
  • I am actually in the process of setting up a template! I've had a couple of people ask about it, and once you have have the skeleton up its super easy to work through. I literally just used google sheets, with one tab for data and one tab with a bunch of formulas to compile everything. Since I already have it made out for…
  • That solo number is the kill rate for all killers, my actual survival rate for solo is only 46.7% For solo escapes, I did include that hatch, so that probably jumps up my stats a little though. The only thing I really prioritize in game is getting challenges done. So if I have a challenge that requires escape, then I might…
  • Ope, I forgot, I have map data too! Here's Map Occurrences. Dead Dawg and The Game are the most common. I don't really keep track of map offerings, but I do know that those are some of the more common ones, along with Ormond and Red Forest. I also don't count games where someone crashes while loading in, which seems to…
  • I started keeping track of BMs because the Halloween event was right after I started recording results, and after a particularly frustrating match vs a wraith who left me on the ground as the last survivor ringing his bell until my timer was almost up, only to then pick me up and hook me. I was mad and was like "I'm gonna…
  • I don't have the information on how exactly the hooks were spread, but I did go back and calculate how many of the games where 5 gens got done that resulted in a killer victory (3-4K), and it is almost 20% (of those games), and 13% of total games. Basically the number of killers who win in the endgame is very similar to…
  • Camping I could probably do (I run kindred a lot), but I felt like it would be really hard to do tunneling since most of my games are duo/solo. It can be hard to tell when someone you arent on comms with had the killer intentionally focusing on them as soon as they were unhooked, or if they just got unlucky and ran into…
  • RIP Calm Spirit. How anyone would consider doing totems 30% slower is a buff is a mystery to me. They took a perk that not a lot of people run and then penalized the people who run it. I don't understand.
  • I keep stats, so I know exactly what my escape rates are for solo and the different group sizes for swf Solo: 46.3% escape rate, Duo: 48.4%, 3 Man: 51.7%, 4 Man: 55.7% Most of my survivor games are played in a duo (over half) with Solo being second most. I will say that my escape rates took a pretty big hit since the…
  • For all intents and purposes, a rage quit and a crash have the same effect on the other players in the game, so I can see why they are treated the same. If someone is having internet issues and disconnects 4 times in a row, that's still 4 games that have been ruined for the other players. Also, people can rage quit by…
  • Looking at it, I dont think OP was saying that there were 2,054 total dead hards, but 2.054 Dead Hards per game. They might come from a country that uses a decimal comma instead of a decimal point. I'm guessing there were 719 total dead hards.
  • Would it be possible to get a clarification on what insanely good and really good players are, and then where we are in relation to them. I know that there are people who are not keen on the idea of showing what player's ranking are, but I honestly think it would help me out a lot. I will have a game where I dominate, and…
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