My thing is -- there is no punishment for missed chains. Like you can just almost spam it if you need to because it replenishes so quickly. But then someone said that the fact that Pinhead is just standing there could be considered the "punishment" for missing with the power, because it allows the survivor to gain distance.
Any suggestions on the buff?
Thanks for the general info!
Alright -- well, I guess I'll risk it. :l
Actually -- not trying to abuse anything or derank. Steam randomly shut down DBD twice today. Literally the whole game window just closed and I'm scared to try and play anymore because the penalties keep stacking up.
SWFs are extremely altruistic. Exploit that.
I realize this should go in questions -- my bad. x_x But anyways; would appreciate answers!
Disable it if you hate it and move on. Personally I couldn't be happier since my NAT type won't allow me to play with my friends. Now, with cross play, I can!
Thanks Peanits! Edit: I wasn't using their name. I was literally just searching for # followed by four characters. So that's probably why I got so many results. I appreciate the response! :) Can't wait for crossplay!
I think you asked about KYF. I'm just asking about being able to scroll past the first page of results.
I feel the frustration. I've been in several matches where the killer never even saw me. I worked on gens, saved my teammates, cleansed totems, etc. Then, I'm the last survivor and it's Billy Boy. He zooms around, finds hatch first, closes it and zooms back and forth between the gates. There isn't enough time to mind game…
There is a bloodpoint punishment in play right now for camping killers. It came out this spring and is still in place. Also, the original post up top said you "hello" your teammates whenever you're on the hook? Does that mean you fake attempt and thus -- flail your arms? Because that is actually the universal signal in…
I'm wondering if the clock you use will be a one time thing or if it "regenerates" after a certain amount of time.
You can watch it on YouTube.
Green keys are garbage.
I love Peekaboo Myers. I even put on my channel a little clip where I literally ran in to him around a corner and screamed. xD
Sadly I wasn't around for that. :/
I don't think it should be active only when chased because sometimes I use it when a killer is camping. I'll hide behind something and as soon as I see them look the other way or walk to patrol the area, I sprint burst over to the hook, grab them off and take the agro then run away.
When I run a SWF -- I always find out where the basement is FIRST to let the bait players know to avoid that spot.
I don't. That's why I run a perk that lets me gen rush when I'm broken and plus it's a bonus that when she vomits on something to keep you from working on it and walks away -- you can just walk up and keep working on it because you're already sick.
Sounds a lot like Myers. Stalking and exposed.
I tried again today and escaped and got the trophy, finally. Thanks y'all!
Yes, I play on console.
No one DC'd. :(
Don't run .... anywhere. If you're not strong at misdirection then you need to carry Urban Evasion. If you're working on a gen with someone else or around others that are running ... leave them. They are going to get you killed. The Spirit relies on scratch marks, mostly, and the sounds of injured survivors. Just take your…
Oh my God. You're so right. Let me retract my previous excitement and replace it with a totally dull and boring outlook on new content until it's no longer teased and completely exposed for your judgement.
Some killers use it as a tactic. I faced a Leatherface once that entered the match just swinging repeatedly, standing still. My friends and I thought " cool ... farming. okay." so we gen rushed, searched the chests and opened up the doors to leave. However, one friend was brave enough to want to get extra points by getting…
Obviously that Claudette was just being a #########.
I just strongly dislike the fact that the Trapper can step in his own traps. Like what other killer out there can screw themselves over like that? He is proficient in trapping. That's his gig. Make him immune to his own traps. That's all I'm saying.
The lobby wait is ridiculous but other than that, I'm having a pretty good time with it.
Least favorite hairstyle. Her entire aesthetic for this event is on point and as a Feng main I am_ thrilled. _
Can someone explain this to me, please and thank you --- or kindly share a link to more information?
Killers gotta kill. Survivors gotta survive.
5 times in a row tonight.
I think, and this is just me putting a thought out there, that it would be neat if a Killer could close the exit gate once it has been opened completely. That way if people are in the exit gate tea bagging, just hit the switch and it takes just as long to shut the door as it does to open it. A survivor wouldn't have to…
I am no good with a flashlight. If I bring one in, it's because I just feel like burning something from my inventory and I'll use it to signal other survivors if I've opened an exit gate.
Camping isn't bannable so, even though I dislike it, I don't see an issue with it. People play their killers however they want to play them. Just be prepared for extreme hatemail if you do camp. Phew.
I run dark sense and alert so I always have a pretty good idea of where the killer is and who the killer is before its too late.
I was playing a game today, got 2 gens done, creeping around the big building in the Ironworks to find another one and a Claudette came by, dropped a firecracker by me to give away my location, teabagged and ran away. Which ended up almost getting me killed. She wanted the hatch and got it as soon as everyone else was dead…
And here I thought Luck was good for spawning in front of a gen .... because when someone offers anything Luck related, that's usually what happens to me. Two steps from a gen.
I play Feng because I like to know where the killer is as often as possible.
I flagged, so hopefully it gets taken down by the morning.