I just came back to the game, and I realized that I can't Dead Hard for distance, there aren't any infinites anymore, and my insta heal didn't heal me immediately. Don't tell me that Mettle of Man isn't a free health state anymore too?? This game sucks!!
Is there any reason to use the fake pallets? I played some Freddy tonight and did not feel compelled to use the dream pallets at all after I read that they can stun Freddy. I liked using the snares even if the cool down seems a tad too long. Those felt a lot better to use than the old version
That's interesting that you noted a survivor player that dies multiple matches in a row can suffer from low morale, but don't really consider this a possibility for the killer player. They just take the game too seriously. I think a lot of killer players just end up sweating hard to secure wins so they don't feel any…
I'm U.S. Midwest, and I've had plenty of nights where I'll get matched up against the same team multiple times. It's getting ridiculous with the Azarov's Key/MacMillan Bones. I had four straight games tonight where the survivors burned those offerings. On the fifth game, I got some variety when the survivors decided to…
Beast of Prey still won't be a good perk. It will be hard countered by SWF. It should just get bloodlust faster or do something else.
Judging by how many survivors make me walk over and watch them leave and how much they teabag me before they go, it seem the survivor win condition is just to get the hatch
I don't think Blight needs a nerf. Most people that play Blight are average to below average, especially console players. The God Blights that never miss and know how to play every tile are so rare that they aren't worth considering.
I don't think you can. I'm terrible at survivor and play mostly solo queue. I rarely ever escape, but I still get matched against P100 Blights, Onis, and Weskers that 4K/5G
People always say this. How do you "exploit their weakness of altruism" when they all stack styptics, insta-heals, Unbreakable, DS, Shoulder the Burden and have sent themselves to a map with a pallet every five feet like Autohaven, Badham, Garden of Joy? Do you advise tunneling the "weak link" out? What if there is no weak…
It bothers me more than it should that the map offering to go to Midwich is Mary's Letter and not Cheryl's Sketchbook
I don't know why more people haven't put it together that SWF existing the way it does without any nerfs is the main reason why solo queue is so bad. Back when the game was more survivor-sided people literally just wouldn't play killer and the queues were 10 - 15 minutes to play survivor easy. The devs had to start buffing…
I think the game starts forcing you on terrible maps for your killer if you win too much. I've noticed that I get a ton of indoor maps when I play Hillbilly, Huntress or Wesker when the survivors aren't sending me to Badham or Eyrie.
It's quite some cognitive dissonance where people will readily admit the MMR system doesn't really even work, but at the same time will tell killer players to stop tunneling/proxy camping/slugging so they don't get put in an elevated MMR bracket. If you're even remotely competent at killer, you're going to run into the…
These ideas seem like a great way to shift the balance heavily in favor of the survivors. What buffs will the killer players be receiving?
It sounds like you'd make fun of him anyways even if he did appropriately drop chase
We're never getting any console quality of life improvements. It's best to let it go
I think they're trying to encourage BHVR to resolve the problem by making hooking more beneficial for the killer player. Right now, it's the opposite. You can bypass a bunch of strong survivor perks, save time by not walking to a hook carrying a survivor, and you can avoid all forms of flashlight/flashbang/pallet/sabotage…
I once saw a random in solo queue that was trying and failing to heal with Self Care in the terror radius of a Wesker with Distressing, Coulrophobia, and Unnerving Presence lol.
I don't think this is accurate, but providing a streamer as a counter-point would violate the forum rules
While you're occupying that survivor in chase, the hooked survivor gets unhooked and either stays injured or heals in 2 seconds with Resurgence or We'll Make It. Those two then tag team the nearest generator and finish it quickly. You'll have already lost 2 or 3 gens at this point against good survivors. You're better off…
That's a lot to ask of most killers on the roster given how safe most maps are unless the survivors are seriously outskilled. Most maps have an overabundance of pallets and easily chainable strong tiles.
Why is it the killer's responsibility to ensure that the survivors get to have fun? At no point have I ever felt that the survivors had the killer player's fun in mind. Teams taking advantage of audio occlusion bugs with flashbangs. Teams that contest every single hook with threats of sabo and flashbangs. Teams that bring…
I'm having the opposite time. I must just have very bad luck. I keep getting absolute trash perks while my opponents are getting a bunch of meta. Trying not to hard tunnel and getting stomped over and over is rough because the gens are just flying
I had 1,224 killer games played. I play every killer in the game to varying degrees on PS5, and I averaged out to about 7.5 hooks per game. I think that's pretty great overall. I'm happy about that.
As a console player, almost all of the high skill ceiling killers like Blight, Wesker, Oni, Nurse, and Chucky. They're too difficult to play effectively on controller. I would also like to play Spirit more because I love the character and cosmetics, but Iron Will is too meta that I get frustrated too much. The biggest one…
I've encountered a couple of flashbang teams burning indoor map offerings specifically to exploit the audio occlusion bugs
The best thing you can do against a survivor running this combo is to tunnel them off the hook so that they can't heal. That effectively removes half their build. There's no reason to let them heal and get their Finesse and DH for distance back
As a console player, I think Chucky is really difficult to play well, so I think that has an impact on the lower kill rate. I find him unplayable without Rat Poison, and even with that, I think survivors dodge the Slice 'n' Dice pretty well. I think they might need to design a new power for him if they can't find the sweet…
If you see an Ormond offering in the loading screen, you already know what kind of game it's going to be. The sweatiest tryhard SWFs are always the ones that burn them. At least with Haddonfield, sometimes it's just a guy that wants to make sure he can use his balanced landing
It sounds crazy!
I honestly think he's the worst killer in the game. He needs an overhaul for sure. His teleport sounds need to go and his feet need to go silent in undetectable. He also needs some add ons that actually do something
I actually hung in there all the way to the end and wow at the last sentence. Isn't that a little over the top?
Clown is a fun killer!!!!
I know it's a bit off topic, but it really irks me that he's called THE DEATHSLINGER That name is so cheesy. They should have just called him THE OUTLAW and that would have been 10x better
If you really just want to rank up and take advantage of the emblem system, play Legion. He's really easy to rank up with and is definitely playable on console. Just be really careful with your first frenzy hit because of all of the spins. Getting knocked out of your power for a miss on the first swing is ridiculously…
Well then she needs to be The Spirit Face
The mods here will insist that BHVR is all over this type of behavior, but like you, my experience tells me otherwise. I've reported SWFs for crazy homophobic/racist rants and they were still online playing later that week. Maybe BHVR has an 80 strikes and you're out policy, but only if you've bought a lot of pink haired…
Because he's wearing a black robe and not a white sheet yo
Yeah it is pretty ridiculous. There's been so many it's been hard to keep track of them all today, but here were a few memorable ones. I merely walked by a guy as Deathslinger on a farm map and he instantly disconnected and then his SWF buddy followed suit and d/ced. The other two guys gave themselves up and I just hooked…
That guy's SWF wins like 99% of its matches with the killer getting very few hooks and you're calling for a killer to be nerfed???
I had a Wraith randomly let me farm once when I was the last survivor left. He let me finish the last gen and then exit the trial when I was by myself which let me get that Bill trophy on PS4. That dude did me a huge solid
Seriously who gives a ######### what survivors think. You can play 100% fair and show empathy to the guy that just got hook farmed and they'll still teabag and trash talk. Sometimes it's fun as hell to just facecamp and ebony mori everyone cause all of your games that night have been survivors sending you to ormond while…
Dead by Daylight: The tense and thrilling horror experience where one bloodthirsty killer tries to hopelessly eat through 20+ pallets before watching the four survivors teabag their way out of the trial
Nah I just switch them up like every couple of killer games. I try to find cool combinations by mixing different parts of the intended outfits
Maybe not everybody plays all day and eats, sleeps, and breathes noob3, otzdarva, and aryun
The absolute ######### worst is when you get cucked on grabs and the survivor gets away, you don't even get a hit. Fix that garbage
Run Insidious with Infectious Fright and Ebony mori. Hook a survivor and use IF knowledge to make an educated guess about where the nearest rescuer will come from. Hide with insidious and wait for them to be unhooked so no BT, run out, down the unhooked survivor and mori them
The teabagging, flashlight clicking survivor that abuses BT and DS
TheClownIsKing That's a pretty interesting tactic, pretend to tunnel right off the hook to entice someone to come in for the body block to get a quick new target. I'll have to try that out in my games today
Here's a couple non-toxic tips if you're going against what seems to be a coordinated SWF. It's all about anticipation: Don't chase for longer than like two pallets. Abandon chase and get after a gen. If you're in a chase and you hear a gen being worked on as your going by, get after the gen cause you can usually get a…