Revert the translations for Dutch steam users
At some point Behaviour decided to stop translating the achievements to Dutch. Which is honestly fine, the translation was unnecessary anyway. But now the achievements are like 30 percent Dutch and 70 percent English. And the stranger things achievements that were changed have the same Dutch text, so I don't even see the…
Can I still get the adept Nancy and Steve achievements?
The achievements still show up on Steam, but the perks are not showing above the bloodweb (I assume because the DLC got removed), can I still get the achievement?
Remove the Dutch Steam achievement translations
DBD stopped supporting Dutch, so why are half the achievements still Dutch? It is weird to see some achievements in Dutch, when every in game lingo and name I see is English. Not only that, I surmise that some of the achievements that got changed (like adept Nancy) have not received changes in Dutch. I learned that Adept…
How does Hex: Pentimento work?
How do I counter it as a survivor? It can't just be that we get debuffed and can't do anything about it, can it?
I stopped playing the game in 2019, what perks should I be looking at getting?
As the title states, I have been gone for quite a long time. I am getting back into it, but with Dead Hard and, to a lesser extent, Iron Will getting gutted... idk what to run on survivor. Currently running Adrenaline, Lithe, Windows of Opportunity and Detective's Hunch/Alert/Distortion/Prove Thyself. Last slot is…
I got a Singularity achievement as the Mastermind
I didn't have the Singularity when I got this achievement. I am hundred percent sure I got this achievement as the Mastermind.
Has there been any news on Dead Hard?
ANY at all? I haven't watched the dev streams in a while, was anything mentioned about fixing it... or is it intended to stay this way? (I doubt it... but maybe?) EDIT: I am referring to pressing Dead Hard and ending up exhausted on the ground.
Do you still get the Deathgarden Meg mask if you buy Deathgarden?
Because I may buy it then :P
Has Aftercare been on the shrine before?
If it hasn't... Will it come back as a 2700 perk?
As a survivor, are you looking forward to the EGC?
I am not, but I am wondering what other people that play survivor a fair amount think of it.
Why does Claudette always get light make up?
Can she for once get a head with make up that compliments her skin? 😪
I get so tilted by teammates
Even if I play in a 2 man SWF, if the other two teammates have no game sense, then it doesn't matter that I have a reliable teammate. I just had a game where my two teammates let my friend go into struggle, because they were too busy looking for Ruin. When the Nea said she was looking for Ruin for 5 minutes, I wanted to…
Ever gotten an achievement in a memorable way?
Like for example, I got the last kobe for the Not Today achievement this way: The match starts out like normal, I work on one gen with the kate and then do another on my own before things go horribly wrong. Nurse had downed both Dwight and Kate around the basement, put them in it, and camped it. Claudette farmed them, and…
First game of the day
After a DBD hiatus. :D See the Nea over there? Nea thought it was a smart idea to walk in front of the killer and then crouch. Because of her dumbness, I had the opportunity to kobe and get to a house. The killer hooked her, and then immediately chainsawed to me. After bloodlusting me a bunch (Literally refused to break…
I had the craziest tunneling session the other day
It was like a day or two ago, but thinking about it make me laugh. I played as Nea, had a toolbox, was planning on genbitching most of the game, and for once not be the one to always get chased. Of course, I was the first one to be found. It was a Huntress. I ran her, used dead hard to dodge a hatchet, ran some more,…
I just had a match against the Legion. The game just started and I got found. No biggie. Just gonna run, and vault this window. Dodge their frenzy like the amazing survivor I am and we are COOL. RIGHT? That was how it was supposed to go! But instead of vaulting the window, I got pulled in a locker that was barely on my…
Deep Wound Status effect
Could it be less dark please? I have to strain my eyes so much to see where the hell I am running, and the blood all over the screen... Worse than Freddy dream world in my opinion.
So buying 1/4 of the Legion is more expensive than the entire DLC...
Wow. Someone told me, but I really didn't think they were gonna greed like this. I would be understanding if the skins cost like 3 euros, but the cheapest Susie skin is about 9 euros, and Joe only has one skin of about 10 euros. In total 19 euros, to get these two. I honestly think that is stupid, seriously disappointed in…
Will we have to buy Susie and Joey's skins separately?
People in this DBD group are saying that the skins will have to be bought separately from the DLC, is that true?
Can you see it?
Hint, it is insidious and it is camping. ^^ Isn't surviving just the best experience ever against the big boy? :D
I really think the Hillbilly's instasaw should be looked at.
I am expecting a lot of git gud and the likes for this but whatever. I can't be the only one who thinks that instasaw on Billy is just unfair and unfun to play against.
Wait so is Claudette Vigo's apprentice?
I am pretty sure that is what her event outfit is about? Is she? And is Dwight?
Any tips on playing Nurse?
Got to rank 5 with her and Pig using no addons. I want the rank 1 achievement, any tips on how to use her? And maybe perks? My build currently is Agitation, Shadowborn, Nurse's and MYC. I would use BBQ over MYC but BBQ is only 1 while MYC is 3. What is your Nurse build?
Are you not supposed to see the Spirit vaulting?
It is hard to tell if the Spirit is vaulting or phase walking near windows because I don't see a vault animation...
Is DC'ing after a match okay?
I don't want to get banned, but I also don't want to be at the red ranks anymore.
How bad of an idea is it...
To try and do a Billy daily while never having played Billy at rank 8? :D
Kicking out survivors
When you have a bad game, and you just want the survivors to leave, but they won't leave 'till you chase them out. I would like the option of being able to kick them out, 5 minutes after exit gates are opened and I don't move. The game is over, the exit gates are both open, I have lost. Let me accept the loss and move on!…
Teachable Perks
Idk, I was thinking while getting my teachable on the Pig... Wouldn't it be nice if you could get the teachable at 3 if you unlock them for the other killers/survivors? So like you have a Pig with Make Your Choice 1, you unlock Make Your Choice as a teachable, and you get Make Your Choice 3 on the Pig because of it.
I lost progression, where do I go to report/resolve it?
I just noticed as I started playing survivor that I lost like 4 levels on Claudette. It has happened before, but I have no idea what to do about it.
What is your favourite map? And which map do you dislike the most?
I like the game as Huntress and Nurse. Otherwise I love Red Forest in general as killer. My least favourite is any map with corn. I am seriously cornblind. As survivor I like Haddonfield (Balanced Landing ftw) and Lery's (Lithe!). My least favourite map is the Game. Edit: RED FOREST IS ANOTHER FAVOURITE. How about yours?
Is reporting even useful?
My friends tell me it won't do anything... Just encountered a legacy/speed hacking Billy. Reported them after dc'ing...