We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • I am on the side that Lightborn is a absolute fine perk, and that it doesn't exactly need a nerf. And if by chance that you have a opportunity to throw a nerf into it. It should only covered a couple of issues I do have in mind. It is strange that is one of the few permanent effect perks, that is old school dbd used to…
  • I don't know... if say by chance, one day decided to one day enable or add voice communication (either proximity chat or simple communicationby survivors alone). There is a great chance that I can Agreed with you and it can backfired on it intended purposes. I played alot of online games like Overwatch, fortnite, and…
  • Ever since they nerf alot of gen regression based perks that that killers have to combat gen speeds, as well as 3 genning; they keep on buffing gen repair based perks and make it more convenient for survivor to focused solely on rushing their one main objective and escape. While killers needs to do alot in between chase…
  • In a way. I agree that self-unhook basekit should be removed from the game, except maybe if you are the last two survivors, with like a 25% chances to kobe on 1st hook. Perks like deliverance and Slippery Meat can allows you guarantees self unhook; but it would definitely making Killing yourself on hook impossible. No more…
  • Here is my beef with map offerings in general. And I am going to be bit biased when it comes to fairness and how much I dislike some folks defending them for achievement or Roleplaying in general. 1.) Map offerings (currently) has a 100% chances to send you to any map in general, even if there is only one player using it.…
  • It has gone down to the point, that me a killer player main (with a fair share of survivor experiences), I dislike playing as and agaisnt Skull Merchant in general. Her anti looping isn't anything significant if Survivors hold W the entire game, her what used to be most boring yet strongest ability to gen defense and hold…
  • I would prefer if the Map offerings get reworked, to be more about reducing your chances or even removing the map from the map pool; as well as scrapping the Sacrificial Ward entirely. The Map Offerings tend to favor any players with a perfect build for that map, with its 100% guarantee per offering, usually Survivor…
  • I agree, if say you happen to have entire Hex Perk build revolving around a Hex Perk or two that needs to be cleansed. It can kinda suck within 30 seconds of the beginning of the match when they get immediately cleansed and the rest of your hex build is pretty much worthless in the best worse case scenario. It would just…
  • I think SWF is fine, just stacking meta perks or certain team synergies perks like Streetwise and Prove Thyself is problematic as it is. Sure, Streetwise is not that overall useful on its own, but with a coordinate team with the best toolboxes addon combinations, as well as stacking the same Streetwise perk together with…
  • True... It would be problematic for survivors that run mettle of man or some sort of a Protection Hit Build, as body blocking injured teammates especially as the unhooked survivor with endurance is a easy way to farm Protection hits (to a degree). But... I do think it is kind of stupid that a mechanicthat is designed for…
  • I disagree, it depends on the circumstances... sure, killers could choose to straight up tunnel and either wait out or hit the mending because they can farm STBFL tokens. But survivors can intentionally abused their limited timed Endurance status effect to tank a hit so they can get a free speed boost as well as protect…
  • 👎👎 Make it a 3rd killer and gives more options, and more generators and larger map pool... Besides that Ridiculous idea. 12 Survivors agaisnt 2 killers, they might as well scrap the hook states down to 2 or one and they died as soon as they get caught. 2v8 is perfectly finding, despite the fact killer qeuoe times is 1…
  • I would take that or complete remove them from the game... anything that doesn't involve giving yourself over a straightforward map advantage
  • Makes something like this.... 25% chances more likely for Survivors to get their selected map when using a offering, and it stacks if multiple use the same Offering. 50% chance the killer to get their chosen map. Map offerings wards gets a buffed, as well as nerf to its rarity to Yellow (to make it common), in which the…
  • Exactly... Any player, especially survivors, regardless of the soloQ or swf, they can easily give themselves a easy map wide advantage that favors their builds and exploit the strongest survivors sided maps, at any time. I know some people would defend map offerings as a means to vote for a map they want to say... complete…
  • I played like multiple games with battle pass like system, like fortnite and overwatch... I rather not spend all the time, grinding 100 or even ridiculous 200 levels for rare exclusive cosmetics all the time... I am perfectly fine with the current 70, plus 15 extra deep rift skins; anything beyond that should stay BP and…
  • I agree... even if you are trying to go for the 4% kobe, more often then not, your changes are lower and non existing. It would be more better off to just simple remove the self unhooking base kit and makes unhooking perks like Deliverance and Slippery meat get significantly buffs to make them the go to self unhooking…
  • I would be fine with buffing the timer abit to 80 seconds, considering that OFR exist as a much superior Anti tunneling perk. But yeah, as long as the killer is not tunneling and he able to hook another survivor within that time frame and of course the DS survivor is not doing any form of conspicuous actions, it is fine
  • The problem with a Reconnecting feature, especially as killer; is that the match would be over or already Endgame at the point you tried to Reconnecting to the match. Typical games can last between 10 to 20 minutes; shorter if the killer is able to slug everyone with no unbreakable (because of aultrism bad plays on…
  • If I were to propose a brand new rework idea for SM, I want it to be bit more faithful like the Dbd trailer for SM. Make the drones more mobile and go on a patrol path, similar to zombies and knight when summon. The drones could spawn by skull merchant summon them in a particular area and it does a cycle around the area…
  • Before that Pre 6.1 change, I would nerf it in a different way and gives its weaker cousin "Premonition" a buff to make it stand out more useful. I would have kept the vault speed and the ability to reveal killers looking in their directionthe same, but nerf for Spine Chill would be it would be unable to reveal…
  • I would be down for a solution, for the whole "We are the last two survivors in the match, non of us want to die, so we hide and wait until one of us dies, either by slugging bleed out or on death hook; and get hatch or escape gate, for a over abundance of time" It is irritating to deal with as a killer, as I forced to…
  • Exactly, some people even refuse to used BP offerings for the sake of being able to stack them and used a abundance of BP offerings that can last for over a year if lucky enough. The anniversary event last for over 3 weeks, you can be surprised to find players able to farm enough offerings to be able to generous used them…
  • I do not know what to make of this post, but.... Why should you even care on what others do and do not deserve, especially on BP bonus offerings, no less. I could care less if I get a full Cobbler lobby or if a survivor spare a cake or Bloody Party Streamer instead, or being "selfish" by using those offering like…
  • As player that tend to play killer more then Survivors, yet play equality! That is a horrible change proposal.... The hooks respawn after being killed, I do think it would be bit crazy at first, until i reminded of one of the reasons killers slugs is because of dead zone and lack or proper hook placements in those areas to…
  • I have games (rare, because I play smart when I used my hooks location effectively but.....) in which the maps like for example, the alien map; have my hooks far from the exit door (at most 1 to two closest hooks near the exit gate doors) and the last down Survivors is literally at the one exit gates next to the only two…
  • In my opinion, killers do not intentionally slug for fun, they used it as a validate strategy to slowdown or secure their kills. Those that does do slug alot and don't even care about hooking or getting kills by Moro or 3rd stage hook kills, are mostly likely doing it to despite you or to intentionally grief. It is either…
  • Some maps have weird collision, that shouldn't make sense on whatever or not they should have and shouldn't be able to get the blind yet possible. perfect example: the dead dog saloon has these boarded up covered Windows on the ground floor next to the bar, in which you apparently can flashlight blind the kill from outside…
  • If you get blinded, used the sounds to track them, especially if they are injured. It maybe tricky to do if they are using Off the Record or weak Iron Will; but it is not impossible to look down and avoid doing any form of animation that gives the survivor ample time to be in good position to flashlight blind you long…
  • I do think it is overwhelming nerf quite abit when they change the meta perks back then. It was very frustrating to play agaisnt as killer, as I usually relie on survivors making noise, especially while injured for tracking.Not to mention, current Off The Record is clearly a superior perks that gives free BT endurance and…
  • I would actually prefer being blind constantly with Flashlights squads over dealing with a immersive hiding and ge rushing squads any day. I dislike playing games where I cannot get a single hook or kills, all because the Survivors swfs wants to end the game as fast as possible and leaving so soon. But it is also annoying…
  • Well, I would prefer Map Offerings get Removed or... be reworked to not favor one sided. The problem with map offerings being hidden would be that it wouldn't be truly hidden from the other side POV. For example, if you are playing survivor and killer brought up a Mori offering, the offering icon is invisible yet we all…
  • Exactly, alot of the time Proximity camping is usually not the problem but rather the type of killer's they face or the overall pace of the game. If the killer is able to secure a couple of downs or even a kill and no Generators are done, that is begging them to rage quit/hook suicide. If the killer happens to be a God…
  • I would be fine with this nerf, if it also reset certain mobility killer's power like nurse ans blight tokens, so they cannot immediately used it after been stun. But That Is It! No more changes, as I am sick of the complain that DS is overpowered or it is worthless. Just accept that it is supposed to be a anti tunneling…
  • If only Totems have to be within close proximity of a generator they need to be so well hidden, that you shouldn't be able to spot it with your sight when working on the generator. Like totems spawns need to be within tiles or loops that doesn't contain a Generators, or at least in a obscure part of the map. Like for…
  • I haven't forgotten about that... I clearly say that it shouldn't effect Generators speeds in any form of significant way. Like I say, would be tricky to be implemented as it involves Recoding the entire spaghetti code of the game and reworking skill check system all together as well as Rebalancing Generators repair time.
  • I would be down with brand new minigame, that have nothing to do with stale skillchecks; as long as it doesn't affect generator repair speeds. Would be very problematic for certain killer perks/powers like Doctor's madness; when it comes to affecting survivors with skillchecks. Just stuff to make fixing Genators less…
  • I am on thr strong opinions that DC penalties are perfect fine due to the existing of bots. Just that Hook Suicide needs to be removed, unfortunately. As much as everyone likes the 4% kobe, I feel like the game is going to be imbalance as certain players are rage quiting all because they simple do not enjoy playing the…
  • Definitely would love to see more general perks to be Buff to be more useful, but if I would love to throw in extra perk... maybe a free exhaustion perk for survivors and a free regression perk for killer. But I also like to throw in a random new perk Idea or two for either side. For new survivor perk: Pack Mule: It allows…
  • Both perks were overuse and can come in clutch when circumstances met. Sloppy Butcher was buffed, when Hemorrhage got Rework towards being a very useful status effect, especially when Mangled is permanent the entire time. If only Hemorrhage got a slight nerf that doesn't effect specific survivors Perks that makes them lose…
  • Not bad, but I rather prefer this perk affects everyone, regardless of their are the obsession or not. Because at most, this perk is affecting 2 to 3 teammates (if you chase another survivor that is not the obsession). And turn the Buff into a debuff, as the obsession with a 5th perk slot of being able to know they can…
  • Yeah something like AFK crow mechanic being more impacted like if survivors spend literally more then a minute not touching a single objective or doing any productive or interactive; the crows just appear and caws. But instead they Buff them to reveal survivors for the killer.
  • Ahh yess... the old "DBD will never be the same, gives us back our infinite God loops, busted survivors items, 7 blink nurses, and the old map with like 44 pallets with strong loops; not to mention back with killer shack had literally two windows instead of one." People needs to stop with this whole "Me Vs them" mentality…
  • Or create more objectives to do besides Genators for survivors and more reward incentives for killer to engage in chase and go for hooks instead of kills more (so there will be less tunneling involved) So far, I prefer gens take longer to help the killer apply pressure and avoid survivors repairing too many gens at once.
  • The truth is, if you are killer playing against decent survivor(s) that know how to loop and prolonged chases as long as possible, and waste so much of the Killer's precious time in defending Generators; of course, the best play would be to go back to survivor A (or B also) again, as they proving themselves as the weak…
  • I agree, even if DC penalty are removed; there will be a flood of players quiting for any minor and pathetic reasons like "I hate this killer or teammates". If Rage quiting happens so much, then it has the potionial to create a brand new problem. Longer Queue times for example, if you have a match in which all 4 survivors…
  • I disagree... Boon:CoH was a busted overpowered perk, especially when Self-healing meta was at it peak. Before the nerf, every Survivor, especially soloQ survivors that have unlock this perk can bring this entire the match and boon any or a couple of totems (if multiple Survivors bring it) and gives themselves and their…
  • If you are playing a horror game with one or two of your greatest fears and anxiety playing; you should know the risk in playing them or simply taking a break from those games in general. Even if blurring a killer is possible alternative option, banning a killer should not be option, as you quoted before... "everyone wants…
  • I would prefer 4 seconds stun, and a simple power token reset, so that killers like Nurse and Blight cannot used their power immediately as they need to wait for their power to reset. We do not need to punish slow m1 killers with no power for 10 seconds, as it would be eternity in game time. Plus SWF could exploit this by…
  • Exactly, Killer's cannot swap killers like survivors can in Lobbys. It would force killer to constantly requeue to find a match in which the Survivors did not vote again their least favorite killer to face. It would punished killers in playing killers they main and very good at, all because the survivors doesn't want to…