Question about Dead Hard vs Exposed Status
Can you not Dead Hard through a Killer's basic attack if you are exposed? I just tried it against a Tier III Myers and the little Endurance notification popped up but I still went down.
About gift of pain and leverage
How long is the heal when combined both ? can anyone time it?
What're you trying to say?!?
I'm always trying to figure out ways to be a better teammate, especially since I play solo que, so a couple times now I've been in a match and a fellow survivor comes up to me injured. I try to heal them, they pull out of the heal then spin in a circle, stare at me, spin in a circle, stare at me and so on and so on. The…
How to buy DOMREBEL package?
Hi please help me i wrote to support but couldn't help me, on tt and fb nobody answer me. how can I buy the DOMREBEL package in game? because when I click "go to package" a special package pops up but this one is not there and the game says it supposed to be available.
When I start DBD it says that "you are currently logged on other device". Wth?
I changed my passwords and it still happends. What is interesting, I had 2 accounts, in EPIC GAMES and STEAM, when this error occured I was shocked and quicly checked my e-mail - there was nothing about other people logging in, but still, I changed my passwords and started DBD again, this error occured again... What is…
Is anyone else having lag issues?
I've been able to run the game no issues for a while now, but ever since the event started I've been having a lot of issues with lag. Especially after this most recent update, the game has become borderline unplayable with how bad it gets. I don't know why this is happening so suddenly and I'm wondering if this is…
Dark Lord: Hearing footsteps 50% louder in bat?
This is something I learn today and Im find it some dumbfounded I never noticed it. I know it says on the wiki this is a feature in bat for the dark lord but I NEVER remember hearing ppls footsteps while in bat. In fact, I usually only ever heard the bat cries and never the survivors. Im crazy in thinking this feature is…
PC - constant stuttering and frame drops (exacerbated by left-mouse click)
If I load the game up and then alt-tab (or even hit the Windows button and tab-out) I get constant microstutters that turn into full-on frame drops when the left mouse button is clicked. This sometimes happens even when I don't alt-tab. This started shortly after the Lara Croft update dropped and I have no way to fix it.…
Is this a bug,a new feature or a hacker play?
Hiya! I have a question about this clip,earlier in a match I was facing against The Trickster..as you can see from this clip,I was caught and hooked once but then the hook stage had automatically,nearing to 2nd stage even though it's my first hook from the entire match…I'm very unsure if this is a bug, a new feature within…
Cosmetic Gifting In The Near Future?
So cosmetic gifting has been unwinding in many games of many different genera’s. With the future of DbD, console and pc- can we or should we expect cosmetic gifting? Will we be able to gift cross-platform or just the platform you’re on? I, and I’m sure many of you guys think it would be a great addition to the game. Share…
RTM server can't connect
Haven't been able to play for a week now as I can't connect to rtm server. My date/time is correct. Ive reset my router and ps5, nothing helps. The helpdesk is a joke, they have no idea what's going on. Guess i just can't play anymore? Any suggestions?
i have 2k playhours and still dont know how to counter singularity
All this killer does is spam his firearm and place these weird balls that you can't counter properly, I don't always have an emp and if I have it, it doesn't change anything anyway, because he can put another ball out of nowhere as if nothing happened. And these emps are also so cumbersome to get for some reason.
Are you planning a Russian language on ps4?
Bundle or Separate?
So I have a question… obviously… Im looking to catch-up with my roster and as I'm debating, I noticed that if I buy an older bundle (500 AC) it's not the same as paying the 125 AC for each. That's a big discrepancy especially when it's dealing with actual cash money. So what is the incentive to pay extra. Example is in the…
My mouse isn't locking to my dbd window
I was playing DBD today, I mainly play killer and when I would turn my cursor would still appear. I play on steam on pc so when I move my mouse my cursor would appear on my second monitor, and when I'd try to attack then it would just focus my tab on my second screen and tab me out of DBD. I've tried changing my graphics…
Game Settings Resetting on Epic Games Version
I'm having an issue where my game settings keep resetting every time I restart Dead by Daylight. I'm playing on the Epic Games version, and I've already tried verifying the game files, checking the configuration file permissions, and running the launcher as an administrator. Nothing seems to work, and it's getting…
Why are some in the community like this?
I mainly play the survivor side and recently decided to play some killer for a change and I swear survivors make no sense when they make up their own rules. Like recently, I found some users online asking why killers sweat (when they don't) during events and if they can stop and if they can just have fun with it, which I…
I can't Link My Twitch Account
I had my twitch account linked to my bhvr account for twitch drops. In my inventory it said that they could be claimed but I never saw them in game. I tried to to unlink and relink my twitch to see if that worked. But now it just says 'error occurred try again later' what should I do? Help.
How do I counter the Lock flashbang move?
This is an angry killer main, coming fresh of a game in which survivors did something I don't like, and now I'm going "Argh! How could the devs allow this," but I genuinely want to know how to counter this because I've got nothing. I've never heard anyone complain about it before, so it's probably easy to counter, I just…
unable to link new microsoft account to my steam?
I think BHVR is running some type of scam here, why is it that i cant link the correct xbox/microsoft after linking the wrong one on accident. i spent money on the steam version. and even more on the xbox one, yet if i unlink i cant link the correct one because "we said so" i wish to get in contact with someone who could…
Lags while playing as killer.
I've got massive lags while playing Killer myself. I've got this problems since the Castlevania chapter came out. I was able to play Killer without lags before. Sometimes I teleport or lag back, or hits don't connect. My screen freezes sometime too. While playing survivor everything is smooth. Attempted solutions; turning…
Any reason my Switch account won't unlink from bhvr account?
Alright so, anybody know why you can't unlink a switch account from the behaviour account? I have my PS5 and Series S account linked to one account because customer support removed the linking limitation for me, but it will not let me unlink that switch account for some reason, everything else unlinked just fine, it gives…
KBM on console
Hey guys I’m wondering if us console players will ever be allowed to use a keyboard and mouse. I don’t see the issue to adding it since the game is cross play with pc. Also to be fair I believe keyboard players have a better advantage than controller for many reasons. Thank you guys.
Why do so many killer mains believe this game is survivor-sided so much?
I've tried multiple days in a row to play a killer in the Haunted event and I have to give up after a 20 minute wait queue.…why is that? I hear the argument by killer mains to 'play as killer if you hate toxic killers' but then it makes me wonder why some killers are so toxic if the queues are so long. Aside from the long…
Why Is Matchmaking in DBD taking FOREVER?!
I play on my account is takes maybe 2 mins at most then my husband tries on his account and we've been trying for about 30 mins now but off and on since 1am... Can someone give me some input here, I even checked if crossplay is on and it is .. so idk what's going on.
do finisher mories give you more or less bloodpoints than normally hooking a survivor?
i'm asking because i never used this feature before and i'm too lazy to find out xd
Where did this badge come from??
Saw a Deathslinger with this badge, and I didn't recognize it. DBD Wiki says its related to 'Blood and Bones,' but says nothing about how to unlock it. I already own two of the outfits from this store collection… Any clue how this was obtained/obtainable?
Is there again/still a problem with hitboxes?
The last time I played DBD was at the Masquerade Event so I m not familiar with what happened in between. I can remember that I had always issues with the hitboxes and how the game decides what I hit and what not, but since I ve started playing again I had several cases where I scratched my head about the outcome of a hit.…
Can i link a different epic account after i unlink the one i already had connected?
I want to link this other epic games account instead of the one i already have linked but this shows up. Am i not allowed to link anymore epic games accounts now? or do i have to wait a certain time to do it again.
How long will character discounts last ?
Invisible Survivors?
Not totally sure where to ask this question because it could be a bug but I don't actually think it is. I played a Killer game against a twitch streamer located in South Africa earlier today (I am in the UK). I don't know why I got matched with a lobby so far away from me and that might be part of the reason for this weird…
Does No Way Out activate if killer opens a gate?
Does anyone know if No Way Out activates if a survivor interacts with the other exit gate switch after killer has opened one? I want to bully my friends in custom but let them have a bit of false hope
Clown Build
Clown Build real quick, need some feedback, Sticky Soda Bottle, Cheap Gin Bottle with Batteries Included, NOED, Fire Up and Brutal Strength, 0/10, be real.
Is it possible to lower your MMR?
I know the "grade" thing won't lower since you can't depip anymore, but how about your mmr?
PC - constant stuttering and frame drops (exacerbated by left-mouse click)
Issue description: constant stuttering in game (also in-menu but less noticeable). When in-game the stutters are exacerbated and turn into full-on frame drops when the mouse is clicked frequently. Rapid clicking of the mouse tanks the FPS down to absolute zero and doesn't recover until I stop clicking the mouse again.…
what's the counterplay to smoke bombs?
i'm confused
Does anyone who runs the game through GeForce get kicked out in the loading screen of every match?
Anyone know how to fix this? It kicks while loading up for the trial every game without fail
how do you counter lithe?
i'm really not sure what you're supposed to do to combat this perk, theres no real way to deny value from it
Discounted Characters In The Patch Notes
Hello, I wanted to look more into detail regarding the in game characters discounts, I only saw the in game updates announcement once when the new update released 2 days ago, and since then it hasn't popped up on my game. After that, I tried to go and look for the patch notes and discount details online but I can't find it…
Question about the possibility of a ban in-game from insulting.
Lets hypothetically say you would get a ban from insulting other players, maybe due to reports that were taken on you. Would, or could, this ban be permanent? Or do the bans come in stages, let's say, a week first, then a month, a year etc, or anything like that?
Game takes way too long to launch
Ever since the recent update with the castlevania chapter, my game seems to take eons to launch. I am just staring at blank black screen for a few minutes before the dbd logo even appears. Then only it starts loading whatever it needs to load. Has anyone else been experiencing this? I have no issues launching other games…
Crashing on Loading Screens
PC / Game stops actually loading while on loading screen and crashes several minutes later/ Unreproducible Over 25 times now has the game frozen and eventually crashed on 'Loading' screens at various points, if it didn't crash while Initializing Shaders. I will launch the game and Initializing Shaders takes forever. If it…
Anyone having issues with DBD booting incredibly slowly since the latest updates?
My DBD since the latest updates is taking anywhere from 5-10 minutes to boot for some reason. Computer is fine as running a 3070/ryzen 7 5800xd/32gb ddr4. Anyone who may have experienced this have a fix? Sometimes my first games character models look like PS1 graphics as well.
Dbd not starting anymore
My Dbd is crashing after the splash screen appears. What can I do? I play on Steam and on Windows 11 if it’s important to mention …
mori without offerings and perks possible?
I got moried by a Blight being the last surv alive and gates powered. he had 0 mori perks and no offering. Do I miss something?
knight default/common helmets bugged?
for reference i play on nintendo switch and have for years. i have plenty of storage and am updated to the latest game version. ever since the castlevania chapter came out, knight's default and prestiged helmet literally has no hair. it was a bit funny to see it look plain but even going against him, it's bugged, or…
Stun Duration
Just a small question: When I get stunned by a pallet drop, I've noted in some trials the stun duration is slightly longer than others. I'm currently playing Hag on Xbox X/S. I am not using any perks which would do this to me, but I can't think of whether there's a Survivor perk which does this now. Is this a cheat or…
can anyone tell me what happens if i buy a DLC whose characters i have already bought separately within the game?
Disconnection issues since patch
Since patch i keep getting dc from matches and no my internet is not going out. Now i have a 6 hour ban its happening every other game. I am playing on pc game pass and i also play on xbox series x and didnt have an issue it is just on pc. Has anyone experienced this? Very frustrating i have sunk a lot of time and money…
De-sync on servers happening.
So i posted in the bugs section but was basically told its a me problem by the mods, but im seeing it happen all over the place on streams etc.. Mish has been having problems who is a big streamer too. Has this been happening to anyone else?