Chucky can cancel window vaults to extend and turn during slice and dice
Slice and dice towards a window and before vaulting quickly flick your vision to the left or right while strafing the opposite direction (if you turn camera left, strafe to the right or vice versa) This will "break out" of the vault but cause the slide and dice extension to occur and enable you to turn more than intended.…
Event Generators and Midwich
I put 2 offerings in and was lucky enough to get the generators in the right places but no matter which order I did them in neither the music room, nor the biology room first and the clock tower didn't chime. I got to end game collapse on the second try and the tower never opened. I think this is because they were…
New Archives — Level 3 — Amulet Bug
I think it has long been known that at level 3 the “Epilogue” and “Prologue” switched places, but if for many this did not lead to anything bad, for some reason I have no opportunity to get the amulet, although the entire level is gold (should be "owned" like others, cant find it in my inventory too).
PC - Killer misses when survivor uses chemical trap
Step 1 : Play survivor against a non-bot killer in custom match Step 2 : In-game, use the perk "chemical trap" as the killer is lunging from behind you Step 3 : See that the killer misses the survivor while the chemical trap setting animation is playing Characters played : The Oni, Detective Tapp Map : Hawkins national…
Selecting Loadout, Bloodweb, or Customize CHANGES Character
So I've recently come across this really odd bug that I've never seen before. I was playing fine earlier, then I finished a match as Ghostface. I went to check his Loadout....and it pulled up Legion. I was confused. I went back to Ghostface...and the same thing happened. So on Legion, I chose Bloodweb.....and it took me to…
After a successful Brand New Part skill check and shows a different bar
I think this bar looked different before the update
Pyramid Head POV bug
when pyramid head using rites of judgment his vision will jitter repeatedly because he is close to the wall old version did not have any changes that would allow hands to move closer when close to the wall. This made the player very dizzy and uncomfortable. After playing one or two games, I felt like vomiting.
Chucky's POV changes to first person when interacting with a red glyph.
As said in the title, the POV was fixed when i was blinded by a flashlight while carrying a survivor. Needless to say, that POV is something i dont want to experiance again.
Pallet Drop/Stun 'Still get down Bug'
I recently encountering this bug which was in the past, after the alien chapter out, when you drop/camp a pallet and killer hits you, it validate hit before he get stunned. BHVR fixed this issue in the past with a 'Hit Validation' but now, they messed it up again!! Please fix this. I also have 3 digit ping, but i see many…
Intro video starts play every game start and not skippable by config parameters
I don’t remember from which version this started, but now it is no longer possible to disable the intro video using the parameters in the config. I understand when a new chapter comes out and they show you a new intro, but watching it every time when you start the game gets a boring. And these options no longer help you…
Minor Bot Bug - Urban Evading Everywhere
Playing on Steam / PC. I've only encountered this bug through custom games, however it may show up in real games. If you equip a bot with the perk Urban Evasion, they will literally Urban Evade until they die or escape. Meme brought into game, I suppose. They don't run when they see you (the killer), just wiggle-crouching…
Hawkins Map - Chucky Blocked on Loop
On the Hawkins map, Chucky is not able to pass through the gap when a Survivor is in the hook but a survivor can. (refer to attached video).
Bad hook placement
PC playing on hawkins labratory as killer, hook spawned with a consoles right infront of it, couldnt hook the survivors i have an image but wont let me upload this has been a once off so far
Edit: Please delete/lock
Edit: Please disregard/delete; I made an error
Couldn't do anything after getting infected with ouroboros
Step 1 : Getting critically infected. Step 2 : Looking for the first-aid box and couldn't interact with it. (Tried 3 boxes) Step 3 : Go for the gen, pallet and window, still couldn't interact. Step 4 : Rush to wesker and let him kill me. Additional information Wesker Toba Landing Only happened to me once, pretty sure it…
Some Problems with 7.4.0 Trickster's add-on "Trick Blades"
Steps Example: Combine Add-on "Trick Blades" and "Iridescent Photocard". Step 1: Throw two Blades, Blade A and B, quickly. Step 2 : If Blade A doesn't hit any survivors and only Blade B hits a survivor, Blade B is hit will give Trickster +1% Haste Status Effect, but... Step 3 : Immediately after that, Blade A (Trick Blade)…
Returning To The Main Menu Bugged?
Platform: Steam It doesn't happen every time, but when I try to back out of the survivor lobby (solo) and into the main menu, it won't let me leave, lol. Happened twice today, and both times I had to task manager kill the game. Not sure about the last time as I don't feel like logging back in atm, but the first time when I…
Skilled Huntress
Apologies if this has been brought up or isn’t considered a Bug but the PS4 version has been changed to down 20 survivors but the PS5 version still remains at 100
bp incentive has dissapear as killer
since chucky´s release its a 100% on surv side. I know that when a dlcs is released on the first and second day its usually 100% surv bc everyone wants to try the killer. But its been like 5 days since its release and its still like that, its a bug? or maybe chucky has make a huge impact on killer role
The Executioner’s Great Knife is Glitched.
Since a little bit before the Chucky chapter update, I’ve been experiencing a problem with The Executioner’s great knife on Xbox One S. When you go to place a Trail of Torment, the game’s frame rate drops to unplayable levels. It causes everything on the screen to sputter until you let go of the button. This happens about…
Chucky bugged pallet kicking in Hidey Ho
Step 1 play as chucky step 2 take running shoes and hard hat step 3 take two can play hubris enduring and barbecue and chili step 4 get stunned by pallet step 5 activate hidey ho step 6 try to scamper under pallet but instead kick pallet and end hidey ho More info In my stream the game taking place at around 2 hours and 14…
The Nightmare Camera is Bugged
Platform Nintendo Switch Upon entering the lobby with Survivors, half of his body is not visible. In game, his lunge attack is significantly shorter than usual and his claw appears too close to the camera. Playing him almost feels like playing as The Good Guy as his camera is lower than it is supposed to be.
By Hook or Crook ( remix) not loading random perks.
This bug has happened before where the challenge is equipped but it gives you your perk build in game you had on your loadout but gives the random perk build on the endgame scoreboard. I play on Switch map was Toba Landing was playing as Clown and my random perk build should have been Discordance, Pop, Distressing and…
This bug makes me want to vomit: Literally.
Platform: Switch So, when i use Plague on Macmillan, and i use her m2, every time, like clockwork, there's a HEAVY lag spike. the game nearly freezes when i use it, and it's beyond easy to reproduce, as you simply use macmillan's phalanx bone with the plague and hit your m2. Is this just a "me" issue, or does anyone else…
Spirit's 'Fluorescent Edges' body skin visual bug
• Platform - PC (Steam) • Description of the issue Simply the left and right collars of the body skin is tied together, which is pretty bothering. This didn't happen before Chucky update. The body skin is from Visions of The Future collection. (Fluorescent Edges) • Steps to reproduce (if possible) • How often does this…
steam: 7.4.0: hooks are missing
I just played a game on eyrie where there were about 5 total hooks on the map. no anti-hook offerings. yesterday I played a match on saloon where I downed a survivor in the exit, but there weren't any hooks close enough that I could carry them to without them wiggling out. and there were no spent hooks nearby either.
Macmillians Iron Works New Map Variant Bugged
Killer shack boarded up windows cannot be shot through on slinger.
PC - Healing actions end at 99% completion
Recently on multiple occasions, heal actions (animation and completion bar) have finished prematurely at 99% completion. We have to restart the prompt to finish the final 1% and complete the heal. Just now I finished a match in which a bot healed me to 99% but I was still injured, and the bot walked away as if the heal…
Disarm and Dismember on PS5
The trophy progress is definitely bugged. The trophy description clearly says "hit 50 Survivors holding an Item or Special Item". I've been hitting survivors holding any items left and right and I barely have any progress. Please fix.
Disarm and Dismember Achievement no process on Xbox
I hit several survivors who were holding tapes as Sadako and did not make progress with this achievement. The description says "special item" and I took that to mean any special item not just flame turrets.
Hitting a survivor who has a Tape does not progress achievement
Title. This is about the achievement "Disarm and Dismember'. Its description reads: "In public matches, hit 50 Survivors holding a Special Item". It turns out that when you play Onryo, hitting any survivor carrying a tape will not progress the achievement. I had 10/50 before I started playing, and after a few games, in…
Chucky's carrying hit hitbox is bigger than normal
Chucky's hitbox when hitting while carrying a surv is bigger than others killers. Had a Feng saboing a hook and instead of hitting her it hit the hook. Another case is when I had the chance to escape from a pallet safe hitting the air forward, but instead of doing that and gaining that little distance it collided with the…
Back-to-back Rift Challenge bugged
Playing on PS5 and I've completed this challenge twice now: once ensuring that I survived the trial. The game acknowledges mid trial that I complete the challenge but when I return to the survivor menu it's still incomplete. Very frustrated.
Krampus and Santa Clown not in store
I am not sure if this is intended or will be release later this month but I need to know as the Clown community asked me if its a bug or not. On top of that, Krampus for Trapper is also missing.
Game Crashes when closing Hatch
Hi there, I am on PC and I played in the PTB and assumed this bug would be fixed, but apparently it's still in the game. Basically what happens is if I try to close the hatch as Chucky (but only sometimes) he will stand still for about 5 seconds before the game kicks me out and says that I have "disconnected from the…
Eren dwight cosmetic does not make the shingle sound anymore when running
As in title, i equip eren cosmetic on dwight, and when i run it doesnt make the shingle it made on release. A dev on reddit said they made the sound when they tried, so maybe its just me, but i have all volume max in and out of game, and i still cant hear it. Platform: Steam Steps to reproduce: Equip eren cosmetic on…
Felix Richter Cosmetic Bug
It’s not intense but has been in the game long enough because I want to use the Holiday Trousers pants and the Architect Backpack torso together. But when used together, two the wait of the pants is a black pit. So it’s stomach, a black sliver pit, then the pants. I just want this fixed so I can use the cosmetics together 😭
Escape Artist (Remix)
Tome 17 - Commitment Challenge shows my perks hidden/random before match. In match my perks are my previously selected ones. Finished game info shows a different set of 4. Challenge can't be completed. Xbox series X
killers not holding weapons correctly
blights new cane isnt correctly in his hand and little stuff like that bothers me so much honestly this is just like clowns carving knife can we perhaps see something done?
Singularity SFX is Broken
Everytime you switch to a Biopod that is EMP'd , when switching you keep hearing the "boom" sound effect of when it gets EMP''d, its very annoying
While using the "Carbon Bootprint" Body, her kick animation breaks and the leg contorts weirdly when kicking pallets and gens, she has been bugged for several patches, please fix.
New player profile grade is miss-aligned
Red ranks in the new player profile have their numerals misaligned making it look lower than it should be
Chucky resetting slice and dice when flicking at a window
Chucky aka the Good guy can reset and change his tragejtory if he flicks when he would be scampering a window in slice and dice. How this works: Slice and Dice towards a window Right before you reach the scamper flick, and press A or D depending on which key is the opposite directions of where you are flicking This leads…
Tiffany floating on RPD
Nintendo Switch Last night I had a match where Charles Lee Ray did not hold Tiffany, she just floated when carrying survivors. This image is of a player I was spectating after I was sacrificed:
Wesker S.T.A.R.S skin first person bug
Every time you pick up a survivor with The Mastermind S.T.A.R.S skin you can see his eyelashes fly around
PS4 - Two items/add-ons lost after death.
I just played a match as David on the Shattered Square where I died. I attempted to go to the Tome page to change my challenge and there was a "Dedicated server not responding; disconnecting" error that kicked me back to the scoreboard. I then clicked to go to the Tome again and entered successfully. After setting my new…
Trickster's Laceration Decay Is Far Faster Than Intended
Compared to the PTB going to Live Servers, Tricker's Laceration Meter depletes faster than the PTB and nothing in the patch notes or developer update even mention this (patch notes for anyone interested: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/421-7-4-0-chucky). The best visual example I could provide for…
PC-Chucky Camera View issue
Sometimes when i play with Chucky i get this bug, camera mode is not third-person and the game is unplayable only if i hook someone the bug fixes himself https://file.io/ZYZH71A0Qp5e
PC - Stuck on Léry's Memorial Institutev Map when trying to snuff totem
I played as Michael Myers in a public match In-game, I went to snuff this totem but was lifted and got stuck in the map This is the first time I had run into this issue. The totem did not get snuffed and I could not move. I was able to look around, attack, and stalk still. I've attached my logs and a video of the issue.
PC - Friends 'til the End doesn't change the obsession
Carlos Oliveira was not affected at any time by the 'Friends 'til the End' perk, even when all others were dead, and he was the sole remaining 'non-obsession' survivor. Could one of his perks have caused this bug?