Skilled Huntress PC achievement bugged
Plattform:PC Issue: Skilled Huntress not counting downs with hatchets at least from 24 meters. I am trying to get every achievement in-game. I hooked a survivor and I saw someone by a far away gen, it was half of the map away more or less (injured of course), so I threw the hatchet to the air, didn't think I was going to…
lost killer grade
A day ago I was gold 1 in killer, I remember this vividly since i grinded for it specifically. Now today I played a few games (which I won) and went to check how much it went up turns out im silver 3 now? I dodged a few lobbies, is that the cause? Happened on pc steam and first time I have atleast noticed it. I do not have…
Terminus Not Applying Broken Status Effect When It Should...
Explaining The Issue: When Terminus released, if a Survivor was healthy and they got hit while the Exit Gates are powered, they would have the Broken status effect applied to them. Now Terminus only applies the Broken status effect to Survivors who are injured when the final Generator is completed and the Exit Gates become…
Jane Romero this legs cosmetics doesn't have appropriate heel footstep SFX
why Jane Romero this legs cosmetics with heels still makes boot sounds when running? I know it's not a big deal but sounds like an easy fix .
Switch - Minor Self-Care visual bug
After the update, there's a minor bug with Self-Care on the Switch. The perk still functions as normal, but the status bar no longer appears to progress. As you can see in the image above, I hit a skill check but there's no visible healing progress (capture was taken about half way through healing). I always run Botany…
Flashlight Save Issue
Was in a match with an Oni and three times it made the noise for a blind, indicated it was a blind, but it did not release the survivor they were carrying. Not sure if it is a bug on the flashlight or not as that was the only game of the night it happened but it was the first match of the night against an Oni so it might…
PC - Plague's Vomit Issues
There's a frustrating bug related to Plague's projectile. Sometimes when the projectile hits a survivor, they scream and perform the animation as if the vomit had made contact (even from the survivor's perspective), but the game doesn't register the projectile hit.…
Map Bug
There is a map bug on Borgo where occasionally a hay bale stack will block two lockers. Not a very ideal bug when playing Dredge but can help survivors playing against Dredge
Flashbangs are not Deafening Killers
Flashbangs are bugged completely and aren't deafening killers. This is really frustrating as its core to my playstyle and build. This is consistently recreativable just in a custom game. PLEASE fix this assap. I'm sure many survivors dont even know that its bugged because its a mechanic of the perk that is more used by…
PC - impossible to increase resolution scale over 100%.
I've done many reports about this, it's not a user issue, or a technical issue. I'll keep posting until I know for sure why it's impossible now. Devs haven't said jack about capping the value at 100% so I'll assume it's a bug. It wouldn't make sense to cap it at 100% anyways. It's been this way since the Alien update.…
PC - Oni Results Screen visually bugged
He has no sword. Also he's wearing the Demon Force Torso and the face ornament constantly disappears and reappears. Screenshot is when it's shown missing. Sword is also from Demon Force set.
The corrupted
Pyramid head skin is clipped with its legs
Gen bug
You are able to repair a gen even after its finished all 5 gens.
Generator. Repair problem. Lery’s Memorial Institute [0P_LD72]
PC platform. Generator. Repair problem. Map = Lery’s Memorial Institute [0P_LD72]
Demogorgon Getting "Save the Best for Last Stacks" Using Shred?
I've seen basically every Demo using STBFL and every game they get high stacks even if they're using their Shred ability all game. Shred is a special attack, right? It says so in the Wiki, so it shouldn't reduce their cooldown. Another case a Demo's attack cooldown was very fast, and post-game they didn't have STBFL at…
Bug report - East coast servers Disconnected from host
-PC -Me and my friend about 30 minutes away both play DBD and notice that we get this strange bug where when you perform any action, it can cause us to have our character freeze in place, but other characters still move around, after about 20 seconds it kicks us from the lobby, says "You have been disconnected from the…
Is something broken with the gen spawn logic?
A few maps right now have been spawning horrendous gen spreads that they never used to spawn and seem very unbalanced. Ormond spawns 5 gens one side of the map fairly regularly. I'd say 50:50 on whether I load in and see this spread. Mother's Dwelling just spawned a cluster of 6 gens. There was zero reason to go to 70ish%…
Bots beg for heal but make it impossible
A frequent issue with bots is that will beg for a heal (coming near other players, and spamming the crouch button) but will make it impossible to be healed. The end result is a lot of time wasted (bot not doing gens, and players getting off gens for nothing). It would be better if the bots didn't beg for heals that they do…
Cannibal chainsaw disabled after green Mori
Step 1 : play as Cannibal Step 2 : use Green Mori offering Step 3 : Mori Survivor Step 4 : Chainsaw has 0 charges and has a full charge border and stays that way Additional information Garden of Joy map
Survivor getting grabbed by wesker gets soft locked.
Just played against a wekser and had Decisive. After he chased me when i got unhooked he used his dash and grabbed me. I hit the skillcheck for Decisive and the game then just soft locks and I could not wiggle or anything and then he hooks me like nothing had been done.
Bug for viewing patch notes
Hello, I just created my account. For some reason when i try to check the page with patch notes while logged into the BHVR forums i get an error "Permission Problem You need the knowledge.kb.view permission to do that." I don't get this error when logged in. I can't imagine this is intentional.
PC/Steam - Achievement 'Hack the Mainframe'
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match (took MacMillan offering). Got Sheltered Woods map Step 3 : In-game, repaired the generator at the command centre (was on it when it finished, had some help with it, but did the majority of it). Escaped through the gate. Step 4 : Achievement did not…
Tome 17 - Dark Reconnaissance
I was playing on PC Steam version of the client. I was doing the challenge Dark Reconnaissance from Tome 17 Level 3, equipped the challenge and went into games on both Hawkins Lab and Father Campbell's Chapel. I was using the perks Blast Mine, Wiretap, Distortion and Overcome. I set the Blast Mine/Wiretap combo on…
PC - Nurse "Matchbox" Blink Reset
Happened when i interrupted a survivor on a generator from a floor above on police station right after they missed a skill check, didnt test to see if it was a visual glitch or i actually had two blinks
That's Rude Challenge (PC)
Tome challenge "That's Rude" in Tome 6 on Page 4 doesn't register to give credit for the challenge, making it unable to be complete. I tried pointing from a distance, I've tried point from a medium range, and pointing literally in the killers face. Nothing causes the challenge to trigger and give credit for it being done.…
Perks bug
random perks archive challenge was active, but the perks didn't change. It was the second game with that challenge, the first one worked. In the endgame lobby I was accused of cheating because 'i didn't have any hexes' but in my screen, i had undyng, ruin and devour.
Tome 3 of current Foliant has bugged entry/exit nodes
Platform: Steam Description: The two nodes on the left are the entry-nodes, the two on the right are the exit-ones. They are labled right, but seemingly one of the exit nodes is active instead of the second entry-node. As a side effect, the rewards for this tome were unlocked without me doing any challenges. I was able to…
PS5 - Hawkins unrepairable Generator pistons panel
On Hawkins Laboratory I encountered this gen spawn near the gates that allowed me to repair from the wires panels on either end, but wouldn't let me repair from the pistons panel. I think this was the gate where to the right of the screenshot was the direction towards the Upside Down portal... but I'm not sure (apologies…
PC - Xenomorph Queen skin hands broken
It appears that the Xenomorph Queen skin has stretched textures which appear to give elongated "fingernails," fingers bent at weird angles, and at least for the left hand there is a gap that I do not think was there before just below the pinky finger joint on her hand. Just loading into the main menu I can see this. In…
PC - Got match win and BP even though I left at beginning of match
I was playing a match on Red Forest as the Demogorgon when a friend of mine rang my bell IRL. Since I had to open the door, I quit the game (that is, I did Alt+F4) in the first minute or so. I recall being one pip from Silver I and having little to no BPs, as I had just spent them on the Bloodweb. Fast forward some hours…
Demogorgon portal aura glitch
Ever since the haunted by daylight event I have noticed that when you travel through a portal and open it the aura of it stays white regardless of it being opened or not. its made it hard to know what portals are and are not open and gets pretty annoying at times. This is the only problem I've noticed that still hasn't…
Nemesis Pallet Bug?
Just finished this game, writing it out as it's still fresh. On the last two Gens of the swamp, I picked up a Dwight on Shack pallet and a Kate ran over to drop the pallet. I quickly punched to see if I could get her and without taking a health state from Kate Nemesis powered through the pallet stun, for some reason.…
Medic Trophy PS5
The Medic Trophy on ps5 isn’t showing progress, so it’s not going to unlock
the desc says "irisdescent quality requires nine hooks or more" but if you get 10 or 11 hooks you still dont have the irisdescent emblem 💀💀 it HAS to be bugged. if u get 9 hooks it SHOULD give you iri.
Ps5-Wiggle Bug
As I played against Myers and he wanted to hook me, I wiggled out with 75% progress. It also happened yesterday. If you want I can upload a video on YouTube?
Multiple Platforms - Main Building on Shelter Woods drops frames
Occuring on Switch and Xbox SS, entering anywhere in or around main building severely drops frames, going so low on Switch that it is actually unplayable.
Bug with Franklins Demise
two games now when i get hit with franklins while vaulting my item disappears and i cant retrieve it.
Bug with Blood Echo or bug with War Of Attrition
I meant the requirements for blood echo to have affected all three other survivors that were injured and I didn't get the challenge to complete. Nobody was in deep wound and all remaining survivors were injured when I hooked the 4th survivor. This should have activated Blood Echo and applied all 4 of them with the…
PC the game keeps crashing when I load into a lobby or in the loading screen, I can't get into a playable match. step 1: start game step 2: pick demo step 3: search for a match step 4: crash it happens every time
Die Hexe löst ihre eigenen fallen aus wenn sie in der nähe einer falle ist und man sich teleportieren möchte. Ich spiele am PC auf Steam.
PC: Rpd glowing rooms
When playing on the rpd maps (i believe it has only been occurring on east wing) multiple rooms load as a florescent blue that makes it impossible to use sight to chase any survivor if they enter any of these rooms. i have validated my files, reinstalled the game and changed graphics settings multiple times, this issue…
Any - Slowing effect on hit
Info: getting huge slowdown for 1.5-2 seconds after taking a hit How to repeat: Step 1: take perk "Chemical Trap" Step 2: place it on a pallet Step 3: make killer destroy that pallet Step 4: take a hit from the killer some time after Additional information Any Chemical Trap Any Happened many times in one game
Oni missing many details on mask and body when in-game
Ever since Minotaur has been partly fixed (partly because its now missing the spikes on its body) Oni's default masks and many bodies have been missing details when in a 3rd person perspective such as a Survivor perspective or during a mori Example 1: Missing horns Example 2: Missing details on the shoulders This doesn't…
Steam 7.3.0 - "Never too late" survivor challenge from Tome 16 level 2 does not register progress
Just as the title says, I just finished a game where I sabotaged a hook with the killer dangerously close to me and carrying a survivor, but the challenge didn't register any progress. The challenge says "Sabotage 3 hooks within 10 meters of a killer carrying a survivor" I was playing with Saboteur, Background Player, Bond…
PC - Skull Merchant's Drone's Detector Beam Desyncs From its Model
Skull Merchant's detector beams seem to desynchronize from where her drone's model is showing. In the clip shown, the drone in stealth mode was perpendicular to me, yet still gave me a stack of Lock On and then inexplicably changed direction. The Skull Merchant said he rotated the drone as soon as possible. So what we…
Bubba's Camera Is Broken.
Im just gonna upload a few examples. 1) Bubba shouldn't see his Chainsaw like that when looking down - it's weird. 2) When Chainsaw Sprint starts Cannibal looks down for some reason - it's very annoying. 2b) When Chainsaw Sprint starts Cannibal looks up for some reason. 3) After M1 Hit Animation his camera changing…
So I just played a game on I believe Family Residence where I checked lockers two times when I would open the locker I would see nothing but I would hear a Survivor scream and I would just stare at the open Locker for a couple seconds before closing the locker and seeing that I was actually carrying the Survivor. Nurse did…
16:9 Aspect Ratio setting does not work for Singularity's Biopods.
With this setting, ultrawide resolutions can play in matches in a 16:9 aspect ratio, with black bars, so there's no sacrifice of FOV. This is really great, except the setting had never applied to killers that switch perspectives to what I assume are non-player entities or something similar. This was fixed on Twins and…
Switch - Jonah's "Logical Love" set changes music
For some reason, when I equip Jonah's "Logical Love" cosmetic set, it changes the usual menu music to another tune, a heavy and dark music track that I don't recognize. I'm pretty sure this is a bug, it didn't do this before, and a Valentine's Day cosmetic doesn't seem like a reason to make the music spooky.
Xbox Series S - Skull Merchant Drones Bug
Every single match this happens at least once. The Skull Merchant's drones will occasionally "fizzle out" immediately after being placed, which puts her power on cooldown for nothing. It's tremendously annoying as it happens quite frequently. I don't have a clip right now, but I can't be the only one that this is happening…