Pig bear trap timer continues in chase
Pig bear trap timer continues in chase She had no addons except extra traps and longer search. Ran killer for 3 gens and broke chase was almost dead with all boxes left. I had maybe 1/4 left of the timer? Thats super unfair bug.
PC Power Moves Achievement bugged?
I fully repaired a Gen 2 times (just me) and escaped, but I still got 0/8 listen in the Achievement progress.
Twitch Codes Expired Early?
The FAQ on the twitch prime pages says the codes for this round of twitch giveaways are good until May, but my Artist and Blight codes say they're expired when entered today.
Ash cosmetic [Ashy Slashy] clips through items in game
When you play as or with Ash while having the Ashy slashy cosmetic, the puppet clips through items without grabbing them properly how it supposed to look (like in the lobby). PC.
Map permanently gave vison
Playing Yui in a public match on Ded Dog Saloon against Onryo using Ace in the hole, Appraisal, Plunderer's Instinct and Lithe Picked up an iri map with yellow twine from chest activated it once, went to a gen When i got off the gen it was permanently on
Console PS5 Brand New Part not awarding progress upon hitting the 2 BNP skillchecks. Has happened with the last 7 BNP’s I’ve used with Commodious and New Years tool boxes. First noticed this in March 2022. 2 short clips below depict the possible bug. First is fully functional BNP used in February 2022. The second is a…
Missing animations when playing huntress
Platform - PC. both on the PTB and Live game Description: To survivors the windup animation for hatchets is missing, making it incredibly unfair for them. When a survivor is hooked they are permanently stuck in the wiggling animation for the rest of the game. Posibbly more animations missing from survivor POV. Steps to…
End game screen bug, forces close + no screams
played on PC as Pinhead against four console survivors, killed three and one got hatch. Only thing I noticed odd in the match was that no survivor screamed when hit, hooked, etc. End game screen looked like this when i tried to exit and continue playing it changed to this screen and froze the game
Billy Stretched Arms (Visual Glitch)
Platform: PC Description of the issue: The Arms are stretched Steps to reproduce (if possible): Play Hillbilly on the PTB with any outfit, walk 10 Meters away How often it occurs: Everytime, not map dependent
skill check bug
There is a bug currently with skill checks. When you heal or do generators the skill check noise will play however no skill check circle will appear the noise will play and the skill check will be missed video example here. Video Credits to Cobra4U. I understand this is a niche bug however it has been in the game for a…
Kicking from lobby when in a party
Getting kicked from party after every match says unknown error. Have to restart game everytime. Ps4
Pharmacy + Appraisal bug?
I've noticed whenever I use Pharmacy and appraisal together, I get almost always a emergency medkit after I open the first chest( I would keep getting them in each chest after). I always have gotten one when rummaging through a chest another survivor has opened, and I have not opened a chest yet. Once that happened, and I…
The Onryo power bug
I have witnessed the Onryo being able to teleport to a TV that was turned off by me several seconds prior to her emerging from it. I went to heal my downed teammate who was next to an on TV, I removed the tape which turns the TV off. Started healing my teammate for about 25% of their health bar and the killer comes out of…
Tome 10 Level 4 "Exposed Target" not crediting NOED hits
I had Rancor and NOED equipped and downed all 4 survivors after all the gens were finished. After the match, I was only credited 1 progress towards the challenge.
Badham Preschool 1
Spawns an old texture next to the house of pain.
Nightmare bug(?)
There is places that can spawn a pallet in them and theoretically i should be able to place fake pallets there. But some places do not allow you to do it, like this one. I haven't seen this trouble at other maps yet, but it's possible to be this bug on them too. Also... buff his useless addons, please🤡
Nurse hitting objects *behind* her after blinking
You can hear me hit a bush. The only bush was behind me.
That's Rude / Devotion to the Unseen
For a while now, the challenges Devotion to the Unseen and That's Rude have been impossible to complete due to bugs, and I haven't seen patch notes saying these 2 were fixed in any way. Devotion to the Unseen: Is simply glitched, and cannot be completed despite being able to meet it's conditions. That's Rude: For this one…
Lag/Stutter PS4
Ever since the matchmaking tests began, PS4 has been having worsening lag/stutter/complete loss of frames upon any action that requires server validation with the killer. This was barely noticeable the first day of testing, but became progressively worse as the tests went on and has not improved since they have ended. This…
PS4 - (Minor Bug?) Victor's Corpse After Death
Character Played: The Twins Perks Used: Hoarder, Oppression, Coup de Grace Add Ons Used: Silencing Cloth, Victor's Soldier Map: The Game Frequency of the Issue: 1 Time so far... Info: As Victor, I was going to Pounce an injured Feng Min before she got to a pallet. Mid pounce, she successfully slammed it down on me. When I…
-Overcome perk icon remains active even when exhausted
All the exhaustion perks when they are out of use are disabled, but the Overcome perk even after you are in exhaustion remains active, sometimes it confuses me, I think I can use the extra boost but actually I don't the perk still in use
The Doctor freezing after grab a survivor.
On 22 March. as usual i was playing The Doctor in Larry's map. and this one time. i grabbed a player that trying to unhook his teammates. suddenly everything freeze for a few seconds and i got disconnected from the game. had me a -1 point rank and 5 minutes penatly cooldown. and if i remember correctly. thats what happened…
Demogorgon portal removal for survivor is missing part of the skill check
Hi, When closing a Demogorgon portal, the skill check circle thing is missing the 'great' section, which leaves a broken section of the skill check GUI. I don't have a screenshot, but could doctor one so you can see what I mean..
The Invisible Syringe (Blight)
In the Binding of Kin Mid-Chapter Patch, the update that the Blight's camera was raised, a new hit reaction was added when a Lethal Rush hit collided with an obstacle. The new animation looks cool, however the syringe during the cooldown is invisible. This happens on all platforms anytime the new hit reaction happens. This…
PC - End screen not showing anything
Yeah, pretty much the title. Regular game, 0K and at the end screen for 5 minutes already. Nothing works.
Instantly Killed From First Hook Kobe Bug
Hello all! I recently discovered a pretty serious bug. If you unhook yourself and kobe off, you can see in this clip that even though I was able to unhook at 1 hook, the game marked me as if I reached the second stage. Then the animation get's a bit wonky as I am rehooked, and then I die. I was more confused than anything.…
PC: Victor gets stuck on the screen before reusing him again, looks really distrubing.
I got this bug by having victor be crushed by a pallet while doing his leap/down thing. It was on cowshed I believe and I dont think perks influence this at all. This is also pretty rare, but since it's a little comical I wanted to point it out so others could get a laugh and it might get fixed.…
Unable to remove friend requests/invites on console
Hello!! I play DBD on xbox one and I’m having trouble getting rid of old friend requests and invites from my profile. Whenever I try to remove someone’s friend request/invite, it doesn’t let me. The only options that come up are “view profile” and “block.” I’ve tried pressing the “block” option to get rid of the people in…
Did not receive Nurse and Jake heads for Spring Cleaning
I loaded the game up on both March 30th, 31st, and April 1st, and I still don't have either of the cosmetics. My friend however logged on and he got it.
The Steam achievement "Tools of the trade", is not updated
Hello Goodnight. I've been playing with 3 universal abilities (none assassin specific), for merciless wins. I've gotten several of them, but they haven't told me on Steam except for one (and I don't even know why). I manage to kill the 4 survivors and it appears to me that I have achieved a "Merciless Victory", but it does…
Nurse can swing mid-blink
Title. Please vote up if you saw the same thing in game.
Emblems challenge glitch
The emblem challenge glitch, this glitch has been a problem I have the challenge equip but if I go into a match and come out or die with 3 iridescent emblems and 1 gold or any emblems that match the challenge it shows that I didn't get them add to the total I already have, like for my example I have gotten 2 out of ten…
Locker glitch
This glitch happens when a survivor is running at the locker and turn get stuck and can't get out, by get out there is no indicator of pressing the Rb on controller to get out, but sadly the only way to fix it for now is for another survivor to go over and try to open the locker to get the icon to show up than the survivor…
When I change "interaction behaviour" from hold to toggle and I put ON to the "run to cancel" function, when I exit from the game and logging back in, those controls settings resets, and there is again "hold" and "off" for each setting.
Exhaustion Visual Glitch (PC)
If a pig is running her exhaustion helmet and you walk by a jigsaw puzzle box where someone removed their helmet you'll get the exhaustion debuff and it'll gray out your exhaustion perk. This is entirely visual and doesn't effect gameplay but I thought it was worth sharing.
The Artist - Crows doesn't work near exit gates on The Game
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as the Artist on The Game-map. Step 3 : In-game, load up a crow towards or within the "loading dock" area of either side of the exit gates. Step 4 : Crows stops at the border of the loading dock, or in the case of spawning them within the loading dock area they just disappear straight…
Archive challenge about chests and Appraisal (UPD: translation issue)
Updated: turned out it's "Unlock 15 chests" in English while in Russian localisation it's "Open or search 15 chests", so looks like you can perfom either one or another action. Completely missleading. ______ I could be wrong with translation because I play game in different language but it's "open or search 15 chests"…
Can't unhook survivor
PC, no angle to unhook survivor here Father Campell's Chapel
Deathslinger's "Custom made custer" cosmetic's facial hair missing in matches (pc)
This seems to have bugged out recently, as it hasn't occured before and i haven't done anything to change my settings. I play on max settings. The thing i find weird is that the mustache is visible in the menu, but not when spawning into the match and during the "score screen".
PC - Ghostface unable to Mori
31st March, loaded into a match on Midwich Elementary map as The Ghost Face. Perks: Make Your Choice (3), Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (1), Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (3), Corrupt Intervention (3) Addons: Olson's Address Book, Chewed Pen Offering: Ebony Memento Mori 3 separate survivors in different areas of the map, all…
[mobile] No character experience
Sorry if I missed this one and it had been reported before. Issue: sometimes you get BP but no pip (even if you gained a pip according to the emblems) nor any experience. When does it happen?: as far as I can tell, it only happened when I was using an exp offering and someone else was using Lover's Postcard. But I can't be…
match ban point progress
why did i get match ban for 5 mins and lose my points?? now i lost 2 points
"Cripple them all" achievement doesn't progress
I never really cared about for Trapper's achievements, but last week i decided to start achievement hunting, and I started doing Trapper's quests in 1st tome or Archives, and despite catching tons of people in bear traps, this achievement didn't budge. I had friendly games where survivors just stepped into traps for me, I…
Apex Muffler
I'm surprised that this is still a thing tbh, every single time I run across a Hillbilly using his Apex Muffler add-on, his chainsaw is completely silent all match despite the add-on supposedly making it silent for those outside of the Terror Radius. Pretty annoying to play against seeing as at tall loops you just have to…
Item glitch
This glitch has been a pain. Soo when you go into a match with or without an item you can get an item or swap to get a new item than if you survive you get that new item, then it's stored in your inventory of items you've gotten over the time played, which goes into the glitch, the glitch happens when your return from a…
Visual bug of Pool of Devotion
I'm not sure why this bug appeared, but I can assume why it appeared Enter the game for survivor and play against Plague killer Plague used Corrupt Purge Plague picked up downed survivor and Plague was stunned with pallet while Corrupt Purge was active See that Pool is ready to activate Corrupt Purge for Plague, but…
Pallet destroy/hit ignoring survivor hitbox
IDK if this has been reported or if its a known but, I wish I had GeForce experience on last game, but I was playing against a blight and there was a dropped pallet, I was between the killer and the pallet and blight bounced and hit/destroyed the pallet and I was untouched. I was already injured so I should've been downed.…
Didn't get the spring cleaning nurse head on the 30th or the 31st
I've gotten the 50k bp from both April 1st and march 29th, just not the nurse head that was supposed to be given on the 30th to 31st. I logged in both yesterday and the day before and got nothing. I play on ps4 if it's important.
floating mori
when killing a survivor over stairs in the normal animation there body will float https://youtu.be/tqnxISsjn6Y
Devour Hope Broken (With Video)
Description: Loaded into game on midwich as survivor and after multiple hooks the killers Devour hope activated when I was hit. However I did not go down. For the rest of the game when survivors who are healthy were hit they only got injured devour hope was clearly activated and the exposed status effect was shown on…