Killer Shack Vault Trap Not Working
Xbox One player: At the Sanctum of Wrath, I noticed that - as Trapper - when I set a trap beneath the window vault, survivors can run over it without consequence, or use the vault with the same result. This has also happened on The Coal Tower level. I'm not sure if it's the same for other realms, but there does seem to be…
Macmillian tree branch collision
Platform: all Description: Macmillian tree branch has collision even if your up against the tree facing the opposite way even if the branch is not in view. Steps to Reproduce: Find a tree on macmillian with a branch, swing at branch. This doesn't occur often with most killers however it does occur often with Hillbilly,…
Hillbillys Weapon is lowered and also his animations are still bugged, or is it intentional?
Hello Hillbillys weapon is lowered to the bottom of the screen and can barely be seen unless using shadowborn, is this intentional or a bug, here are before and after comparisons. Steps to Produce: Play the Hillbilly before patch 3:7.0 Play the Hillbilly after patch 3.7.0 or just the current patch. Before: After: Also…
Infinite Blind from flashbang
I got flashbanged and it stuck like this and i had to DC because i you know, couldn't see, and suffered a penalty because of it anyway :)
Hello, I have been playing and noticed that you are able to locate the hatch during the game before it has actually appeared or is supposed to appear. You can notice where the hatch is because your character noticeably moves upwards and only on a small square of the map and every time I have found this it has spawned…
Blood Point Code
I redeemed the new code for blood points “notatrick”. It redeemed as usual but it did not give me the blood points.
PC - Nemesis Has No Chase Music
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in public match Step 3 : Chased by Nemesis, heartbeat sounds but 0 chase music/ambience music at all ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Played as Meg Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Plunderer's Instinct, Borrowed Time Crotus Penn Asylum was the map…
The Blight on the Midwich School
Hey everyone. I am a PS4 player and I want to share one weird thing I faced yesterday. I played for The Blight on the Midwich School and my ability didn't work right. I mean I pressed the button but nothing happens. I didn't bump into something or kinda. I thought there was a cheater but it's false. I killed them all.…
Nurse can attack before she has finished blinking
This is very unfair for survivors since you cannot react at all because she hasn't even materialized in her destination before she can attack. Nurse breaks the game anyway so the last thing this stupid killer needs is an ability to attack while invisible. Please fix this.
Springwood Unhookable Hook Spawn
I played as Ghost Face on Springwood, don't remember what variant. But the 2f house was behind the school and the basement house was across the street. and then the shack was across the street from the 2f house and behind the basement one. So making a square with each building at a corner and a road between. Anyways The…
Friend keeps getting dropped mid game, but still receives penalty, they are now on a 24 hr wait
Friend keeps getting dropped mid game, but still receives penalty, they are now on a 24 hr wait. me and my friend were playing in matches last three days, each time randomly game would kick them from match even though they did not leave match, (it just kicked them) the first recived a 1 hour penalty then a 6hour one then…
[PC/Console] Survivor unhooking themselves but still reaching stage 2
Description of the issue: I believe ever since the change to how the attempt to escape/struggle mechanic works, there's an odd bug where if a survivor waits until they almost hit the second hook stage and then they unhook themselves - the game will still penalise their hook progress bar (Which will put them into the 2nd…
Locker Bug
I was playing on Midwich as Deathslinger when I noticed a Meg slowly get into a locker in the center area. I went to open the locker but I couldn't. There were no prompts to open it and pressing the button did nothing. I come back to the locker later and another survivor was inside it and pushed the first guy outside of it…
(PC) All Meg hoodies have clipping issue.
Steps to reproduce: Select any hoodie. Hoodies are clipping through every single bottom piece, tried it with shorts!
Generator not repairable on longitudinal axis
Another Stalking Character Bugged
• PC (Steam) • I can't stalk with Ghostface • I think I have an idea of the idea of this, The Shape and Ghostface are killers I don't have directly, they're from steam library sharing, and that's why a friend can stalk and i can't • I don't know when this started to happen As I said before and on my last post, these killer…
(PC) gamepass, xbox live
i bought the gamepass and have been playing dbd for a long time now but the issue is that when i try to turn it on it gives me the following error-We couldnt connect u to xbox live (0x80004005)- i didnt screenshot this cuz it was in my language(norwegian) and when pressing ok and going back on the game it says
Stolen unused Skeleton Key escaping through gate
Platform: PC Description of the issue: I just escaped a match through an exit gate while holding a Skeleton Key I brought into the match, and lost the item from my inventory. The killer did not have Franklin's Demise, and I escaped the match healthy regardless. Steps to reproduce (if possible): Escape through the exit gate…
Ghostface no terror radius or chase music
Just did a match against ghostface, he has no terror radius when chasing or not in stealth, and no chase music either. Just footsteps and silence.
Survivor Camera might be visible to the killer
I've noticed a blue orb around the survivor's head at times. You can also see it with aura perks:
PC - No Pallet Drop in Chase Sequence and Error: 25
In a previous session I began the archive task that asks to drop 10 pallets while being chased (By any means necessary - I think it is called - second tier in current archive). I was able to drop 3 pallets using Steve in three different game maps. Then I left the game till the next day. I began playing again the next day…
"Premonition" perk not activating correctly
Xbox One issue here: The perk "premonition" will sometimes trigger when being chased, even though I am not looking at the killer. Premonition also doesn't seem to pick up the killer when they're about 20m in front of me.
Getting Down While Being Unhooked
A rare occurrence but not the first time this has happened. I'm hooked and a survivor is in the process of unhooking me. The killer swings at us hitting both me and the unhooking survivor. I'm not even on the ground yet and it places me in the dying state. There seems to be a gap in the iframes or a server sync issue.
Unvaultable window - PC
This side of the window specificaly could not be vaulted, red forest. Playing as the legion
depip even though i got above the black pip?????
PC - Dead Hard not working properly
For the last couple of weeks a few of us have noticed that Dead Hard don't seem to be working properly. For example, I'll be using Dead Hard and I'll get downed despite being in the animation, and I'll be lying on the ground exhausted. This issue happens almost every match now, with any survivor on any map. Surely it's not…
RPD Switch disconnects
Everytime i play on RPD it forces my switch to auto close the game please disable this map as i dont want to double de pip anytime someone picks it witj an add on
Skill checks not showing
When on gens, some skill checks do not show for whatever reason Most recent map this happened: Gideon Meat Plant The skill checks mostly show, there is the ocasional one that did not go off, this case was against huntress with huntresses lullaby, which this usually happens with this combo so maybe there is a bug with the…
Lament configuration makes survivor frozen/controls non-responsive.
In the attached clip it looks like I’m simply standing still, however I’m trying to run away and move but my character is frozen in place. All my inputs were non-responsive. This is on PS5 and the first time I’ve encountered this particular bug.
PC: I can roll daily quests just by disconnecting from internet.
Step 1: Boot the game, get new daily quest, roll old daily. Step 2: Disconnect from internet (turn on airplane mode). Step 3: Close the game. Step 4: Connect to internet. Step 5: Boot the game, get new daily quest, roll old daily. Repeat.
Scratch marks not appearing
Several times over two games scratch marks didnt appear at all at times or lagged out and appeared 2 or 3 seconds after they should have. Survivors were not running any perks that would have caused this This was on PC and occured multiple times two games in a row
Killer's red stain not appearing
PC Me and my friend were playing against a huntress on Hawkins, and noticed that her red stain barely showed, even though she had no stealth perks. We then went and tested in custom matches to see if the red stain was bugged. The red stain seems to disappear on certain floors. So it still shows against wall and objects,…
Killer offerings not staying on for the next game
1 Play killer 2 Choose your setup 3 Select an offering, the one you have more than 1 (2, 5, 20, 50, 100+) of 4 Play the match 5 Next match the offering will not be auto equipped Expected result: offering stays on without the need to select it again since you had more than 1 of said offering Actual result: offering is not…
Unable to Stalk with the shape
• PC (Steam) • Can't stalk with The Shape • Can't reproduce because it works with a friend • I've not tried Myers in a while, so I can't say when this started Recently, I've been trying to rush adepts, and I tried Shape's adept. BUT, I don't know if it's a steam problem or what, because when i enter the match, doesn't…
Frame drops
I'm on Xbox One and have recently started to see the return of frame drops when there is a Dead Hard performed or a gen pops. These were fixed a while back, but have just returned now.
Map bug?
So I loaded into a match thinking it was going to be a normal game but I loaded into a mysterious map titled something along the lines of Racoon City Police Department, now this map really weird because unlike the rest of the maps in Dead by Daylight, this map was absolute #########, dead set the most ######### awful thing I've…
Long stun recovery as killer
PC - Clown - Coldwind Farm Bamboozle, Pop Goes the Weasel, Iron Grip, Coulrophobia No add-ons While chasing, I was Head-On'd by a Bill and my stun recovery animation was slowed down by an incredible amount. It took something like a full 30 seconds until recovered.
Hawkins Totem Uncleansable
Example - Hawkins Totem Uncleansable Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match on Hawkins Step 3 : Attempt to cleanse totem between barrels on edge of map ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Can't cleanse totem between barrels. Cleanse bar shows up in a very slim margin if you stand in the right spot and when…
Adept Cannibal achievment doesn`t work
i tried doing it 3 times, doesn`t work for some reason. My steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/id/infernotrickster/
Sloppy Butcher bug
The last Sloppy Butcher bug report I seen was last year so I'm not sure if it's known, current or occurring again but I was playing against a Myers and he had Sloppy Butcher and the visual effect lingered even after being healed via Adrenaline. Platform: PS4.
Xbox - silent gens
Xbox one - generators finishing without a sound as a killer it happens every game and every killer my friends stream dbd on xbox and they have the same problem sorry i don’t really know what else to add, tldr gens don’t give a notification sound for finishing
Can't use Vile Purge on The Plague
EDIT: one off, seems to have been a button issue. now fixed DESCRIPTION So this is a first. PC player. I couldn't use Vile Purge on The Plague. It will charge up but when I left click it just resets and makes a weird sound I've never heard before. I've played quite a number of hours of Plague, first time here. ADDITIONAL…
Killer disconnect, everyone gets matchmaking ban -switch
The killer disconnected from the match but both me and my friend also received matchmaking bans. I haven't seen this reported yet so I'm wondering if this is intended or a switch problem?
Michael Myers Stalk Not Working
When I play michael myers and try to hack my opponents, it just doesn't work, the stalking aura doesn't appear. It's like his power doesn't work. I bought it recently and it makes me a little angry that I bought something that does not work. Please fix this.
PC | Nurse's Calling Not Working (Inconsistent)
I found evidence in a few games last night of Nurse's Calling not providing an aura of the healing survivor(s). It is hard to say how often it occured, as I could have walked past many healing survivors without knowing. I can say with certainty that it is not always broken. At the moment, I suspect that healing with a…
Xbox One Controller Audio Jack bug on PC
I have both my headphone and mic plugged into my xbox one controller and it's plugged into my PC. The Audio for the game (only this game) is mirrored so Left is Right and Right is Left. I wondering if they are aware and it it'll be patched or can it be patched? EDIT: I figured out what my issue was and I fixed it!
Doing my mission but it is NOT capturing the progress
I did what the mission on the rift challenge required (multiple times, and over a few games to make sure it wasn't just a one time glitch - on different days) but it is NOT capturing my progress. The pass is ending in a few days, and in order to finish all the missions, I also need to get past this specific one for the…
Infinite window loop on the game map.
Freezer room. couldn't get footage due to tense match and wanted to win. Room with freezer spawns window open to an L wall T wall. - the open side spawns against the edge of the map, and the "opening door" that opens when gens are done, spawns against the closed wall. One can stand at the corner of the window, and run…
Feral Frenzy Vault Not Working
Hi, I'm playing PC and I just had a match where Feral Frenzy's vault didn't work after the first use. My perks were Barbecue and Chili, Hex: Ruin, Hex: No One Escapes Death, and Thanatophobia. My add-ons were Smiley Face Pin and Julie's Mix Tape. My offering was Spotted Owl Wreath. Step 1: Start a game as Legion in…
Can't launch the game properly since Steam update
When I launch the game it loads a bit and then it just freezes. It doesn't accept any keyboard or mouse clicks. Instead the game just crashes and gives me the error from Easy Anti-Cheat "Untrusted system file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamclient64.dll)"