Rank resets bug
i went from rank 2 to 10 (and yes i been playing everyday) i'm just reporting (as a bug so you can fix it + *i got proofs*) incase that happen again to anyone, i personally don't care about ranks, but i'm sure someone else would.
Can't join lobbies without adding a person as a friend and restarting the game
• Platform: PC (Steam) • Description of the issue: Can't join lobbies without adding a person as a friend and restarting the game It worked before through 'join game', but not since new dlc released • Steps to reproduce (if possible) Click 'join game' on steam on the person's profile that isn't on your friend list, but has…
Stuck on Pool of Devotion in Hawkins
A pool spawned on top of one of the shelves, where there's a small stepladder leading up to a higher elevation. When I activated the pool, I became stuck in place and couldn't move. Some survivors came over to try and help out. Downing and picking up one didn't dislodge me, and I couldn't set them back down after. When…
Stuck at generator on new silent hill map
Hello not sure if this is where i should put this or not but yesterday when i was playing swf on the new silent hill map one of my buddies got stuck after he finished the generator in the music room on top floor. I forgot to take video but he was doing the gen in the spot closest to the door, your kinda standing in like a…
Survivors sticking together / can't move
Platform: Xbox I was downed and hiding around the tractor on the coldwin farm map. Nancy came to heal me, and when she finished, we were stuck and could not get out of the area. After Nancy had been hit by the huntress we were able to run out.
Blocked hook - Dead Dog Saloon
I encountered this during a game on Xbox One on the Deaddog saloon map. A rock had spawned right below a hook and thus making it impossible to use. The ideal footage of me attempting for some time then dropping the survivor unfortunately was lost due to the match being long and me only saving the last 5 minutes with Xbox…
1) Injured Survivor begins to remove his teammate from the Hook; 2) The Killer attacks the wounded Survivor with a basic attack with a lunge (holding M1) in the process of removing the teammate from the Hook; 3) The animation of the basic attack with a lunge passes as if through the air, the wounded Survivor does not take…
Legion gen picking glitch
So i picked up a survivor from a gen as the legion but we both got stuck he could not struggle and i can hook him i tried to make other survivor throw a pallet on me but i got stuck IN the pallet im on ps4 by the way
Opsession Dead bps
If you are the Opsession you get 1k on survival for "opsession dead" when sacrificed/killed lmao
Infanite crouch?
I was playing a game when we got into a lobby with a pig that was always crouching. I still believe they were hacking in a way but just in case it is just a visual glitch I wanted to post this here if anyone else has seen this problem as well https://clips.twitch.tv/NurturingDullBaguetteSwiftRage <--- heres a small clip
PC - Input disabled on carried Survivor DC
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, pick up a Survivor Step 4 : Have the Survivor disconnect Step 5: Game ceases to respond to any movement or mouse input Note that this isn't guaranteed to happen on further reproduction. Alt-Tab, Shift-Tab, Escape etc do not fix the issue.…
Bloodpoints loss
So why is that the killers lose bloodpoints because they stay near the hook but survivors don't lose bloodpoints for staying at the exit and do nothing i feel like if a survivor doesn't leave or do something like healing or any action other then crouching, standing or running around the exit while the end game is happening…
Bugg freez survivor
Here the problem. And that was only with one survivor, the other well be okay
Vigo's Shroud seems to be bugged
Does anybody tried this offering recently? Yesterday a friend of mine got mad because he use it and it didn't work, he spawned near the killer, and today I tried and same thing, barely touched the gen and already got Oni on my ass. How does this offering work? Is it just rng in the end? Because in the description it says:…
Tried to use Ghastly Gateau, but didnt register!
I made the offering of Ghasltyl Gateau and it didnt count!?! This is happening a LOT lately! These screen shots are to quickly show it was used correctly. The video is to show it being used uninterrupted, although edited for time, you can see all the player names are the exact same and the points show the match is the…
Entity Tentacles in Windows
I've seen multiple survivors jump through the same window over and over in a very short loop - 5x in a row through the same window and more. From what I've read, the rule states only 3 jumps in the same window in a short period of time before it is blocked off by the entity. Has this changed? In chat at the end of the…
Hook is misplaced when a Survivor is hooked
Platform: PC Been happening for awhile now. When hanging on the hook, the Survivor will be displaced and not centered on the hook.
PC Dwight currently makes no sound for other people, dwight's head never turns on gens, occasionally his arm gets bugged in a way he cannot use flashlights. It just points downwards. There's a lot of issues with him. It occurs every single match. I think I figured out the reason why it happens. When you already have an…
Rancor doesnt work correctly!
The above video is a small 31 second clip of the match: from right before I found Quentin; then downed him; then could not mori using rancor, attempted several times; then I hooked him. (I just fixed the clip to show Quentin being alive, then my downing him.) above screen shot is from right after downing survivor. The…
Hacks turning Oni left while using Demon Strike during a Demon Dash.
Its known that Oni has a hard time turning. Oni was in Demon Fury with Demon Dash going, making him incredibly harder to turn. Oni was preforming his Demon Strike, which can not turn when preforming. Oni was facing forward at the two survivors when I swung. When I frame by frame through the video, I am facing forward the…
FPS Drops on New Map and Lerys
I have several FPS drops around the new Map and on the center of Treatment Theater. I don't had them before. PC every match Play on both maps
Unready not working properly
If I unready and alt-tab to do something, I can still be put into a lobby. I have not tested extensively so I don't know if it is reproducible.
Demo getting stuck in basement stairs
I was playing on the map Autohaven Wreckers: Gas Haven, and I had placed a portal at the basement platform where the stairs stop and start going another direction. I attempted to teleport to that portal but I got stuck under the stairs. I was then stuck there for the rest of the game because I wasn't on the floor of that…
PC- insta down without killer being in my area (no insta down killer)
Step 1 : Boot the game (Steam) Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, I went from healthy to dying state without the killer being even remotely close. I didn't see the killer before so it wasn't latency, she wasn't even in my area. Also no insta down killer.... it was Huntress (no iridescent head). I…
Unbreakable Bug
I just played a Match against an Oni on the Game and I was able to pick myself up 3 Times with Unbreabable and probably even more often, I play on PC. Other Perks I used: Breakdown Up the Ante Slippery Meat I was pretty shocked when I realized I could pick myself up multiple times. The first Time I got downed, he downed my…
Pyramid head can Final Judgement Survivors outside of the exit barrier (PC)
As the topic mentioned, I downed a survivor inside the exit barrier and I noticed that while I couldn't grab her I could use Final Judgement. Curious if it would work I tried it and it did kill her, even as she crawled away. I also got stuck inside of the barrier as a result and could only move along the exit barrier…
While being in torment you lose healing animation and can t-bag.
• Platform - PC (Steam) • Description of the issue - While being in torment you lose healing animation and can t-bag, everything is in the video. • Steps to reproduce (if possible) - not possible while in it • How often does this occur - all the time
PC - Bloody Party Streamers are bugged
So I was playing Oni on Torment Creek with BBQ & Chilli (level 1), Nurse's Calling, Discordance and Pop Goes the Weasel, and I used Bloody Party Streamers and Cracked Sakazuki and Ink Lion for add-ons. I got around 25k points from the normal match and i had two stacks off BBQ, so I should've gotten around 62k points, but…
PC - Unable to activate power as Oni
I don't know the steps to replicate this bug as it happened randomly mid match after doing nothing unusual. I was on wretched shop as Oni, and everything was going fine. I activated my power at least 4 times, and then suddenly I couldn't activate my power. I attached a video showing where the power bar is full, I'm unable…
Map name remained all match, therefore no HUD
Hi, yesterday I played a match as Huntress on Gideons Meat Plant. As usual, the Map's name appeared at the bottom left, however it didn't go away after and remained until the end of the game. Therefore I didn't have any HUD in the bottom left, just the map name, which means I didn't see the number of gens done nor the…
Everytime I complete a match as a survivor, there's always blood covering my face
This happens even if I live or die Does this happen to anyone else?
Oni PC : Can't activate blood fury
After getting stunned by pallet, I couldn't activate blood fury or blood absorb and M2 words just keep blinking when I try to use the skill but nothing happened.
Oni passive blood fury bugged
Whenever the passive blood fury activates blood fury (eg you're on 99% blood and then the passive completes the bar) it won't let you activate blood fury
Offering not being consumed
Map Ironworks of Misery MacMillan Estate Survivor Dwight - Perks Kindred t3 WGLF t1 DH t3 BOND t3 Yellow Toolbox with Green Saw add on Offering was Green Obj BP Offering Basically as the title says i played the green Objective Offering and after the game it was still there played another match while researching how to…
Oni Bugs with Details: Blood Passive Gain / Blocked Blood Absorbtion
The main bug This happens 100% of the time. And has been happening all week despite game / computer restarts If my power bar is almost full from blood, then I get Rage from passive progression (Not absorbing blood) I can NOT activate Blood Rage until I HIT a surviver. I am no longer able to absorb blood because the game…
Rock spawned to make a hook useless on dead dawg.
I took screenshots, but my steam decided not to save them. A hook spawned, but a rock spawned right in front of it, so it couldn't be used. Never seen it before, but it cost me a hook.
Pyramid Head Still Bugged
Still getting randomly afflicted by Pyramid head's torment trail while working on gens, even when there's no trail nearby. Not to mention, I'm crouched and not moving. There's literally no way I could have just walked through an invisible trail. He was able to use it against me at the very end of the match.
Legion theme bug
When i put on Frank or Julie standard clothes the music stops suddenly
Item pickup bug
PC When i bring an item like a medkit or a toolbox and then loot a flashlight or someone gives me a flashlight the animation is bugged to where whenever I go to utilize the flashlight it only blinds at the ground. When I drop the flashlight my character model acts as if it is holding a toolbox or medkit (whichever I…
PC- Random Click Disabling
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Use a razer mouse/razer synapse program Step 3 : Play killer or survivor with any layout Step 4 : Enable fullscreen Step 5 : Notice that your cursor will occasionally flicker on the sides of the screen while in a first or third person camera, and that left and right click are disabled at…
oni's power not acticating
when I press the keyboard to turn blood fury on it does not activate . I can only enable it after at least 5 minutes passed between enabling/activating it , this happens even if my blood rage meter is full it does not activate before 5 minutes ( roughly ) passed since I last activated it . also the blood rage meter does…
Game starts with everything so bright.
I keep running into this glitch that makes everything so bright which makes it impossible to play. I thought it was a one time thing but it's happening every match now which forces me to quit the game by killing my self on the hook. Wanna know if there is any fix for this before trying to re install the game.
Bugged generators, can't repair from certain sides?
I've encountered two different generators recently that will not allow you to repair them on certain sides despite not being blocked by any geometry/debris. The first was in the Swamp map on the docks, I want to say it was the Pantry map. The second generator was in Ormond. The Swamp generator was not able to be repaired…
forum search
the forum search function doesn't work....or is that a feature as well??
Sounds are completely broken
People has no sounds at all when walking or on the floor and i don't mean iron will stuff. I literally mean, people having no footsteps or cries for pain when on the floor and it's 100% a bug of a kind so please fix it...
Unfair Game Matching
My killer is rank 13 and just got out of a match with all rank 3's. Now I know this is a bug, because developers wouldn't be ######### stupid ######### enough to have an unfair ranking system. These survivors were not only teabagging and being super rude, they were spamming flashlights several times in a row when it wasn't…
Killer able to run up the side of a hill
You are able to run up the side of some hills as killer. Here is a video: https://youtu.be/8v1qIfawkDY
5 generators spawned and map was smaller than I've ever seen
Public match on rancid abbatoir coldwind farm against a spirit got 4 of the gens done when we got on the last one she kept checking it so I decided to look for another one but all the ones I found were done so to be sure I ran around the map and their were only 5 gens on the map. And the map was way smaller than it…
Missing meg prestige items
Hi,play on ps4,i recently prestiged meg for first time yesterday.and i got the notification that i had unlocked the blood soaked top.but when i go into her cosmetics,it is not showing.had anyone else experianced this,is there a fix?
Skill check bug against the pigs mask
On Ps4 when up againt the pig, once you are downed, masked, hooked then unhooked you cannot see the skill check for removing the mask. This has happened on multiple occasions for me now.