Crowns are not appearing after escaping with crowns
Yes I’ve notice a bug where I’ve escaped with the crowns on my nea and I get the glow but when I escape and go and check my head cosmetics I have no item what’s so ever in my Inventory. How can I fix this?
PS4 only - Crown of the entity customization icon not showing character heads
This goes for every character, killer or survivor
EGC timer starts as soon as gates are powered
EGC timer started and ended right after the gates got powered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=29&v=tuwohgK0_p4&feature=emb_title
Xbox - initialization error
Steps 1: press A to start game 2: wait for it to do all the processing to login 3: error pops up This just started happening yesterday and I haven't been able to login since Ive re-installed the the game Did an Xbox reset and nothings changed
Thus far I've earned crowns for The Shape, Demogorgon,Ghost face, the plague Park, William's..but they don't show available. Dispite it saying Crown earned... Please address...and fix.
Crown bugged on survivor PS4
I'm playing on PS4, I finished the trial glowing as Kate, left through the exit gates. I even had the message letting me know I got unlocked the crown. I didn't have the crown in my inventory. I took a video if it can help.
Got stuck in the corner on Dead Dawg Saloon
Got stuck, couldn't move
Certain characters don’t get crowns
This is one Xbox one, I’ve played and escaped with the crown multiple times with Ashley From ash vs evil, detective tapp, and Quinton Smith And it’s told me multiple times I got it, but it not in my character customize category, I don’t know if this is on purpose or if it’s a bug but I would like to get the reward that I…
Skill checks became invisible
Ps4 - Changed spot at the generator v doctor turning skill checks (SC) invisible Example Step 1 : Start to repair a generator Step 2 : While in Doctor's terror radius, complete a SC successfully. Step 3 : Change spot before the second SC pops in. Step 4 : Next SC will disappeared before it ends it's animation. Step 5: The…
Automatic disconnects after interacting with objects in-game
• Platform - Steam • Description of the issue - The game will disconnect automatically after attempting to interact with anything in the game • Steps to reproduce (if possible) - Attempt to interact with gens, windows, chests, lockers, event pedestals, hooks only to disconnect seconds later. The game will say that I had…
Toolbox Add on 'Instructions' Not Working
It says "eliminates skill checks when repairing gens" - It doesn't. I used it on a yellow toolbox with brand new part and it did nothing. I get that it didn't work during the brand new part installation - but I had several skill checks after that. I started a thread about it and was suggested by a mod to report it here.The…
PC- Floating body, Camera attached to killer and unable to die or be hooked, even during endgame
Step 1: Start the game Step 2: Play as Survivor in public match Step 3: Hex: Haunted Grounds popped and Survivor was insta downed, upon being hooked however camera attached to killer and body was no longer on hook but floating like a possessed ragdoll. Step 4: Endgame occurred and Killer was unfortunately held in match…
Shrine of Secrets Iridescent shard bug (Loss of progress)
Hello. I have recently encountered a bug where I wanted to buy "Huntress' Lullaby" (which I have already owned) from the Shrine of Secrets in order to get bloodpoints to increase the level of my Claudette. Sadly, I was greeted with 2000 of my iridescent shards being taken away and NOT been awarded the 150 000 bloodpoints…
Consistent crashing
Unhandled exception DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 15408533 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 15418802 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 28249821 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 28206518 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping…
Loss of progression after the beginning of the event
I played the game yesterday and the progression I had made on my characters was reverted back to where it was before the beginning of the event. However, the challenges I completed in the tome are still checked as completed... I have also lost the crown cosmetics I had acquired on some characters. Anyone experiencing the…
Crown bug
I escaped as a survivor with the pillar glow just now and did not get the crown, my friend has also run into this problem. Please fix!
The Spirit's 'audible cue' is sometimes silent - XBOX
It's been happening for a month now. When facing the spirit as a survivor, her audible cue is sometimes completely silent. It doesn't do this during the entire match but will happen once or twice.
Found the crown 2 times with Ghost Face killer didn't get it.
Found the crown 2 times with Ghost Face killer didn't get it. I killed 3 survivors on both games, I don't understand why I can't get it maybe it's a bug? that's why I'm reporting it. Sorry but I don't really have proof of finding the crown but again I found it 2 games and I don't want the event to end before I get it.…
Grim Pantry - Wall does not block
So me and a friend of mine discovered this bug in Grim Pantry.
Spectating - Silent Hill siren
I was death spectating my friend on Shelter Woods against the Huntress, and when EGC triggered the Silent Hill siren started playing. He couldn't hear it, only me. (EU) (Xbox One) (22:45)
Feng's cosmetics are bugged
Summary There is a hole in feng's body if you pair some cosmetics. Description If you pair the Tie-Front Tops with the Stripes and Spots Skirt or the soft track pants there is a hole between them, they don't match. Is is more visible when doing actions like opening a chest, you can't see it in the shop. Steps to Reproduce:…
[Xbox]Oni's Power Not Working At All
Just played 2 matches as Oni back to back, unable to pick up blood orbs and unable to fill Blood Fury to 100% to activate. When trying to pickup blood orbs the action key will just flash and the frames will drop. Also even trying to hit a survivor to fill up your Blood Fury to 100% won't do anything. All you can do is his…
Silent Hill Map instant endgame after spawn into the map
As stated in the title on my last match the endgame started like 2 sec after everyone spawned in the match and i dont know if it is a bug or some sort of hack. Sadly my Shadowplay is corrupted (maybe because i didnt update) so I only have the log, a audio file of the corrupted shadowplay and a recording of the endgame chat…
After 2 minutes in game as killer it stopped and said I killed all
So I was playing Doc in Plague map and suddenly after approx 2 min I downed a survivor the game stopped and every one died bc of times up! It was the strangest thing. The all said in chat that I was cheating (ofcourse I would have thought the same). Please tell me this is a known bug and you are fixing it.
Calm spirit bug
I am not sure that is it bug or intentional game mechanic but I will post it. So "Calm spirit" should make me stop screaming. But when I am getting healed and someone fails skill check then I screams.
Xbox One - Grim Pantry Wall doesn't have collison.
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Enter a match on Grim Pantry, Blackwater Swamp. Step 3 : In-game walk through a specific wall under the docks. (The wall shown in the clip) Step 4 : Notice the Demogorgon noclips through the wall. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Feng Min (vs. Demogorgon) Perks played: My perks:…
Incorrect killer weapon showing in end game lobby.
I played a match of The Cannibal, then swapped over to playing Michael Myers in the game afterwards. In the end game lobby, I still had the Cannibal's weapon showing on the end game screen, but with the add ons that I used as Michael.
BUG at Grim Pantry (Backwater Swamp)
I was walking through the map, just wandering around trying to get hid from the killer, and I noticed that I had walked through a wall, when I looked back at the wall I only saw a vaulting spot and nothing else I could go through, so I tried to go back from where I came from and I found the spot that's bugged. edit 1: I'll…
4th Year Anniversary Stuck off Hook Bug
I have gotten stuck in/next to hooks twice now during the event. I had to leave the match for it to end (killer was unable to pick me up) and was temporarily banned from matchmaking. 😥
Missing Julie flannel shirt
Hello developers... I'm missing a suit for The Legion. Julie's flannel shirt. It's called the Bush party (Julie). I only have a mask and a knife on her. I already have a TIER 70 in the rift. I'll send you a screen. Please send the suit to my account. You have an account on the screen. You can see mask from it and knife.…
Flash light is broken
So my friend told me he had a flashlight that aimed the light at the ground, I didn't see it but I did get one that was off center to the right, but one person left and one was dead today and the other went down by an exit gate, the killer picked him up not realizing I had a flash, perfect time and what happens? The LIGHT…
Fix middle east servers! Bring them back
Please fix the middle east servers i can’t matchmake with arabs anymore and it’s boring me to death, literally everyone i know is complaining about this! We want to play with the same players of our region just like everyone else. The game is a lot less enjoyable now.
PC - Exploit allowing to trap a survivor forever
Step 1 : The killer played is the Trapper. Step 2 : The killer install a trap before a survivor, like he want to farm or accomplish an Archive challenge. Step 3 : The player step on the trap, and the killer get back his trap at the same time. Step 4 : The player is now in "trapped" state, but the trap is missing: he cannot…
I can't play the game with other friends from play station 4 because I get an error joining the gro
more than a month ago the game is not letting me unite and let my friends unite to the same room, it only comes out that they are joining and at the moment they leave it, it does it all the time and it was never fixed, not even with the latest updates . I would like to know some solution to return to play with my friends,…
Archive Challenge Negative Value (PS4)
So I was playing a game as a survivor and i was finishing my archive challenges. After the trial ended i wanted to check if the challenge was complete but the progress was at a very huge negative value. That value was also decreasing. This happened to me only once.
Gateau cake doesnt work, you get nothing
The cakes are bugged: sometimes You get the 140% and sometimes 0% its really weird. You can see I only got the 24373 bloodpoints I know they wont stack.
So, I didn't recorded any game to show it, but I can do this if it helps. So, after the Silent Hill update I had LOTS of problems. First one was that in some killers some offering simple doesn't work at all! they don't even show in the loading screem. At the end of the match, sometimes some perks (mine or some other…
So yesterday I was playing some killer to get BP and before I head to sleep spent 880k on my Steve blood web in order to lv up him trying to get all perks. Today when I log in game I notice that almost all ghastly gateau was missing and some perk that I already max or get was missing too plus some cometics were unequipped…
Lost bloodpoints
I was in a game and the offerings had 3 ghastly gateaus and 1 bound envelope. I was playing as David with we’re gonna live forever on and had 2 safe unhooks. I escaped and after the game I got 15k bloodpoints from my game and the post game bonus was only 7k so my collective total was 22k. I don’t know where my bonus 375%…
Almost all my killer controls are broken, on Wraith!
I literally could not use Cloak, and when i downed a survivor i couldn't pick them up. Also when i managed to pick up a survivor from the window i tried placing him on a hook and that didn't work either. Almost every action that i did, reset! ######### BHVR?
Xbox One: All members of the legion sound like Frank
I usually play as Frank, but decided to buy Joey and play as him also. I noticed that the voice sounded exactly the same, and I’m pretty sure they have slightly different voices. I also played against a Julie, who sounded like Frank also.
Trapper Prestige 3 Mask
For unknown reason trapper prestige 3 mask doesnt appear how it should , instead it shows like normal mask on my screen. Not sure if it works in game or not , but from my perspective it looks like normal not bloody mask.
Legion main menu theme doesn't play if you have either Prestige 3 bodies equipped
How to reproduce: Equip any body on the Legion that isn't the prestige 3 Frank/Julie. Switch to any other killer. Switch back to the Legion, the menu theme should be playing. Equip either of the P3 cosmetics.
Pyramid Head add-on description bugged
Platform:Pc The description of this add-on is bugged, it should say slightly *decreases* the recharge rate of rites of judgment
Dwight's Event Head Icons
Platform: PC Issue: All of Dwight's Event Head Piece Icons are slightly raised than all other Dwight Head Pieces. All I you have to do to find this little bug is Select Dwight Fairfield, Own one Event Cosmetic Head Piece, Then enter the customization tab and compare. This is occurs whenever I go into Dwight's Customization…
Survivor able to recover from the dying state without any perk
Platform: PC (Steam) Description: I was just playing as Claudette with Empathy 1 (no other perks, she's level 1 herself) and somehow managed to recover to the injured state. A Zarina healed me for a brief moment before she stopped, but I didn't see any medkit in the score screen. Steps: Recover as Claudette while in the…
bunch of bugs
Hi , i encountered bunch of bugs that i wanted to know if anyone else have it , and it's not just me... 1- Legion : legion voice changed to frank , no matter which legion you choose , for example i chose julie with mask and body , but she still sounds like frank when she gets pallet or run , so yeah basically all female…
calm spirit doesn't work with pyramid head
i am using PC when stepping on "pyramid head" 's thing ( i don't know it's name probably torment or something ) the survivor will scream and will notify the killer step1: playing jake equipped with calm spirit ( other perks are in the picture ) step2: killer is pyramid head step3: he uses his ability ( the thing on the…
Bloodpoints Offerings doesn't work
Every time i play with an offering to make extra bloodpoints at the end of the game doesn't count It happens with all the offerings, even the new offers for the 4th anniversary. I play on PS4
Error 14:, Administrator problems
Hi, in the past i've been able to play DBD perfectly fine, but recently i've been getting error 14, i've checked online for solutions, none of them worked, but then one suggested to use administrator, which i did, game works BUT then the game doesnt run in steam, and when i run it in steam, it gets error 14, please help,…