Hope Perk
Currently the effect and the description on Xbox do not match The description states that it activates when the exit gates are powered, but it actually activates when the last gen pops. This is only on xbox, i cant confirm other platforms.
Steve's cosmetic physic frozen(BUG)
can you guys fix it? it's just frozen and not moving anymore like it used to be, it's been like that for almost 3 months....
The description of these addons are the same, Scrapped Tape is the same as the description of Iridescent Queen
Hatch being blocked by the flesh things on the new map
Hey, i just encountered a bug where the hatch spawned under one of the piles of flesh on the Midwich elementary school map. You couldn't get into it cause half of the hatch was blocked.
Pretty Much all Offerings are broken
There are multiple time when I have been playing DBD on Xbox and offerings are not working. Map offerings no longer makes the chances of getting the map you want, and bloodpoint offerings don’t award any additional bloodpoints at the end of the game. While able to work around these bugs, the worst one I’ve ever experienced…
Mistakenly given cosmetics
I'm just reporting this so that nobody gets false positives and bans me, but somehow my account (despite only having played the game since last September) has obtained cosmetics from events before I actually started playing the game. Now admittedly, I'm extremely happy about this odd error and would rather not have these…
Blood Warren not working
So i was playing Doctor in the new map of Silent Hill DLC and at the endgame collapse i hook somebody, and the timer of blood warren started. So i follow this survivor until he reach the gate (blood warren was in the middle yet, 30 seconds maybe being activated) and the survivor just... escape, even tho the walls of the…
Mori Freeze
I tried to mori a survivor but instead the animation wouldn’t load and she was able to be healed up and waste more of my time while I was frozen in place.
PC: Survivor stuck on hook, cannot die or be unhooked by any means and forces everyone to leave/DC
This has been happening a few times to me in the past week. You hook a survivor, the survivor is bugged out on the hook, stuck in animation, from their perspective, they see your killer in a third person view. They cannot be unhooked no matter what, nor does their timer on the hook drain. Not sure how this is reproduced,…
No Emblem progression visible at end of the game screen
PC / Windows 7 At the end of the game, the Emblems screen doesn't show the Pip progression, you have to change the page then go back to the Emblems page for the progression bar to appear and show the Pip earned. The bar actually appears as soon as you change page (for 0.5 seconds then before changing the page) If you…
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690382434092449842/724698742594207815/unknown.png no space between considerably increases and the.
[PC] Bugged Prestige and Legacy Trapper Masks
Platform: PC Description: Missing blood and legacy textures on Trapper's Mask. When equipping the prestige and legacy masks, you are given the default mask (with no added blood / glowing for each respective mask). Steps: Low graphic settings, not exactly sure what went wrong myself, they just aren't working properly? How…
PS4 - Game Kills Me On Hook
I have played a few survivor games and twice now I've been in the struggle phase in the end game, then the Exposed status effect pops up because of NOED and the game kills me on hook. I don't really know what's causing it because I'm spamming X. It's really irritating and it makes me look bad because I've had survivors…
Stuck in Holding Survivor Animation/Sniping Survivors from Across the Map
I’m on the PS4, unsure if this is across all platforms though. I will grab survivors from lockers or sabotaging hooks and I will get stuck in the holding animation after grabbing them. Then, the survivor I’m holding won’t see anything wrong on their screen but a husk of their character will be floating in front of me, so…
Survivor stuck in ground on Hawkins
I was playing legion and basically I tried to hook a survivor in the basement (located at portal room) he just disappeared when he was on hook. A survivor saved him and later on when in frenzy I saw the killer instinct at the basement, and when I got there, I saw it was under the floor. The survivor sent me a message and I…
Extremely Ugly Balance!
i can closed eyes on many things. But this balance after patch is not justice! For killer “barbecue and chili” need only hook one time 4 survivors, then you get 100% bloodpoints. It’s easily then survivors. Much easily. But on survivor you need 4 points on “We’re gonna live forever”. Need safe unhook or protection hit. All…
Survivor maintains posture of holding item after using adrenaline add-on for medkit
Was holding a medkit. Used it up with add-on. Still have the item posture.
PC - Oni's power repeatedly becoming disabled
I've encountered a bug with the oni where his blood absorption will become full but still give him the prompt to collect more blood. He is then locked out of his power. Getting pallet stunned, kicking a generator, kicking a pallet, normal hitting a survivor, picking up a survivor, or hooking a survivor doesn't fix it (all…
Missing rift reward
Hi all, as the title says I recently found that I haven't received a specific reward in the premium track of the rift (lvl 34). As you can see from the screenshots I unlocked the lvl 34, but when I access my cosmetics list I'm not able to use it. Thanks in advance for the help, have a good day ^^.
PS4 - Unreadied Survivors Still Load Into Match Lobby
When readied as survivor in a solo lobby searching for a match, if the player decides to unready before finding a match lobby they may still be loaded into a match lobby regardless Steps: 1) Load Game 2) Ready as Survivor 3) Unready as Survivor before finding a match lobby to join Frequency: Twice This has cost me matches…
Bloodweb freezes after the purchase of an item over an over again
• Platform: PC/Steam • Description of the issue: After i buy an item/offering/add-on in the bloodweb it freezes (all other animations still running/no game freeze). I can't exit the bloodweb & have to exit the game via taskmanager. It only unfreezes after a game or a game restart, then i can buy another item and then it…
Player stucks under hooked survivor
This image shows me on a hook while another survivor (Dwight) is stuck under me. This happened on the Springwood Map (idk what version), when I unhooked said survivor, and the killer downed and hooked me afterwards. The Dwight-Player was AFK and so he layed under the hook when the killer downed him to hook me instead. When…
After the game cannot open player's steam profile
You can only open the survivors profile, and only before the game. After the game it is not do anything. I really-really hope that is a bug, not a future. Especially since there is no way to open killer's profile - and you guys cares only out of game reports, where you have to provide steamprofile link. DbD will be the new…
Switch - 'Software closed because an error occurred'
Nintendo Switch, cartridge Since the 4.0.0 update my game will freeze and then it will close and a message will appear that says 'The software closed because an error occurred' Seems to happen randomly, i know that it is happening to others as well. From my experience it only happens once per day. It has happened almost…
PS4 - skill check doesn't work in cage
Happened twice, forgot details on first time but 2nd time just now was on silent hill, struggle phase of cage and pressing r1 did nothing Perks: dh, ds, deliverance not active, wglf Playing as feng
PC - Survivors still make no noise randomly while dying after 4.0.0
Happened to me today, survivors still sometimes make no noise on the ground as if they had iron will even after 4.0.0
PC - This totem cannot be cleared
See the attached screenshot. This totem on the second floor of the Ormond resort cannot be cleared. Two of us in the game tried moving around, crouching, and doing whatever we could, but the prompt to cleanse it never came up.
PC - Bloodpoint offerings not working (possibly Wraith only)
Public Match Killer Game BBQ and Chili Perk Bloody Party Streamers offering Normal gameplay, no problems Known bug about perks not showing up in post game screen Missed out on 32000 or 64000 Bloodpoints due to missing perkenaven't noticed a problem on any other killer or survivorDDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played -…
You've outdone yourselves this update, BHVR.
Don't worry. I submitted a ticket after this.
Connection Lost (PS4)
The error reads: Server connection error: Some social features may be unavailable.
Hex: Ruin grabbing bug
When you have hex ruin up in a game and you grab a survivor off any generator the generator stops being affected by hex ruin (not sparking) so it stops regressing. Furthermore it also becomes un-kickable to the killer. Survivors can continue the repair progress on the bugged gen though.
Grabbed survivor off gen, Ruin did not work.
I was playing Freddy in Grave of Glenvale, and then saw Nea was working on a gen. The gen was at the southmost end of the road (Saloon side) I had pulled her off, and then noticed that Ruin was not causing the gen to regress. I could also tell because I had Surveillance as well, and the gen had not turned white (stayed…
small insignificant Legion bug in the menus
Not a priority issue but just in case it hasn't caught anyone's attention/ been made aware. When selecting the default body customization options for Legion (Frank and Julie) or their prestiged counterparts in the killer selection menu, the menu theme music (Legion's Theme) stops playing. This only occurs for these…
Struggling bug?
I've noticed in the past week, I've been having major issues with struggling during second hook. I'm spamming space bar or my scroll wheel down, but the game still kills me on hook. Is this due to lag or a recent bug?
Grim Pantry - Wall without Collision
Got chased near the window under the stairs and the trapper attack through the wall. Afterwards we found out that the collision is completely missing. But atleast the Killer was cool about it. And btw, dwights flashlight animation is buged too lol.
Kate(s) stuck healing on Midwich Elementary
Went up the dead end 3rd floor stairs and healed against the door, both Kate's got stuck inside each other and were unable to move until we were downed. https://clips.twitch.tv/SavageTubularDillPanicVis
Survivor Spawning in Unreachable Area - Backwater Swamp (Grim Pantry)
I was playing earlier today and loaded into Grim Pantry, upon spawning I found myself ontop of a brick wall that was never there before. I couldn't escape out of the map, but I was clearly in a spot that was unreachable by Killers. These brick walls seem to be an error due to the graphics update.…
Julie's prestige outfit has frank's voice.
Whenever you get out of frenzy or stunned by a pallet using Julie's Prestige II outfit, instead of hearing Julie's voice, Frank's voice plays instead.
Pyramid Head torment bug
I was on grim pantry vs. pyramid head hiding in the basement of the killer shack, he had lost me in a chase and was placing torment around the shack. When he placed a line of torment above me in the shack it then tormented me randomly out of nowhere in the basement and made me scream, revealing my location. If I guess this…
Silent Hill Hatch Problem
Step 1 : Play on Silent Hill ( I found this on PC ) Step 2 : Be the only survivor Step 3 : If the hatch spawns on the corridor, you should see this bug where you can't use it, no matter the position, because of that giant meatball, but somehow the killer can close it.
Bear trap spawn on The Game
Platform: PS4 I was playing trapper on The Game when I came across a trap that spawned inside some crates. I couldn’t pick up the trap, but was able to reset it.
PS4 - Killer stuck in tube(?) thing in hawkins lab
I was playing pyramid head in the hawkins lab map, using his 3 perks and hex: haunted grounds. I chased an injured survivor in the upper area of one of the long rooms on the main floor, and followed them into the top of one of the .. tube... container things. I landed on top of them and they ran out through the opening,…
Trapper masks don't show proprerly
Platform: STEAM I just found that this 2 mask don't show proprerly and show the standard mask instead, i don't know if other cosmetic do that, if necessary I will add other imgs to this report. As always my english is bad sometimes, so pls don't flame ❤️
Body Blocking Tile for Killer and Survivor
Iron will
Whenever i am injured, AFTER i have mended, iron will will not silence my grunts. This only happens when i need to mend, not after a direct hit.
Midwich Elementary School Hatch
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty salty. Was the hatch spawning under a lump of flesh that lets the killer close it but stops any survivors from interacting with it on purpose? Took me a solid 3 minutes real-time to find it only to discover that I couldn't go through it, I don't like spending money on a game that cheats me left…
Strategic alliance coop challenge
Ps4-Has anyone had a problem with this challenge calculating the time? I don’t get the full time I coop on the challenge. On spawn in I did a full gen with another survivor plus another coop gen over 50% that got popped, that alone is 69 seconds not counting healing and the other gens coop but it only gave me 47 seconds on…
[PC] Last survivor sent to cage, game ends immediately and indicates all survivors escaped
Pretty much as the title says, video here: https://www.twitch.tv/playsbyshady/clip/ElegantSuccessfulUdonMau5
Specific Tile Prevents Killer and Survivors pathing but looks like it should ("Fat Shaming")
This happened on Oni's map