PC (Lights Out) - Dredge power stuck at 0 tokens when loading in
Sep 1: Queue into Lights Out mode as The Dredge Step 2: Reign of Darkness power charges are stuck at 0 and not refreshing like normal, stopping you from teleporting or using your remnant Additional information Character played - Dredge Perks played - 0 (Lights Out Mode) Map Family Residence, Yamaoka Estate Frequency of the…
PC - Legion can't gain chase outside of frenzy
As the title suggests, I was unable to gain chase unless I was in frenzy for the entirety of the match. I've attached a clip thats a good example of how the entire game went. Legion Grim Embrace, Jolt, enduring, spirit fury badham preschool all match (update: I played a second match, same perks, on mothers dwelling and did…
Switch- Ghostface Outfit Flys Over His Head
PLATFORM NINTENDO SWITCH Play as The Ghostface with the following: Wassup Ghostface Mask Backwood Shroud (Deep Rift) First Blade After the trial, The Ghostface will be shown running with his cape trying to cover his head
Progress not appearing when using self care
So if you heal while using self care the bar does not show progress it still acts like there is but it won't appear I tested it with a medkit and worked fine but once I stopped and healed with self care the progress just never appeared.
Cannot load into the match with Lights Out mode
Me and my friend is trying to play the new mode but couldn't load into the match, it keeps disconnecting us and saying "Dedicated server is not responding" or "Sorry, something went wrong with the match".
Perk purchased in Shrine of Secrets not showing up in Knight bloodweb
Hello, I bought Surge in the shrine and I got my Knight up to P4, with every perk showing up and unlocked except this one I bough in shrine of secrets. Is this a bug or am I not allowed to have a perk I bought if I bought a killer afterwards? Love the game. Thanks!
Drege arm is not visible in game
I was playing a few games with Dregde on the PC and I noticed that her arm, which the player uses to perform her basic attack, has a visual bug, it happened to me with her weapon's Halloween skin. I played 2 games without being able to see it. I did not take a screenshot but i found a youtube shorts showing the problem…
Thwack - doesn't work on Breakable Walls
Platform - Steam Skull Merchant's perk "Thwack!" does not work when breaking Breakable Walls, even though it should and it used to. I hook a survivor, and "Thwack!" lights up. If I break a dropped pallet, the perk activates and lights off. However, if instead I break a breakable wall, the perk stays lit up and does not…
No ora cells available to buy
Hi, I’m playing from Middle East (Dubai). And since I’m playing (more than a year now ..) I can’t buy any ora Cells. Which is really annoying … it’s never available. How can I do? playeur ID : Kelevrabs
Event Tome challenges only reward 3 rift fragments for challenge completion
Regular rifts reward 5 now and 8 for master now. Unless its intended that the event tome is worth less ?
Onryo teleport visual glitch survivor pov
While working on upstairs gen in bar on dead dog saloon. Looking down on the steet at the onryo, when she telaported to the tv on the other side of the gen wall, looking down on the street she crawled from no where. After standing up from the crawl animation, she disappeared from street and appeared behind me upstairs.…
Michael Able to Stalk through Exit Gate walls
Just played a game on Ormond map in the new lights out event and as Myers i was able to stalk a survivour through the wall
Glitched Hook Shattered Square
Platform: Universal (Discovered on PC) Description: When loading into Shattered Square there is a Hook that is blocked by a Haybale which makes it inaccessible. No matter the angle a survivor cannot be hooked on said hook despite killer or survivor effort. As to reproducing this issue, since maps are technically more of a…
Skull Merchant drones sometimes won't be placed
PC When you play as SM, sometime when placing your drones, the drone won't be placed but you will still get a cooldown like if you placed one. Seems like if you are walking side ways as you placed a drone (press the power button), it won't be placed. Every SM game it happends. Like 2-4 times at least, very annoying.
PC - Sometimes game couldn't be found
I got this error where I'm ready and I waited for a few minutes but couldn't find any games with matchmaking incentive at 100% for survivor. And then when I unready the "Back" to main menu appears to be locked and the 100% matchmacking incentive disappears so I have to wait a little to be able to go back to main menu, load…
Bloodweb error kicking me back to start screen
Play on the Switch. When I go and put bloodpoints into killer or survivor it will give me a bloodweb error and kick me back to the start loading screen. While it isn't game breaking I can get it 2 3 times in a row and it tends to happen the most when using the center button to buy all items.
Load out resetting with Alan wake
Ever since I bought the new Alan wake character, my load out does not save. He is reset to the default outfit, just bond perk loaded, no others, no items and no offering. Also, every time I log in, it is set to Yui Kimura regardless of who I used last.
Killer hook count bug / preventing sacrifice bug?
Xbox one - I'll try to explain this so it's easy to understand, I have hooked and sacrificed 2 survivors and hooked Meg twice and is on final hook, another survivor was on second hook, which should be 10. Then I swear the survivor was sacrificed but then seen that she was unhooked and I got the hook count counting towards…
Singularity "moved crosshair" bug
When playing on a 21:9 monitor (or i presume anything wider than 16:9) and enabling the "16:9 Aspect Ratio" setting, when viewing through a Biopod as the Singularity, the spot where survivors are actually scanned and slipstreamed is moved to the right, and the central part doesn't scan. Playing in native 21:9 is no issue,…
Map is broken at Coldwind farm - Rotten fields
Platform: PS5 I spawned into a hay bale, realized that I could go through items and that the pallet was stuck into them. Same thing happened at a tractor later in the game, I couldn't go up it first, and then I could go through it. When I showed the killer he tried it too and flew off the tractor. Posting clips.
Stuck beside a hook
2 min ago I was playing a game on the nostromos. I was injured and was using rocks and the hook to hide from the killer while crouching. In doing so it stuck me beside the hook. I couldn’t run away, I couldn’t crouch away,. I was stuck in the same place. Until the killer downed me about 10 seconds later.
Wesker Model glitches (Cant tell if client-side or actual error in game)
While playing on PC as Wesker. I noticed my shadow was very weird. It would freeze for no reason. Looking straight down as im walking i could barely see the tip of wesker's shoes. It appears as if the model froze in a weird animation state. Even after vaulting I still was looking weird. I cannot confirm if this was only…
Instant Wiggle off Blight PC
I was playing on RPD, against a Blight and during the last half of the match when he tried to hook me I would instant wiggle off of him. It happened more than once, and fortunately I captured it. I apologize if its just a certain party applying hacks to other players, I don't have any evidence besides the lack of name. I…
Oni Demon Strike is suddenly sluggish and slow
I'm playing on PC. After the release of Alan Wake and the update, Oni's Demon Strike has become sluggish, almost to the point of being in slow motion, it makes him impossible to play. This can be reproduced by playing Oni and using the Demon Strike. This occurs every match. I've seen another video or two of this issue, so…
the cannibal
Character skills do not reload.
Graphics settings reset after every launch on Xbox Series S
My FSR settings keep turning of and resetting to 0% after every time I close and relaunch the game.
Multiple twins bugs with the recent patches
In the recent patches, and currently in 7.5.0, twins has had a variety of different bugs affecting the gameplay and quality of life. -Victor is unable to go over pallets up close like he was able to before the chucky patch -if victors back is against something, his pounce wont leap and he will get crushed by nothing…
Scourge Hook Pain Resonance Not Losing Tokens
-PC -If there's no gens with any progress to remove, hooking a survivor on a Scourge Hook with the perk "Scourge Hook Pain Resonance" equipped will NOT result in any tokens consumed. -Simply equip the perk "Scourge Hook Pain Resonance", hook a survivor on a Scourge Hook with no gens having any progress, and a token will…
Large Hook Deadzone on Father Campbells Chapel
Platform: Steam I just got out of a game with a massive hook dead zone on father campbells chapel map. Virtually one whole side of the chapel was without ANY hook! A total of 6 hooks for the whole map. 1,2,3 were near shack, 4,5,6 near the Clown's Caravan. Couldn't hook two times bc of the deadzone, not even basement was…
Alan Wake Prestige 6 headpiece not showing blood on hair correctly?
I'm on PC, just prestiged Alan Wake enough to get the full outfit. I noticed that Alan Wake's prestige icon has blood in the hair, but when equipped it does not reflect that, removing and reapplying the headpiece does not make it match the icon
Shiny Coin spawned too many chests on the map
I used a Shiny Coin in this match and it should have added 2 extra chests (for 5 total) but there were actually 9 chests on the map (4 more than there should have been). You can see 7 of them in the picture which is already more than there should be. I was the only one to bring a chest-related offering and the killer was…
PC - Nemesis tentacle doesn't react the properway
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Nemesis and tier up Step 3 : get to tier 2 and see that the tentacle/animation is not the right way Step 4 : Tier up to tier 3 and Nemesis is doing an animation that is normaly used when you have hit a survivor with his fists and the animation of the tentacle is playing at the same…
Rare bug?
Platform is on PC. I am reporting 2 bugs as I believe 1 bug leads to the other bug happening. Bug 1: Account error bug.(Steam exclusive?) Create a BHVR account and link steam to it and merge steam into it. Link any other platform.(In my case XBOX.) Launch dead by daylight, upon reaching the signing in part of the loading…
disconnecting randomly
happened to me three times today, once when i was playing clown and was holding a bottle, and two other times when i was playing survivor, my internet was working the whole time it was happening.
Blight very buggy
The blight command line after using its power and entering the fatigue state needs to be revised Happened on platform: PC This is a problem that was in PTB 7.5.0 After interrupting or completely using his power, the bight repeatedly places 2 to 4 syringes in his arm, which wastes a lot of time, in addition, in rare…
Knight is still bugged
So basically knight is still bugged, after i tried to DS him i got stuck in the locker. "action" starts at 0:33 or something.
PC - Unreachable Memory Shard
Description of Bug: Step 1 : Selected Memory Shard challenge from Tome 18 Step 2 : Complete 1 generator Step 3 : Walk towards memory shard Step 4 : Notice it was under ground and unreachable Additional information Claudette Deja Vu, Small Game, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable Crow Map First time I have ever encountered this…
Hillbilly Steam Achievement Tracking (Bugged Feb 2024)
There is currently a bug on Steam with unlocking the achievement "The Grind" in which "In public matches, with the Hillbilly, chainsaw a total of 100 survivors." There is a discrepancy in which the chainsaw downs are tracked getting the achievement on Steam, where some players are gaining more chainsaw downs tracked…
No Terror Radius While on Hook
Periodically, and seemingly without reason, there will be no terror radius while hooked. I've played with others in a voice call and each time confirmed the killer still has one. I've also been able to visually see the killer's red stain and there's been no oblivious status effect circle on the right side of the screen.…
Nintendo Switch- HUD Bug
Whenever I'm disconnected from the party, I go back to the lobby and the play option is faded to gray as if readying up is not an option. Pressing X does nothing. I have to restart the game just to ready up again. This has been a bug for almost a year.
Survivor name text size bugged
Since the last update the names of survivors are bugged in the lobby. Their hitbox for the mouse cursor are placed in a weird place beside the actual name. The name hitboxes in the playerlist after the match are also broken for me. My Screen: Full HD 16:9 Sony TV (yes I play on a tv with my pc)
Felix's Rainbow six siege collab skin has a texture bug. The face is not covered in mud and blood
The blitz skin for Felix has a texture bug that doesnt show the blood and dirt on his face. When I purchased the skin it has blood and mud on his face.
"No Network Connection" error ever since the 7.5.0 update was released (PC / Steam)
I've had nonstop No Network Connection errors ever since the update on Steam was released. It started before I ran the update (was logged in using the old version) and then I ran the update and it has not fixed it. I exited & restarted Steam, restarted Windows, verified the integrity of the system files and nothing seems…
Bug on a cosmetic Kate denson sunshine queen
So I wanted to buy on Kate a cosmetic called sunshine queen and when I bought it and went to play I noticed that the leg is getting out off the skirt Its like it's bugging can you pls fixed that if you can this happens when I run ,move , vaulting windows
Hi. I just had a Game where i was facing a knight. I was repairing a Generator and he downed someone. in case he had BBQ and chilli i jumped in a Locker...... Well I wanted to. The Locker fell on the Ground and I was kinda standing where it would have stood but like totally visible. I could exit normally and enter normaly…
Malecek's Malice Tome Challenge Bug
Hits using the second Assassin summon using the Treated Blade add-on do not count towards the tome challenge, "Malecek's Malice."
Gabriel Soma Fire Moon Engineer Set
Everyone has this set in their inventory owning it or not. And on top of that the set is broken. Boot up game Go to survivor Go to Gabriel's cosmetics
Oni slam bug
PC - played Oni and his slam after demon dash is painfully slow, near the end he goes in almost slow motion.
Haddonfield Hook
I was on the hook behind the basement house on Haddonfield and two separate players were not getting the prompt to remove me from the hook. This was on PS5.
Stuck in map - Wretched Shop
Got stuck in a garbage tile outside the main building in wretched shop in front of a hook after a lunge on Chucky, not sure if its Chucky specific or not but I was totally unable to move with power, lunges, or getting a hit.