Dead by daylight memes, got some, post some!
When me and my team spawn in a match and i hear huntress lullaby and see hatchet fly past my head
Nerf Shrek!
Seriously...I know a lot of people hate going against Shrek. He's completely overpowered with just his base power alone and there's almost zero counterplay the survivors can utilize. If he throws on either of his ultra-rare add-ons...forget about it, you're doomed. Please nerf Shrek in the next 7 minutes or I will…
Wait, Everybody Stop!
Now that I have your attention, I'd just like to wish a happy holidays to this community and anybody reading this. It's been a tough year and I'm grateful we have found common enjoyment playing a video game where you outrun a dangerous killer or chase a little survivor. It's small and maybe insignificant in the grand…
RIP Meg.
RIP Meg.
Now that 2020 is pretty much dead and buried, lets play a game
You must find a image and place it here under one of these categories, it must relate to 2020 in some way or another Main Character Character most likely to be turned into a marketable plushie Villain Theme Song (find a music video or something for this one idk) Supporting cast (any number of images can be used) Shocking…
An Upcoming Game Of Interest
I like DbD a lot, but that doesn't mean i play it exclusively, as i figure many others don't either. Anyway, i came across this: https://store.steampowered.com/app/924970/Back_4_Blood/ ...from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left 4 Dead franchise. Uhmm, yes please? I won't purchase it immediately, i'd rather wait…
Please buff legion and decisive and nerf noed
A decisive rework would work like making it have 2 charges it activated when killer is 60 meters away. it will be and easy skillcheck and survivor will be exposed
So, who’s hyped for Back 4 blood?
As some of you probably saw if you watched the game awards but, Left 4 Dead is, basically, being resurrected as a new franchise from the original creative team that made the first L4D. Now, I don’t know about all of you but, I’ve missed the Left 4 Dead franchise. It was easily some of the most fun I had back on the 360.…
When I'm playing Trapper and I see there's an Object of Obsession.
Especially if I've already spent 20+ seconds setting up, lol.
Happy Christmas to Everyone of DBD!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Christmas to everyone, wishing you all the best, and to have the best Christmas and new year, stay safe out there and be kind to one another!! :)
Your proudest Platinum?
Which Platinum do you view as your proudest acquisition? Recently I managed to obtain FRIDAY 13TH - THE GAME Platinum on PS4. As my favourite game, it seemed fitting as my last Platinum which I consciously hunted. Hours and hours, dedicated to 1v1 quick private matches in order to grind for that 1000 matches as Jason. Pure…
Insight on Michael Myers (PLEASE HELP)
Hey guys, I'm a student at Uni, taking a psychology course. I have a final paper I need to write about a character from a game, TV show or film of my choosing. I've chosen to write about the psychology of Myers mostly about his childhood. I was wondering if anyone who was familiar with ALL of the films and ALL of the lore…
Play Stardew Valley with Strangers
This is very off topic, but I want to play Stardew Valley with some strangers. I used a mod to give us all a bit of a head start. Everyone starts with: a chest /// their own shipping crate /// 9x cauliflower and potato seeds /// 3x green bean seeds /// their own money /// their own section to do whatever they want /// 1x…
Mini Game
Okay, so hear me out. What if there was a mini game, where all the survivors and killers are in the basement, and survivors had to survive for like, 5 minutes. While the killer had this much time to kill. Just something different to add to the game. Idk it just came to me I feel like this would be fun. Let me know what you…
does any one here play mk11 on pc?
if so who do you main and how good are you at the game
48 hour ban for getting disconnected by internet
Since i'm getting larger and larger bans for bad internet i would like a refund since i can't play the game
Quick question, what format does an image need to be for it to be posted?
Pls tell me
Drunk AS Booty. M1'd my way out of 2 matches as a perkless david so far. Why are David's ears so damn big?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Freaking David King of the Elephant Ears...
Would You Rather
Let's play a game squad, I'm sure you all know how to play but if you don't here's the rules. Someone asks a question where you pick between two choices, then someone answers and when they answer they ask a would you rather question of they're own. I'll get the ball rolling. Would you rather SWF with a Toxic rank 1 who is…
Petrified Oak (Increase hook Distance)
Is petrified oak worth it? When i use it, it seems to do nothing. There always is a hook waiting for you. To me it has no effect on hooks at all and i feel like im wasting bloodpoints when and if I get them. Does anyone else feel this way? I see no difference. Wanted some opinions on this from other players.
Should tapp have been the main charecter of saw?
I think tapp would work best as the main protaginist, his obsession over jigsaw could be a good diracrtion for his development. Thoughts?
Hey um...guys
I was in a lobby and was scrolling through the forums. I looked up and in the chat, two people said my real name. I don't know if this is normal or easy to do. I've only been on my PC for a year and have never encountered this, some goes for steam. Should I be worried?
Pick your fighter
Why does everyone post the best builds? Must use perks? If we all took best builds what is the point? Can we not think for ourselves anymore? Play the game it was intended. Does it really matter to everyone that they decimate the other side? The killers makes sure that not one gen is done, camp the hooked, or no one out…
for those who already can play cyberpunk i hope you enjoy it
i still need to wait a bit before i can play it the wait is killing me jesus
How I Hope Everyone Will Vent Their Anger This Year's December
WARNING: The first 6 seconds can be quite loud. Skipping to 0:07 will skip some noise, but it does add a nice touch to the finale.
Did any one here play og mw2 ?
Clown Speed nerf
Moved: Fan made Killer
This discussion has been moved.
Fan made Killer
KIller: "The Goddess" Lore:Nyliah nightfall was the daughter of the Moon Goddess. Nyliah's Mother had to leave to fight in a celestial war blood and gore everywhere in the end Gods won against the demons but Nyliah's Mother died in pure hatred for the world Nyliah killed and slaughtered all the gods After, that Nyliah…
Just found out why the the mind skips the second the
So I was watching a youtuber Brew (Really cool channel, I like the stuff on it) and he had a video about why our minds skip the second the in a sentence, and I am here to teach it to everyone here So when we read sentences, we usually read 1 word at a time, so when we are reading our minds will want to go for a word that…
I just felt the need to share this
poor Otz xD anyone else got any funny clips / stories to share? :D
steam update pausing
anyone experience this today on steam? the update stuck at 1.96gb. clicking resume will not get you to move pass that mark. p/s: i try to update to patch 4.4.1
I played RE (Finally)
So I had a buddy of mine who gave me RE 7, Re remakes 1,2,3. And I have to say.. HOW THE ######### HAVE I NOT PLAYED THIS SERIES ALREADY!? I mean just WOW, its great, I love it. I played the remake of the First game which overall was cool, I loved that encounter with the snake and kinda set up the lore quite well. RE 2 was…
how do i match my ps4 account with my pc account?
I have my ps4 account with the characters with already high levels and I want to have them on pc, but since I bought the game when it was free with ps plus and my subscription ran out, I can't even download the game. So what I ask is if there is a way to link the two accounts without having to log in from ps4, because I no…
Am I in the wrong for escaping with a key?
Hey guys! So I went against a tuft of hair + tombstone myers and have about two gens left with only me and this other survivor alive. I found a skeleton key in a chest and I decided to wait by the hatch until the other survivor found me and she did! We both escaped, but the killer cussed us out for bringing a key and that…
Project: HealthΔ
This specific project is something I will be updating for a while, this project is going to be a concept for the killer "The Huntress", giving her an add-on pass myself (Yes, giving her all of the proper add-ons she needs, while producing possible changes to her hatchets if needed) The following is what I will NOT do:…
Is it ok with you playing a Satanic illuminati game like this?
1,5k+ hours here, DBD commenced with hidden content that didn't prove they were Satanic Illuminati with stuff like "reversed pentagrams", sacrifices to "the entity", all seeing eye, pyramids.... until now (besides huntress skin etc): Devs surely are not aware of the bigger plans of this game, probably the narrative girl,…
Uh, so how do I transfer my PS4 data into my PS5?
So it turns out I won a PS5 at a contest and it is arriving soon. The first thing I obviously want to do is transfer my DBD data, any idea on how I can do that?
Newbies who don't understand how Myers' power works:
Coming out
Hello, I wanted to start this off by saying, I am @GrootDude. I lost my account because I forgot the password and lost my e-mail so I will probably not be here long but I wanted to get this message out. I, am a trans woman. I am here saying this because I did notice a thread pop up where I was mentioned, I’m not sure what…
The shout out thread!
A corner to give a shout out to those in the community, to say something good, positive. I give a shout out to @GrootDude who is sort and feels like my american adoptive son, is always there and here for you no matter what, especially now. I give a shout out to @JawsIsTheNextKiller Who makes fantastic dippy eggs and who I…
I just got out of a game with obvious teamers and I have multiple video clips of them to prove it I reported them in game but I’m being the discussion here as I know the devs do not look at the reports at all and I want these players banned/suspended I have the video clips saved to my ps4 what should I do?
Whats your costume mix on survivor
Whats your guys costume mix
Do you or don't you?
I am very very curious, do you or don't you put chocolate int he fridge? (to those who like it). I put mine in the fridge, ALL but a snickers.
Road to 1k posts
I'm close to 900, I'm planning to stay on the forums until I reach 1k. (No I'm not leaving after that) If I were to reach 1k by Saturday, that'd be cool (even though it's likely impossible) cus it's my birthday that day, however I can always make it a small christmas present treat.
Moved: I hate the ban penalty
This discussion has been moved.
Has any song been stuck in your head?
Oh yes, so recently it's been Squidward on a chair and Johnny Johnny, yes Papa. Omg I wish to rip my ears off hearing the yes papa one. But unfortunately it's been stuck in my head, both of them going around and around.
What is the best DLC survivor perk wise?
I want to take advantage of the Black Friday sale and buy a few survivors since I only have the default ones that come with the console edition of the game. What DLC survivors do you think have the best/most fun perks?
I hate Corrupt Intervention
I am a survivor main I do not hate this perk solely on the basis of it blocking three gens I hate this perk because once the two minute timer is over, the perk is gone, it has no passive effect and it can not reactivate. Sure, it can lead to good setup time, but once it's deactivated you're essentially running with three…