Pallet breaking.
Wouldn't a killer breaking a pallet with their foot hurt? Like wouldn't they get like splinters? That is kinda strange to me.
A spicy meme
You can't ban me for a meme 😈
You know how there’s little survivor doll charms that are Nea, Kate etc.? What if... here me out... there were killer charms? Bruh it would be so cool to have a tiny huntress or ghostface on me while running around getting gens.
Have you ever actually “raged”?
I mean to the point where you throw something, hit something, swear out loud, shut off the game, or anything else. Usually I never play to the point of rage I just stop playing if I’m getting tilted and do something else. But one time I kept playing a bad match which already sucked but it was the end chat that set me off.…
Since getting PS5 I’ve gotten deeply stuck into Days Gone.
When I’ve needed a break from DBD I’ve been playing Days Gone. What a fantastic game this is, and it performs incredibly on PS5. On top of all the great things in this game, The Hordes are a technical marvel. The ones that are 300+ in size are astonishing, exhilarating, and genuinely terrifying.
BHVR, new Naughty Bear game when?
Naughty bear and Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise are legendary, can we get a third game?
Stop by, take a quick break from the forums and have a burger. You deserve it
Lemme just fire up my grill
Mortal Kombat!
I recently read that Mortal Kombat has announced its roster for both the main and dlc packs. The characters are not confirmed fully, but among those speculated include a few familiar faces: Ash Williams, Ghost Face, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger and Leatherface. In this alternative reality, let's say the Entity is rather…
Hear me out...
What if there was a Trapper costume that was Skullface from Slayaway Camp?
Imagine if DBD had emotes..
Bruh I think that would be so neat tbh
Is it worth being friends with them?
So I've been doubting my friend choices lately. I've had this little group of friends for about 6 years. When I first met them, they were cool. We hung out a lot and just were good friends. In the past year, they aren't as nice. They make jokes at my expense, treat me like I'm beneath them, and just don't talk to me a lot.…
person i met today said this was a real rank 1 match
guy i met said he has a vid of him being rank 1 and this was a real match and it was this vid. would like a second answer about this. i told him that was a farming match i just wonder if people agree with me or not. i don't think this against anything and if so im sorry.
How do you like your eggs?
I like mine scrambled. And if you don't like eggs then that's ok, I'll forgive you just this once.
Are people spoiled when it comes to games now?
I was talking with some people about the new Spider-Man game and they said something about it being $50 and it's ONLY 20 hrs long. So they thought it should be cheaper. I got the version that comes with the Spider-Man remaster so I could play both games. Are people looking for a 70 hr game for $50 or what? that's pretty…
So who's on twitch??
I know a few people on here stream, so this can be a place to drop names, get some follows and support each other. Mine is PeanutEyes, mostly pay killer as ghostface. Started doing some pyramid head with some survivor thrown in. Stop by sometime!
My first time on forum
Hello people!I just signed in new and Im very happy to be part of you.
Moved: How do you feel about Mettle of Man?
This discussion has been moved.
Identity V is one of the worst games I've ever played
Like the devs are really trashy No one plays killer because everyone likes to play survivor There are like 1000000000000000000 pallets in every map Survivors are broken They have a lot of ways to escape You get stunned every 5 seconds by some bullshit stuff There's no ruin so you get gen rushed in 4 minutes You finally…
What was your favorite moment in Outlast 1 or 2
If you don't already know me, I absolutely love Outlast, and the series has some of the greatest scares and environments that the Horror genre could offer, so I was just wondering to you fellow people what was the best moment you ever had from Outlast 1 or 2? Mine would be meeting Trager or the Pyromaniac, but it doesn't…
Moved: Who Is Better Bubba or Billy?
This discussion has been moved.
To the person I was playing with this morning. (Uk time)
I very much appreciate you trying to blind The Legion while I was getting mori'd, it is appreciated bro!
Something needs to be done about the book mark placement.
It's bugging me as sometimes the persons topic is not readable, due to it going under the book mark, perhaps it needs to be shifted off to the right at the end as it's annoying to not read some words.
Alternative Universe Thought.
There's been a fair bit of talk about the Entity snatching its participants from various universes, and that's always interested me. Moreover, I'm enticed by alternative ways of looking at this game from alternate universes. What I'm thinking is that Dead By Daylight has both licensed and original chapters. What if, in an…
POV: You are Victor.
SWF flashlight crews when you use lightborn:
A Piggy approaches!!! (1/?)
Do you dare boop the snoot?
Favourite food?
This is off-topic after all and I thought I'd ask (because I'm curious) what your favourite food is. So, what is your favourite food?
Killers when I don’t run DS
Delete Please
Delete Please
Unpopular opinion: old movies are overrated
Since I'm seeing a lot more of these posts. I figured I'd throw my own out there. I think old movies are overrated. While I recognize that they got movies where they are today. They have some of the worst dialogue and writing I've seen.
Moved: I swear all pc players camp and tunnel
This discussion has been moved.
What should CAPCOM fight next?
So some of us know about the series Marvel vs. CAPCOM, it's a good. But CAPCOM also went against SNK Namco Tatsunoko (apparently) So what would you like CAPCOM to fight next, if you had to chose.
Need a laugh? Go watch Hellsing Ultimate Abridged
title, just don't watch it with the family around, dirty humour is everywhere also blood, lots of blood
I have been on forums for 2 YEARS
An apology
As I'm sure some of you know, I tend to hang around on these forums a lot and I will comment on random posts that I have an opinion on. While I do have a good heart, I haven't exactly been the nicest person on these forums, I'm not the worst but I'm certainly not the best either. I've said things to people that I could've…
New killer and survivor idea! The keeper and Sebastian Castellanos. From Evil Within
hear me out. the keeper has barbed traps he lays, he has a charge attack, and he could teleport to different safe's dropping the current one he is using where he stands putting the teleport on cd. lots of mori concepts to draw on easily. Sebastian Castellanos has plenty of strong points to craft into new perks. Kidman…
Bloodborne Fan's
Me personally it's more of a meh but ,im curious if people actually want a bloodborne chapter they're are some interesting bosses and sub bosses, I don't know many maybe you have some suggestions.It could be an interesting chapter the monster's are pretty freaky looking. I would pick this guy as first choice Micolash not…
Random Survivor Idea
Hear me out... could you imagine a cute, edgy, dark looking survivor? Not Nea edgy, but like almost gothy. I would pay so much money for them omgggg, like imagine a Shego-like survivor.
Hi Forum Peeps
Has the tone of the forums changed or is it just me? Drinking me is curious(I'm doing a 4day sober/3 day drinking split currently :/)
Unus Annus reference
As a contribute to the once great youtube chanel I think they should make either a suit or even a skin as a contribute to the death of Unus Annus and the description for it should be #MomentoMori
Does someone know how to contact to Buttercake?
I want to share something with @Buttercake, but if I post it here, it will be deleted. Does someone know where can I find him?
Should Mushwin become a trusted member?
Yes, or no or what the hell? ir go no, god no! I am honest I always will be, if that offends people it will, but I will do so in a good day, I am not one to sugar coat it but splash salt on you!
How many different charms do you use?
I personally don't understand why we filled out a survey 6 months ago talking about the rift. Feels like it was completely ignored. For anyone who didn't take the survey there was a question asking what we would want in the rift. So far there has been no real changes after that survey. So I want to know. How many of the…
As A Pyramid Head Main
This isn't serious, I just thought something like this would be fun. This is NOT intended to mock the developers in any way. It is also not intended to make fun of anyone who mains Pyramid Head. ha ha (please don't ban me) As a Pyramid Head main, I get a lot of hate from survivors. It gets annoying sometimes! So I'm just…
More objectives for higher ranks?
I'm a survivor main (over 1k hours playing and consistently gets rank 1 with little to no effort) and the game seems to get rather unbalanced when the only thing focused is doing generators. I'll mess around with friends and such yet still the game feels easy when you're not up against nurses or spirits. I feel we need to…
Meg's lore but uhhh.....google did it
Old Meg Lore Perhaps it was her mother that had instilled the fierce streak in her or maybe it was her father that left them when she was a baby. Meg excelled at schoolwork but she was off the rails. Fortunately, an athletics coach encouraged her to channel her misspent energy on the track. She motivated herself into…
Élodie’s hair and pants
Can anyone find anything different between the two hairs and pants cause I sure can’t!
Not a hate post
How it be like playing against the twins This killer is going to be fun in KYF 😂😂😂
Should we keep the shirts
there was a bug where we got free shirts lke twitch shirts do u think u shoud keep them? Personally i would love to keep them.