If Emotes came to Dbd, which would you rather see?
Besides more Moris. That ought to be its own thing. Of course, it shouldn't be like Fortnite where Survivors be hitting the Griddy after stunning Killer, though I'd probably buy that; it'd just be a tad bit more immersion than compared to certain cosmetics in the game. It simply has to make sense for the character in…
What Lara outfit would you like to come to the game?
Assuming we're restricted to the survivor trilogy what outfit would you like come to the game next? Looking through a lot of the outfits are similar to each other and mostly recolors so I tried to get as much of a spread of different outfits as I could.
Modes, Events, and Permanence. What do you think should be Permanent?
I'm curious what the hivemind thinks here. I personally think the modes have been good, healthy changes of pace for the game that allow casual players like me to experience the game in a new way. I also think putting events in a separate queue has been much healthier for the game overall during events. They've really…
Which is worse?
I know this is most likely going to be a bit biased given that one side has more of the playerbase behind it… buuuuut…. this is more directed at people who play both roles anyway… Which is worse to go against… An Entitled Survivor or a Scumbag Killer (Not saying all killers are scumbags but some play like scumbags… in my…
If normal mode and 2v8 were perfectly balanced in your liking, which one would you want to play?
Should developers add Romanian language?
Hello guys :D. Recently I've seen on steam that there are 17 languages that you can choose to play DBD. I think Romanian language could be nice regarding Romanians that are playing Dead By Daylight. What do you think guys? :D If you vote "Yes" tell me why. If you vote "No" tell me why.
When you play against SM, what do you do
When u face against sm what do u normally do? Just curious
How many people are facing "dedicated server not responding" disconnections after loading in a game?
After having tested and retesting my decent download and upload speed, as well as great ping several times, I have noticed a consistent issue of being disconnected after loading into the game. Before the first generator is completed, I am being disconnected with an after game message that reads "dedicated server not…
Who has played Freddy in the last week?
Should the Knight's PTB "Bug" that allowed swapping guards become base kit?
For the 8.1.0 PTB, the Knight was able to cancel a guards action by summoning a different guard mid-action. This encouraged the use of his new feature to cycle between guards and played into each guard having a separate cool down (similar to Vecna's various spell cool downs). The dev's claimed this to be an "unintended…
Would you guys find a DbdxWarner Bros/ Gotham collab awesome or is it a pretty boring and lame idea?
Been thinking about this idea for a while now and I guess this is my only attempt to trying to get it out there. But I’ve been dreaming of a Warner Bros: Batman collaboration, but not the actual character, just the costume. It’s a pretty unique idea, but a tattered beat-up old school Adam West Batman costume(cape included)…
Should hooks respawn after a sacrifice?
Out of all of these. Which KILLER do you think, canonically, needs voice lines the most?
Mainly including Killers that have quotes in their Teachable Perks. Besides maybe Oni, because I'd like to hear an angry demon threaten me in Japanese, anime style. I would've added Freddy, but it'd obviously be the major vote. He really does need lines, he's FREDDY. It's just not the right Freddy. I get the licensing…
Does Vecna fit into dbd?
I've been seeing this debate about what does and doesn't fit into dbd coming up more often ever since Vecna's release so I'm curious what others think.
More content
If there were plans for it, what Prestige Rewards would you like to see for each character?
Say if they finally decided to add more rework, specifically for P100.
Which Conjuring Universe Villain would you want most in DBD?
If there isn't one you want most, which villain do you think would fit best? The likelihood of these movies getting added is probably nonexistent due to the nuances and niches of them being based on (allegedly) true events and a couple dealing with religious iconography such as Valak taking the form of a Nun. Out of…
Visible SBMM
Have you ever wanted to see your rank? Share your opinion in this poll! https://youtu.be/maqtiMLdWQM?si=tKOWI_WJWDnTG0yU
Which 2024 horror movie villain would you want most?
I'm curious what everyone would think. Since the chances of such recent licenses getting into DBD are almost nonexistent, I'm wondering what your opinions would be, since that's probably the only way I'll find out.
Do you think wraith needs a counter, other then holding w?
Wraiths currently have no counter, holding W barely does any good. They can body block while cloaked, are faster cloaked and receive speed boosts after uncloaking. Do you think this is design is fine or think there should be a better counter for survivors to use.
What Survivor would you main if they came to the game?
So far, we got Lara Croft. So, it doesn't have to be a horror character, necessarily.
What IP with a Horror/Thriller aesthetic would you like to see?
The topic is mainly to do with IPs similar to D&D and Castlevania. Neither of those licenses are particularly scary, but they could have scary moments, with a scary aesthetic, if that makes sense.
Should SURVIVORS know which KILLER they're queued up against in the lobby?
(Your answers will be anonymous) Possible "pro" arguments: A videogame is, in essence, something to be done for fun. If there is a Killer who someone hates, the game should give players an option to know that they're going to face them so they can leave those lobbies. It would also give BHVR more stats that could help them…
out of these four who would you rather have as a roommate
You're lying between David and Yui.
Which side are you going to roll? The poll is anonymous, feel free to vote! I hope this drawing is appropriate for the forum…
Should I buy Kate or Ada
I want both but cannot decide
Who should I P100 next for survivor?
So far I managed to P100 Thalita, Renato, Quentin, and Sable. I want you guys to choose the one I p100 next, I'll be sending updates on my progress for the one you all decide on!
Which of these IPs would you consider having in the game?
I can say for certain, that Lara Croft might be proof that even adding an IP with horror elements, not completely horror, could sell. Though, imo, they should consider taking a break from licenses for a little bit.
What PlayStation games would you like to see come to Dbd?
Cross Progression is coming soon, you never know when PlayStation might allow us to finally play as Abby-zilla from The Last of Us Part II to crush Survivors with her largely roided up, godlike biceps, for only 19.99 a squeeze. But jokes aside...
Favorite year 8 killer?
Thoughts on implementing base kit Windows Of Opportunity?
I've been thinking recently about the state of solo queue which I almost exclusively play, as well as the new player experience. I recently have been playing with a friend who is new to the game. They didn't want to purchase Kate to get Windows, and tried learning the tiles without the indicators. This experience was not…
Would a Dark Deception chapter fit into DBD?
And if yes, what enemy should be made the killer?
What license killers could you be waiting for the longest in future dbd
What kind of map would you be interested in?
Say we finally got Jason, who should the survivor be?
Let's assume we got Jason and a Crystal Lake map, at long last! Who should the survivor be? I pretty much expect Tommy to win this to be honest, but I figured it'd be a fun discussion to have anyway. Personally I'd want Tommy and Creighton, but since this is about picking one.. I have to go with Tommy
Should Lightborn be part basekit?
Yes, you've read the title right, and yes, you're probably wondering how this is even possible, and why I'm asking about it. Well, let me explain. You see, most matches I've had as Killer, Survivors were always bringing flashlights nearly every single game, and let me tell you, it can get really annoying when all Survivors…
So, between Snake, Walking Dead, Supernatural, and Scream, who do you think is more likely in July?
So know from the road-map that there's a Licensed Survivor coming in July with the Castlevania Chapter coming in August…. But who could it be? Thing is there's only so many franchises where a Survivor and ONLY a Survivor would be what people would wanna pay for? I mean unless it's Scream, since we already have its Killer…
Blight's Collision
Which TWD character do you want most?
With a new licensed survivor coming this July a lot of people are guessing it could be The Walking Dead so which would you want most? The latter 3 options are from the Telltale series and while unlikely are still probably within the realm of possibilities.
Should Sacrificial Wards be Buffed
As the only counter to map offerings I think sacrificial wards can use a bit of a touch up Ideally if you use one and it doesn't block a map offering you keep it so it ends up sticking around until it gets used successfully Also Ideally if you use a ward to block a map offering you shouldn't then still have a 1/40 chance…
Which Killer NEEDS a power rework?
Which Killer do you think needs a rework to their power most?
Chat Wheel or View Team Loadouts?
What would be more healthy for the game? Implementing a chat wheel or viewing your teammates’ loadouts before a match? Why?
Who do you think will be the upcoming Solo Licensed Survivor?
The hint that Mathieu Cote gave was that they are "The definition of a Survivor."
Would you want team voice chat for Survivors? Assuming there would be a mute/deafen option
If Freddy was to finally get cosmetics which would you want?
What cosmetics would you like Freddy Krueger to get?
Once 2v8 comes out this July (for limited time), what will be your Duo?
The first five Killers will be Trapper, Wraith, Huntress, Hillbilly and Nurse. More Killers will be added later on. And you can't be the same killer.
Once we get Cross Progression, should DBD Base Game be FREE?
It's been 8 years since Dbd released. And now it's practically the Fortnite of the horror genre. That being all the skins and the rifts. There are now probably over 100 characters (haven't counted) each with their own cosmetics. Only flaw of making the base game free is it would be removed from Xbox Game Pass. Base…
Breakdown vs. Wicked
Breakdown - 6 seconds of killer aura read after unhook / breaks hook for 3 minutes after unhook Wicked - 20 seconds of killer aura read after unhook / self unhook in basement on first hook Which do you think is better?
Wich DLC you guys would like the most
I've been recently thinking about the DLCs I would like the most to be part of DBD, but it seems like I have a "weird" taste, since I don't really care for the most "wanted" DLC as Jason or FNAF (Not that I would hate if they come to dbd, I just won't be hyped by it). So I wanna see, between my most wanted ones, wich you…
Is DBD right now, TODAY, The Most Imbalanced that it has ever been?
As a person with a lot of money sunken into my favorite game and one who plays for hours every day until recently, I find it boring. I play Survivor and know 99% of the time, we are going to die unless The Killer lets us go. And when I play Killer, unless The Rift forces me to Kill or you Quit, I let everybody go after…