As someone who plays both sides equally, I can assure you no one looks at a P100 and says "Omg they're really dedicated to that character". Literally no one cares unless you're one of those who lobby shops based on players' prestige level. Hiding prestige until the end game screen was the right move.
Except it really is JUST a number. Being P100 does not equal skill. For example, I am a P100 Legion yet I am a survivor main. I just spend all the blood points I collect as Survivor on leveling up my killers. When I do play Legion (or any killer for that matter), I get looped for filth. Being P100 doesn't mean you're…
Some killers are literally getting buffs. I swear y'all are NEVER happy.
Survivors: Dweet, Gabriel, and Mikaela. Killers: Doctor and Dredge
I mean you're free to play 1v4 any time. You don't have to wait until 2v8 leaves. If you play 2v8 for the challenges, then just play survivor. You can get the rewards by just playing one role.
There's no way we're complaining about Unknown right now. He's probably one of the more balanced killers in the game.
What are golden toolboxes? :O
Just run Gearhead. All you need to do is injure a survivor and you'll burn through surv's Distortion tokens quickly. Even better if you play as a stealth killer so you can keep them from gaining more tokens as quickly.
They should just do it to where it only provides aura reading if the dropped items have any charges left in them. In this way, if it's paired with Franklin's, it'll only show surv's auras while the dropped item is depleting charges and once their gone, WA won't work for that item. However, WA can provide more value in the…
Legion also has an add on that makes survivors drop their items when they are hit while in Frenzy.
It could be a skill issue on my end, but I've also noticed that the MMR is kinda whack sometimes. I'll play 10+ matches and I'll seemingly continue to go against the best killers in the game where they get 3K or 4K and I never escape. I'm not sure how many lost matches you need to have for the MMR to lower but it sometimes…
I saw the trailer just now and was surprised to see him there. Fingers crossed he can come to DBD soon!
A mimic type killer is on my wish list of killer powers as well. I know SWF players would be an issue BUT the mimic aspect can be just one part of their kit. I think if done well, a killer like this could be really cool. I have managed to be kind of tricked by The Unknown before. I think it's the cheerleader skin for the…
I was also slightly disappointed in the male bard. I was hoping he'd be an elf as well. He just seems like Temu Vittorio to me lol
Sidney Prescott
I think people forget how long queue times were back then. The current MMR system is not perfect but at least we're not waiting forever for a match.
They will lose a Distortion token when walking in the gate area once the gate is opened. A survivor does not need to be hooked for this to happen.
I personally haven't see anything from them addressing the issues other than the strobing/flashing lights thing. I'm sure they're aware of the other issues though. I'd imagine they'll push out an update by next patch time if not sooner.
I am a survivor main and I feel like punishing killers for tunneling is a bad idea. Although it can be frustrating to get tunneled out of a match, there's just no feasible way for the devs to distinguish against "toxic" tunneling and "acceptable" tunneling (who is to decide what is acceptable tunneling and what is not?).…
I think it's more a design flaw of gen spawns than anything else.
I'm not a dev so I could be wrong, but I'm not sure BHVR can do much about it. It's the same as having to restart your computer after performing an update on the OS. Sometimes a full restart is needed for changes to take effect.
I mean tbf...most are running that build already anyway lol
I love the main building and the entire vibe of the map (small town vibes). However, I do think the map is a bit on the larger side. I'm a survivor main but I can already tell some killers are going to struggle trying to patrol gens and/or the gates. I would suggest maybe making the map smaller by bringing in the statue…
I love going against the Unknown. It's fun trying to predict where he's going to launch his loogie and try to evade it. Some of my killer main friends have been having a blast playing as him too. Seems like he's a pretty balanced killer. Big W for BHVR.
I'm buying the chapter as soon as I get home from work! I'm so excited for the new map and for Sable too. She may be one of my new mains depending on how good her cosmetics are. I'm a little indifferent about the Unknown but he is creepy which is good. We need more creepy/actually scare killers in this game lol
Yes, please! Even thought the data is meaningless, it'll still be fun to know what the escape rates are for each survivor. Maybe also the pick rates for survivors if possible so there can be context.
Mine would be Wesker, Legion, and (ugh) Skull Merchant, specifically the droning sound part of it.
Mine would be Wesker, Legion, and (ugh) Skull Merchant, specifically the droning sound part of it.
There wouldn't be any Gabe stats because there's too few of us to gather any meaningful data lmao
For me it's about chases. Even if I end up dying in the end, I have more fun when I have fun chases with the killer. The mind games and outplaying one another adds to the fun. Another thing is when the killer spreads out the hooks amongst survivors. If I see they hard tunnel someone straight away I'm just like "welp...this…
From what I saw, the new map is pretty cool. Seems a little on the larger side but I love the movie theater.
Mikaela currently but I feel Sable will take that spot once she's released. For killer, it's a tie between Huntress and Artist. I love their whole vibe lol
I think it's too much work for little benefit. The mori is just a special animation to kill a survivor and has not effect on the gameplay if it is obstructed by other assets in the environment or other players. It is annoying but not worth the time to implement a fix.
The map feels balanced especially after the recent changes. If I could make just one suggestion (and this goes for all coldwind maps), please bring back the night time versions. Those maps were so iconic! I'd even be down for a 50/50 chance the maps will be either day time or night time when loading in.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I've spent on cosmetics haha there are so many good ones!
The curls are what do it for me lol
I never really played the RE games but I love the RE chapters in DBD. Wesker is one of my favorite killers to go against. Freddy is long over due for a buff, maybe even a complete rework. He has so much potential!
I love Nic Cage's perks. They're so fun lol Billy is the best <3
It's annoying but not nearly as bad as the Eruption meta, in my opinion. The incapacitated effect prevented you from performing certain actions so you couldn't even heal or use any items, which made Eruption stronger than the current meta.
I actually like Hawkins lol I always have even before it was taken out of the game (before coming back). It may not be the easiest map to navigate but I just like it haha Other maps I enjoy are Toba Landing and Nostromo Wreckage since I'm a huge sci-fi fan.
Not all Distortion users hide all match. I run it but would hardly call myself a stealth player. I still go out of my way to help my team by taking hits/downs and even purposely going to the killer to take chase if needed. Distortion only helps me in those situations where I need to be hidden to finish my objective (i.e.…
Feng will reign supreme. She has loads of cosmetics and is already one of the most popular survivors. Sable will undoubtedly be very popular though. I hope we get some good cosmetics for her.
It's licensed so it may not ever be available for shards.
This probably the best killer skin in the whole game. W from BHVR.
I've quite enjoyed it as well on both killer and survivor sides. It is rough for solo q since there is no HUD so you basically have no idea what others are doing but I think it's still a unique and fun mode overall. The fact you don't know if the killer is lurking just outside of view is so fun to me. I don't get how…
I don't understand why Adrenaline is on the list? It's completely fine as-is. It's essentially a wasted perk slot until you reach end game, where it activates ONCE and that's it. At this point I feel the devs are just changing perks just to change them (no good reason). Instead of wasting their time on this, they should…
I bought him and a cosmetic immediately. I had at least one to two other Alans in my lobbies yesterday.
I wonder how the flight aspect would work. Seems like it would be hard to implement, especially on indoor maps.
I've only been tunneled/camped/slugged for being P100 maybe like 3 times. These are the only times the killer has explicitly said they did it because I was P100. Otherwise, I don't notice a difference really. I do, however, notice that killers lobby dodge when they see me in the lobby with my P100 main. Even if I am the…
I low key love the siren/alarm portion of her terror radius lol but other than that, I agree with your statement.