I'm with you on this stuff, because they can rework it to be more fair, sadly though.... The dev's don't actually care, because DBD IS ACTUALLY FAIR in a horrible way. Ranking isn't important (they stated that) Camping may have been intended for the game, which would explain why they won't do anything. Looping and Gen…
Woah! Slow down crucifier, I didn't mean it like that. Okay I know a decent amount about DBD, but I only have been playing since christmas last year in 2017. But I didn't know thats some of the main reasons why, they made it exclusive. So I wasn't around at the time to play DBD at the time (due to still being under house…
Before I get crucifide like everyone else here for saying something... Yeah I already noticed one thing I forgot to mention. If you run stridor, you'll here the survivors talking, this would give stridor users (like Micheala) a strong advantage. Also I know it would make sense they didn't talk at all, but if they did, it…
Let clerify the talking bit if it was in the game. The survivors would interect with eachother and say something after something obiviose happens (like a skill check fail or completeing an action) The trick here is, the killer/ person who plays killer/ you or me, can't here them say anything. Yeah I guess your right that…
Your a causal player too? My prayers have been answered.
Let me rephrase what I said. "It can lower the chances of mean/toxic messages" They just were not as good as your friend, if they didn't do said cheap tactic, then they are just sore loosers. People are going to be salty for loosing, and if they can't accept the fact the loss to someone with more skill, then them....T-O-O…
Its truth over oppiounin, I'm slowly adjusting to killer, can't wait to get clown. but I haven't gotten any mean messages for playing the game fairly weather I win or loose. funny thing is someone who was being toxic actually apologized after the match. besides why be all by your self, when you can be on vc with your…
You made points but gen rushing, camping, and looping is still bad game design. You can't change that fact. I'm surprised the Devs haven't found a solution yet, this has topic has been going on for a long time, you'd think they would want to do something to stop it. But just for the record, your not justifide for camping…
I want this to be real.
A lot of killers would dis agree, I forgot to mention though that you can't use it if you have been picked up.
Maybe he's impossible to escape because he's kinda like Freddy? Freddy got a lot nerfs and then hardly anyone played him any more. But when the very few people started playing him, survivor mains are not experienced with him anymore because you rarely see him, and they are least expecting him in a match......Hm? maybe I…
Oh okay, my bad I miss interperated.
Heres the thing? if clown had my buff, he could hit wide spred and not need to worry about a direct hit like huntress. he would not only find survivors by throwing his tonic in places, but he would also render the into a weaker state. This isn't meant to be a top tier buff, this is to make him unique, and add something new.
....My point! No one uses him, let alone remembers he exsists!
Maybe, I was thinking like identity five
First of all thats only a theory that nea is a killer. not confirmed Second....Storywise Clown creeps me out. Gameplay wise?....Micheal, Pig or Freddy, mainly because you either don't see and or hear them comming.
Of course you would like the rework the dev's came up with, because you didn't main Laurie. But the rework they have considered is trash honestly, its not changing the fact that everyone can use it. If only the obsession could free them selves, and anyone else who ran the perk too could only stop the killer for a few extra…
If the dev's used your nerf,I'm sure you'd still complain because that wouldn't change much. Smart survivors would save D-strike for getting hooked a second or third time anyways. And you wouldn't have a mori on hand all the time, so theres whats wrong with your mori idea. Though would be cool
So you think Franklin's Demise is poorly designed and needs a nerf?.....Really?.....Thats whats wrong with it?...... next get the idea that "D-strike can be removed" out of your head, its stayin buddy. Not everyone runs it anyways (Reworked and Nerf are fine, because it can still be fair ) Seeing as you might not one of…
I knoooooooooow that! Someone pointed it out during a discussion and I thought the dev's made a pointless nerf, thats why I said they should fix it. I knoooooooooow that! Someone pointed it out during a discussion and I thought the dev's made a pointless nerf, thats why I said they should fix it. Make it accurate to movie.…
Alright,also your good, we all make some mistakes
Oh okay
Well I didn't say they Bill/Nurse had to on the other side of the map, just maybe like 3 or 4 extra meters (From what you said) away from the hook
Also Looping can be fixed I think the devs could honestly just make looping area's/ maps that favor survivors, have blood lust activate a lot quicker in said maps/ areas
This idea with my suggestion would work
Actually both of you have good points What if for Billy and Nurse, said range was longer? to prevent just coming back asap to down again.
I honestly hope that will add cosmetics for Laurie and Micheal. Plus I'd like them to re work Sole Survivor and Dying Light
Rank is pointless to be honest. Like seriously, there is no reward for it, and I've seen what wanting to get higher up in ranks does to people. I think the devs should just remove it all together, as it is a source of salt toxicness, and rage.
So what your saying is, DBD isn't really a horror game because no one gets scared? This actually makes me think of a lot of things actually. I personally don't consider DBD a horror game anymore persay, I think of it as a hide and tag seek game with monsters. (Though when I learn I'm playing against micheal, leather face…
OOOoooH yeaaaaaahhh!! I knew I forgot something thanks for reminding me
Or...Heres a more cruel and simple solution. If a killer is reported camping, then for 24 hours, every lobby said "camping killer" makes, will have a warning in their lobby (that survivors will be able to see) that says "CAMPER WARNING this killer has been reported a camper be cautious". (IT WILL NOT say what killer the…
CHUCKY!!!!!!!! I never watched his movies (Nor do I plan too) But it could work, like make a map where the world is bigger then you. and make chucky bigger, like the entity made him the size of the killers so he could sacrifice them. People can be so un creative like someone mentioned chucky being to short, well this is…
I What part of, something to consider for the future do you not understand? ItS a wish smart alec.
Right because kill your friends doesn't matter for people who don't have friends, this is for people like me who enjoy playing with friends. I didn't say they have to work on this NOW!! I jut wish this would be somthing they could work on in the future Or maybe have small team adjust and see how many people can be survivor…
Same with the tier 3 perks YES I also wish my internet was good so I could play with my friends
Oh yeah I know that you gain exp to level that up I was wondering why though despite loosing, not playing as much ( and some dc's) haven't made me go down to rank 20
Your right about most of this, maybe killers not being over powered. Look people are calling out the fact that you played killer a year ago (I'm just saying) if you can keep your rank at 3 with killer the way the game is now, then you are right to say these things. Anyone can get to the upper ranks and win if the have…
Oh okay. So I guess its either a quidsidence, or maybe a internet problem? Because I lost a few matchs and or lost connection, and somehow my rank stayed at 17
Yeah my player level, next to my survivor rank icon. ( I'm slowly beginning to main killer but I don't know if that has the same problem yet) Do you maybe know whats going on?
Don't listen to survivor mains I may have had a little tough time reading this, but you tried and I think there is a way to make it balanced. It's just going to take a lot.
Well then the halloween DLC shouldn't exist because I wouldn't be playing this game. I honestly played this game because of Laurie (Not the perk to be honest) It needs a fair nerf is all, but knowing a lot of other people, they probably still going to complain.
FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME!! I feel the exact same way, I have suggested this idea before.
Do you like the idea or not? I understand time, work, ect, I understand there are problems already in the game. I'm asking if anyone else likes these ideas. Not whats wrong with them.
Well then how did somebody do a 13 survivor one killer beta thingy? There are some issues in the game I know, but I mean I said they should test it.
This seems a bit dabateble, but thinking about it. I think it would only make sense, at least for advancing in ranks, it gets harder and harder. Perhaps it should get easier for the killer, maybe to make killers a little stronger they could get 5 perk slots, and 3 addons. (but for something like nurse for example, you…
This is to help prevent hook camping killers get what they want. If there were not any hook campers well then this wouldn't be here You can thank camping killers for this ;) I have moved on from survivor to killer, and I got 2 to 4 kills for my early serious matches, sure its not easy but its not impossible. I don't need…
You can't insult me with that because I have ideas to help out killers like my DYING LIGHT suggestion DYING LIGHT: After hooking your obsession survivors will suffer a speed penalty toward Repair, healing, and sabotaging by 15/22/27% unitl 2/2/3 Generators have been repaired (Its an "anti camping" version of the terrible…