With the gen kick limit the killer can’t hold gens indefinitely; also you could’ve made more progress on the gens and forced the killer to do more if 1 of your teammates hadn’t given up on hook and a second teammate was not touching a gen which is the only survivor objective.
I definitely feel this, my most played killer is Doctor which used to be a favourite but I’ve barely played him over the last year as put loads of time into other killers. Feng it says is my most played survivor which while it is my main, I have been levelling up all the other survivors and playing those this year as they…
Surely increasing the hit box of the killers m2 attack vertically slightly would be the obvious solution. It would not affect gameplay in any other way as long as they don’t do anything crazy.
I’ll stop enjoying games, animation, comics, and TCGs when they stop being fun and not until then which I guess will be never
The same could be said about killer gen perks, they often don’t prevent the gens being done just prolong it in hopes of getting time to play the match. How long is a survivor expected to last in chase and then work that out for 8 hooks before you can kill anyone compared to how long it takes the other 3 survivors to…
As other have said, your bonus is dependant on factors like region, time of day and MMR. But something is wrong with bonuses atm and devs are investigating as even with a high survivor bonus the queues are a few minutes and killer queues are always instant no matter the incentive.
Things did change though as now people don’t slug because they can’t hook, only when they want to slug. It’s not more efficient than hooking as it doesn’t contribute to kills which is the objective. If you can hook people quickly someone will eventually die where if you slug they can always be picked up indefinitely unless…
Not really possible on console which are the majority of the playerbase, also doesn’t change some maps you need to drop from height to a hook which means a Boil Over user gets off for free.
As long as survivors can run Boil Over etc and keep running to an upstairs on maps such as Eerie which make them unhookable slugging needs to be a thing
We should have a mechanic for survivors to play nice where the first 3 gens can’t be progresses past 99% until another 2 different gens are repaired to 99%
last night I was looping a main building with the killer on my back and just as I was about to make it to a pallet the bot drops out of an upstairs opening and lands right in front of me proceeding to crouch on the spot and block me for the killer to down
I’ve definitely seen more toxic killers than I’ve ever seen in normal gameplay, slugging and bleeding out at the end for no reason with messages afterwards ‘hope you had fun’ ‘ez’ etc; but I’ve seen plenty of survivors running all the gen rush stuff Deja Vu, Hyperfocus, Prove Thyself and toolboxes etc and trying to smash…
As others have said; my killer queues are still instant wether there’s a bonus or not, and survivor is a couple of minutes or more even with up to 150% bonus. UK region late evening. Usually killer bonus would be 200% with the same queue times I mentioned which makes more sense.
Why when it comes to nerfing killers do people say look at high level play; but when it comes to playing against them or nerfing survivor stuff it’s always argued to not look at the top level as most people aren’t playing that well.
What about the rabbit mascot in Silent Hill 3?
You said even big AAA companies wished they could pull something like that off
There’s no doubting FNAF is super popular, but saying it’s influential is surely a stretch
The devs themselves have stated that the incentives are unique to not only each region, but MMR bracket; as well as being affected by time of day you play. So your experience is not the same for everyone. Just because you are seeing mainly survivor incentives does not mean that there are not enough people playing survivor.
What’s crazy is how quick survivors can DC or ‘go next’ on hook at the start of the game because they feel the game is already lost; but when it’s down to the last 2 they often just try and hide each other out for forever no matter how many gens are done for what 2500 extra escape points?
It’s the same with gen perks though, killers bring perks to slow down survivors gen efficiency, survivors bring perks to speed up gen progress. If either side brings them and the other doesn’t it’s a very unfun time for the side that doesn’t. Tunnelling is just killers being efficient completing their objective and the…
This has been my experience as well, it seems like it’s not worth the time to go into the void as killer as gens just go too quick. The smoke bombs are annoying and I h will say as survivor the void is pretty strong for extending chases or disappearing.
Definitely Boil Over and Head On as killer, Franklins as survivor
I’d love to see kuchisake onna as well
Have you got a link to the main bug report post so I can upvote it please?
The game is 4v1, you can never have 1 of the 4 be as strong as the side who only has 1
This, people say ‘oh it’s just a casual party game’ and ‘we’re just having fun with friends’ but then complain about wanting a forced 50% win rate no matter how bad they play and that not winning isn’t fun so they ‘go next’ not realising that’s an inherently competitive mindset. It’s all these sweaty killers fault lol. And…
Even when the incentive is on survivor my killer queues are instant always, uk/eu region. When the incentive is on survivor my queues as survivor can take minutes.
I tried getting this on console and still struggling but some of the tips I saw were to use perks like Nurses Calling which iirc at tier 2 is exactly 24 meters so you can gauge distance; or using Devour Hope/Make Your Choice which both perk icons light up when you are over 24 meters away and either proxying injured…
Moris do count but bleeding out does not. If you used the new end game Mori on the last survivor it may be a bug with that, but I’m sure I got some using an Ebony Mori.
Interesting ideas but honestly think Doctor is good as is. The recent buffs didn’t seem necessary but did make him feel less sluggish to play.
It’s the controller analog movement I find to be the problem. You can’t move forward at full speed while using any left/right input and it means you can’t hug loops as tightly so lose distance and what would’ve been a hit on PC is a pallet to the face on controller. It’s most noticeable against Boil Over which is…
This is my experience as well, I just hope it’s as it’s new etc but yeah being slugged for the 4K when they have no idea where the other survivor is and I can see them crouched in a corner somewhere has gone from once in a blue moon rarity to almost every game now.
From the wiki: Blocked State A Generator enters this state whenever Survivors or the Killer invoke The Entity to do so for them using specific Unlockables. A blocked Generator freezes its current state and progression for as long as it remains blocked. If a Generator was regressing at the time of becoming blocked, it…
Is there really a problem with the incentives? I’ve noticed this recently that despite the incentive being on survivor perks that my killer queues are still instant, whereas survivor I’m waiting a few minutes in queue.
Because it only takes one quitter to ruin the game for the other 4 players, so there’s enough ragequitting babies spoiling the game for the majority of players who actually enjoy the game and just want a normal match.
The majority do find it fun and stick games out, a lot of the fun is sucked out by people ragequitting and it being rare to actually play a normal game for those who enjoy the game and want to. The people who wouldn’t stick the game out without an easy way out obviously don’t want to play the game and should play something…
Gens don’t regress while blocked unless they changed it
So we complained about seeing nothing but slowdowns and now we’re complaining about seeing nothing but aura reading? What do you want the killer to run, no perks?
The problem itself is survivors ragequitting because they have a way to bypass the DC penalty, a symptom of that is people make excuses to try and justify such behaviour. What needs to be understood is no matter how much the game is changed those people will always ragequit at the earliest inconvenience as long as there is…
I literally said earlier to get rid of lobby dodging, last second switching, and hookicides all together. it would make the game so much better.
I have far more people hookicide than DC on both killer and survivor combined; if we remove that option to bypass the DC penalty then it would be a great start and then we would only have to worry about actual DCs which are punished and running at the killer beckoning and which can be reported as not participating in…
I mean when killer shack had 2 windows, there was no entity blocker, and every running vault was a fast vault and killers vaulted half the speed they do now so it was literally impossible for the killer to catch someone there people still went down and died. Quoting stats the devs say to take with a pinch of salt anyway…
Lethal is like 8 seconds? You really shouldn’t be going down that quick let alone a second person lol. If you aren’t waiting to see what killers are going to do then what’s the point in queuing up at all at that point? Someone has to go down sometime; or is that the only time you’ll stay, when there’s 3 gens done before…
Yet you made an assumption about me to try and devalue my own thoughts, bit hypocritical of you. The reason I say I feel killers have had to develop thick skin is because I’ve been playing since the console launch and things were so much more heavily in survivor favour and killers just stuck it out. Now things are evening…
That’s always the cop out answer to disregard anything you don’t agree with, I play both sides equally and I’m solo when playing survivor so understand the frustrations of teammates quitting and ruining the game for the rest of us; but if you played both sides yourself then you would sympathise with the killer side instead…
I don’t know why survivors give up so easily; playing killer can be just as annoying and if I had a way to leave without getting a DC penalty I might use it when I get put up against a team with offerings that spread hook placement, Boil Over, sabotage and flashlights/bangs, Dead Dog or Errie as I know it’s not going to be…
I agree with all these. If unhooking yourself goes maybe lobby dodging and last second switching could go as well. Even if you only got 1 daily for each role it would be an improvement over the current system.
A more simple solution would be to just send downed survivors directly to a cage, as you say there’a no reason to slug as it only took a second to send them yourself even if you want to chase another close by survivor.
As the other commenter said the licence was removed and you could no longer buy the characters for some time so the achievements were removed and their perks made generic and available to everyone. The achievements were turned into other ones such as ‘escape using only 3 generic perks’ and those who already had the adept…
Absolutely; while it does seem less common particularly as survivors can hook Kobe to dodge any penalty, I’ve definitely lost challenges I would’ve got because the killer decided they weren’t doing well enough or couldn’t catch one survivor and DC’d - and it’s equally as annoying or frustrating.