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  • Power: Gauntlets of betrayal - so a ranged worse Legion, because you can't really injure as many survivor as Legion can Perks: Vitriolic - so survivors get injured when they touch a gen, which was kicked maybe 20s ago? -> kinda like Dragon's Grip, still not good Hex: Warning Label - this perk is so weak, it should NOT be a…
  • Ability: Bezerker's rampage - Does the 3% speed bonus to destroying pallets, etc. has a maximum or does it stack endlessly? (I think it should have a maximum at maybe 15%, otherwise this would be too strong) Break The Weak - What do you mean with "into the injured state for 10 seconds? Do they get healed when the 10s are…
    in The Bezerker Comment by Givti July 2021
  • Glutton (is this really the whole power??) - How big is the Haste effect? +20%? +50%? +100? +7%? You need to clarify it. Haste doesn't mean that its a big speed buff like sprint burst, it could also be something like Hope (+7%), because Haste just means that you are faster, but not by how much. I think this has too much…
    in killer idea Comment by Givti July 2021
  • beautiful map, I would like to see it in-game, even though the exits will often spawn to close to each other (if the bridge between the other bridge and the tunnel has one exit)
  • Camaraderie - its worse and much weirder , because (in-game) Camaraderie is pretty good at punishing camping Babysitter - you have to throw the whole game to MAYBE get to use it, (it's often even impossible to get 3 protection hits to get Mettle of Man to work)
  • You literally just copied a perk from the game, with the same name and the same effect. Why?
    in Perk Idea Comment by Givti July 2021
  • ah ok, thank you for answering my questions
  • Ability: Shadow Dance - so a much cooler version of twins, but i think the cooldown is way too long, maybe 20s is better (how are survivors Oblivious AND hear the terror radius as the killer is within 4m of them - it can only be one of them, they cancel each other out) Dark Delirium - interesting Perks: Skulker - weird,…
  • Ability: Haywire - pretty useless, because moving at 4.8m/s is not a big deal + he gets a stun afterwards + he is only at 4.4m/s when he isnt using it, although he has no real power (why 4.4? he has no strong power like spirit or huntress, this power is trash) Springlock Machinery - so this ability is made for tunneling -…
  • Yeah, survivors don't get any debuff at anytime right now, even when they run through a pink gas cloud often nothing happens
  • I know that not every group of players will be SWF, in fact the most players are SoloQ. That's why i also talked about how soloq could counter it very easily. It will be like Scratch Mirror Myers, pretty fun sometimes, but quite useless and weak. You know that a killer power can't be toxic by itself, right? The player has…
  • Double Strength - so its just old Mettle of Man, where you dont have to do anything for it - terrible Connector - it shouldn't repair itself, but the idea of countering Hex: Ruin, Oppression and so on + showing its aura to other survivors is great Power Throw - yeah this is just a better Diversion, I don't think the devs…
  • I mean this idea is pretty cool, but it won't work in this game + Many, Many people already thought about a shapeshifter, but realized/ got told that this won't work. 1. As a fake survivor, your power will be completly useless against Swf after the first hit, because they'll call out their positions and realize if you come…
  • Power: Fog of Distain - I think survivors should also see the aura of blocked pallets/windows. Contaminating Smog - so kinda like spirit but only to track survivors, why would you do this? This is such a waste of time. 1. You have to corrupt someone, which seems pretty hard. 2. You have to do the whole animation. 3. You…
  • Prowler: so its like Ghostface, but you see the aura every 6 seconds for maybe 2 sec?? and the surv is exhausted -> pretty good against new survivors because they dont know how to react to it, but pretty bad against good survivors because they know you see their aura every 6 sec, so they'll just work with it and play in a…
  • Perks: Murder of Crows - so kinda like Spies of the Shadows, but with an insta-down, cool Planned Funeral - cool, maybe too much undetectable Avian Guardian - a much better overcharge, while the surivor cant do anything to prevent the explosion -> not really fair Ability: Falconer's Will - probaly needs a bigger cooldown…
  • Ability: very interesting, something completly new, i would like to see it in-game Perks: Hex: BooBoo - very cool Timeout - I dont like this perk, its frustrating for the survivor and doesnt really benefit you Snitch - pretty cool, but why is the cooldown higher on level 3 than on level 1? this makes no sense Prepared -…
  • Ability: terrible Perks: My Prey Iis Here - terrible, just take nemesis/rancour Why Are You Still Here - neat, maybe should be 5/7/10 seconds My Hatch Not Yours - useless
  • well yeah, but the problem is: you can also use it earlier, so it will get used before the endgame starts
  • Engaged Worker - Is it still 7/6/5 great skill checks? Or just normal skill checks? Fighter - not really useful, maybe worse than Breakdown (perk from Jeff) Helping Hand - good
  • You Will Be Saved - Cool Perfect Partner - this works like old Ds and will lead to frustrating moments for espeacilly new killers, BUT it will probaly be useless against good killers, because they'll just wait it out Sacrifice - okayish
  • Perks: Hex: Afterlife - pretty neat Hex: Decay - I dont like this perk at all, being unable to use a perk for maybe the whole game, while the killer has to do nothing to achieve this feels terrible -> maybe you can do it like this: You get a token each time someone gets unhooked. At one token survivors are exhausted for…
  • This is my idea: I would like to see feedback :D
  • Steal Machine: interesting, maybe too strong, maybe a time waste -> i would like to test it out Electric Charge: way too random, it can do nothing for you the whole game (on a map like Mothers Dwelling or Raccoon City Police Station) OR injure survivors the whole time (on a map like coal tower) -> it should travel slower…
  • Cool Ability, kinda like Piggy's Stealth Perks: Prey at Night - 8% more lunge is nearly nothing, i think you should get +25% Intimidation - being exposed for 8s is nothing, if they blind you at or stun you with a pallet, you'll need at least 3s to break the pallet and then you have to catch up with them (the screaming part…
  • exactly :P, the only good Nea heads are the ones with a face mask xD
  • Perks: Tightly-packed - just play with friends and run Borrowed Time The Squeeze - great idea Boon: An Anchor to Hold - interesting idea, combined with the new Boon Totem mechanic ,which the devs want to do Map: Indoor Map :/
  • I think Nea should get it :P (or every survivor like CLB198 said)
  • Perks: Foul Strench - okayish Burning Rage - pretty useless Hex: Wealthy - This perk shouldnt be a Hex, because its way too weak + we already have "Hoarder" (perk from Twins) which does a better job at tracking survivors when they loot or pick up an item Ability: Is everything affected by it, when you use only 1 charge or…
  • Ability: Crossbow: Do you need 2-3 arrows to injure/down somebody or is it like huntress? (1 arrow = 1 hit) If he is like huntress, he shouldnt be able to carry so many arrows / maybe like 8 because you need to reload after each shot Remote Control: This will probaly lead to very boring games, because survivors cant really…
  • I like the Obsidian Goblet, because having free undetectable while making trails isnt too strong but really neat I think the Lying Figures are way too much for an add-on, it is hard to torment people, but copying nemesis power and making it into an add-on isnt good. - it should be unique to Nemesis or newer Killers with a…
  • Ability: So he is a 110% killer without a lunge and a short terror radius, BUT he needs a big terror radius to get value from his power. He can be pretty good when all Survivors are at the same place, but this will probaly never happen, because Survivors will realise to split up against him. His whole power can immediatly…
  • Well but these are survivor perks, so there wont be any kind of fear against the killer and sadism as killer, its just a survivor trolling the others. You wont achieve what you want to with this. It makes no sense to implement these perks as Dev, because they are made to increase toxicity
  • So it's a mixture of old and new freddy, but his early game is like old freddys: complete trash; you have to work to even hurt somebody (which is the dumbest idea the Devs ever had) in the dream world the survs arent just slowed down like in the old days, but can straight up do nothing (why? this is just boring) they can…
  • This only happens when you put the trap too close to the window or too far away from the pallet (+ sometimes trap hitboxes are just trash), solution: keep that in mind and set your traps better, nothing else you can do and absolutely no need to change (besides maybe increasing the traps hitbox and their size to buff trapper
  • Updated Perks: Hex: Lone Wolf - i really like the idea now, but i think you can make it a normal perk now Strong Sense - okay Updated Ability: Fierce Howl - great Pursuit - what does the 20 seconds mean? Is this the maximum cooldown? I still think a Pounce shouldnt get rid of the cooldown from Fierce Howl, maybe it could…
  • So she is like clown but with mending, glowing and injuring though you need to reload after each Mixture Combination to use it again -> seems like an even weaker clown, because to actually hurt someone she will need to reload everytime. Perks: My Domain - okay, helps camping basement which isnt cool and will probaly lead…
  • SWF = Survive with Friends (people that often talk with each other, when one of them knows your perk, he'll just tell the others) The Devs can probaly just delete bloodlust, because its outdated. There is no reason for it in the game, besides braindead killers that dont want to break a pallet + usually there is no lag…
  • Killer Abillity: Fierce Howl - Like doctor's Static Blast, pretty cool but 1. What is the range exactly? 2. How long is the cooldown? It must be higher than doctor's (which is 60s), because there is an extra effect. Pursuit - How long does the pounce reach? And removing the cooldown from Fierce Howl after one pounce is…
  • I dont get it, why exactly do you want to delete the penalty for stepping in your own traps. It is NOT an ability, its in the game to punish players, who step in their traps even though they can see them. It exists to make sure that people use their brain when placing traps, because they cant just go through them (like in…
  • His power seems pretty cool, even though placing a Wiretrap on a survivor seems to be too strong. You also shouldnt get exhaustion from using trapped windows/pallets and his terror radius should probaly be standardized, because his power isnt connected to his terror radius (unlike Myers, he needs a smaller one so he can…
  • yes the hex has disadvantages for the killer, but it is just frustrating for the survivors - the one that cant get unhooked because even though the right hook was chosen, he just teleports away and the one going for the unhook, wasting all this time just for nothing. Main problem: The killer has to do nothing to achieve…
  • Power: So his power is absolutely useless against survivors that dont look behind them and even against good survivors can counter it, by just looking for a very short moment and not directly at him, because it slowly goes away while not looking at him. The teleport-with-lockers- idea is nothing new, but ok. (Mori is cool)…
  • I'm sorry if this sounds aggressive or something, but his power is just "I'm all ears" (a perk from ghostface) in worse. You are way too slow while doing it and usually nobody fails a skillcheck in your terror radius. The only upsides are that the cooldown is 30 seconds instead of 40 seconds and the killer instinct lasts…
  • Power: So he is like clown without reloading but at 105% movement speed which is extremly low and when you (i think) directly puke at them (like plague i guess) while holding M2 they just stop and get sick?? What do you mean with getting sick? And is there a cooldown, because if they just stop moving, there will be only…
  • First off thanks for the feedback :D and the thing with Let the Dead Rest is (I actually forgot that fire up exists +) the combination with other perks would make a probaly Op-build: bamboozle + brutal strength + noed + let the dead rest, when only 4 totems get cleansed, you would have 27% more vault speed + 32% more…
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