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  • Yep. Happend to me a couple of times. 'It is your fault I/my friend died, because you didn't run this or that perk/didn't bring a med kit/didn't bodyblock/threw a pallette earlier'
  • With all these '[platform] players bad'-threads we could power a small town with nuclear energy since the horse has been beaten long enough that its atoms have started to split.
  • And that is why people keep asking you why you want to turn it off. You complain about the way the game is intended to be played by the devs and don't give a reason why. If you don't want to give a reason why you can't play the game like everyone else does and want to be catered to, then don't complain because nothing will…
  • I love the idea. It sounds like a big gift exchange (in form of bloodpoints) between players and really wholesome.
  • You can turn crossplay off. You can't expect other XBOX players to do the same, just because you only want to play with them. Why should a system that works for most people be changed just because you play on a system with a low player base AND don't want to play with certain players?
  • Ok, so you are upset about having to have it turned on. Great. You have posted your opinion on a public forum. For discussions. Ok. You don't want people asking you questions (which normally will be asked, because a good *discussion* is based on information), you don't want to answer quesrions. So what exactly is your…
  • Ok, so you are upset about having to have it turned on. Great. You have posted your opinion on a public forum. For discussions. Ok. You don't want people asking you questions (which normally will be asked, because a good *discussion* is based on information), you don't want to answer quesrions. So what exactly is your…
  • I literally said, that most people don't care if *you* play with crossplay on or not. If you think that people stating their opinions makes them the 'thought police' maybe going on a forum for *discussions* isn't the best choice. Also, when you only give vague (and overdramatized; as if your reason would be so outlandish…
  • Usually, when I complain about something, I have a reason to do so. It is normal that people will ask for reasons, especially when you say that you might get banned when stating them. And where did I say that you can't think how you want? I literally said that most people don't care whether you play with crossplay on or…
  • Uhm... nobody is bullying you. They have given their opinion. Sorry for being so blunt, but I don't think anyone here cares that much about whether you play with crossplay or not to bully you. And nobody is forcing you. You can decide freely if you want to activate it, or not. You haven't given any good reason why you…
  • I am a terrible survivor but I have never tbagged once. Apparently, I really suck at the game, since I can't even fulfill people's expectations in survivor behaviour 🙃
  • Had the same issue a couple of days ago. Looked behind me during a chase, just to see the hatchet fly at me right through a tree. Map was Temple of Purgation. Later, I tried to replicate it with a friend, but couldn't. Now, tbh, we probably just didn't find the right tree and it might just have been a bug, but combined…
  • The last bit is what annoys me the most; even if the animation was impossible due to whatever reason, they could at least have bothered to make the mask's texture/surface material fit the original design. It has the wrong type of gloss (as you mentioned it looks like plastic, not glass) and the material is barely visible,…
  • Grab my sketchbook and draw naked people. Aggressively.
  • I am not grinding for my perks three times in a row for a skin that looks like someone's first recolour mod. Which is weird, because I am usually a total completionist. But I guess I finally found the one game where the grind is actually too tedious for me.
  • I am not going to argue that FNAF isn't horror, there are different types of horror and it certainly has it's place in the Genre. But for me, like others, it is more or less the fandom that surrounds it that makes me not want to have FNAF in DBD. I was an active artist during the whole FNAF hype on youtube, and boy, was it…
  • Unique extra objectives for survivors on each map. They could also be used to balance some of the more one-sided maps and to add a bit of lore to the maps.
  • Every time I see one of OP's post I am never quite sure, if I should be scared or intrigued. Now, after reading the post I am still not sure, whether to be scared or intrigued, nor am I certain what the moral consequences for either would be.
  • I usually start drawing as soon as I end up on the hook. I get my work done and I never have to get angry when someone is camping me.
  • Nerfs to both sides until we have a 'picnic-in-slightly-spooky-surroundings'-simulator. Which sounds kinda nice tbh. Nah, I am joking. As someone who works in game paedagogy and has written rules for board games (not quite comparable video games, I know) I know how important it is to listen to your player's feedback but to…
  • I roll my eyes pretty heavily whenever someone from either side uses the 'They can't possibly just want to have fun/want to play strategic/etc., they just want to bully!!!' 'argument'. To me it sounds a lot like 'Everyone is out to get me!!!'
  • That is a good question. Maybe it could apply the penalty if the survivor who unhooks has been in a chase for a certain amount of time and goes for the unhook while still in chase?
  • A game where I get to play. Maybe that sounds silly, but I am already satisfied when I get to do gens, clean totems, get chased around...in the end I just don't want to feel like I didn't accomplish anything. I don't have to escape and I don't care what perks the killer uses, I will just try to adapt and have fun…
  • @Kind_Lemon Thank you for posting the video, that was very interesting! What do you mean by 'the newer stuff'? Egc or something else? I actually like the way the entity comes from the sky and from the ground. Gives you the feeling of a being that is 'interwoven' with the realm it has created.
  • Playing with friends with much higher ranks/more experience, because I thought that we would get paired with a high rank killer (equal to my friend's ranks). Turns out matchmaking doesn't work like that anymore. Had to read the forum to find out. Man, did I feel #########.
  • I usually report them and make a stupid comment. For the 'k...' stuff it's usually something like 'Nah, tried that a few years back, wasn't my thing.' And if someone tells me that I suck, I usually answer with a 'yes' and ask if they want to see my price list. (I don't report them for a 'u suck' comment, though).
  • @malatruse There are some planned for Trapper and Billy by Kotobukiya.
  • Kind of funny, considering that DBD got a nendoroid, a more expensive/complex figure (not claiming that I know how the economy of collectible figures works, but it seems weird).
  • I absolutely agree that the pc vs console thing is absolutely annoying, which is why I pointed out that it is not a common occurrence no matter on what platform you play. I was just wondering why my question, which was very similar, was answered in a much more polite manner. Also, I didn't read OPs question as accusatory,…
  • Wow, I don't know why people are so rude. I have asked the same question a while ago (and people weren't nearly as rude, btw) and it is not a common occurrence that killers and survivors are working together, not on consoles nor pc, eventhough it felt like it to me at that time (I apparently had incredible bad luck back…
  • I understand the frustration, but changes are normal when you do a design for an already existing product; it doesn't only have to fit your own vision but the vision of the original designer/design team, which needs to be respected for a good collaboration (which the artist here apparently doesn't, since they called all…
  • Feel free to send me any pictures of clothes for inspiration (via profile comment; is that how it works here?). I am working on a genderbend plague design atm, so I could start the sketch after that.
  • This is either the least appealing bait I have ever seen or someone is really salty that they lost against someone they -believe- to be a PC player (since you can't see what platform they are on).
  • I really like the idea! I could do an outfit sketch, if it fits into my work schedule.
  • Haven't been able to experience it for myself, but all the complaints make me worried, that it might cause problems for me; I am hard of hearing and the old gen sound already was incredibly distracting for me.
  • Pig. It has nothing to do with the way people play her/her mechanics (tye RNG can be a bit annoying, but it isn't too bad), but at the time when I started playing regularly it felt like every second game I played was against a pig, for like two weeks. It got so annoying that I started wondering if the other killers were…
  • I can absolutely understand why stealth killers are upset about Spine Chill, but I would have a huge problem without it, since I have a hearing problem and don't always get the game's audio clues. I honestly don't know how to solve it in a way that both sides would benefit from.
  • In that particular scenario I guess it is kind of justified, probably because I consider just hiding to be just another type of 'betrayal' (is there a less dramatic word?)
  • I play on a 4 years old pc with 8GB ram and... don't really notice any fps drops? At least not more than before. The only thing different is that the lag I would get when certain sound effects are triggered seems to be gone. I am playing with my friends atm and they haven't noticed anything either, despite them all having…
  • Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I have come to the conclusion, that it probably is more of a 'server issue' than a 'platform issue'. @Caleaha That last story really reminded me of the one game where I was playing survivor. One random complained about the killer and I had to explain to them that, no, the…
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