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  • Just play survivor if you want to chill. If you are having a bad game, you probably won't live long anyways. As killer, you are there for the whole game, every game, which can get frustrating if you are having bad games, and just want to relax.
  • I'm just going to assume, that this is a troll.
  • Okay. I don't know if it was the same survivor, but it doesn't specify that in the description.
  • When I just play by the book, and focus completely on the game, I obviously do better (both as survivor, and killer), but It's also fun to take big risks, and see if you can cash in on some dopamine from some less than optimal plays (which can obviously be seen as "bad plays", when they don't work). I think a lot of people…
  • Probably not an original idea. Activate-able Survivor Perk. "You know how a hunter tracks their mark. Upon activation, kick the dirt leaving a 10 meter trail of scratchmarks in the direction you are facing, exhausting you for 60/50/40 seconds." This should NOT hide your own scratchmarks to make it interact with other…
  • I would love it, if you could just start a map with no one but you in it. I haven't played in a while, and I'm so lost on the new/reworked maps. I would like to just go in and have a look. Would also be helpful to de-rust on some of the loops.
  • In my experience, the displayed rank is more about hours played, and perhaps also playstyle. If you play casual, and like to make sure, that everyone is having a good time, you will loose some games, but if you actually just play to win, you will most of the time, unless you run into an equally sweaty group. I feel, that…
  • Basically, camping (which is when you stay at the hook to disallow the other players from saving) is the equivalent of a kid "taking the ball, and going home". It's seen as toxic behavior, just like spouting obscenities in the post game chat. You are telling a player in the game "I decide, that you can't play anymore".…
  • Man, I don't even know if you are talking to me :P Did i mention anything about camping and tunneling? I have never even used a Mori before the other day trying for this challenge (got the achievement for burning). Straw-man much? If you feel offended, that i was talking about pathetic survivors, guess what. You are that…
  • Yeah, you're probably right. I just don't have the time to play games as much as i used to, so it's really annoying spending your weekend on this. When i play survivor, I really don't care about winning or loosing, I'm just trying to have fun, and that's what i usually tried to do with killer as well.
  • As the post clearly shows, it's written by a person who is FUMING with anger. This person might have been playing normal games for quite a while, but got tired of people DC'ing when they were loosing, and the hatch mechanics robbing him of the 4k, so he started slugging in the end game, just to complete the challenge. This…
  • Sure, not a hatch DC every time, but a DC makes the challenge void, which is the point.
  • This perk would probably help the killer find you a lot easier, unless it was restricted to only work, while in a chase. Otherwise, it seems like a perk that could get added down the line
  • Fun idea. The cool down is a bit much, but I like it
  • They mentioned cross progression in a recent survey. I think it was: "how much more likely are you to play on different platforms, if cross progression was implemented" Something like that, but it was only a single question, but it means that they have at least thought about it.
  • I don't think it's about being a hero. It's probably more about competition. All 4 survivors are a team, but they are also competing for both blood points, and emblem points. Getting a save is huge for points, but it often looses the game, when people are over altruistic.
  • Yeah I also think the 70 hour estimate on the rift was a bit odd. The only streamers I have seen being done with the rift, are the ones who bought the levels, and they play the game for a living, so they have exceeded 70 hours by far now.
  • You haven't failed if you go down, and you haven't failed if all the gens get done. It's the game working like intended. If you failed when those conditions were met, then why aren't you kicked to the title screen? Noed is balanced because you are basically running a 3 perk build for most of the game, and if all totems are…
  • What I want to know is, does DC's count as kills in their statistics? Cause a lot of people just DC as soon as they find out they are going against spirit or Freddy
  • I wouldn't call this thread whining, or bitching. It's just someone sharing an idea, that in my opinion, is better than what is going to happen. But yeah. It's probably too late to suggest.
  • Sure, I get that, but this idea would also do that. Make them achievable though devotion, and get rid of the codes. Then if someone loose the cosmetic, it's pretty easy to see that they should have it from their devotion level
  • Like it. It would be cool to expand the devotion system
  • Well. Then the 4 remaining players needs to form some sort of telepathic bond, because og this? I play both sides, but as killer, as soon as I start giving any sort of leeway in my play style, I start loosing, because a survivor just has to hold m1 to win at that point. So why should the killer throw the game, just because…
  • So what you are saying is, there's one reason. DC'ing ruins the fun of 4 other people, just because that one person is a salty kid who "takes the ball, and goes home"
  • I wouldn't mind that. It supports the game. what I would mind is; buying the rift just so I am able to then buy the items it contains, cause I already know, that I won't be able to complete it. You know. Get what you paid for.
  • So could this be interpreted as a confirmation, that spirit will have obvious tells, when she is phasing?
  • The only way I'm aware of, is in the end game chat. You can click the "thumbs up/down" icon next to someones name, then select a predefined reason why you want to report them, and a custom description.
  • It's back, and you won't have lost any progression in the rift. Confirmed though their official twitter
  • Yeah in all honesty, as funny as a post Halloween Halloween event is, I'm fine with a delay, as long as it then works. The issue i had with it was, that they announced it less than a day before the event. I was looking forward to it, and had even taken time off work, so i could just relax and play some games. Then less…
  • Well ######### me, I guess. I took some time off work, so i could grind this out. Wish the delay was announced sooner.
  • I played a single game of survivor, and the connection was excellent (Stable 56-57 ms) Killer was the spirit, so there were no projectiles. I live in Denmark (Europe), and I connect to the internet using a WIRED!!! connection. With the peer to peer connections, it was always pretty clear when people were using WiFi, as…
  • If anything is holding cross platform between consoles back, it's probably Sony. They have done so in the past with other products at least. I don't think cross platform between console and pc would be a good idea though
  • It was those very comments about "communication" that made me think you were doing it out of spite. It can be seen as "oh, so you want to bleed out, you're welcome", something like a "why are you hitting yourself". Anyways, speaking of wasting time, I think both of us are doing it right now, since we are not really adding…
  • You keep going back and forth between whether or not you do this out of spite or not. If the hook is too far away, sure; let them bleed out, but it sound like you would drop a survivor in front of a hook, just because they wiggled, which is extremely childish.
  • Oh okay. So unfortunately i was right. You are just a man-child then. If you are concerned about wasting time, then how is your logical conclusion; to drop the body and AFK for 2 minutes out of spite just because "they dared to wiggle"?
  • Well if that's the case, i misunderstood. @Orion
  • Sure i get that, but it's still extremely childish and toxic behavior that i would assume is looked down upon. If you can't make it to a hook, sure, you can choose to let them bleed out, but just for wiggling?
  • I would assume that those actions are reportable as taking the game hostage. You are deliberately wasting someones time, while they can do nothing about it. If a survivor manages to get off, even though there is no hope of surviving, they still get more chase points. Grow up.
  • Sure. I understand the wait time, but I would rather wait 10 minutes more to get a game that would actually be playable. I'm obviously not going to play a lagfest of 250+ ping, and get salty comments about lag switching.
  • I would assume that it picks a few killers at a time to create lobby pools. Instead of having like 1k killers trying to host a game at the same time, it picks 250 and makes sure their lobbies are full. This reduces the lobby waiting time, but it just introduces a pre-lobby wait time instead. Just a guess though. The…
  • @deathsia So yesterday you mentioned that you are a rank 11 killer who face camps people that play altruistic (bodyblock to let an injured survivor get away), and today you are a god tier killer that people DC from, because you are just so damn good at the game, that you must be cheating. Maybe people leave because you…
  • @Gamzello There are 3 other players than you, so it might not be you that the killer is dodging. Most of the time people dodge because of bad/unstable ping between players or suspected SWF (if 4 people join at the exact same time). Generally I expect people who are wearing flamboyant clothing to be better at the game,…
  • Well maybe you shouldn't be playing online games if you are aware of your ######### internet. Don't use wifi for online games, use a cabled connection.
  • It's probably going to be quite a strong perk. You won't waste it if the killer decides to leave you on the ground for 60 seconds. The perk is only used it you attempt to pass the skill check during pickup. If you don't hit space during the skill check, it won't be used either.
  • You misunderstand body blocking. It's not reportable if a survivor bodyblocks the killer (as you can just hit them). The reportable action is if a killer/survivor bodyblocks a survivor for a prolonged period, effectively taking them hostage and disallowing them to play the game (since they can't hit the killer/survivor who…
  • Get out of rank 20, and you won't have those queue times. Killer games at that rank are stupid easy anyways, so you might even have some fun if you don't like playing killer because of the stress. You are missing out on half the game.
    in Dailies Comment by Lagoni February 2019
  • Well before the event, every killer was using ruin, so no difference there. I played a lot of survivor at the start of the event because of the low amount of points you got as killer, and I ran into very few campers. Everyone wants points, which you get from hooking several times, so in my experience, i ran into less…
  • The ideas on the video are not bad, but here's my take. I like the event. The only complaints i had about it was, that there wasn't enough envelopes, and the killers got screwed on points because of it. They made changes to both these matters, so now i think its great. You can choose to ignore the event, and just play as…
  • I actually like version 1, but the amount of time is way off in my opinion. It should be 5 seconds or something like that. It's just enough, so the survivor can't use it last second as they realize they have made a mistake. With 5 seconds, they can still use it after a pallet drop without being insta-downed, but it will…
  • If you see that the killer is camping the hatch, go do a gen instead of running up to him. If he is still camping the hatch after that, do another. The hatch standoff is about patience. Yes it's boring, so don't do it.
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