I agree him and Tyde tyme I can tell don’t like dbd anymore this is them in a nutshell ”I want the devs to make it so the survivors start the game on the hook” devs don’t add it “wahh devs are survivor sided they only care about them and money wahhhh wahhhhh😭😭”
Why because of a little change it’s like if you won’t buy Freddy cause they removed his hat pyramid head is fine I bet he will be just the same before the change
even though pyramid head was nerfed it wasn’t that bad actually I’m happy with this patch cause you shouldn’t rely on the cages
Did you see what it said if you get 5 tokens then the obsession no longer gets the action speed bonus but I do see what your saying
I had another idea for the perk here’s my version Everytime a Generator is completed, all windows and vault locations within a 24/32/40 meter radius from the completed generator are blocked for all survivors. This effect persists until another generator is completed. so what this means is if a survivor completes a gen that…
Thank you for sharing I went ahead and tweaked the perks to make them more fair Forced penance=survivors who take a protection hit are inflicted with the broken and hindered status effect for 40/50/60 secs. The survivors movement speed is decreased by 3/4/5%. Trails of torment=after kicking a generator, you become…
Well the hindered only lasts that long but I could make it shorter like 5/10/15 secs of hindered. As for trails of torment I could make the the same duration of dark devotion thank you for sharing.
Yes it has got worse I was playing as killer at rank 1 and got matched up with 3 rank 20s and 1 rank 19
Pyramid head got me excited I wasn’t expecting him to come to dbd and also leatherface
Not every killer are addon reliant only about 3 are addon reliant Trapper, Wraith and ghostface the rest are pretty good without addons like Oni, spirit, Freddy, nurse, hillbilly, huntress, And Doctor the rest need some addons to be good
I agree with this I made a version for the perk myself that would make it so much better After kicking a generator, you become undetectable for 45 seconds. During this time your movement speed is increased by 3/4/5%. I removed the generator aura reveal and removed the cooldown this would make this perk amazing
Sounds like a great idea I like it a lot.
my Idea for this perk would do this Survivors who take a protection hit are inflicted with the broken and oblivious status effect for 40/50/60 seconds. They will also be inflicted with the hindered status effect for 10/20/30 secs which slows the survivor down by 3/4/5%. this would make the perk so much better
Sounds good but I actually had 2 ideas to rework that addon here were my ideas start with 2 bullets but increase reload time considerably 2.chain has infinite range and tremendously increases charges to break the chain
That’s funny cause I made a tread talking about keys and proposed those exact changes to the dull and skeleton key
They should make it so if you run OoO you have the exposed status effect For the whole game
They should make DS deactivate if the killer hooks someone else and as for borrowed time I have no idea
i made have oblivious cause in the trailer they made a mistake saying it applies oblivious but it applies broken people said it should apply both and I agree but I see what your saying
But that’s the point of the game? You need to do the gens to escape and killers with good chase is fun cause survivors need to change there strategy’s to win
I understand your point but I find it weird that deathslinger is not even a top tier character and everyone hates going against him I understand he can be completely annoying to face but he’s still weak with map pressure
i can’t because he would be broken as old legion if he had some type of pressure with a powerful tool to end chases quick he would be busted
That’s understandable but remember he has no map pressure and can’t track like Doctor so he’s powerful in the chase but weak at stopping gens
all terror radius perks make it so when your not in the killers terror radius the effect of the perk lingers on you for 15 secs
Ok I understand now thank you I didn’t realize
Just one more thing I will be making a follow up post talking about Deathslingers perks and how to change them
I made it like that because everyone compares him to huntress and pointing out he’s slower at downing then her so I made that change to make him just as good as the huntress
I really didn’t make iridescent coin the equivalent of huntress’s head I made it 12m cause his chain is 24m in my changes. I made it that way so you can activate it easier while still having a requirement without it being broken
The reason I added that was so that he has his identity and not stuck in the huntress’s shadow