no, these things don't hAvE tO bE aDdReSsEd. These are just things that make you mad. Get over it and just go next. The killer will continue to do it for as long as they know they get a reaction no matter what penalty is imposed.
wahhhh I don't like playing against this killer, I'm gonna ragequit >:(
Holding Victor hostage is literally hard countering the killer and forcing them to play as a basic m1. The fact that its a 3v1 doesn't matter as much as long as the killer has no power. Just run them at a basic short wall gym or another decent tile and 2 other people can work on the gens. Pretty basic twins counterplay tbh.
The mori change is what's unneeded. As it stands, moris are currently fine and often times no different from carrying someone to the hook in terms of time needed to complete the action (moris range between 7-14 seconds in duration, which is actually less than the average time spent carrying survivors to hook considering…
"for the time being" = not now, later. Just in case that doesn't register to you :)
Honestly you'd expect them to be thankful it was ONLY a hook state he's taking and not their life
For the time being, we should ignore tombstone because it will take more time to bring myers to a fair spot than it will to adjust broken blight and spirit addons (nurse addons on the other hand will take awhile because they need a total rework).
It's fact that every addon I listed is a higher priority addon than tombstone (not including tombstone piece, but leaving Michael's addons alone till the more problem addons are fixed on stronger killers is a higher priority than making a bad killer worse).
Actually it isn't a bad argument. You're looking at nerfing an addon reliant killer when S tier killers have the best addons in the game, period. Nurse range addons are still broken btw, they shouldn't exist at all.
You're right, comms influence more important things than mechanics.
You've clearly never played survivor at a high mmr, because finding totems takes less than 30 seconds once you understand their spawn logic.
There are so many more problematic addons in the game on killers that are much more problematic than myers will EVER be. Come back when MDR, Alc Ring, C33, C21, Adrenaline Vial, Blighted Crow, Iridescent Tag, Dried Cherry Blossom and Nurse range addons get fixed.
exactly, it's almost as if the people who made the pain res change in the first place have 0 clue what's actually problematic.
that would not be healthy for the game at all.
"I do watch Otz and have never seen him tunnel." You clearly have never watched any of Otz's 50 winstreak videos or streams. Tunneling is, and will always be the most efficient way to play killer, just like splitting on multiple gens is the most efficient way to play survivor and neither of those hard facts will change…
-'re getting mad at the killer for defending their objective while simultaneously refusing to do your objective and simultaneously hold the game hostage? You're the only one that can actually make the game move forward. Commit to the gen and maybe finish it, or just take your L, commit to the gen and die trying…
Tunneling is and will always be the optimal way to play the game. It's pretty indisputable, even with the "anti-tunneling changes" that have been implemented. Camping is a weak strat and does nothing but secure one kill at best.
You know, this change is actually kinda solid, though I don't think the game needs another 15% regression perk. If the incapacitated effect was 15 seconds, with the same regression, and same aoe effect then it would be much less of a drag to play against (especially if the killer decides to stack on pain res).
There is physically nothing you can do to stop hard tunneling that's shy of hard nerfing killers that try to do so which I, as well as many others, would be against.
The funny thing about that is that you're punished significantly less with merciless storm than you are with DMS
I think that it comboing with dms is a problem tbh. The numbers are fine
woah woah woah, leave my blueprints alone bud. How am I supposed to abuse the badham basement build if I can't spawn the basement in shack >:(
I think that would be a really nice QoL change for the perk since I think in its current state, there's not too much that's actually wrong with it. (outside of the fact that SWF literally just shuts the perk down)
This and then scourge hooks can be adjusted accordingly (I.E. pain res getting nerfed)
I just run breakdown since I know pain res is gonna more than likely be in my game and boom. Problem solved for 180 seconds
It's actually not difficult to hit T3 tbh. I've played him quite a bit and will consistently hit T3 before the mid game even begins without running mutation rate addons (I'm at the upper soft cap for mmr).
I believe before Thana was buffed to 20% it actually did affect healing speeds as well, and as it turned out that wasn't actually that healthy for the perk (or Forever Freddy). Definitely agree that removing the healing speed penalty from Thana was by far the healthiest change they have ever made for the perk.
passive unconditional slowdown/acceleration is unhealthy for the game and I couldn't agree with you more.
They probably will never be reworked since Plague, while strong, is fine and Legion still really doesn't do much in the grand scheme of things, so Thana probably should not ever be revisited.
While it is neat that you took the time to give suggestions to make playing different survivors interesting, as many above have mentioned it would be incredibly unhealthy for the game and would lead to a severe bottlenecking in what survivors see play and what survivors are completely ignored. In this case, players who are…
yes, you get adepts if the killer decides to DC because it counts as escaping. I can credit at least two of my adepts to that alone.
Here's a few suggestions I have for some of those addons. Though I think some of them I think are fine and just need to change rarity to fit their effect. Cat Block: Injured survivors are inflicted with deep wounds when triggering a dream trap. Injured survivors are suffer from Hemorrhage and Mangled until fully healed.…
Freddy's addons definitely need to be looked at because the way that he was gutted just ain't it tbh.
What is incorrect about increasing pressure to prevent yourself from losing? In what world is that unreasonable? The goal for the killer is to, and hold onto something because this may be a lot, kill the survivors. Obviously as a game, the goal is to have fun, which is why I discourage early tunneling/camping (again, early…
"Just because we have been conditioned to expect the killer to play more ruthless the fewer gens there are, doesn't mean we should accept that premise as correct" that premise is exactly correct and should be treated as such.
You know, I would completely agree with this only during certain stages of the trial. The only time an effect like this would be acceptable would be during the early game, and this would be defined as the time period before the first two generators are completed. After that stage of the game, you've entered the mid game at…
*Me, on second hook near a facecamping bubba* *Random teammate walks up and gives me the thumbs up* You have been Reassured
honestly I would be happy to see all of these changes, as well as see this post get even more stuff added to it.
but there is a time limit
the time limit for the game is 2 hours
Just touch the object and get infected. If your teammates cleanse then you cleanse, and if they don't, don't and just focus gens. Plague games generally don't take long, regardless of playstyle and the only reason they seem like they're taking forever is on survivors who are afraid to get infected. It's not a big deal and…
That creates problems in some cases and actually would buff the perk on killers with little to no TR that can use nurse's calling like ghostface, wraith, huntress (not that I personally would ever run anything other than bbq, lethal, darkness revealed and iron maiden on her ever), etc.
The entire argument was based on a killer using the perk on a specific set of maps. I would've assumed that since it's ok to make one silly argument, it's also okay to make the same type of argument since that's what the post basically is anyways.
good, you don't deserve to play a match with 300 ping
It's basically as if every survivor was broken permanently. Sounds overpowered doesn't it? That's basically what coulrophobia can do. Plague exists
skill issue
Leave it to a killer main to try and justify a change that leads to a 60% reduction to the potential distance you gain in chase. A minor nerf would've been fine, but when you implement a change that causes a total loss that's greater than 50% its original value it's a problem. Next thing you'll say is it's bs that…
it isn't broken because it's useable on every killer now, it's broken because the change to the killer basekit + the survivor movement speed bonus on hit duration leads to a total change .38 seconds when the difference between the two roles are added together. Prepatch on hit duration of stbfl at 8 stacks was 1.8 seconds…
My only issue is the instant repair slowdown that you get just for landing an m1/power. If it required 2-3 stacks to apply the slowdown then I would say that it's pretty fair.