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  • The idea that survivors have to pick up some parts or gas has been said so many times, but I doubt BHVR cares too much about something like that. Its unlikely that something like this will happen..
  • overcharge adds 4second more of worktime on a gen.. its worth more if they can work 8+ seconds on a gen while sleeping than getting the overcharge skillcheck.
  • Yes, and survivors who get hit by a killer should instantly die
  • I didnt say it was easy. I mean, you have the least factors which you have to consider while balancing the characters. Its a 1v1 where you have 1 character vs 1 character. So if you have 10 fighters. If you are adjusting 1. You only have to consider how that change affects the matchup with the other 9. (in different ranks…
  • Fighting games are probably the easiest to balance of all genres.. Rather go take a look at that:
  • Adrenaline and balanced landing. Adrenaline probably being the best perk for survivors atm. If it wouldnt be run by 90% of survivors, it wouldnt be as annoying. But I think the issue there is more that most survivor perks just suck ass. I wish behaviour would be balancing them a bit more frequently..
  • Lets say you cleansed 2 totems and have seen 1 cleansed by someone else. 3 totems, gj. Are you now gonna run around the map finding the last 2 totems because you dont know if they are already cleansed or not? Im sorry, but this is stupid.
  • Not to be insulting, but this is top notch terrible gameplay.. Ofcourse you dont leave the hook if they are swarming it, but you didnt even try to chase another guy?? You dont need to defend hooks as a killer, you need to defend your gens. And I dont see how they tried to make your life hell.. They had some flashlights and…
  • I often use: BBQ, Pop, Surveillance,M&A I really like the combination of BBQ,Pop and Surveillance on mobile killers. It can give you a lot of momentum. BBQ lets you see what other gens are being worked on, you can then move there and use pop to regress it, and keep it regressing with surveillance. Surveillance can also be…
  • What I use the most: BBQ, Pop, Surveillance and M&A BBQ: for bloodpoints and to keep your momentum after a hook. Pop: works really nice together with BBQ, since you see survivors who are working on a gen on the other side of the map. You get over there, regress it and chase after the survivors there. Surveillance: Works…
  • They should just fix up protection hits.. Protection Hit: If you get hit while you are within 8m of another survivor, you get a protection hit. If thats too easy: -> If you get hit within 8m of another survivor in the injured or dying state, you get a protection hit. On another note. Does anyone know how protection hits…
  • Are you guys considering increasing amount of information solo survivors get up to the SWF level? If so, what things do you have in mind?
    in Q&A: 3.0.1 Comment by PwnyFish June 2019
  • I believe what was testet is to completly stop the hook progress, without any requirements(not sure about that). I fail to understand how it should not work with a slowdown, if the chaser emblem for killers works exactly that way.. Special condition: The Quality of this Emblem will slowly degrade if the Killer remains…
  • It really shouldnt be. It could be a nice perk, without the TR requirement if used well.
  • Not really. The chaser emblem even works that way. Special condition: The Quality of this Emblem will slowly degrade if the Killer remains within 16 metres of a hooked Survivor 10 seconds after hooking the Survivor. Does not apply if another Survivor is inside that radius. Does not apply if the Killer is in a Chase.…
  • Except the issue that survivors dont know how many totems have been done. Which kills that whole argument of "just do totems". To the question itself, using Noed is obviously fine, but depending on what killer you play, I wouldnt recommend it. On killers like nurse, billy, hag,spirit, myers and others I wouldnt use it…
  • yes. They said they will bring that when the dedicated servers are here.
  • What? That doesnt make much sense. If you get jumped beause you are looking at your score, then thats your fault? Yes, it would lead to players playing the "healthier" way which bhvr is trying to bring in with the ranking system. Being able to see when you get points or lose points is quite useful for improving yourself…
  • the issue is, if ghostface isnt a monkey. he can just hide and your stalk on him gets completly reset. That makes looking at him useless.
  • killers abilty sounds are gone too. Or it seems like they get affected by occlusion, not sure. No nurse blink sound, no billy chainsaw
  • no, its fine how it is now
  • Thats what I said, the killrate data doesnt show a killers strength, but you refered to somekind of data from the devs. You said "Billy over performs across all platforms according to dev data". Which data were you referring to? I just assumed it was the high killrate which was in the graphs you linked in your post. Billy…
  • What data are you talking about exactly? Because most stats ive seen, are essentially useless to determine the "strength" of a killer. For every single killer you have addons, maps, ranks and SWF that heavily influence the "strength" of a killer. As long as we dont have the information on which addon with which killer on…
  • The scratch mark changes make no sense. They are the main tool of killers to find survivors. Without them it will be impossible to find any survivor. Now you say there should still be scratch marks on objects. This will do 1 of 2 things. Either the change will do exactly nothing compared to now. Or it will make the killer…
  • Oof.. this has been talked over a lot. And people dont seem to get it. The ONLY way is to bring up the information from solo survivors to SWF. And as far as I can tell, its what the devs mentioned in trying. I dont know how they want to do it or how fast they will do it. Creating a 2nd queue where killer can chose to go up…
  • I disagree with everything
  • Regressing generators by itself would either be too strong or to weak. I agree that it shouldnt be possible for survivors to just tap the gen to remove the regression. A solution I would see more fit, would be. Kicking a gen initially regresses it by 5% followed by the current regression. Survivors need to work on the gen…
    in Killer GBU Comment by PwnyFish June 2019
  • Hmm, I am not sure if tunneling is the killers fault or the stupidity of your teammates. Maybe both. 1 thing that can improve that, is giving survivors more information about other survivors. Like status symbols if someones on a gen, on a totem or being chased. If someones hooked it might be good if they can see the aura,…
  • Mmh, The only issue I see is with the perks. They are only available in the Shrine of Secret or if you buy it, which kinda sucks and is getting close to a pay2win. I mean, I bought some of the latest DLCs like Pig, Clown, Legion and Plague just because I wanted the perks. The killers are rather weak and disappointing. A…
  • As far as I can tell, the snares are basekit and you can switch to pallets with addons.
  • Saboteur+Sabotage Mechanic change Saboteur perk change: Unlocks the ability to sabotage hooks without a toolbox. You can see the aura of hooks in a ~24m(dont know what a useful range would be) radius around you. Sabotaged hooks have a yellow aura. Normal hooks have a red aura. Sabotaging mechanic change: Sabotaging a hook…
  • But how does it actually work? Do you constantly hear her if she is close to you. Or do you only hear her activate her spirit walk?
  • Really? Survivors were upset that killers were playing for kills? That doesnt make much sense. I can see the issue with the tunneling, since its pretty effective for getting kills. Its honestly a tricky game for making a fair a proper ranking system. But what I think is wrong is, that both sides can "win" a match and rank…
  • really? Cant remember that. What was the reason it didnt work?
  • Billy and the Spirit are in my opinion the balance bar where all other killers should be. Nurse should be nerfed a little bit, so she isnt that dominant on higher skill levels. Nerfed in the sense something like, instead of having a bit worse vision during the fatique, take away all her vision during the fatique time. That…
  • I dont see how it would break him with his addons. It wouldnt really change anything there, since you need to be on top of a survivor to kill him, so you will have line of sight anyway. It would give him more control, thats exaclty the point. I dont think Myers is in a bad spot, but he is a killer that needs a small push…
  • I do think so, yes. I consider Billy A-Tier and Myers B-Tier. Why? What do you think?
  • Ofcourse they can balance it towards SWF, #########? You dont need an ingame voicechat, you can already do that and invite the people to a discord server in the lobby. You simply have to give survivors more information about whats happening in the game via the HUD. Its not that difficult to do... Stuff like, is someone…
  • It seems like theres no edit button for the opening post(or i cant find it) so ill just make another post. I wasnt sure if I should actually post this, since most ideas get downvoted and hated anyway, but i guess theres not much to lose by posting this.