Sure, just so long as killer gets an offering that cuts the survivor's dying bleed out time in half.
Honestly, I could see this being basekit, or at least on killers without a mobility or ranged power.
I think the self heal should be removed, unless you also bring Self-Care.
It'll stop when the game state stops forcing killers to do it. Like look at this bullshit: A lot of killers lack the ability to keep up with good survivors, so camping them out and forcing 2nd stage or a trade is more preferable when injuries don't matter.
I mean it's unlikely you do get the drop on survivors even with a killer, and if the survivors are any decent I mean look at this video. Dredge isn't a stealth killer, but even then he struggles to actually get any hooks.
What's even the point of having stealth if you can't get the drop on survivors? Considering that most of the mentioned killers are exceptionally weak outside of very specific perk and addon combination, I think it's fair. An aware survivor won't get surprised even without sound cues, and an unaware survivor likely will be…
That's a problem that can't be fixed without radically changing how the game works.
Problem is that part of that statistic is from survivors killing themselves on hook because they don't like going up against the current killer or just don't want to be in the game for whatever reason. Unless the kill count also accounts for all of the survivors escaping on a killer DC I don't think it's a good measurement.
Basekit Unbreakable will basically decimate the lower tier killer population, the ones that lack strong snowball potential like Wraith, Trapper, Legion, Deathslinger, etc. While not really affecting killers that snowball really hard.
Considering 1 kill is basically baseline and still a loss for the killer (Killers can almost always get at least one kill no matter what), you have to adjust it for the 2-4 number where things matter. Which is much closer to a 50/50 where the killer either loses or draws.
No more bandaid perks.
Even with the 45 second timer, that can still happen if there's a really good survivor around trying to flashlight save. It'd also definitely happen if you're playing Oni and need to get multiple slugs to make his power worth while.
I could see that happening, they might also do something like making picking yourself up cost a hook state.
Maybe they will include a buff to killer which involves teleporting the survivor to the nearest hook once the pick up animation finishes similar to the Cage of Torment. That'd be the best way to counterbalance basekit unbreakable.
The whole unbreakable change is like using a rocket launcher to get rid of an annoying bird. Not only are you likely to miss, but there's going to be a lot of collateral damage.
Could make it so that survivors sacrifice a hook stage to pick themselves up.
To balance out survivors being able to pick themselves up within 5 seconds we have made it so killers instantly sacrifice a survivor to the entity when picked up. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Yeah, the cheating problem is getting out of hand. They really need to find out a way to prevent people from resetting their hook and health states as well as have a basic detection for if there's more than one killer in a match, and check which one was a survivor and ban them.
It was far too nerfed. It should've been a flat 20-22.5% reduction, rather than the pathetic 20% of current progress which is basically nothing unless the gen's almost always done. Alternatively, make it remove 40% of the current generator's progress. It's more than the 25% of old pop, but only when above 75% on a…
Nah, I don't think it's healthy to nerf one of the few good perks that rewards hooking survivors over camping.
If anything, he should get a small 3rd dash so he can properly play around rounder tiles.
Then the killer will just slug on three. So what do you do then? Make it spawn on three?
This is something I think should be done with the chainsaw killers as well, as sometimes you bump on tiny objects (and bushes).
Yeah... ths new RPD needs work.
Honestly, an ability like this I feel should be part of non-mobility/ranged characters base kit.
These days, Hexes are weaker than boons.
Because it's a horror game, and therefore there should be situations where the survivors are in fact scared.
Funny, it happened to me quite a lot.
Feels like a knee jerk reaction to me to people bitching and moaning about thana.
Old Decisive Strike when the gates were open wasn't free?
I think you confuse "having a chance" and "it's free".
Well no matter what you do you can't completely stop it, you just gotta make it a less good strat than actively chasing. Problem is that currently, aside from high mobility killers, there's not much reason to leave the hook especially on larger maps.
The problem is that for highly mobile killers is they'll just move quickly next to the hook to relocate it, making survivors waste their time trying to get them and the person possibly going to second stage instead of a trade. It'd only be a nerf for immobile non-ranged killers whom are already the weakest archetype.
I think if they wanna make Nurse a bit less oppressive to make the first blink a teleport, and the second one a super fast lunge sort of attack, very fast like the teleport but still respecting the collision.
What Killers need is incentives to not camp, you can't disincentivize the killer from camping since it just encourages survivors to be greedy/brain dead and go for unsafe unhooks or farm teammates. Perks already exist that help incentivize the killer to not camp, the problem is that most of them are merely decent perks…
I think one buff to Freddy should be to let him teleport to already completed generators, and reduce his teleportation cooldown somewhat to like 30-35-40 seconds or so rather than 45 base which is way longer than the Dredge's 12 or so seconds. I'd also just make the Dream Pallets and Dream Snares both work at the same…
Should just make it that successfully healing a health state recovers it completely if it's not already.
I'd rather this be base kit tbh. I don't like how end game you need perks to even justify doing anything but standing still and waiting for the match to end.
It'd probably be more of a problem with camping, because then a killer can bait survivors into one corner of the map for the unhook, and then stand in range of it for just long enough to force it to move possibly causing the survivors to have to go to the opposite end of the map. Proxy camping will still happen, it just…
What Myers needs is a travel system similar to how he works in the movies, where once you take your eyes off of him he suddenly becomes much faster. Ditto with Ghostface. Maybe make it so that Myers gets faster when stalking rather than slower, but only when survivors aren't looking at him? Either that, or a weaker version…
For survivors I think the two pieces of into that you need in SoloQ are: First is a soft Kindred effect that shows the aura of the killer if they're within a short distance of the hook, within direct LOS, and aren't Undetectable. Second is an indicator for what the survivors are doing, a little status indicator by their…
Nah, I don't think the basekit BT needs any buffs, just don't make such risky unhooks. No to buffing wiggles, if you want a strong wiggle equip the perks for it. I'd agree to that, so long as it doesn't work against Undetectable killers or killers who are behind a wall (aka out of sight, so no more information than what…
Honestly, I think that skill checks should transition to a more mini-game sort of format, not dissimilar to stuff like what you get with Among Us. That way generators isn't hold a single button for an hour and occasionally press space but something more involved.
I bet people love getting farmed by the killer.
But these benefits only matter if the killer's proactive and not camping. It won't eliminate it, but again *nothing will* eliminate camping, no matter how hard you try sans making survivors just die on first hook so camping's impossible from the get-go.
Um, they did? Didn't you hear about "waiting it out"? It's just that even with adapting for it, it was still too powerful because you had to assume every survivor was running it.
Most killers lack good map pressure either due to lacking the mobility to get around, lack of information to on where to go if their mobility is feasible, or lack of pressure from pushing off of gens (like the 2.5% is nice, but it really should be like 5% from kicking; and realistically there should be an animation window…