The devs have refused to do this multiple times because they're trying to make this game serious and scary, not goofy.
If you're feeling stressed, that's when you know you're taking a game too seriously. I'm clueless on how a bunch of pixels on your screen moving about can make you feel that way. Take the game as what it is - a game - and you'll start to have fun. This isn't a job, or a hobby or something you're obliged to play - it's a…
I think the complete opposite actually. Pyramid's punishment can go through walls and all, pretty cool, but that's the only decent thing about him, it's the one thing that makes him a good killer. The torment trails and cages do practically nothing and are just there for show and flavour, if you removed them then Pyramid…
deal with it
Agreed - nerf his gun, sure, but nerf his gun AND increase his terror radius? Definitely overkill. He went from an A-tier killer (if you had accurate aim) to a C-tier killer, even if your aim is godly.
You aren't obliged to play dude, Dead By Daylight isn't a hobby - it's a game. All games eventually become boring to the player, some people burn out and leave quickly (my friends barely played a few matches and never touched DBD again), and some people like myself play for hundreds of hours before finally deciding to move…
I have 500 hours in DBD now and I'm also in my burnt out phase. In my first 50 hours, I was obsessed and played countless matches a day as only the free killers and survivor. Then, at around 60 hours, I realised "woah! there's like 50 unique characters i haven't even unlocked!". The fact that the game had enough free…
Artist is nothing like Legion lol, Legion's power isn't even anti-loop, it's a tracking power. I think The Artist is a fun mixture of Nemesis and Pyramid Head, with the crazy potential of Nurse sprinkled in.
The grind in this game is so bad that there is a perk that is considered meta because it gives you more bloodpoints... the fact that people consider BBQ a necessity in their killer builds shows that the devs need to take action.
Perks don't have to be compatible with everything. No Mither and Self Care aren't compatible with each other, for example.
Today I got a match with a Wraith with one hour in the game. Since it takes quite the while to complete the tutorials, I believe that this was their very first match. My three teammates all had between 500-800 hours. I myself have 420 hours.
Play a little more survivor perhaps? Because boon totems are OP (according to you), maybe you'd have more fun matches that way. Survivor is very fun when you're good at it, much better than killer. Remember that boon totems aren't map wide, they have a 24m radius. Just leave the totem and go find another survivor to chase…
26th of October most likely.
This would require millions of other changes as well, and I am sure the devs cannot be bothered practically re-making the game right now.
It's simple. If you are having fun while chasing a survivor, they are terrible at the game. If you want to uninstall while chasing a survivor, they are good at the game.
According to BHVR themselves, the license owners for Michael Myers are "old and out of touch with videogames". I doubt they know what DBD's gameplay even is about, much less the abilities of Myers. I think the only reason they accepted to license Myers was because they were offered money, they probably don't know what the…
I got evil incarnate first try too. I think the reason why Plague's adept is difficult is because her power allows you to down people with only one hit (making them sick until they're broken). Basically, when trying out for adept with a killer that has a power that one-hit-downs survivors, such as Hillbilly, Bubba, Plague…
I've already done survivor. Well, except for Ace... I haven't bought him yet lol. I'm going to buy Mikaela Reid when she comes out, then Ace after I save up 9k shards again. A good team of survivors will always destroy a Legion but occasionally you do get that match where the survivors are terrible and you stomp them, even…
Easiest: Clown. Many people think he's terrible but he has a chase power that is easy and effective to use, Bamboozle which helps out in chase even more, and decent map pressure with his 115% movement speed and Pop Goes The Weasel. Most Fun: Demogorgon. I actually bought the Stranger Things chapter recently, and the first…
So the devs dislike Myers and Ghostface?
You forget blessing a totem takes like half a decade and the killer can snuff them in the blink of an eye? Stop taking this so seriously man.
This is what Legion was supposed to be. Hopefully in the rework for them they get the power we all expected them to have.
BHVR isn't obliged to respond to an obviously fake and dodgy claim. I doubt people genuinely believe it.
I'm 99% sure The NFTs are a scam and BHVR has no involvement in it whatsoever. Why would you want them to make a statement about it if that is the case?
for killer, It's either going to be BBQ + the actual build I want... or Shadowborn + the actual build.
Before, I would find a match after 1-2 mins, even with MMR. I just woke up today and have 20min queues just to get into a game.
79.... thousand hooks? Since... three months ago?? Ok, lets break this down. 79,000 hooks divided by 90 days... that equals approximately 878 hooks every single day. Ok, now let's pretend you are a god amongst men and that you are the greatest DBD player to ever grace the earth, making you 4k in every single match you have…
He has turned from my main into a killer I play occasionally.
I've gotten a Blight once every 10 games, not too much. I've also seen an increase in Twins lately, they've turned from a killer that I haven't played against properly in months to a killer I see somewhat occasionally, weird.
I'm also playing at your rank, but Blight isn't my problem, it's Deathslinger. I've heard his chase music so many times today, it's insane. I'm assuming everyone is flocking to play the sh*t out of Slinger before he gets nerfed in two weeks, lol.
I am genuinely surprised at all the comments on this post. It's a GAME. A GAME. YOU'RE NOT AN ACTUAL MURDERER. THIS ISN'T REAL. You're not a brutal killer, you're an ordinary person sitting in front of a computer screen playing an online game with other people. You're not "making them suffer", you are playing a game.…
I am a killer main who plays survivor very rarely. My post isn't just some entitled survivor nagging on about tunnelling for the 367th time. It's a killer expressing how much more fun they have when they don't tunnel. And yes, sometimes I do have very fun games as survivor - even If I lose - because I looped the killer…
Every killer has a main ability and a secondary one. For example, Pinhead has his chains and the box, PyramidHead has his trail and cages of atonement, Doctor has shock therapy and static blast. It's just how killers are designed, nothing really unfair about that.
This is definitely not the type of game for a voice chat. You would get: 25% of players would be screechy 11 year old boys who don't know how to play. 25% of players would be toxic as hell and would send you death threats because they didn't like the sound of your voice. 49% of players would be too shy to use their mic, or…
Pulse sounds cool. Discharge sounds wack and there's gonna be a bunch of unfunny people who make memes about its name. Not looking forward to that. Electrocute and Overflow don't fit Demogorgon's aesthetic in my opinion. They sound like perks you'd find on The Doctor.
I'm just asking for opinions lol, I don't think BBQ should be nerfed. It's hypothetical.
So you have 72-96 hours on Dead By Daylight? And every achievement unlocked?
How many hours did it take you?
I don't know what you're on about with "no corrupt = instant lose". I haven't used this perk on Deathslinger ever, and I have a winning streak on him of ~40 games. Corrupt is like free, built-in map pressure so I see why it is good on slinger as he lacks it. But as a deathslinger main, with lots of hours on him, I already…
What's wrong with the map? It is confusing as hell the first couple of times you're on it...but it's been half a year since it was added, guys. And since it is the same map every time with almost no variation, it can be memorised easily. It is good for both survivor and killer.
He is B-tier at basekit. S-tier with his ultra rares/hoarder and franklin's.
Just a few minutes ago, I literally played Pinhead, with no addons and no meta perks, against a ~2000 hour Russian SWF. These guys were excellent, put up the most challenging game I have had with this killer so far. I got a solid 3k, and the last guy slipped by me and opened a gate. Pinhead is still very much viable…
An excellent Pinhead player, who aims his chains very accurately and defends the box to keep the chain hunt active for the entire game, is unstoppable and absolutely S-tier.
Pair it with ruin, though, and you basically have a Pop Goes the Weasel that works by itself whenever a generator is completed. I could see deadlock becoming paired with ruin like ruin is paired with undying.
The difference between using hacks and playing skilfully is obvious.
Pinhead is a really rigid guy in the movies, he barely moves and is almost inanimate. These animations are pretty faithful to the movies.
My first game with Pinhead, going for adept, I got 3 survivors killed and the last one slugged. Went to pick them up... an then a "Disconnection from Host" error appeared and I got kicked back to the menu. First time I seriously got angry at a game lol. I got his adept the next game though :)
He seems OK in his current state to be honest. I have a 4 kills Pinhead streak that's been going 8 games and counting. I was able to get his Adept achievement first try. Of course, he isn't an S-tier killer like Nurse, Spirit or Blight... those killers could be placed in the hands of a 7 year old and they'd still guarantee…
AM... PM... Edit: I am an idiot.