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  • The Perk can be Tweaked similarly for Example: While the Boon Totem Owner Performs or Receives Healing Progress within Range, all Survivors gain 1-Charge per Second.When at 16-Charges (or 32-Charges) , The Survivor unlocks the Ability to Self-Heal at 100% Normal Progress within Boon Range. The Charges Reset After Healing.…
  • These have been Tweak-Suggestion I've touched upon last year but these Perks still merit updating within the Live Design of Perks nowadays.
  • The Add-On/Perk/Power Changes : Forced Penance - This Perk Applies Laceration in addition to Current Effects for the Duration. Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - The Perk Applies Laceration in Addition to the Perk Effect. The Clown - Survivors Hit Directly with Bottles are Lacerated. The Spirit Add-On - Survivors within 4-Meters…
  • The Ghostface Add-On Change Knife Belt Clip - Hitting a Marked Survivor Reduces your Attack Cooldown by 100%. "Philly"- Fully Marked Survivors may be Stalked to Refill Stalk-Meter. Leather Knife Sheath - Hitting a Survivor while Crouched reduces your Movement-Speed Slowdown by 25%. This Effect Persists for 5-Seconds after…
  • The Shadowborn Aspect simplified since this mention: Survivors further than 16-Meters from you can not Perceive your Red Stain. This Applies to Survivors that do not have Line of Sight on you. Highlights Survivors with a White-Tint Outline within your FOV.
  • The Perk Design suggestion is actually a bit outdated from this time to then but since this is being mentioned -this perk could tweaked like so:When Stunned or Blinded by a Pallet or Flashlight ,the Survivor stunning or Blinding you will be Affected by Oblivious Status when outside of Chase for 40/50/60-Seconds. If the…
  • To expand on this , this Feature also allows Leeway into a Basekit Anti-Camp/Tunnel Mechanic.Quick Napkin Concept for Explanation : As Survivor,the Trial will spawn with 2-Inactive Glyphs assigned to you. Once discovered,the Survivor may collect and Place them between 2-Hooks within 32-Meters of Each-Other.When you are on…
  • This Featured could be implemented with the Glyph Mechanic as well. For Example : 4-Glyphs Spawn in the Basement once discovered and Activated. Once Collected ,the Glyphs can be Linked at Killer Belongings within 32-Meters. This includes near Standing-Totems,Unopened Chests,and Non-Occupied/Destroyed Hooks. Two Linked…
  • It is an Interesting Suggestion.The Perk can be as Follows Perhaps: While Within Your Terror Radius,Survivor's Item Depletion Rates are Increased by 90%/95%/100%. When a Survivor Screams 2-Times(through any Source),the Survivor and Survivors within 4-Meters will suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect for 15-Seconds.…
  • The Perk Stridor can also be Updated to the Following: For Every 10/9/8th Panting of Breath produced by a Survivor-Running continously,the Aura of the Survivor is Revealed to you for 2-Seconds,and an Additional 2-Seconds,for Every Set of Panting Produced Consecutively. Increases the Sound of Breathing and from Grunts of…
  • I think perhaps this Perk can be Updated to the Following from Feedback mentioned: When Within 32-Meters of a Completed-Generator , the Noises caused by your Running and Footsteps in the Environment are Reduced by 50%(50% or perhaps 100%.) and for the First 3/4/5-Seconds of being or Exiting within this Range,you leave No…
  • About the Concept,I think the changes create more opportunity to Interact and Reward for scouting and being nearby Totems.But of course this aspect has diminishing-returns in a live-scenario.
  • Stridor: The Perk is a bit more Situational with Recent Changes.The Difficulty of the Game spikes Quite a Bit without Hearing Properly especially now with the not-too Uncommon use of Iron Will and other sound-Related Issues. This can retain its use-cases as Short-Range Indicator if paying Attention and allowing the Perk to…
  • Distressing:The Point here is not to make the Perk necessarily Meta but more Appealing to Use by Itself as a Diverse Game is a Fun Game. This will allow however for Great-Synergy within Terror Radius Based Loadouts and Interactions.
  • Bloodlust : Currently, Bloodlust is a polarizing Mechanic. Bloodlust can be Ineffectual to ending Chases early and Time-Inefficient. It is either built up too Late, unnecessary on playable Tiles , or on certain Structures is nullified as the Tile is too safe for it to Build-up properly. It is not very practical when…
  • Unrelenting:Given the direction of the Perk , these adjustments will provide an alternate utility-perk for Chasing and in keeping up pressure during. Monstrous Shrine : This is one of the older perks centered around making the Basement more enticing.The changes are albeit experimental but the intent is to create…
  • Play With Your Food: There are situations where the Movement-Bonus from this Perk can be very impactful. Gaining Tokens however is a very Time-Consuming Process and presents a bit of Logical Problem through and through,is acquiring those Tokens less Time saved than chasing with the Tokens? This is not to mention that…
  • These Changes focus on enhancing the Utility and Quality-Of-Life aspects of these Perks.
  • These are further Edits to improve the Performance of this Perk. As such,the changes enable the Perk to have more opportunities for uptime all together and provide a more lasting Effect relevantly.
  • These are further changes within the Base-Kit to possibly experiment and updates to Three Add-Ons : Knife-Belt Clip, Lasting Perfume,The "Ghostface Caught on Tape". Base-Kit : Hitting Survivors while Crouched applies a 25% Increase to Attack-Recovery Speed. This to incentivize using the Crouch more often. Survivors that…
  • This is a general concept to improving the QOL of using the Power and going against it. This will help to serve a "Reverse-Efficicency" in a couple of Areas such as patrolling around the Map in short-bursts,Evading the Survivors,and used as an Additional Chasing-Tool. Most of the Add-Ons have been adjusted to accommodate…
  • Dragon's Grip: This is intended to be a QOL change within the Interaction of the Perk's Cooldown and in adding selectivity when applying the Perk Effect for more strategic use.
  • Dark Devotion: This is an ergonomical change intended to make the perk function at more relevant and opportune times. Gearhead: This is to give the perk more of an identity within other generator-tracking based perks with some added utility.
  • Some of these have been recent suggestions but I think these Perks could merit some further Tweaks.These Perk changes in particular are to add a bit more utility to the Perks and increase their effectiveness under their niche. Unnerving Presence: This specifically should set up a Series of Skilchecks with a broken rhythm…
  • Overcharge: The Point here is to is to Enhance the Element of Surprise of this Perk; This is also to help alleviate the Stale-Mate Playstyle this Perk can often Enable therefore both Parties can have a bit more control between the Interaction. Part of the Strength of the Perk, while still Keeping within the Original…
  • The Perk Effects between Visionary and Déjà Vu have been substituted in for one another to more suitably cater the Perk Effects between the Newer Player and Intermediate-Player Experience while still retaining most of the Perk's Functionalities.
  • The changes here are to make the perks more effective in the strategies they help against and give a bit more consistent utility.
  • This change focuses on enhancing the Surprise Element of these Perks and in making the Block Mechanic these Perks provide more consistent between each other and a bit more viable as a whole.
  • This change is in part to make the Oblivious Status Effect from this Perk more convincing and add a bit more subjective risk to the Survivor coming under the Effects of the Perk.
  • The changes here allow this Perk to be a bit more Active throughout the Match and allow some element of Counter-Play on the Survivor End if they happen to outlast the Lunge Attack through the Chase.
  • The QOL changes are to distinguish the Sabotage Action and Notification from this Perk from other miscellaneous Actions.
  • These changes are in order to help enable Hex:The Third Seal as a slugging Perk and give more QOL when playing with Make Your Choice.
  • The changes here make the Perk more effective at its niche and help avoid some gameplay inefficiencies with how it currently functions.This should result in the Perk becoming a bit more of a fun and useful niche perk to play with.
  • This will give more consistency upon the Duration of the Generator being Blocked instead of being based off of the Perk's current Active Time as sometimes with this Perk, the Generator only gets blocked for a few Seconds near the End of the Perk's Duration.
  • These changes should make the perk more disorientating for Survivors playing against it and be a bit more impactful when acquiring Tokens throughout the Perk.
  • They should probably change it to where Passive Phasing does not suppress the Red Stain.
  • To comment about the Perk change,perhaps if it was said the change was in order to encourage more proactive gameplay and efficient map control when using the Perk , the comparison between Decisive Strike would not have been as stressed.
  • Perhaps it would go like the following : When you rescue a Survivor from a Hook, gain a 100% Bonus Action Speed to healing others for 40/50/60 seconds. This effect is reset if you are hooked by The Killer during We'll Make It's Active Time.
  • The perk above is a synergistic perk although some of the prerequisites might make it difficult to use.
  • The Hex notification for Lullaby actually doesn't pop up for Survivors until they fail a Skillcheck with this patch. Debuff perks no longer appear on the Survivors in-game HUD until the debuff is applied. This is true for the following perks: Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence and Unnerving Presence. This line in the…
  • What if ,merely suggesting here, Pig's dash attack immediately put a Survivor into the Dying State? Perhaps as part of her ultra-rare?
  • I'm all for reduced NS cooldown.
  • @Fibijean Ah ok ,that's a neat change. Thank you for the response.
  • Yes,they should probably reverse the Tiering on it and make it less grating - the constant noise notification can get annoying.
  • I've heard about this recently. Strange interaction going on there...
  • That'd be cool but I think the idea behind no VFX is that it's a surprise perk and hidden like Surveillance. Removing the surprise aspect of the Skill check weakens the perk further at least in its current state.
  • The perk ideas are very interesting!
  • I haven’t read the whole post yet but I just want to say an Outlast chapter would be interesting. Perhaps your post would be more appropriate under Fan Creations?
  • Wow, it looks great! I like the noire look.