Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • DH was way too strong. It got a little bit nerf but still great, no doubt. The problem is that survivors can fake it even it's not equipped, keep 360 in a chase and killers get to assumed DH is right there and wait once, twice. The mind game is outside the trial its is not healthy.
  • Nerfing Eruption is definetly OK, but how they nerf it is just ridiculas. Make things worse is that killers don't have too many option to choose from. Old meta perks are all dead, the new ones except for Eruption are not good outside the last 3 gen situation. slow down perks are just not that strong and survivors keep…
  • dealing with a Thanatophobia and you chose to keep doing gen and not trying to reduce the debuff, way to go survuvior. Harsh truth for you . perhaps you will get a little bit better with lots of buffes because you are just not good enough.
  • I wouldn't see that as a problem. It takes too long for a new release killer to be built up to fun state, wether perk side or add-on side. Even you got all the other killers at P1, you still need to spend lots of time and BP to make your build viable, lv.1 or 2 perks are just useless in most of the time. If most of the…
  • the blood web should really be totally reworked into something like a store or shop. there are simply one or two add-on that I want to use, but there's a chance I can't get it usually enough to keep using it, and that is really annoying, not to mention the offerings. Just let us buy the add-on or offering as our wishes, if…
  • There are too few colors for the aura reading, especially when two or more perks use the same color. There are seven colors in a single rainbow, and only like three or four in a trial? Get it together, entity.
  • T-bag itself is not a problem, at least not a problem can be solved easily, but take a position in a right time should be a "skill", like when to walk. run or crouch. Survivor can easily crouch the stand up easily like nothing happen, at the meanwhile, only ghost face and ping can do the same thing but with an animation…
  • IW should work less to 75%, top I think. Or just maybe change it into time or charge-based perk like Lucky break, since the perk icon is biting a stick in the mouth and you might break it if being too hurt.
  • I didn't experienced the old MoM and DS but the decriotion of them were disgusting. As for DH and CoH, well I have lots to say. Put it shortly in case your bean head can't reas long response. DH correct dumb mistake survivors make, whether you ran into a wall or corner or anywhere you shouldn't go in, DH and you'll be…
  • saying need a nerf without a reason. Joke or bait, pick one, plz.
  • Add-on defines how killers apply their ability, that's why it's a ######### system. For example, shape can have such a variety play style with different add-on combination, but the add-on are one time use so after a couple of games they will eventually run out. And by that time i have to beg the blood web to not screw me…
  • As your MMR get close to how good you actually play, 2k2e wil be too common so you can't constant pip, especailly in red rank, grade reflects play time goal is a joke for killers. You kill too fast, no red enblem, sorry. You hook someone and his teamate just hide in lockers and don't try to un hook, no red enblem, sorry.…
  • Just simply add a minium cost for each click like 0.25 or 0.5 cost per click, BMer can still BM but for a must shorter time, and those who try to use them properly can still use it as usual since you won't click it 25 times in a second just to save someone.
  • DH provides distance and invinsible and mistake correction, and that's a huge problem on the risk/ reward aspect. No other exsaution perks can do this much. SB and Lithe can mostly provides distance, but DH is way too powerful to do more. The most efficent way to use this is hold it after a few loop and rotate, use it…
  • either cancel the bp limit or just stop make us grind for those add-on or perks it's not fun when i unlock more teachables i have to pay more times to get new characters the perks i want to use on them. 1 million bp is not even enough to just make a single character to reach lv50 though i tried to avoid any add-on and…
  • Killers don't tunnel random survivors, we tunnel the weak ones so we have better chance to win. Two words. GET GOOD.
  • Can be reveal while dying or on hook is ridiculous. When being in these two phases, you should obviously do nothing for your team without perks, not only when facing GF but all the other killers as well. So I don't see why GF should get this "privilege." GF should and probably designed to against those who don't watch…
  • Afraid locking perks make all four survivors the same one? Easy, just make a character number limitation (1, obviously) and problem solved.
  • slapping someone takes 1? Are you seriously stand still and get hit without some or a little chase to try saving your ass?
  • Please don't mention this ridiculous perk with a 80 second cd Too situational to be a valid perk. Other gens related perks as well, too little affect or too long cd. Except for pop, it works just fine.
  • I think DH is a problem because it does multiple things get more distance immune All the other exhaustion perks mainly have one purpose, get more distance, but only with different activate condition DH validation is not a buff, seriously. But what the fix brings is the problem here First of all, even before the fix, it's…
  • sorry for my poor spelling
  • OK, I guess? At least from a rework aspect, I think it's quite decent Though compared with the old meta (DH BT DS etc.). It's not that strong I agree.
  • Nerf a S-Tier killer but no survivor tuned down? I don't think so. If all killers are nerfed down to hard to kill, high elo will only play against nice nurse then not fun to play. That's a lose to everybody. If you survivors insist that, you need a decent nerf as well.
  • I think it's a nice way to remake Hex: Undying, I don't like the idea of die first.
  • All 3 maps you mentioned are still basically survivor-sided, even after the "nerf" Haddonfield has too much window and long fences. Badham with the same issue but more strong structure. RCPD is basically dark and too much corner. Again, still survivor-sided. Also survivor's advantage is not only about map design. perks and…
  • That's the problem here, when killers try to get 4k to achieve a "win", people say "don't be so sweaty". But on the contrary they try so hard to get a 4 escape so we killers can't tunnel or camp(facecamp or even patrolling) 2S2E are recognized as a draw to the trials, but survivors win when they get out. Killers? devs say…
  • First of all, facecamp is lame even for a killer main like me. I only do that when things went too wrong(1hook with 3 gens done) or got BMed But when will you survivors understand that facecamp is a waste of time, just do gens and get out. Your goal is to get out, not to get out together. If you get out then you win. DBD…
  • When you know the Bubba is camping, why don't you just do gens? The guy on the hook was basically dead at that time. Do your job and don't try to be a hero, OK? A camping Bubba can hardly get another kill when you just do gens and get out.
  • The answer is easy. Tunneling is basically the best strategy in the environment now. If killers don't take out one survivors quickly enough, they will hear ding ding ding, so why wouldn't they. Also Mikaela is the one brings boon totem more frequently since they're her teachable perks. Boon totems are pain to deal with, so…
  • Problem with the SWF and the MMR is that high MMR killers are less than survivors, so the system will find them a not that good killer. Also, with high and low MMR survivors in the same group means the average MMR will be less, so the system will also give them a not that good killer. In this scenario, killer has to deals…
  • I think the biggest issue is that the scream and blood may actually make killers think the get the hit or down, then change the pace especially to pick up survivors. And a few seconds later, they found nothing and the survivors already get away. That's really frustrating imo. The whole system design is in good purpose, but…
  • hearing survivors' scream and you think you finally down one after a nice, long chase. when you're looking for them but only find out the server says no is really frustrating. I HEARD THEM SCREAMED AND SAW THE SPLASH OF BLOOD!