@RandDBD Perks and status icons can't be deactivated in my installation, so I can't check this. @Pulsar If I would have to make a guess, the current issues with HUD elements I have seen just amplify an underlying issue. The game is obviously dynamically accessing assets in different situations ingame form the hard disc.…
I don’t know if this is a good place to post this and if this is even a general issue or just my finding, but as the console performance discussion was a lot about HDD issues lately, maybe it can give some additional information/insight. I did some hard disk activity logging with Windows Process Monitor because I was…
Unfortunately, DBD is a game where you are rewarded for a bad internet connection. And the devs refuse to give priority to the player with the lower ping.
The HDD issue should be known to the devs because its somewhat like that on steam as well, if you dont install on SSD. The interesting question is, what is so heavy on the hard disk during the match? Maybe the game logs cause the stutter?
There will be no change if you just go to the forums. Queue up as killer and do better.
Saw it on Twitch and tried it out on the free weekend in August 2016.
I would contribute with stats, but it needs to captured in an automatic way.
Beside from the actual numbers you track, the perception can still be different. I also made stats covering roughly half a year from December 2019 to June 2020 when the log files were not yet encrypted. I can tell you, even if I had a escape rate of roughly 50% for solo Q matches, it always felt lower. Same for killer in…
Are you paid by the devs? Comments like this might let them think they really did something good for solo Q.
1. Base 2. Claudette, now Meg 3. Wraith, now Legion and Bubba
You have to do it twice (not per game, per occation): Premonition triggers >> gesture >> gesture
It wouldn't be BHVR, if they would release a patch that does not introduce a bunch of new bugs.
It will still make things worse for killers. Especially vs SWF you most likely won't be able to kill somebody during endgame. It might be ok until the distributed equivalent of like 3 gens has been repaired.
The problem is that this suggestion would lead to bad playstyles. If you know somebody has DS you can just unhook him unsafely and punish the killer again for aggressive survivor playstyles. DS is now how it should have been from the beginning.
With a good MMR it would be 9/10.
SoloQ <<<<<<< Killer < 4 SWF in terms of fun. Killers in this forum are just crybabies that can't stand some challenge.
West Europe, PC, Crossplay on, red ranks: Killer: morning: ~3+ minutes, afternoon: ~1-3 minutes, evening: instant Survivor: morning: instant, afternoon, ~1-3 minutes, evening: ~3+ minutes In the evening the SWF's are playing, easy as that.
How about grow a skin and go on? You are also wasting the time of survivors if you slug them to prevent the hatch escape, which is disgusting as well.
I feel the same on the graphics thing, but maybe it's just because I'm used to the old graphics for years. For me, the objects and ground merged better together in the old version. Now the gras and the rocks don't really melt together with the ground, but ofc the textures on the trees and rocks are much better now. Also…
hooks could be permanently sabotaged, no bloodlust, jungle gyms had 2 pallets (more pallets in general), hatch spawned on certain spot on every map, no EGC, double and triple BP events, exhaustion recovered while running
The Rift is there to keep the game populated. The more grind it is, the more people will constantly play - easy as that. You get some more or less exclusive assets and some profan lore for it. Up to you to decide, if it's worth your time. The direct monetarization is probably not even the focus. Otherwise they wouldn't…
At first, I'd like to have an after game information who was premade (for both sides). I'm always in doubt how many killers pretent they getting matched vs premades all the time while they are maybe just bad at the game. After that I would think about further changes. However, mandatory obsession would be a good addition…
Recently similar thing on PC(Steam) just without hooking. It seems, the person healing is also stuck.
This game is currently a shitload of bugs, and they say they can handle it. Ofcourse, if I don't know the bugs or ignore it, everthing is fine.
Another one on Badham. Why do I even wonder...
Obviously, post blink lunge is already very short.
Killers never get tired of mentioning how useless the aura ability of BBQ is and how easy it is to counter. But first of all, countering the aura means a loss of time on the generator in most cases (so nobody will do it) and second, we saw the killers run wild with the Mid Chapter patch and the aura change, even though…
I only see stuff that will still work or shouldn't have worked in the first place.
side by side example:
Not a new player. But yes, the grind is crazy. At least they could get rid of at least one perk tier. Having 3 different tiers for a single perk is getting more and more annoying, especially as there is typically not much difference on the levels beside the area of effect.
Yeah, and if IS would be meta and 3-4 survivors consume the totems, it ends up beeing as good as a grey medkit.
Yeah, because running around with Inner Strength searching for a totem is so much more efficient.
No point in writing GG in an asymmetric game. Especially if there is no common sense of what is considered fair play.
There is not much communication in this direction, so my interpretion is more like it's everybody's own business to play solo as SWF is probably the way the game should be played from BHVR pov.
Far from 300 but having 170 often is already annoying. I have 60-70 normally.
My answer is a bit late, but I'm in doubt it would work much better than the competitors. I tested DBD with Liquidsky, GeforceNow and direct Nvidia Gamestream from my PC to NV Shield via Ethernet. Local stream was best of course, but the main problem is, that you can hardly hit any skill check due to latency and input…
I know, but no need to overdo. There are 33 maps (currently 28 without preschool) and I wouldn't mind to give a reworked map map double chance, but not 25% of all.
I think you have to elaborate a bit more, why you think VR would be a good addition. This is a relatively fast paced multiplayer game. How do you want to handle this while moving your head/body all time? VR is such a niche market for reasons. I don't think somebody would spend a lot of work in a project, that requires…
How do you know who is SWF? Did they told you after the match?
Take a Mori ;)
Getting him out of Nightshroud does not seem to be a hard task for the survivors I play against with him :D. Nevertheless I enjoy playing him, as he is actually pretty stealthy without the dumb warnings Wraith has to deal with. Stabbing survivors out of nowhere is very satisfying and you often get them of guard while doing…
If all survivors just would work through Ruin, it wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately most waste the time to cleanse it. In terms of BBQ I never got the point of that perk. If it should encourage to leave the hook it should work like Devour, where you get that stack after unhook and not additionally a giving dumb Aura…
It's mainly as the map is still new and many are not really used to the layout, gen spots and totem positions yet. Additionally, as in all indoor maps, the killers position is uncertain while being inside terror radius due to blocked LOS. From my feeling it's small, which is usually good for killers. It also gives killers…
Your rank is not rounded to the nearest rank. Your pip match result just counts twice in the result screen. Dumb bug. In game since ages, but noone cares...
I think the interaction is just unfair as there is not much mindgame potential for a survivor especially after you got hit and spirit has Stridor equipped. One can play sneaky vs. Spirit by using Spine Chill, but unfortunately if this gets used alot, this will screw other killers even more (Wraith, Ghost Face, Pig). And…
It doesn't matter if people complain or not. If some killers are significantly outperforming others, there has to be a rework. It's like if there would be one survivor you have to hit 3 times to down him, nobody would play the others any more. It's just funny how people pretend that Nurse and Spirit don't need nerfs -…
Legion, at least he would need some better add-ons.
@Bloodartist As long as it keeps people playing the game for their monthly satisfaction, it's probably ok for the devs. However, I think they could make the move for a Player XP based matchmaking and give real rewards or a monthly leaderboard for constant playing. This might also help to increase the playerbase, if…
I don't know. Of course, if a killer brings good addons and Mori all time, facing SWF wouldn't be a problem. However, it would be complete overkill vs. randoms and as you don't know if you play vs SWF, it's probably a waste and completely annoying for those random groups, leading to even more solos leave or go for killer.…
@katoptris: I would, if I'd know I play against 3 or 4 SWF @Johnny212: "I don't want my easy mode being touched" I didn't suggested a basekit Mori, I suggested a conditional Mori. But ok, you don't want it, I got it.