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  • The thing is, survivors already have lore in the game that states they are heterosexual. You either stay ambiguous or you’re inclusive. The fact sexuality has already been talked about has opened the door for these discussions. Most LGBT+ people (myself included) don’t always feel like they are represented which leaves you…
  • I actually find horror movies to be extremely comforting. Which I used to think made me odd, but after reading into it, I’ve discovered that horror movies can bring comfort to people as it allows them to escape their own lives and minds for a moment as you’re too focused on somebody else’s terror. Considering I’ve suffered…
  • I actually find playing killer to be the easier and less stressful of the two. When I play killer, for the most part, I’m in control of how the match plays out. When I’m playing as survivor, I can’t do everything myself and if my fellow teammates are useless, that bites me in the ass. When I play survivor, I think my…
  • I’d like for the dying state music to be removed from No Mither, unless you’re on the ground or hook. I actually like that perk, but it’s annoying having the music playing all trial, especially when you’re against stealth killers as it makes listening out for them harder.
  • You just need to go into the match with the mindset that it’s likely you’ll ‘lose’ but that’s not important, as you’re simply trying to learn how the killer works. I started practising Nurse at Rank 1 and I used the same mindset and it helped a lot. I encountered a lot of the usual teabagging and flashlight clicking…
  • Hopefully this isn’t the case, as I know that COD: Cold War includes the upgrade with both the digital and physical edition of the PS4 copy. Maybe it’s different with DBD because the disc was made prior to next gen announcements?
  • Oh I know, when it’s a great Nurse player, I’m extremely immersed. I also run Spine Chill a lot, which counters her hard. So I become the designated totem cleanser and generator repairer lol.
  • When it’s a strong Nurse, that’s just an automatic game over. Did that bush just move? It sure did. As the entire team cower inside.
  • It’s funny you say this, as I had this exact match earlier today...with a Nea. She kept chasing after her friends with a flashlight, but once I did the ‘pretend to pick up’ trick and smacked her, she became such a gen jockey. I’ve definitely noticed I get less toxicity when playing as him, as people get scared. 😂
  • That’s the same for me. I feel really bad for ditching Michael, but whenever I play as him now all I think is “I wish I was playing as Slinger” lol
  • Caleb ruined other killers for me. Once you get a taste of Quinn, you’ll want to throw everybody else in the bin. 🗑
  • With every killer it comes down to personal preference. I’ve seen some people really struggling with The Twins and others absolutely loving them and saying they’re going to become their new main. For example, if you told me I was going to be facing a really strong 4-man team, I’d want to be using Deathslinger. As he’s the…
  • I’m not sure if I’ve already posted in this thread, so apologies if I have lol. But, I would absolutely kill for a Supernatural chapter. I don’t even want a killer, just Sam and Dean. I’m pretty sure it would be an easy chapter to obtain as I can’t see why they wouldn’t want the legacy of the show (that ends in 2 weeks) to…
  • I’ve been playing as her recently on console and it’s actually been super fun. I just go in with the mindset that I don’t care if generators start getting done really fast, as I want to be able to learn how she works without adding extra pressure and I’ve been winning most matches. Who would’ve thought? I wouldn’t say I’m…
  • That’s all that people want. You shouldn’t have to straight up say, well THIS survivor is gay. Be subtle with it. I identify as asexual, but that doesn’t define who I am as a person. And nobody is trying to claim that it does. It’s all about feeling included. Yeah, this is just a video game. But if a male character can…
  • I think this is the first time I’ve seen you post on here, but I just have to say that I love you. Reading your post made me laugh so much. We need more like you. 👑
  • Honestly, I wouldn’t bother with them. They showed how ignorant they are in my thread that got closed yesterday. They wouldn’t complain about a characters backstory including that they’re in a heterosexual relationship, because in their eyes, that’s ‘normal’. But as soon as it’s explicitly mentioned that somebody…
  • You only need one person to run DS for there to be an Obsession, so if you’re that bothered, you can be that person? I don’t like DS and I would much rather use other perks. If I get tunnelled, it is what it is.
  • Hush was a fantastic movie and such a frightening concept. The killer could make a good alternate outfit for Legion.
  • You better give Meghan Trainor that free promo! 🕺🏻 🕺🏻🕺🏻
  • I’m not sure. As I’ve tried just turning it around and I’ve definitely noticed the bar goes faster the more intensely I wiggle it. I’ll give it another try as maybe I’m just imagining it and it isn’t actually moving faster. 😂
  • Does anybody have a photo of what that last image is in the current game? I can’t work out what it is. 🤔 These updates look awesome though. Can’t wait until every map has been reworked.
  • There’s already a Predator game, so I don’t think it’s gonna happen anytime soon, if at all.
  • It’s also beneficial for both sides as sometimes slugged survivors want to waste the killers time by waiting in a corner to bleed out. There’s no reason for it to be in the game other than a way to try to annoy somebody else.
  • I think it’s going to be a Native American female and I’m here for it.
  • I think if you’re the last person alive and the hatch is closed, then the entity should just kill you. That way you don’t have to just lie on the floor and wait to bleed out. Similar to how the last survivor can’t struggle on the hook anymore. I don’t see why this is any different.
  • That’s what I’m expecting. I think they are stood up, maybe slightly bent over like Hag, but they have the ability to crawl and move at a really fast speed. This stance: I also think the shriek they make in the teaser is significant which is why I’m also expecting a Banshee like ability.
  • I was coming here to say the same thing. This is what I do when playing, I always anticipate that the survivor is going to try to make me miss my frenzy hit, so I’ll wait for them to try to dodge and then hit them. #NeverStopSlashing
  • I think they’re going to be a Blight / Pig / Demogorgon hybrid, but with a slight twist. I guess we’ll see tomorrow. But I’m almost certain they have the ability to crawl.
  • I hope this is implemented sooner than later. I hate having to sit tapping a button, especially during the winter as when my hands are cold, it’s like a form of torture lol. I’m also against the current wiggle feature, as I feel like all it does it wear down my analog sticks. I’d rather have to tap a button for that.
  • I’ve never understood why people feel the need to brighten up their games this much and stretch their screens. I was playing with a streamer recently and his screen resolution was an absolute joke. We all looked so zoomed out, it was like he was playing a Nintendo DS game lol.
  • I hope we get a map for the new killer, because we don’t have a proper woods map yet. I don’t really count the ones we have, as I want a ‘real’ forest and I have a feeling that’s what we’re gonna get. Something very Blair Witch-esque. I agree that they’re going to be fast. I have a theory that they’re going to be able to…
  • I’m glad to hear it. I honestly rarely see him. I’m currently loving his ugly Christmas sweater with the dark jeans / orange trainers from the rift. But, the fact he came out in 2018 and virtually has no cosmetics is pretty sad. #Justice4PebbleMan