locker animation glitch
platform: pc (steam) and xbox steps: go to shrimp boat, fast vault into solo locker occurs: every time someone fast vaults map: backwater swamp / pale rose details: only works on fast vaults and that single locker, doesn't work on the double locker or slow vaults.
Tier 1 Jolt description bug
Tier 1 of Jolt (I haven't seen t2 of it yet) has a description error where instead of describing the cooldown it says "Putting survivors into the dying state with a basic attack triggers all gens within 32 meters to instantly regress by 32 of their progress"
Midwich Unreachable Green Glyph
Was map configuration 153. This glyph in the locker near the second floor vault down directly into the exit gate cannot be grabbed, at least not by Dredge.
Survivor Bleeding Out After the End Game Collapse
Have to wait out survivor bleed-out timer after the end game collapse has already ended Have to wait out the bleed-out timer after the end game collapse has ended if you put a survivor into the dying state right as they get sacrificed to the entity by the claw. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public…
The Dredge nightfall shroud not visible once timer starts.
Experienced this multiple times in this match. The white "outline" from survivors was still visible but the shroud never clouded my screen. Instances: 0:00 2:16
Trickster's Laceration Meter Doesn't Work when grayed out
Pls fix
Pallet throwing gets cancelled randomly
Sometimes whenever I press the interaction button to throw down pallet on the killer, them walking into me cancels my pallet throw giving them the kit but not giving me the stun.
Resurgence Not Working
1. Boot the game and enter match. 2. Play with Resurgence as a perk 3. Become hooked 4. When unhooked by any teammate, the 50% health progress is not there when they begin to heal. My bar needs 100% healing. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played - Claire Redfield Perks played - Resurgence, Off The Record, Breakdown, Dead…
Jolt saying it regresses 32 of gens. not the 8%
i dont think its deffrint in game. but it says that it regresses by 32
Legion's 5th hit sometimes does not work
Hello, I'm playing on PC I've been playing Legion every day since 1 year, and when the new buff came out I was very happy. However with the new dredge update my 5th hit sometimes does not down the survivor. It happened to me 30 times out of 40 games approximately and sometimes it was about to carry my game but all it did…
After the last modification of the nurse killer, this killer gives absolute nonsensical hits. When she turns her back on you, it will give you a hit ... Does it feel normal to you? Why the community is silent ...
Double pallet spawn on Pale Rose
As you can see on the HUD, I was against a Sadako, so its not fake pallet Freddy shenanigans.
Dredge's right arm descriptions are all swapped with the Dredge's head descriptions.
Its most noticeable on his doll and anniversary mask skins. But it seems to be true for all of them. Pictures included.
Distortion consums 2 tokens when Lethal Pursuer activate
Hallo Guys, Distortion uses 2 tokens when Lethal Pursuer activates. If you have Distortion on lvl 1 than even Flood of Rage uses 2 tokens. This happens because Distortion hides your Aura for 10 sec and the new Lethal Pursuer has a time of 11 sec. Distortion 1 only hides your Aura for 6 sec so even Flood of Rage with 7 sec…
Profile not pulled up for PTB
My profile wasn't properly loaded up for the PTB. No prestiges, no perks that I have already unlocked, nothing. And I have an error code 201 every time I go back to the main menu from Play as Killer.
Pinhead missing part of his generator breaking audio
The final part of the sound that is supposed to play when the Cenobite damages a generator has disappeared. See the below video for comparison:
Ghostly survivor
I had a game yesterday where another survivor DC'd after being tunneled. I was injured later in the game, so I went to a corner to heal and came across his toolbox (I think it was a yellow toolbox with a BNP). I could also hear an injured survivor nearby, so I looked around for them so that we could heal each other. And…
Weird Node in Bloodweb
Platform- Steam Was spending bp on Dwight when I came across this weird visual of a node on the bloodweb. Not sure what it actually gave me if anything. First time I've seen something like that
Steam - A way to clone DLCs
A bug that let you clone DLCs between Steam accounts. What you need is: one computer, two steam accounts linked with their respective BHVR accounts, a DLC you want to clone on one of those steam accounts. Both accounts must have already been used on this one computer at least once. What you do then is log in on Steam using…
Minor: RTM server connection errors on console due to suspend
Reproduce: 1. Have active session at character select screen. 2. Put PS5 to sleep. (Guessing, as I'm a non-DBD programmer) 3. Wait for an autoscale or restart event to happen with the RTM servers. 4. Wake PS5 back up without closing DBD. 5. Get persistent connection errors. Resolve: force-restart the DBD app. Without…
Backwater Swamp Anniversary Lockers Floating
These 2 lockers spawn off the ground and just sort of float there- prob came with the new anniversary lockers.
PC - "blocking" (communication with) other Player is not possible/active
If you try to block communication with another player the "block" option is not switching to "unblock". So it is not clear if the block is active or not. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : At start or end of the game you select another survivor Step 4 : Click "Block" Additional…
Playstation: Event community tome challenge not progressing.
Played some Survivor matches, maybe 4. Each time recieved iridescent Benevolent. didn't count towards tome challenge. Played as Mikaela.
Bloodweb only had three perks at level 50
Platform: PC Description of the issue: I'm working on getting all perks on Clown at Prestige III level 50. As you can see in my provided screenshots, I somehow got a bloodweb with only three perk options despite needing far more than that leveled up. Steps to reproduce (if possible): Open a new bloodweb at level 50 still…
Hag crashes on Midwich
After some time on the map, the game crashed when playing hag. After many hours, this was the first time this has happened to me. Looking it up, I found this recent thread without logs: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/329064/my-game-is-crashing-every-time-i-get-midwhich-as-hag For me the crash happened…
Apex Muffler silence effect bugged
PC, Even within the terror radius, you do not HEAR the chainsaw being revved or used. Just use it and get near someone with it. The entire match.
Can’t ingest corruption at Pool of Devotion on Garden of Joy due to tree placement
Step 1: Load into Garden of Joy as Plague Step 2: Try to ingest corruption at the Pool of Devotion that spawns to the left of the main house, above the greenhouse, facing a tree. Step 3: Corruption cannot be ingested because the tree and Pool of Devotion are too close together. Character played: Plague Map: Garden of Joy…
PC - Event Items / Flans Disappeared From Several Characters
Platform : PC Description of the issue: I've been getting all of my characters to P2 50 just because the change over, I've been playing them one by one until they run out of flans each, I've gotten to my next character and realised all flans, medkits, toolboxes & flashlights have gone completely from the characters.…
Tome challenge progress not correct
I put on the Deadly Race archive challenge, be chased by killer for 300 seconds, at the same time I started playing Yun-Jin Lee for Daily challenge be chased by killer for 120 seconds. I completed the Daily but my tome challenge says I only have 118 seconds. If it wasn't for the Daily I wouldn't know that the tome…
Unable to Prestige at Lvl 50
Platform: Nintendo Switch (v. 6.0.2) Description of Issue: I have un-prestiged level 50 survivors (i.e. Claudette). When I try to get them to prestige level 1, nothing happens. It just makes the sound like when you try to get something in the bloodweb, but don't have enough to get it. Steps to Reproduce: On an un-prestiged…
Bloodweb bugged?
Platform: PC Description of the issue: The Entity decided to go rogue when eating items out of my bloodweb this morning. See screenshots below, showing the Entity eating an offering in the middle of the bloodweb and not going on a connecting path. It typically never eats the middle unless the path connects to it, or…
XB1 - Losing Corrective Action Tokens when not repairing generator
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Equip the perk Corrective Action Step 3 : Stand next to a generator being worked on without working on it yourself Step 4 : Wait for them to fail a skill check Step 5 : Notice that a Corrective Action token is lost and the generator explodes ---- I was playing with the perks Leader,…
Inaccessible green glyphs
I'll try readd this post since the first one lost itself magically after saving it 🤨 LERY'S MIDWICH - first floor at the end of a corridor ORMOND - I had one here, near the rocks, but I didn't take any screenshot then. In order to lower my frustration, I would like to suggest hiring a testing crew when adding big new…
Sacrifical Knife.. Waste
Refuses to block vaulting positions. ANY of them in any of the games I've used it in. yes. at nightfall.
Party Creation Failed
I'm unable to play survivor or custom games due to the game saying "Party Creation Failed - You can't create a party because you are already in a party." I am not in a party, and was playing solo prior to this.
This Green Glyph Can't be Interacted With
Map: Forsaken Boneyard - Eyrie of Crows Location: Killer Shack Platform: PC (Steam) Even without the pallet there, I still couldn't commune with the green glyph. No matter where you stand in front of the green glypth, no commune option appears.
Jolt description is cursed.
Lament bugged on fence.
I am new to the game so I apologise if this is lacking detail. Playing on PC: Steam. As you can see from the video, the lament spawned on the fence, I am unable to take this, and other players experienced this issue. I do not know how to reproduced, I would assume this is map dependant and RNG upon spawn location. Once…
Racoon map, Helicopter crash
I noticed that when I play as Trapper in Racoon map, at the Helicopter crash, I could not walk from inside to outside, but I could walk from outside to inside, its like 1 way path.
Infinite Matchmaking
Sometimes the matchmaking isn’t finding players. You’re just stuck in the “searching for game” screen. Happened on PS5 as survivor. Idk about other platforms and killer.
Unable to repel against Artist crows
I play on PC, and I've had this bug so much that it's beginning to make the game unplayable, After I get hit by crows I never have the option to repel the crows, Only thing I can do is run into a locker with Artist chasing me already. This always happens. I reinstall the game and I'll get 1 game where I can repel and then…
Stuck in the plant area in Gideon
This was on Steam, playing as Kate Denson & playing against Legion 1: Go to the plant area thing, shown below. I don't know the name of it 3: Do a medium vault while needing to mend 4: Hold W while vaulting 5: If done, you can get stuck in a blocked area. The only way out is if the killer drops down and shoves you. Video…
Legion cheerleader skirt fold bug
Legions new cheerleader skirt is folded up on one side and in the back when you Spawn in. It doesn't go away.
Behaviour Account - unable to login ( Safari )
What I expect login, or any error msg why I can't login :/ Platform Mac - Safari 15.5 (17613. Console Error [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) (me, line 0) Network Error ( response ) - status code 401 { "message": "Authentication required", "code":…
BACKWATER SWAMP - Blind spot on map ( behind locker )
Platform PS5, but its on all Problem Blind spot on map ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTsoVUodpfQ ) Steps to reproduce just get behind Locker and camp, killer is unable to hit you, or grab
Several bugs related to Legion vaults with Iridescent Button
This week I've experienced in some matches (not all of them) some weird bugs, including things that only happened from the survivor's perspective. I'm going to list a few of these. I've experienced all of these bugs happened while I had the Iridescent Button addon, but I'm not sure if the first one I'm going to list has…
Head-On STILL doesn't work on nurse
If she hasn't blinked recently, it works. If she is fresh out of fatigue or anywhere in her blink animation, it still sometimes does not cause a stun - even though you get the exhaustion for it. How long has this been around? Low priority issue I guess?
Switch: Issue with picking up survivors as plague
If a survivor is very close to a pool of devotion while downed, they cannot be picked up. I mostly experienced this issue when I downed a survivor near a pool of devotion, and they crawled towards it so I couldn’t pick them up. This occurs very often, and consistently happens.
Levels taken away.
Ok so I don’t have screenshots to prove it but I haven’t really been playing the past 2 days . I’ve been trying to get all my characters to level 50. With double exp and the twisted masquerade event. It made grinding that much quicker. I had most of them at level 50 or so and was working my way down the list. I’m doing…
Scream bubble blocks killer aura when using Kindred
I don't know if this is intentional, but since the last update, when I use Kindred, the scream bubble that pops up when someone gets hooked blocks the killer's aura (as well as the hooked person's aura) until it goes away. The old behaviour was that you could see both auras immediately (and therefore immediately see who…