Dredge bug
Dredge was invisible during 1/3 of the game while in chase. He was able to hit, pick and hook while invisible.
Dredge Nightfall
Plattform Playstation. The last 3 games as The Dredge i wasnt able to see The Nightfall progress Bar building up.
Constant disconnect from server
When playing as survivor, when the exit gates are powered and I enter them, game freezes and I get disconnected from server. Verified games files on Steam and wifi is not the issue. Same issue with Killer, random disconnection from server. The game causes whole laptop to freeze up, then disconnection message. Keep…
Overcome camera bug
When you get thrown by Wesker and try to run with overcome, you're unable to correct the camera movement properly, it keeps trying to point downards, when I want to look forward to see where I am going.
Unable to use power as Pinhead after picking up the box
In public matches, 2 games in a row, I picked up the box first before the survivors. As soon as I did so, I was no longer able to use my chains, or teleport to survivors solving subsequent boxes. As you can see in this image, I have no prompt to teleport to the box, nor do I have a prompt to use my chain. I went into a bot…
Wraith Stray Cat skin broken
When kicking things. theres a graphical glitch on the leg
Bloodweb errors.
So far it isn't kicking me out to the point I can't play the game but have been having a ton of bloodweb errors on the Switch when trying to put bloodpointa in killer. Bit frustrating when I'm kicked out and have to reload the game.
Fatshaming Spot - Decimated Borgo
On Current version(patch 29.5 i believe) exist a fatshaming spot around the middle of map consisting of haybales and crates , that prevent passage of killers yet allows such for survivors. it is created by neigboring spawn of straw hut visible to screen shot next to the tile on the right(i think it's that tile with tree…
Kindred not showing killer aura [PS5]
Noticed a few times today that when I am hooked I cannot see the killer's aura. Normally I watch them leave and see what direction they're going in but every time I've been hooked I have seen no killer auras. One time I was afflicted with Oblivious but every other time I have not been afflicted with anything. I see…
Mikaela lobby music issue with lazy pyjamas outfit
I play on Epic Games. Whenever the lazy pyjamas outfit is equipped on Mikaela, the soundtrack music changes. I noticed this a few days ago, and it happens every time I equip that outfit.
Off the record isn't granting the endurance status effect for the 60/70/80 seconds duration.
Head On
I'm constantly having issues with head on showing a successful stun status on screen without actually stunning the killer. This happens with The Alien and The Nurse. I've had this happen rarely with a couple other killers but it's almost always an issue with nurse and alien. I play on Steam
Flashlights ignore lightborn
Okay I don't know how but I blinded a killer who had Lightborn I had a yellow flashlight with odd bulb on I thought okay maybe odd bulb ignores lightborn? But nope it doesn't so no idea why the killer was being blinded.
Tomb 16 bug
The challenge where u have to sabo a hook while a killer is carrying a survivor and drop the hook with in 10 meeters is not working have tried several times and sabo hook nada. And it needs to be done three times please fix asap It's on part two of tomb 16
Knockout (Remix) no progression bug
Progress on the new Rift is not registering. Attached image shows the match I had just completed, and considering I had a 4K, I'm pretty sure I knocked down at least 4 people?
Repeated server connection drops
PS5 Over the past couple of days, between a third and half of the matches (at least 8-10 in total) I have been a part of have ended with a server connection error, with all participants booted. Crossplay on; whether the lobby is all PSN players or a mix, Whether I am killer or survivor,it doesn't seem to make a difference.…
PC - "Hatch Micro Playset" Charm named "Creepy Pocket Spa" in-game.
When obtaining the Twitch Drops, the 1 hour reward is listed as "Hatch Micro Playset" - see below. However, when in-game, the item is instead listed as "Creepy Pocket Spa" - also see below. Whilst this disparity is a very minor one, I figured it best to at least report the difference in case it is a genuine bug.
Xenomorph's addon Semiotic Keyboard reveals generator progress to survivors in some cases
Steps to reproduce: Play Xenomorph with the Semiotic Keyboard addon. Have a survivor carry a map, or equip one of these perks: Clairvoyance, Visionary, Troubleshooter. Have a survivor place a turret near a generator. With the Semiotic Keyboard addon, the Xenomorph should see the generator's progress as its repaired, from…
Server Shutdown counts as DC - PC
PC/Steam The match ended from a server shutdown, but it still gave a DC ban (for 50s) for both me and my friend. This would only really be an issue with an excess of DCs getting this set to a higher DC penalty, but still shouldn't exist regardless.
Wesker Bound Camera bug
I was playing against Wesker on the shattered Square map, he bound struck me, I know for a few seconds your camera is locked into place, but it continued to stay locked until he got me into the dying state due to being unable to move my camera it would cycle back to being in line with where my character was going and not…
PC - Dredge knocking Locker Models into the Floor
While playing Dredge on Dead Dawg Saloon, after teleporting in Nightfall I managed to knock down a locker's model into the ground. It functioned normally and retained the same hitbox, but the visual model for it was buried in the ground. Me and my friend attempted to reproduce it in custom games, but were unable to on Dead…
XBOX - FPS drop on Haddonfield house with particle effects
In a certain house on Haddonfield in the house, more importantly the basement you drop to 20 FPS in and around the house. This effects my device which is an Xbox Series S, I imagine it does this for other variations of Xbox or PS also.
PS4 - Skin Meet your Maker (Meg) disappeared
Hi! Playing DbD and Meet Your Maker, I earn a skin a few month ago. But when I try to play yesterday, the skin just disappared from my inventory. Can you help me please?
No Network Connection even with working Steam+Internet
Files are fine, Steam is fine, Internet is fine too as I am watching a stream right now. Everything was fine yesterday, now the game tells me this. Edit: one time I got up to "updating owned content" when it gave me the error that it could not load all my items. Therefore I guessed that it was due to the Drops I just…
Suddenly removed from the match and given a game disconnection penalty.
Scoreboard issue. Some of the other players scoreboard are empty. I am on Xbox. It has been going on all day.
PC - Trapper bug
I apologize for a lack of details. I had a trap next to a pallet, Mikaela dropped the pallet and I hit her with my M1 attack. She vaulted over the pallet and got stuck in the trap. I broke the pallet, and when I picked her up it bugged. Bug details: the game acted as though I was holding her, though her body was on the…
Getting disconnected during the game
While I was in the middle of match and working on gens I randomly got disconnected once again the first time it happened I thought maybe it was just my internet lagging but then once this happens more than once to me in the middle of matches I don’t think it’s my internet i tested my internet even reset my router nothing…
Camera panning up constantly
I've closed/reopened DBD and uninstalled/reinstalled it. This issue has only been happening since rank reset update. Playing both killer and survivor my camera continuously pans upward.
Glitched trap on shack window (rancid abbatoir)
PC/Steam, Rancid abbatoir map, playing trapper with brutal strength, nowhere to hide, franklins, sloppy butcher. Placed trap near window, survivors stepped in it repeatedly followed by resetting (farming points/being silly) until the position moved it too close to the window, after which I could no longer interact with it…
Territorial Imperative Not Working
PC I mean this in the most literal sense. I tried over and over again, hooking someone in the basement, ran to the other end of the map, and no notification or aura was shown when someone entered the basement. I put this perk on different killers and the result was the same. Territorial Imperative's function simply does…
Pain Res does nothing if Deadlock is blocking a gen
Pain res is not hitting any gen if deadlock is up/blocking a gen now. Say there are 3 gens on the map with progress. One gets finished, and deadlock blocks the 2nd gen with progress. You down/hook and pain res a survivor. Pain res will not hit any gen, even unblocked gens now. If deadlock is active pain res does nothing,…
Nostromo Wreckage secret chest bug
1. Load up Nostromo Wreckage. 2. Bring residual manifest. 3. Open secret chest room. 4. Open and grab purple toolbox. 5. Rummage through chest. 6. Instead of getting flashlight you get a 2nd purple item.
Coldwind Farm map glitches
Step 1. Loaded in Coldwind twice in a row on PS5 Step 2. Playing as survivor Step 3. When running in certain parts of the map Step 4. My character slows down or can’t move This occurs around the same spots on the map.
Randomized Perks not Working Survivor - PC Steam
EDIT: A temporary fix is to turn on Anonymous mode The randomized perks tome was not working for me! It said I had randomized perks (i could not change my perks, the tome was active) but I would load in with my normal perk build, but in the end game screen it showed what it randomly picked. Possibly it is because I…
PC/Epic - "1 000 000" doesn't fit in the Season Garde Reset icon
Description Step 1 : Boot the game on the 13th of the current month Step 2 : Go to the Season Garde Reset screen Step 3 : Notice the "1 000 000" text doesn't fit in the Season Garde Reset icon Additional information Character played: Any Perks played: Any Map: Any Frequency of the issue: Always Documents Images Videos:…
Anti-facecamp doesn't work at all if 2 survivors are hooked in basement
I was hooked in basement with another survivor and the camping meter never filled at all even though the killer was standing in the basement directly in front of me for well over 15 seconds. The other 2 survivors were nowhere nearby so they wouldn't have been preventing it from working. I'm aware that it was changed from…
Hook Misalignment
I'm using the Xbox One X version of the game, but this issue appears across every platform. Hooks on the Coldwind Farm realm and in every basement of every map has hooks that do not hook in the right place: Coldwind hooks piece the middle of the chest and basement hooks pierce too far off to the side.
Please delete.
Sorry, you can delete this.
Macmillan tree bug on ironworks of misery
In a corner opposite side of main, there is a tree and rock where killer can't pass through from both sides but survivors can, and thus it can be abused. Demonstrated in the attached clip. There is a gen there which can be repaired and then one can just run to this spot once killer comes.
Pinhead's camera bug was not fixed
Today's 7.3.0 patch notes states the following: Fixed an issue that cause the camera not to transition properly when using the Cenobite’s Summons of Pain. Unfortunately, this seems to not have been fixed. When using Summons of Pain, the camera still has a nurse-like warping effect. This effect is incredibly disorienting,…
PC - Nurse locker animation bug
When playing Nurse on The Game on PC the other day, I had multiple instances of taking survivors that were hiding in lockers. In each instance, the animation of removing the survivor from the locker could not be seen. You could hear all the sounds of putting the weapon in the locker and the survivor’s small shout when…
Dead Dawg visual bug
The smoke/fog in Dead Dawg since the update makes it super hard to see. There is no mention of the map change in the patch notes. Playing on PC with Ultra settings This happens on every match on Dead Dawg since the 7.3.0 patch.
Skull mechrant drobne bug
PC - dead by daylight Sometimes when im placing a drone, the drone doesn't appear (number of drones doesn't change) and the power goes on cooldown, this bug occurs 2 or 3 times in a match Step 1 - place a drone Step 2 - sometimes you don't see drone Step 3 - wait 10 seconds until you place another drone because of…
PC Visual Bug - Dredge Frosty Eyes has wrong texture on body
The Dredge's Frosty Eyes skin from the Bone Chill event has the wrong textures on its body, using the textures from the Petrified Limbs skin, and has had these wrong textures since it was first added Below for reference are the Dredges default body, the Frosty Eyes body, and the Petrified Limbs body. Note the same moss…
PC - Using victor prevented me from playing
Played Game as Twins, played a bit all was normal, broke pallet after being stunned, sent victor out to chase survivor, victor is permanently stuck, he can not move and the options for pouncing or switching to Charolette are unavailable. Additional Info: Perks used were: Tinkerer, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance,…
PC- Dredge Nightfall timer missing then inaccurate
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Dredge in any match Step 3 : In-game, nightfall meter is missing until after the first nightfall, where it appears empty Step 4: Notice the nightfall meter appear, but remains empty Additional information Character played: Dredge Perks played: Any (First noticed in a public match,…
Jake Park Lucky Stroll Incorrect Lobby Music
Its appears that all platforms are experiencing an incorrect lobby music for jake's lucky stroll skin. It will play the Attack on Titan theme when selected instead of the regular survivor campfire lobby music.
ONI : Bug visuel skin ÉCLATANT DE FUREUR
.XBOX SERIES X .A chaque partie le masque du skin disparaît et j'aimerais savoir ci le bug est irréparable ou demande un remboursement, ? .sa ce produit a chaque partie peut importe la map
Twins Eruption bug
When a survivor gets downed by Victor while Eruption has been applied to one or multiple gens, the gens remain highlighted in yellow after Eruption has triggered. Perks used: Eruption, Hex: No One Escapes Death, Pop Goes The Weasel, Sloppy Butcher Platform: PC, Steam, Windows 10 Occurrence: every time