basement bugs
Trying to do the tome 1 level 4 so I can get the memories, but six feet under and agitated advantage aren't completing even though I have met the requirements on multiple occasions. This honestly kind of ruins the game for me, as I cannot enjoy the lore or challenges.
steam: 7.2.3: survivor stuck repairing gen
a survivor was downed (possibly DCed?) while repairing a gen, and was stuck in the repairing gen animation. their icon said they were slugged, but we couldn't heal them, and after a long time they eventually bled out.
PS5: Bugged Loop on Redwood Forest - Temple of Purgation
Step 1: Boot up game (PS5) Step 2: Join public match as killer (Ghostface in my case) Step 3: Play on Redwood Forest - Temple of Purgation Step 4: Find simple pallet loop near Killer Shack, consists of a pallet, a long log, and a tree. Step 4: Attempt to slip through gap between log and tree as Killer, attempt to slip…
Perk level 3 from bloodweb becomes level 1 in game
This is not a critical bug, but I think it's worth to report it. Steps to reproduce Join a lobby Equip a level 1 perk. In my example it was a Distortion. Upgrade it to level 3 on the web, but don't change your loadout Wait for the match to load After loading the match, check if one of your 4 perks is yellow (lvl 1)…
Firecrackers bugged?
I looked 90 Degrees up but still got blinded. What is this Sorcery? Are Firecrackers bugged?
PS5 "Failed to create party" error
Hi, haven't been able to play today due to this error. Am on the PS5. Thanks!
SWITCH - Clown Intoxication on Different Floors
For example: If you’re in the basement and Clown breaks a pink bottle on the floor above you, you won’t see the pink gas but will still scream and become intoxicated. Not sure if this works on multiple floors outside of basement.
Agitated Advantage Tome/ Basement Tome Not Completing
I am doing tomes for bloodpoints, and as I was doing a tomb called Agitated Advantage which required me to hook two survivors in the basement with the perk Agitation, the tome did not register as completed at the end of the match. Here is a screenshot as proof (even there is no proof of me hooking anyone in basement I…
The Oni Cosmetic Issues
PS5 - Oni‘s default and all recolors of the default body do not show the horns/tusks on the shoulder armor, as well as the demon‘s face on the chest armor in-game as well as the post game screen. Oni‘s ”Noble Armor“ body cosmetic has the chest plate entirely missing. Oni‘s ”Shattered Spike“ mask cosmetic is just missing…
game file corruption
It keeps turning off during the game. It's not crashed, it's game file corruption. integrity check, reinstalled, computer initialization😥 I tried it. What's the problem? T-T
Skull Merchant Cosmetic Mori Bug
Hello BHVR! I would like to address something I notice while playing the wonderful Skull Merchant! While wearing her Fire Moon Festival Horned Gas Mask she does not close her eyes during her Mori animation when impaling the survivor like she would with any of her other masks! Hopefully that can be fixed soon cuz I love her…
Hangman’s trick didnt get a text update
Platform: Ps5 Description: When hovering over pig in the killer menu, Hangman’s trick doesnt have Scourge Hook: in front of it. I know its not gamebreaking but its been bothering me for a while 😭 Reproduction: Just hover over pig and look at hangman’s trick How Often: Every Time
Self unhook into second hook stage bug
The bug where if you enter the second hook state while in the middle of successfully unhooking yourself you will enter the second stage and die on next hook. The animation for final survivor hooked in a match plays. The animation where you instantly die even if you aren't on final hook yet.
PC - Not able to vault pallet with trapper trap under
Not sure exactly what happened here. I was attempting to drop shack pallet to avoid the trap the killer had placed under it, but when i tried to vault the pallet afterwards, it canceled the animation. Could have something to do with Clairvoyance, I know that perk has some oddities to it. I will be attaching a clip and the…
BNP duplication bug
I just discovered that it is possible to duplicate BNP by using perk Dramaturgy Synchronizing this perk usage and BNP at the same time gives 25% to 33% chance to duplicate BNP or should I say don't use it at all and allows to use it once again. 1. Take toolbox with BNP and Dramaturgy 2.Use them at the same time. 3.If your…
Oni skin
Armored titan skin for oni misses spikes ingame
The buried underground does not go ahead.
さまざまなキャラクターマップの地下室のフックに掛けましたが、高度な1しかありませんでした。 Hanging six people on hooks in the basement is not reflected even if it is completed. I hung them on the basement hooks on various character maps, but only advanced 1.
Playstation 4 - Rainbow Map doesn't highlight totems and White Ward didn't work against loss
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, read the map Step 4 : Notice the map didn't highlight the totems and at the end of the game, White Ward didn't prevent protection against the loss of the item and add-ons Additional information Character played - Nea Karlsson Perks played…
Dredge nightfall visual bug
I play on ps5. When going against the dredge during his nightfall there is a weird light square near the killer or perhaps the structures. To repeat the bug I’d assume you just start a game against the dredge because every dredge game I have been in has the bug.
Dead bots can leave scrachmarks
Platform-PC Description of the issue-Dead bots can leave scrachmarks Steps to reproduce 1-someone DC 2-kill bot on the hook 3-RNG chance it will leave scrach marks on the ground How often does this occur- I've recorded it once but happend to me at least twice Video link:https://youtu.be/HfbgEowENiM
Broken Destrike bug
Just played a match against Plague. I was unhooked, had Destrike and Adrenaline but had the Broken from Plague applied. I bodyblocked the killer for my mate that unhooked me and was confident in escaping because i had Destrike, but after the last gen got done and I got downed right after I found out, that Destrike was…
No Progression on "Cleansed in Agony" Achievement - Xbox Series 1
No Progression on "Cleansed in Agony" Achievement - Xbox Series 1 While playing The Executioner, I sent players to the Cage of Atonement twice in a trial. However, no progress was reported on this achievement at the end of the trial. The score was still the same as before the Trial. I started at 70%, and it was still 70%…
Wesker threw me and made me stuck on a wall
Was playing as Zarina on Crotus Prenn Asylum. Wesker threw me up against the border wall and my body froze in the throwing animation and skated down the wall. Even after being hit and hooked I kept flying back to the wall I got hit at. This is the first time this has happened to me. I play on steam with crossplay on.…
Haddie cosmetic texture bug
The textures on Haddie's "Connected Trouser" pants from tome 16 (and the deep rift variant) are messed up. First two pictures are the current textures, last two are the ingame icons for the cosmetics, the regular one's ingame icon has the odd textures whereas the deep rift variant's icon is seemingly normal
Problème dans la validation d'une quête du tome 16 - Existence
Il y a une quête où il faut accrocher 6 survivant(s) sur des crochets dans la cave, mais malgré toutes mes tentatives (total de 6 crochets en plusieurs parties, puis en une seule partie) la quête ne se valide toujours pas
Sending a Friend Request Crashes Game - Nintendo Switch
Sending a friend request to a player on another platform post-match instantly crashes the game on Nintendo Switch with the error message that "the software closed because an error has occurred". In addition, the game is still crashing in between each and every match. You literally have to log in again after each match.…
Game Softlock
In the Endgame i was downed at the same time where i would be killed by the entity because the time ran out, i was downed at the ground and could not do anything the game didnt end. I hope the picture i uploaded is there, if not and you want the screenshot pls contact me if you can
Agitated Advantage Challenge
On the Xbox One, this challenge will not be completed, despite all the requirements being met of hooking 2 survivors in the basement using Agitation. I have tried hooking the same survivor twice, all survivors hooked and all in the same trial, none of which appears to work. Please could you look into this bug.
PC/Steam - Multiple, consistent server DCs since 7.2.3
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play either role normally Step 3 :Eventually, 3-5 minutes max into the match, the game will stall/freeze, hang, then disconnect stating an inability to connect to the dedicated server. Chat says "Match Server Unavailable." Lose all BP and effort, receive unwarranted penalty. Step 4 : Repeat.…
Crotus pren wall exploit / healing exploit
As you can see here nea is healing through the wall and was unable to be hit with victor and only being able to be hit at a certain angle with a basic attack while she was healing yui i am unsure if she was actually inside the wall or merely healing through it as I didn't check the other side of the wall because yui would…
Challenge "Buried Underground" doesn't work
From the current tome page 3 the "Buried Underground" you must hook 6 survivors in the basement but it doesn't work, this might be hook 6 survivors in basement in a single trial but it wasn't added as a text UPDATE: i got 6 in basement in a single trial and it still didn't count at all, it's bugged in itself
Legion Frenzy Animation Bug
I was playing Legion (PC) and I pressed my ability button right as someone stunned me and it locked me in the frenzy animation. Turns out it looked like I was using frenzy on both sides but I could down people normally and I didn't have any speed boost. It's purely an animation bug, but on Legion it's kind of detrimental…
Tome not counting
Plataform: PC Description: Tome 8 - Part 3 / Survivor Challenge that requires to Rumage in the basement chest one time is not working, not counting. Steps to reproduce: Try rummage through the basement chest for the challenge.
Oni using 2 play with your food stacks per demonstrike
Platform : Pc Description : Whenever you initiate a demon strike either while dashing or not dashing, you use 2 tokens of play with your food instead of 1, full build, double speed addons, bbq, infectious fright, nemesis, play with your food. Steps to reproduce: Oni, play with your food, more than 2 stacks, demon strike…
the dredge locker hostage bug
match against the dredge on ormond. in the middle of the match the dredge grabbed a survivor in a locker. the manner of the grab is unknown to me. dredge was stuck inside the locker with the survivor in a carry animation. the dredge could basic attack, but the survivor couldnt wiggle. the survivor was automatically dropped…
Blighted Oni skin very bugged
Since this patch the Blighted Oni skin is extremely bugged; Missing mask (Killer & Survivor perspective) After Blood Fury ends he will still run around holding the Kanabō instead of his usual katana (Survivor perspective only), it will play the sound as if he's hitting with the Katana but it will swing with the Kanabō…
Twins are stuck when unbinding victor
Xbox one Occasionally, when unbinding victor, all control is taken away from you and you are stuck in place and there is nothing you can do except dc or wait for the survs to leave
Buried Underground
Are you guys going to get around to fixing this?
PC - Mad Grit Spam Softlocks Survivors
When playing Bubba with Mad Grit, I was spamming m1 until suddenly it stopped allowing me to attack, the survivor on my shoulder was still wiggling but was not gaining any progress, only released when I attempted to drop them I tried to recreate it but it seems random when it activates, and this issue seems to have been in…
Impossible to remove Head Trap (Pig)
• Platform - PC • Started to take off the trap on the 4th try and got hit by the pig as I finished my trap removal but my hat stayed on, I tried the 5th and it was still on, All I could do was die as the trap was active with no way of removing it, They had the add-on where everyone started the trial with a hat on • Getting…
Undetectable status is alerting survivors with visual TR, chase music, and stingers.
PC - Undetectable shouldn't be causing stingers, visual terror radius, or chase music. I'm assuming this is a bug, as it doesn't make sense otherwise. Undetectable shouldn't be giving off a visual heartbeat, for example. Video below. If by chance this is a feature, it's gutting the ability to actually sneak up on…
PC - Five Survivors in the after game running loop
As you can see, there are five Survivors in the animation, with two bugged in each other. When only three people were dead,with the last still in the trial, there were already four Survivors in the animation. I think this might be because of the player who disconnected as he was replaced by a bot right before his dying…
Spirit’s walking animations
Spirit has a different walking animation where her arms are positioned to her sides and facing outward instead of doing the normal twitchy animations that she does… also when she attacks or lunges the animation is very stiff in the sense that it doesn’t happen smoothly idk how to explain but if i find videos that i can…
Buried Underground Challenge Bugged.
It's probably bug which affects basement hook challenges, because other peeps did reports regarding basement challenges being bugged. • Platform PC (Steam) • Description of the issue Cannot get progress in "Buried Underground" challenge, because game isn't counting basement hooks. Tried this on 2 different matches,…
Cannot get rid of Crows from Artist
I'm on ps4 and around a year ago I had rebound my buttons including the actions and pick up actions (I don't know which one gets rid of the crows). Since then whenever I face an artist then I feel like I somewhat have to dc just because she just can't be countered by me unless I have a locker nearby which even then in…
Nurse Blink FOV Bug in post game
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: Nurse's Blink increases FOV for a small period, this FOV increase gets permanent in Post game if the match ends during the blink • Steps to reproduce (if possible): This had happened quite a few times to me. Right before the match ends if you blink, in the post game screen your…
Singularly can't use power
• Platform is Nintendo switch • Description of the issue- singularity cannot control the bipods on haddonfield. I placed 2 pods on street lamps and I kept pressing L and nothing. The prompt would disappear and come back a second later. I placed pods all over the street and houses trying to play but nothing. • How often…
Agitated Advantage archive challenge bugged
Summary: Hook 5 survivors in the basement while using the perk Agitation, all in the same trial, and challenge doesnt register as complete. Description: Hooked a survivor in the basement, let them escape, downed them again and hooked them in the basement again, then down and hook the remaining 3 survivors in the basement…
Clown yellow bottle is purple when it breaks
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Clown in a public match Step 3 : In-game, switch to yellow cocktail Step 4 : Throw it anywhere Additional information Clown Rapid Brutality, Sloppy Butcher, Brutal Str, Nowhere to hide Any map Whole trial until everyone died or left I don't have the video of it, but just try it and…
Whole game is green
The whole game is green except the basement, i can't see anything, this happened once before too on haddonfield, game version 7.2.3, however it does not happen in the lobby or the menu, only in-game Video - https://ufile.io/g4cet3ny