a bug on PC that lets you get on other cross off platforms
Potential Pinhead box bug?
Hello, First time poster, semi long-time player. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : Picked up Pinheads box, hit with chains, Pinhead teleports Step 4 : Got stuck and died. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Played as Ash, against Pinhead Ormond First time having these events happen
Assuming PC users Hijacking/Exploiting the game with whatever cheat program to frustrate killers
What to add in the description Step 1 : Normal Public Match with non PlayStation Players Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, two survivors with like names using game cheats to harass killers trashgamer200231 & trashgamer19684 Step 4 : Notice the game Glitches the whole 14-15 minute trial Additional…
Still multiple interactions that take priority over unhooking??
Just tried to unhook the last remaining survivor in basement against a Doctor and instead of getting it with Borrowed Time to boot I start to Snap Out Of It when standing directly next to him. Costed me the unhook and the match ended promptly and to top it off the Doctor held me hostage as I bled out for the remainder of…
PC - Booted at beginning of game (twice now) and locked out
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer OR survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, start playing/moving. Step 4 : Game boots me out within 1 minute, both as killer and survivor with "disconnected from host", and I am locked out. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played -…
Cheryl legendary costume Alyssa, dress disapearing when carried
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match as Cheryl Mason with the costume of Alyssa Step 3 : In-game, be picked up by the killer, in the case that I saw it, Leatherface Step 4 : While being carried the rear of Cheryl's dress would disapear, leaving to the all…
Unable to see lament configuration aura
description I just played a game against pinhead and could not see the lament configuration's aura at all. Not in or out of chainhunt and regardless of my distance to it. My teammates could see it when close enough or in chain hunt (killer ran iri lament configuration add on). Additional information I play on Steam…
DBD security/bug?
Hello DBD Team, So my problem is: I was playing a solo queue game, and on the way back to the lobby I got kicked out to the start screen. The game said it was because of connection issues but, after 4 times trying to get in, I got in. But when I did, the game said I’m trying to log in on another device when it wasn’t the…
PC - Wraith bug exploting? Doing actions while invisible as hooking or traspassing pallets
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play survivor against a Wraith Additional information Killer perks: Shadowborn. Map: Midwich Elementary School. Documents I don't know what else to add besides playing against Wraith. Played against a Wraith who was able to do everything while invisible: hitting survivors, hooking them,…
Decisive Strike not working
i was knocked by a hook and the huntress picked me up i hit the skill check it made the sound and everything however it didnt work she wasnt stunned
Steam - Missing Lighting
This issue was first introduced with the PTB for version 5.4.0 (Portrait of a Murder release), made its way to the live game and persists to today, including the PTB from last week (Sadako Rising). To my knowledge it's exceedingly rare, but I am not the only one affected by it. Issue: The Steam version of the game doesn't…
Falling into a locker when going into dying state
So I was playing a match against a huntress when I decided to go into a locker, the huntress walked towards the locker, I jumped out, and they hit me into the dying state, only I got hit into the locker again, and they were unable to pick me up, and instead could only open te locker. you could also crawl out of the locker…
PC - Unbreakable boon totem in RPD
In the top of the library, I assume when the totem and hook spawn together the killer can't break the boon totem.
Legion long mending time
Platform: Steam Description: After getting hit by Legion, the mending time takes very long. Check video I've uploaded: https://youtu.be/JHt5WjMJxwA?t=25 Not sure if bug or cheater.
Locker Camera Errors
The bug where the camera enters the locker with you as survivor is still in the game. It has been literal years now. Any update on getting this bug fixed, or is this just a permanent "feature" to the game.
Crows Nest Spawn Gen
So. 5 gen only in one side is correct? Blue points is gen!
Survivors Punished When Killers D/C
I am being matchmaking locked right now because the killer disconnected from a match. The end game screen showed the person who disconnected was indeed the killer. Why are the survivors being punished? FIX THIS ASAP!
Furtive Chase isn't gaining tokens properly nor is it creating a new Obsession.
Twice now, as I was using Furtive Chase, it has only been counting the first unhook and rewarding a token but denying tokens on all other hook saves and not marking the survivor doing the save as the Obsession. It never goes past gaining 1 token and creating no new Obsession. I'm playing on PS4 btw.
Unreacheable trap
Just as the title says, one of my traps spawned inside a wall on Gas Heaven.
Overcome is triggered after infecting [Video, patch 5.5.2]
I could have written earlier, but I did not know that this was a bug until one of the forum moderators explained to me Override is triggered after infecting a wounded survivor with a tentacle
Idling in lobby for too long causes "No Network Connection" disconnects
[Steam] Without fail, if I (or my teammates) take more than 5 minutes in the lobby to ready up, as soon as I press Ready, I will be kicked out of the lobby and to the menu screen. Sometimes it just unreadies me and if I ready again, I will get an error message saying "No Network Connection" and get kicked anyway, even…
Spirit’s chase music
Spirit’s chase music doesn’t sound as “ loud “ as other killers’ chase music when being chased by her. i don’t know if this is intentional or not but if your reasoning behind that is that it needs to be like that “ low “ for survivors to be able to hear spirit when she’s phasewalking then i’d like to reassure you that the…
PS4 - Strange "input flicker"
Platform: PS4 Issue The inputs such as "Hold L2 to cloak" or "press R1 to vault" begin to flicker in and out, sort of as if someone were spamming the L2/M2 button repeatedly. This is not only visual, as trying to initiate a vault or basic attack can be stopped if it occurs when the inputs were "flickered out." Frequency…
Corner Wall Survivor Carry Bug
I discovered a bug that if you down a survivor and bring them to a cornor of the outside wall, they cannot wiggle off as long as you keep them pressed against the wall. a dangerous exploit incase you down a survivor and hold them till the end game kills them. dirty. needs a fix. got it on vidoe if you want it.
Sacrificed Survivor Weeping Bug
System: PlayStation 4 Issue: Hearing a sacrificed survivor weeping from their death hook Video pretty much explains everything! (Sound On) This is my first time to ever encountered this bug & this bug also happens on other platforms as well!
Corn field maps
When starting trial maps play the Erie of crows map music. xbox one
Skill checks
I play Feng Min I have an issue where I will be on a gen and get a skill check except I don’t hear or see it. I play with friends so they have told me I missed a skill check when I haven’t gotten one. I started watching the progress bar and noticed occasionally it goes down like I missed a skill check but again I have zero…
Thrilling tremors fails to activate
At times I find thrilling tremors fails to activate roughly 50% of the time. I often have to put survivors down and pick them back up for it to activate. And yes I am sure it is past cooldown before I pick up.
Nemesis tentacle strike animation bugged
On occasion, the Nemesis's tentacle strike animation will fail to play the aiming animation, instead keeping the running animation. The audio for the aim is still there but quiet and it seems to most commonly happen when the tentacle is drawn out of line of sight and going around corners
getting hit through pallets again
why? is this another bug or intentional
Hit validation DOES NOT WORK AGAIN
Every single match now I get hit through pallets even tho I stun the killer, feels again like the hit validation was turned off without telling us. So Huntress can now hit you behind walls even more often than she could before and Freddy is literally hitting you from the other side of the freaking map. Platform: PC/STEAM…
Claudette Morel "Plaid Top" clips through her chest.
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of issue: Claudette Morel's "Plaid Top" shirt clips through her own chest, as can be seen below: Steps to reproduce: Equip the cosmetic "Plaid Top" and watch the scarf clip through her tits. How often does this occur: Every time the cosmetic is equipped.
No network errors
for last couple weeks I've been getting so many no network errors in menus and from games where it disconnects me but my net doesn't drop and im still in a call talking to people, this makes me think it has to be a dbd thing. Anyone else getting these no network errors more frequently?
Hag's "Grandma's Heart" add-on typo
Should be "Grandma's" instead of "Granma's".
cornfield bug no corn
As Blight and there was a spectator bug where there was no corn or grass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhWlP7xWP7o&t=6588s at 35:00 in the video
Badham Preschool spot where survivor can fit through but not killer
On Badham Preschool behind the 2 story house at the T intersection of the road there is a place where survivor can run through but not wraith(doesn't know about other killer), it's between an hedge and a tree(see screenshot)
The maniac tries to catch the survivor on the shoulder at point-blank range. Near the hook
Hi! In general, I noticed that the game is about maniacs and there are misunderstandings here. In general, I describe the situation: one survivor is hanging on a hook, and the other approaches him and pretends to try to take him off, at the same time the maniac is already standing behind the survivor at point blank range…
Bloodletting and 1 more skin on Dwight
I got Bloodletting and brown rarity torso that my friend got banned for hacking in the past. Epic games only btw i hope i wont get banned and no one else too
Twins - Unable to Interact
I was playing a match on Dead Dawg Saloon when as Victor i pounced on someone injured as they were dropping a pallet. I downed them, and was immediately killed by the pallet landing on my head. After that I switched back to Charlotte but I was no longer able to interact with anything. I could use basic attacks but I could…
Pinhead/Survivor's HUD Icons Bug
System: PlayStation 4 Issue: Survivor's Hud Icons bugged when playing against Pinhead Loading into a match against Pinhead and noticed that the Survivor's Hud icons were bugged..even Pinhead's Lament Configuration Box was glowing extremely bright when seen from across the map...I encountered this same bug against him…
Dead Dog Saloon killer basement is just acting weird in general Live + PTB
I noticed when I was on live before PTB came out that the killer basement seemed to be much brighter than the others. Today on PTB the floor didn't spawn in and it was much darker.
THE ARTIST BUG,issues summoning Tormented birds
I tried many times and 1st 1-2 tries its ok in trials after its getting bugged idk why i wish just to let you know dear dev and team about this issues with the killer The Artist. As the picture below i was clicking and nothing happend and also i know and did custom matches and other trials but it's still getting bugged…
Rite of Last Breath - Daily Ritual - cannot complete
Step 1 : Nurse is disabled from game due to some issue Step 2 : Complete a daily ritual and receive a new ritual in its place Step 3 : Ritual is: Rite of Last Breath: With the Nurse, blink to a survivor and hit them 4 times Step 4 : Daily ritual cannot be completed Step 5: Even worse, if you delete a ritual and receive…
Survivor status stuck on "alive" on scoreboard after match ended
Platform: Steam. Description: The survivor with the 24k BP was being carried by the killer when I escaped. Couldn't see what happened but by the time I got to this screen the match was over so I'm sure he got hooked. Looking at the screen, it showed him as alive even after the match fully ended (spectating not an option…
Bubba Bug
This bug still exists... Please fix this bug, his cooldowns and carburetor tunning guide pleaseeeee
Bugged movement when Streaming Xbox to PC
Example: Playing any game, movement/look controls are almost non-existent. The issues disappears when I disconnect the stream to the PC, however this renders the game unplayable (no sound). No other game I've played to date has been disrupted by streaming the game to the PC. What to add in the description Step 1 : Stream…
Moans from the hook after disconnection
Description: The surviving woman is still heard trying to free herself from the hook after logging out of the game. OTHER INFO: Console: PS4 Slim Map: Léry's Memorial Institute Killer: Michael Myers Perks: Insidious, Hoax, Curse: Ruin and Barbecue & Chili Accessories: Judith's Diary and Hair ribbon Offer: Cake of the 5°…
PC- Random crashes since last patch
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer/survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, randomly crashes "disconnected from server" Step 4 : Endgame screen shows no one DC'ed and blood points were awarded up to the crash. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION any character killer or survivor any Perks several different Maps…
Dead dawg saloon-door wont open
hi i have encountered this bug on the public build several times. for some reason the door when 99% wont open when i try to open it only ever happens when im being chased by the killer.
Sound Bug
Sound seems to stop every 1min or so on multiple devices