PC - Can't Remove Artist Crows Via Rebound Interaction Key
If you rebind your interaction key to anything other than left click, you lose the ability to remove The Artist's crows when hit by them.
Dead Hardly bug?
I've been trying to complete this challenge, but it seems to not be working. Does anybody know if this is a bug? Here I evaded the attack, but still doesn't count for the challege.
Shouldn't adrenaline vial speed bonus work each rush?
Im not 100% sure if that's a bug i'm leaving it here in case.
Oni Grab Stuck
So... I lunge hit the lady, she stayed on the gen. I tried to hit her again, did the grab, then me and this lovely lady were stuck until the other survivors finished the gens and opened the gate then the end game collapse. Funny enough she DC'd like 25% of the remaining bar left but I was still stuck until the bar finished.
Killer Hit Validation
I have been having a problem that when I play as killer, it is impossible for me to even have a chance to "win". Its been happening for some months now where when I hit a survivor, the visuals and sounds happen as if they get hit. However, they never take damage. I just end up quitting out match after match since I cannot…
David's legs (visual bug)
There are a visual bug in David's aura. If he is far from you, you can see him with straight legs: Perks: Bond and Kindred.
Wiggling Bug
I just played a game with a trapper who had mad grit. I was in the process of wiggling and he would swing as i hit a and d to wiggle and it stopped the wiggle timer entirely. I had to stop pressing buttons for the prompt to reappear.
Nurse 'Blink Bug' More Prevalent than Ever
Although I have seen this vaguely mentioned in longer posts that don't specifically mention the bug or perhaps I just haven't searched hard enough but the blink bug is worse than ever. If the term isn't familiar, it is the bug that occurs which prevents the nurse from chain blinking and causes her blink noise to spam…
Random Plague Corrupt purge
Mid chase, I suddenly get the Corrupt Purge sound, and the next puke was red puke. I have no idea how this happened, though I noticed that the alter was cleansed nearby. https://streamable.com/htl8y3
hanging bug
so as a killer the system thinks i have a man on me and i cant drop him and he is stuck mid air there is nothing i can do what includer hanging other survivors or closing a hatch please take care of this bug it makes players stuck in game (he was grabbed while vaulting a window)
Twins : couldn’t pounce as Victor
PS4 Pro, Haddonfield, Twins, toy sword addon The 1st time I summoned Victor, I couldn’t charge his pounce attack. I only had the option to take control of Charlotte. I came back to Charlotte then Victor again, he was still bugged. I was able to move though. Survivors destroyed Victor multiple times, I summoned him again…
Hex totem in Midwich at survivor spawn
Platform: PC As Survivor I spawned in the Midwich library in front of a hex totem. Maybe it's not a bug but I think it shouldn't happen.
auric cells and passes bug
Platform : Laptop so earlier I bought auric cell and Descend Beyond Chapter for about 4$ and after I bought it I played the game dead by light and I checked my auric sell and my addons but why didn't it come in? and at the beginning there is also a pending payment and I have receipt too.
"failed to validate anticheat" kicked from loading match
I play on PC and don't have any custom add ons/mods to the game. For the first time just now during the load in to a match I got two back to back errors, the first saying "failed to validate anticheat" and then "player disconnected during loading" and it showed the killer as DC in the end screen but for my friend they saw…
Victor doesn't make sounds after downing survivors | Massive frame drops after survivor is hooked
1- It happened while I was on Torment Creek as Twins with speed add-ons. After downing survivors, Victor would stay completely silent. 2-I played 5 matches on the PTB as a survivor. On the first 3, everything was ok until I played on RPD (4th match). For whatever reason in the middle of the match, once a survivor was…
Lost Perks, Characters, & Currency
Platform: PC Description: Upon switching to PTB, over half of my perks have been removed. (I didn't realize until I got into a game; Dead Hard was replaced with Self Care and Self-Aware was replaced with Urban Evasion). Regardless of lost perks, I also lost Cheryl as a character, (keep in mind I bought her a few days ago).…
The iron will does not work correctly, it is an old bug when survivors with an iron will do not make breathing sounds. The whole problem is that for such a killer as a spirit, it's very problematic, when a survivor stops running, this perk makes him almost not vulnerable, it's almost impossible to resist, PLEASE PAY…
No sound while in dying state
Is this even on the spectrum as something you're going to fix? this is a ######### game-breaking bug that has been in the game for over a year. PLEASE ######### look into it.
Unhookable hook
PC-STEAM ,if the killer stay in front of this hook ,teammates are unable to unhook.
Sound bug Nemesis
Nemesis' foottsteps or hitting sound are bugged you can hear them at random times throught out the match.
PC - Item Stuck in Locker When Player DCs
Play any map. Enter a locker holding an item. DC and see if item is stuck in locker and can't be picked up by other players. I tried moving around at various angles in front of and beside the locker and only ever had the option to hide in the locker and not pick up the medkit if I had any prompts at all. ADDITIONAL…
No Sprint Burst or Injured Speed Boost
I was playing a game as Claire on one of the swamp maps. I got a randomized perk build of sprint burst, bond, rookie spirit, and we're gonna live forever. In the first clip I try to use my Sprint burst and become immediately exhausted without gaining any speed. In the second clip I get injured and don't get any speed…
I keep getting kicked from games.
And then the game gives me dc penalty timers. My internet is completely fine. I dont understand why the game cant tell the difference from actually dcing and the game crashing.
Hook System bug
Hello, Platform: PC In one of my recent games, I Kobe'd at the last second, before going to 2nd stage. After getting off the hook, I saw that the game had still registered that I went to 2nd hook. Quite the bug. Always enjoyable to win the lottery with a Kobe, once in every 800 games... and for the game to not register it.
Pyramid Head send to cage bug
Platform: PC Description of the issue: I got frozzen when i tried to send a survivor to the cage and s/he disconnected I marked a survivor with the trace and when I left him dying, I tried to send him to the cage, but the survivor disconnected and left me standing without being able to move or perform any action
Invisible as Quentin
PC Was told all the killer could see of me were charms Only once so far but don't want a ban lol
Player Level Update Error
Getting this error about 1 out of 12 games. Killer and survivor. No particular map or killer. Guessing this is a back end issue?
EXTREME Unplayable Input lag [Game Pass pc]
I installed Dead by Daylight from the xbox app with game pass, not steam. When I click on any button on my mouse or keyboard, A huge lag spike happens. It does not happen on any other game, and it is not my internet or pc, as I have a 1660. I do not have any lag issues in ANY other games. Also I tried coontroller, and…
my ranking reset before time
Before and after* All my game progress went back to the time of the hallowen event and I lost all progress until today
Fully Deplete Key Bug
Tome 1 - Level 3: Locked & Found Even after fully depleting several keys, it's not registering it on the challenge for any key being depleted
Enviromental bug on the new map
Hi, I started this game as killer vs an italian swf that sent me on the Eyrie of Crows. It seems they found a spot on the map where they can glitch on the rocks and therefore the killer cannot do anything to pick them up from there ( the killer cannot go up those rocks ). Btw they were all running No Mither so they could…
Xbox x/s, slow sprint
hello, I have a problem regarding my sprint, when I run I have a slowdown problem I wanted to know if it was related to the games or it's my xbox controller that has a problem, I am currently using an elite 2 controller, I have done other tests on different games and there is no problem with my joystick.
Trickster doesn't grunt when swinging most of his bats
There is a really weird Trickster bug present in the game right now. So basically when The Trickster swings his Crescent Bat and the Serpent's Kiss weapons he makes an audible grunt sound during the swing animation but with all of the other bats that doesn't happen. It's a really weird and small bug but it's a bug…
PC - Shadow of carried survivor misaligned on Pig
• Platform: PC/Steam • Description of the issue: When carrying a survivor as Pig, from her POV the shadow of the carried survivor is down by her legs. • Steps to reproduce (if possible): As Pig: Down a survivor, pick them up, and look at your own shadow. • How often does this occur: Consistently. I haven't paid attention…
Party starter animation bug in lobby.
The party starter has incorrect animation in the lobby. Female characters periodically squeeze and unclench their hand, while male characters have a party starter in the hand model much higher than it should be. The bug affects "Third year party starter" and "Winter party starter".
PC - Finnicky totem in Lery's
• Platform: PC/Steam • Description of the issue: While in a reasonable position to snuff a totem, it was unusually difficult to get the prompt. I might just be stupid and haven't yet mastered the art of 'where to stand/look to snuff the totem,' but it didn't feel very.. correct, so I figured it's worth mentioning. • Steps…
Hi guys, I know the perks have changed their names, but in Brazilian Portuguese we have 2 perks with the same name. "Overcharge" has always been called "Sobrecarga". The other perk, "Surge", was previously called "Pico de Tensão", which was right. But now "Surge" is also called "Sobrecarga". In summary, we have two…
PS5 crawl + recovery bug
I tried using the Flip-Flop, Tenacity, Unbreakable and Power Struggle build. When the time came, I held the button for recovering and then tried crawling with the stick, but nothing happened - I just kept recovering but couldn't move at all, as if the left stick didn't work at all, no movement, no spinning. I could only…
non-interchangable cosmetic items needs a prompt so players know not to buy them.
Cosmetic items that are not interchangeable need a prompt letting players know that they can't mix and match. Are players purchasing out of their own fully-informed choice? Or are players being scammed into buying things that do not work as advertised? I feel the second after purchasing the polychrom outfit for Yun Jin…
PC - Wiggle Progress Pauses During Protection Hit Event
Step 1 : Killer is carrying a downed survivor to a hook Step 2 : Another survivor takes a hit while carried survivor attempts to wiggle free Step 3 : During the killer's M1 cooldown, the wiggle bar for the carried survivor completely pauses and no progress is gained, making it impossible to wiggle free for protection hits…
Survivor Mikaela glitched on a Dreamlike Pallet
Description: The surviving woman was trapped under a dream bed after placing it on her (from the video it is not clear that it was a dream bed, because I was too close but I can assure you it was), at the beginning the interaction is appeared "pick up", but, after a while, she disappeared, while instead the survivors were…
Can't add friend from EPIC - PC
I bougth DBD from Epic Games Store, but I can't add friend from EPIC too, not work in overlay.. Here some screenshot But I can add friend from STEAM.. hope this will fix soon
Survivor Mikaela glitched on a Dreamlike Pallet
Description: The surviving woman was trapped under a Dreamlike Pallet after placing it on her (from the video it is not clear that it was a Dreamlike Pallet, because I was too close but I can assure you it was), at the beginning the interaction is appeared "pick up", but, after a while, she disappeared, while instead the…
Terror radius disappearing randomly
Hey there, me and my friends experienced a pretty weird and annoying bug these days. It happens in nearly every round that the killer has no terror radius or it disappears mid game without any perk responsible for it. Happens to my friends, even if i have radius hearable and the other way around. I hear it and they don´t.…
The translate between engelish and turkish
I know its not a big deal and a small thing but i realised when i was playing dbd with my friend that in english one of the perks of 'Mikaela Reid' called 'CLAIRVOYANCE' has some words translated missing.It sais 'you see the auras of the exit gate switches,generators,hooks,chests and the hatch' but in turkish it doesnt say…
Glitch to scale up anything AS A SURVIVOR
description: me and my friend discovered a glitch that requires 2 people that allows you to scale anything How to reproduce: all you have to do is and heal person behind you while running forward into a object and the person behind you just have to be injured and be walking/pushing up against you platform: tried on pc and…
Hackers holding killers hostage
hackers holding killers hostage in game when there end game collapse they they hook them selfs stay there in till we dc we get penalty for dc because there hacking pls fix this fyi TUR jay has gotten hack by this guy for 3 days straight
Hook Counter Desync
PC So, in the beginning of the game, I was in basement. The second hook animation began (when the entity leg comes and the survivor screams), but before it completed, I was rescued. The killer hooks me again in endgame, and I die instantly even though it only shows me on first hook. Obviously, I was actually on second…
Jolt/Surge Proc on Dead Hard Validated Hit
Was playing as Survivor, working on a Generator. Could see Killer (Clown) chasing another Survivor nearby. Killer attacked while the Survivor used Dead Hard. Survivor screamed as if downed, but was not downed, and Jolt/Surge triggered, blowing up the Gen I was working on. My only conclusion is that the attack was hit…