DC penalty hack is back?
I was watching Bronx' stream last night and it ended early from what seems to be either a huge bug or the DC penalty hack again... Proof 1, https://clips.twitch.tv/AltruisticTiredCardTTours Proof 2, https://clips.twitch.tv/LongFriendlyLlamaYee At exactly 20s into this clip you can actually see it go from 2 min ban to a 5…
DBD mobile Doctor
Skill checks while in any tier of madness are randomly impossible. I never have trouble hitting skill checks, whether it be decisive strike, overcharge, or anything else, but while in madness, generator skill checks are sometimes impossible, let alone trying to “snap out of it”
Game didn't end
I was playing Killer (01.08.2020) and as I hooked the last survivor, this happened: The only way to exit the game was to disconnect.
PC - Visual bug when using Adrenaline with Second Wind
I play on Steam. I was using Adrenaline and Second Wind, got my Second Wind available and then went on hook before the last generator got repaired. After that, the last generator got repaired and I got unhooked into Adrenaline and Second Wind which caused my status icon in the bottom left to show me as full health and…
PC / 4.1.0 / Grim Pantry / invisible obstacle
Can be a generator totally muted ?
Hi, I'm playing still on PS4, with headphones to have more spatial/directional sounds. Generators spawn in different patterns inside a little radius but mainly in few spots. The level design can sometimes make them to spawn back to the wall like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SEgF1RiB8E In this specific way,…
Survivor Aura Bug as Killer.
The platform is XBOX One As killer, I'll randomly see the aura of a survivor even if the perks I run don't give any sort of aura. This has occurred mostly while I play Legion, the perks I run are Unrelenting, Sloppy Butcher, Mad Grit, and No Ed, this aura bug has also occurred on other killers but not as often. I'll just…
Switch - Game crash after every game + No bloodpoints gained
The game starts normally, I get into a lobby and am able to play the game but after it, I get a weird message and my game crashes. I can't load the game unless I close it and reopen it. I play Dead By Daylight on the Switch. Characters played : Yui, Ace, Oni It happens every game, wether killer or survivor. I'm from…
PC 4.1.0 - Bloodpoint Duplication Bug
Finish the challenge: "Blinded by the light" I don't really know if that happend to other people too but when I finished the challenge "Blinded by the light" I got 45k bloodpoints instead of 25k. I didn't notice at first and tried leveling my character and finished my bloodweb. After that I was send to the title screen…
PC 4.1.0 (It happens on other platforms too): Deathslinger Speared Animation Is Bugged
Step 1: Launching a game Step 2: Shooting a survivor with the Redeemer (Deathslinger's Gun) Step 3: The Survivor is not staggered on place during the "speared" animation anymore, but they're actually able to slide around for 0.5s before you can start reeling ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character: Deathslinger Perks: Problem not…
PC - Previous Tomes lore unavailable
I play on Steam. I wanted to read the Tome III lore as I hadn't done it yet, so I went into the Compendium and verified Tome III only to see it shows the lore entries from Tome IV (previous Tomes have the same issue). Steps to reproduce: Open the game Head to The Archives Go into Compendium Click on Tome III Click on Lore
PC - Error 111 / No Bloodpoints after match
*After 4.1.0 update* Just had a normal game as a survivor using Feng Min & Dwight. Then the prompt of error showed after the game [at match results]. I received bloodpoints in 1 out of 4 matches only. Lost my items and offerings, and no bloodpoints gained. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played - Feng Min, Dwight Perks…
Game breaking glitch that causes the game to force the killer to DC or the game will never end
Video is uploading to youtube atm too big to attach I was playing a game on the Plague map against an Oni with a buddy of mine and I was dead on hook, I got hooked and when I was put on the hook I didnt die, the game acted like I was still alive,I was just floating infront of the hook and I was getting idle crows, I…
deathslinger aiming lag
when I ADS there is mouse cursor lag . look at the website to see the flash animation for reference . http://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/146529/view.html
players abusing bug
I was a clown and two players made a bug to enter the closet, I opened it and couldn’t get it out because it was like there wasn’t anyone and they didn’t get out of the bug, and they enjoyed the whole game
PC - Clipping bug on Backwater Swamp (Pale Rose) map
I was hiding behind this tree, looking for the killer. I stood still for most of the time, only occasionally adjusting a bit to get a better view. When I wanted to run from there, I could no longer move, only spin around on the spot. Crouching or dead hard did not work, and was still stuck after getting downed by the…
Female Flashlight model glitch
Platform: ps4 Any map To recreate: Equip a flashlight on a female survivor, repair a gen, vault a window. The survivor starts doing out of place movement
Broken Physic
Start the Game as a survivor Wait for the Killer to hook you Notice if your survivor's body is way more farther from the hook (This means that the bug will probably happen) Wait for someone to unhook you Now your survivor physics is broken, teleporting from side to side for no reason (other survivors & the killer don't see…
Is this a bug?
I did this much into the Tome 1 tier 3 archives, and getting it unlocked the level 4? Is it bug, or because I am behind by so much?
Game constantly crashing.
When I play survivor on DBD and load into the match, about 30 seconds into the game my game crashes and same with my friends I play with. I play on ps4 and I am playing with 2 others ( dont know if that matters).
Wool Naragi Jacket not rendering in game (jake cosmetic)
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play public match Step 3 : In-game meet a Jake wearing the Wool Naragi Jacket Step 4 : Notice his upper body is transparent and he is only legs and a floating head ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played - Feng Min, Wraith, Leatherface Maps - Badham preschool (unknown varient), Lampkin Lane,…
Forget this don’t know how to delete
4.1.0: Steam: "By Any Means Necessary" challenge broken
I dropped 4 palettes during chase, and it only counted 2. the next match I dropped 2 palettes ON THE KILLER during chase and it only counted 1.
flashlights vs hag traps are buggy
Flashlights when used on hag traps will not always reveal the trap, or destroy it when you focus on it. Platform: Steam How often this issue occurs: Happens intermittently. but often enough to be an issue How to reproduce this issue (if possible) A friend and I were reproducing it at least once a game while running around…
Demogorgon Teleport Glitch
So I was about to down the other two survivors that ran away, I decided to teleport and when it brought me back into the map, I was stuck inside of a bale of hay, I couldn't put down another portal or jump/slash my way out of the situation, so I just sat there till the other two managed to escape. I didn't get more than…
Hillbilly chainsaw animation/camera angle
His camera angle and animations have been bugged for months now, which you can clearly see while playing as or against him. With this recent update, the animation from letting go of the chainsaw after a sprint has been made even worse. It makes him look way down for some reason and is pretty annoying to deal with. Clip…
Survivor's Health Would not deplete on hook--- other issues
Apparently this is an old bug, but the search wasn't working for me. I was playing as Wraith. I hooked a Claudette. She was partly ahead of the hook. Right after I hooked her, the game was partly 'slowed down' for me. I could not cloak or break pallets. The other survivors opened the exit gates and left. After the end game…
Forum search bar and link to “example of bug report” not working
I’m attempting to post a bug in your game but wanted to search to see if anyone had posted about it already (as instructed). The search bar takes me to an error message (first picture). I’m using Google Chrome as the browser on my iPhone to access this website. I don’t know where to report bugs on your website but figured…
Multiple Oni bugs
I don't know if we're allowed to put multiple bugs in one report but since these are all related to Oni I'm doing it anyways. I mainly play Oni so I think I can accurately determine the frequency of these bugs. 1: PC - Oni's camera spazzing out when Demon Striking a survivor. Demon Strike a survivor -> Camera spins rapidly…
Borrowed Time not working
Platform: Xbox I was running borrowed time as one of my perks, I also used kindred, dead hard, and adrenaline. When the killer hits the unhooked survivor within one to three seconds of being unhooked they went down into the dying state. I played as Meg and Jake and this occurred in different matches, once against a Hag and…
where is the fix of "We have a tentative fix for the 111/Syn"?
I continue losing blood points, I have been 4 days since patch 4.1.0 that after my games I DO NOT WIN ANY BLOOD POINT. Do something NOW! This is very annoying!
Bug on nodes' names on portuguese
So, at the beginning of the new tome, I've noticed that the names of some nodes are either not programmed to appear or are in english. The explanation is completely fine and well translated. It doesn't mess with the understanding of what to do, it's just there. I thought that was a bug that would be solved in a couple of…
Treacherous Water Collection skins do not show up in Full Outfit section.
I have checked other outfits from the previous tomes and they do show up, except those two. I do not know it's because they're rare (since Spirit's Sprint Harvest outfit is rare too but it does show up) or it's actually a bug. So I'm reporting just in case. Said Spirit Outfit and her loadout screen.
Hillbilly Chainsaw Add-on Bug
Platform - PS4 Bug - Hillbilly had the add-on "Apex Muffler" which says "Chainsaw is silent for survivors outside the Terror Radius". During the game, inside the terror radius and in chase the chainsaw was silent the entire time. Not once did I get a chance to hear it Steps to reproduce - Possibly just throw on that add-on…
PS4 Pyramid head rites of judgment-basic attack bug
Hi, i have noticed that pyramid head has a bug on hes mechanics in ps4 platform. In PC when using rites of judgment and then canceling it, you can inmmediately basick attack a survivor (theres no delay between the cancelation of the rites of judgment and the basic attack animation). In PS4 theres a 2 seconds delay between…
Clown's Flask of Bleach addon description is missing a bullet.
Platform: PC Description: Clown's Flask of Bleach addon description is missing a bullet. Steps to Reproduce: Look at the addon description. How often does it occur: Every time you Look at the addon description. Pictures: Flaks of Bleach Compared to: Thick Cork Stopper
Disconnected after match finished didnt get my blood points...twice
So I was on my wraith and used my ebony mori and killed all the survivors...and as the end of round screen came up so did the disconnected error thing....and I didnt get any points and I still had my ebony Mori. So I tried again and the same thing happened....is it a bug?
Mobile - Survivor Maxed - New teachables won't add
hello everyone, my David King Prestige III lvl 50+ was "maxed" back then, with every unlocked perk at tier 3. The issue is that everything newly unlocked, survivors and their teachables, won't be added to his kit. His current state stays "frozen", even as leveling up at mobile as intended. Happened with multiple survivors.…
Invisibility cloak
PC Jake cosmetic - wool noragi jacket claims in 2 matches that my torso is missing both by teammates and the killer I literally just bought the cosmetic for 400 auric cells and equipped it occurs every game supposedly on my screen its there so idk if Im being trolled please look into this I dont want to be reported for…
Repressed Alliance Game Breaking Bug
I apologize if this is formatted incorrectly, the example link leads to a post that doesnt exist. I apologize if this has been stated before, but the search function on this site only leads to an error page. While playing a killer match i attempted to grab a survivor off a gen, just as that happened they used Repressed…
[PC] Hooks respawn almost instantly
Platform: PC Description of the issue: My friend sabotaged a hook with a toolbox. Directly after finishing, he was downed by the Killer (The Nurse). The Nurse picked him up, hit me once and then hooked him on that exact hook he just sabotaged. The Killer only had one Perk which was Thanatophobia. This makes sabotaging…
Stop deleting issues u can't fix.
My issue keeps being ignored and it a huge one and it got deleted somehow so someone better fix this issue with disconnecting the dc penalty. Im at 6hrs now and can't play i might consider deleting soon because is just dumb really.
Loud chase music at random times VS Legion
I was playing on Gas Heaven as Jeff against Legion 2 days ago, and it seemed that I would get extremely loud chase music at random times, as if the killer was right on top of me. It seemed like when he hit one of my teammates with Feral Frenzy, the game would think that I was also being chased, no matter how far away I…
Damage Generator Ritual not Completing or Progressing (Mobile)
The ritual to damage generators twice as killer in the starter rituals will not progress or complete despite damaging generators. Platform: mobile
Sharp Mustage Jake beard disapears
Hello PC Steam version issue. Nothing to crazy and important but the beard of "Sharp Mustage Jake" skin is disapearing for other peoples POV. Kind regards
Ps4 disconnected from the host
I’m playing on ps4 and getting kicked sometimes while playing both killer and survivor. When I play Killer I just get the error disconnected from the host. I still get my blood points and the xp but I get a leaving penalty even though I got kicked and didn’t left. When I play survivor everything is the same but it says the…
Meg fell through basement floor
Had a teammate who, on her way to rescue a Claudette on hook, fell through the spot on the stairs just as you round the first corner. Against trapper, I was Dwight and I think the other person was Cheryl. Map was Gas Heaven. The Trapper said his whispers were going off in the area in postgame chat, and I got his attention…
Switch bunny legion crash
Fractured cowshed as p3 nancy green bunny legion coming at me about to sprint with camera turned toward the center in the far middle opposite side of the map. Got a crash system closing program.
This spot in the game map when survivor downed here killer can't carry them. That suck plz fix this. And ban him for the lesson.
Knockout bug in 4.1.0.
Platform: PC (Steam) Issue: Perk: Knockout's black out effect after downing a Survivor affects Killer as well Steps to reproduce: Equip Knockout perk, down a Survivor with Basic Attack How often: 100% of the time I tried (although I only tested it on Legion) Points of interest: The black out lasts for ~15 seconds At 3:46…