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- Desde antes de que jugara a ocurrido una situacion que los desarroladores han hecho la vista hacia un lado al parecer y sucede que algunos jugadores con el roll de asesino actuan de una manera antidep…
- I was looking at the map and it was very easy to find anybody because the map was so openly large you could see people from a mile away and I could spear them and they couldnt hide behind anything I t…
- Join me. we shall invade the server being forced upon us and sandbag/kill everyone in sight until were returned to our land. Our land was peaceful and thriving until the devs attacked. 200+ ping to th…
- always unfair fight with survivors like killer hillbill level 1 vs 1+10+15+15 always fight with toxic player & die(moron die) because waiting me in exit place(old trick in friday 13thday game) or even…Started by nikujon
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- Oi Behaviour , minha ideia de assasino é a seguinte: quando voce derruba um sobrevivente voce terá a opção de ''sugar o sangue'' que com ela voce suga o sangue do sobrevivente , até encher uma barra […
- I personally believe that when a killer disconnects from the game, the survivors shouldn’t have to suffer from de-ranking or losing items and offerings. It’s just unfair. Killers sometimes disconnect …
- Olá pessoal que joga no Brasil e tem um switch. Eu tô tentando há algum tempo chamar a atenção dos desenvolvedores para que o jogo esteja disponível na Nintendo eshop Brasileira. Comprar o jogo de out…
- Okay here me out would anyone rather be mori'd On deathook instead of being put on a hook sometimes to just switch it up so I say what if the killer could carry the survivor to a specific location on …Started by FlameAxel
- There are two perks in korean that I know that translation is wrong. First, ghost face second teachable perk "Thrilling Tremors" descriptions are wrong in korean. In korean it says all generators are …Started by baemee094
- I was looking for merch on the dead by deadlight webpage and notice there were no action figures and/or statues. How can there be coasters but not merchandise that gamers obviously collect regularly. …Started by Griffin4Godhand
- All residents of the fog hello. Immediately I want to apologize for my "broken English." I am from Russia and my language knows quite poorly. By this I had to use the translator in some places, but I …
- Docs don't add this question in the new survey so I will do for them. After you answer please explain ( as much calming as you can ) why you believe that. Note: Sorry for my bad English. Thank you for…
- Elooo wreszcie mogę popisać po polskiemu xD
- Im tired of being hooked in basement getting the white screen or floating in space it just recently started back but it’s annoyingStarted by CloakedDagger1
- So I was rank 10 as survivor and the new season started and I got set back to rank 13. I really need help because I’m playing with rank 16 and up and losing basically every game. What should I do?Started by first_lighting
- I’m playing on Xbox and several matches when being hooked in the basement I would go in free fall and basically I can’t play once I’m unhooked I can’t move until I’m rehooked and lose the match becaus…
- What killer do you think is the most fun to play against? For me it's easily Ghostface. Constantly looking over your shoulder never knowing when the killer might show up and getting constantly jumpsca…
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- Salut, Quand on joue entre amis (a 5), peut on limiter l'utilisation des PERK tueur et Survivants ? Merci
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- Hello! I have something to say about this update Spirit adjustment, this would be great !! The problem is free distribution of exclusive skin I think it's not good to distribute it for resale.I think …
- Hello! I have something to say about this update Spirit adjustment, this would be great !! The problem is free distribution of exclusive skin I think it's not good to distribute it for resale.I think …Started by Baby
- A muito tempo me pediram uma Fanfic de como seria uma criatura mitológica no jogo, então está aí, espero que gostem. Assassina: A Medusa Nome: Heléne Casta Nacionalidade: Grécia - Grega Gênero: Femini…
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- Boas sou de portugal e procuro gente para jogar sou ainda inciante +80 horas steamprofile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198245738028/ aceito toda a gente para jogar na boa quem quiser ja s…Started by PaiLopes
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- On peut m'expliquer pourquoi je suis avec des RANK7 alors que je suis RANK18 ?
- Bonjour, j'adore Dead by Daylight, et je veux parler de drôle Dead by Daylight des moments! 😊 Volià, il y a moi: Pardon pour le Anglais en la vidèo! D:
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- Boas! Deixem um Olá por aqui, para sabermos que nao somos os unicos Portugueses por cá!!! Abraços!
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- deleteStarted by neogin27jere
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- I saw the news about NSver. It will provide Chinese(Both Traditional and Simplified) So....Will bE provide Chinese on PS4ver after NSver on sale? (I post in here because bE won't answer Chinese post) …
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- I have a question for the dev, if we have DC because the connection of the killer is so nule that we always return back the killer teleport, is it banable? Then I would like to know why not make Ghost…Started by yukairi
- J'ai une question pour les dev, si on DC car la connexion du tueur est tellement nule que l'on revient toujours en arrière le tueur se téléport, es-ce-que c'est banable? Ensuite je voudrais savoir pou…
- bonjour a vous ses mon 1 topic voici mon tueur perso dit moi ce que vous en pensez svp Croquemitaine ( Bogeyman) SEXE : Mâle ETHNIQUE : pas encore trouvé NOM PRÉNOM : pas encore trouvé VITESSE ; 115 %…Started by Madmaxlaterreur
- Cadê a tradução para ps4?Started by Rodrigogis123
- Un petit message pour les développeur et tous les joueurs de tueurs, d'une depuis le début de se jeu il y a clairement un favoritisme envers les tueurs que je trouve inadmissible, de deux, se jeu n'es…
- Vau