Is this a good idea for a perk
Hey if deathslinger can do it so can I
Should Gerald from Killer Sofa be Added to DBD?
Gerald is the main antagonist of the b horror movie that came out 2 years ago and overall has good reviews. I think that Gerald could be called The Recliner or The Dybbuk and that he would be a great character you could get for a limited time near April Fools.
Should Kindred and Corrupt Intervention be Base kit?
I ask this because I think it can help with solo que survivor without having to sacrifice a perk slot, and for killer, having gens blocked off at the beginning of the match can give them them chance to chase a survivor without having to worry about gens flying off too fast, and without having to use a perk slot as well.
next DLC should be Sam from Trick r Treat
who thinks Sam would make a good Killer for DBD.
Thoughts on Midchapter?
Now that the midchapter has been out for a bit, I want to see everyones opinions, thank you! Personally, I like the changes, I hope the boons are strong enough to shake the meta, while also making counterplay fun and fair.
Should Resilience affect generator repair speed?
Hey there So, for those who don't know - Resilience is a common perk that all survivors have access to at the start. The perk permanently speeds up basically everything: repairing, vaulting, cleansing, unhooking, healing while you are injured. This perk seems to be quite common place, mainly because it speeds up vaulting…
What are the best Trickster Add-ons
Trying to get an idea of what I should be going for in blood webs
next DLC should be Sam from Trick r Treat
Who thinks that Sam from Treat r Treat would make a good killer.
Which territorial killer do you have the most fun playing as?
(Not to be confused with "which killer do you do best with")
Who is the Scariest?
In Poll 5, Springtrap is from FNAF.
Should A Blighted Serum-like ability Be Base Kit On Nemesis
So hello again guy's and this time I am back with another poll, and with this one being totally unexpected for me to actually make, and that is on whether or not the blighted serum should be base kit on Nemesis or not. Now the reason why I would absolutely love this idea is because it would make Nemesis as Nemesis as he…
Which Dark Picture Game would you want to see in DBD?
Updated Survivors' Models
Now that it's been a while and people are probably used to the new looks, what are your alls' opinions on the updated looks for the Survivors? I myself am finally happy with all of them except Yui's. I still don't understand what was going on there, since every other Survivor looks fine and Yui looks awful. What do you all…
Does Calm Spirit need a change?
Calm Spirit is one of the most situational perks in the game, however when in that situation, it's quite oppressive against The Doctor's biggest strength - his great tracking. Doctor does have a way to circumvent Calm Spirit but it's not always going to be available. By the way I'm going to be doing these kinds of polls a…
Do you like the new survivor portraits?
So with the mid chapter release, some of the survivors got new portraits (Kate, Nea, David, Jake, Quentin, and Feng). Personally, I hate the new portraits. They look very out of place and downgraded compared to the older ones. Do you like the new survivor portraits?
So Deathslinger mains, will you keep playing Deathslinger?
I have played 5 games and I can safely say that only reason why I will ever touch him again is some challenge, or daily. He feels worse to play than Huntress and he is worse as a killer than Huntress. I don't care about how good he is, change his TR, nerf fake ADS, nerf addons, I couldn't care less, but they had to nerf…
Which Map should be reworked?
I would've included Hawkins Laboratory, but we all know what's going on there.
Should boon totems be treated as dull totems by killer perks?
Some killer perks activate on dull totems when a specific event happens, like hex: plaything. But if the remaining totems are blessed, hex perks cannot activate. Isn't this unfair given that even the killer snuffs the totem, the survivor can just re-bless it immediatly? Since boon totems can be re-blessed indefinitely,…
Map Voting System
Hello Community, This is my first post in this forum. Please be good to me, if I might have done something wrong, please let me know! As the title says, this is about whether you would like a map voting system. It's just about that you can choose in which map you want to play. I would be interested to hear what you think…
Should we remove perk tiers?
Simple and clean, should the be removed or not?
What should be added to Dead By Daylight?
What are some things that you think would be good to have? To make things less boring, more expressive, and slightly scary. Dead By Daylight starts off as scary, for a lot of new players, but later on, you get used to it and you're like, "Oh, it's not so scary anymore.", and all you do as the Survivor, is do Generators,…
Would you join a Dead by Daylight event to raise money for a domestic violence charity?
Will you continue to play dead by daylight
we all know why im asking this
What do you think the new killer will be for Chapter 22?
Part One - If Survivors had Powers like the Killers, would be the most accurate?
I'm bored. Sorry about the Feng poll.
Error 500 does hunter have mori or white ward?
When you see the error code 500 pop up the person who disconnects do they have an item offered?) and does the hunter have an offering of a secret 🤫 🤐/Or a white ward offered?
Do you DC when someone hacks?
The community's opinion on BHVR using NFT's
So it's official. Here's the twitter post. What's your opinion on this? As much as I understand your frustration, here's a quick reminder to please keep the comments civil. Thank you.
Do generators need to be reworked?
Yeah, in my opinion yes currently MMR shows this Gens go too fast, killer brings meta slowdown, gens still go with killer not camping or tunneling, killer camps and tunnels, survivors bring second chances, killer uses only the strong, survivors do SWFs for lame DBD gameplay. All because of how gens work. They can’t be…
What was the worst decision for DBD?
Work in progress, because I kinda messed up a bit. I'm using my phone. Hurricane Ida.
Who is the most annoying killer?
What Blighted Skin would you want to see or have?
I forgot about a Blighted Demogorgon, but it wouldn't happen anyway. Not unless Netflix let's it happen before then.
What Item Perk would you like to see or get, that BHVR probably won't provide you?
To craft these, you have to enter a locker empty handed. Like Flashbang.
You know what's up. Refund?
Due to the situation that is arisen, do you want to A. Refund B. Uninstall C. Keep Playing This is in regards to this user's post since he didn't make a poll: If Steam gave you the opportunity to refund the game, would you take it? - Page 2 — Dead By Daylight
Dying Light rework idea.
I don’t really want the old DL back because it caused survivors to disconnect because of the toxic playstyle it promoted. My version of the perk incentives the killer to get as many hooks as they can in order to make the most out of the perk by doubling those stacks. It gives the killer a choice that will have an impact on…
Are you looking forward to the new update tommorow?
How big will the playerbase be when the event hits?
Hey, so this is how many players on Steam we have at around 1pm today: 34,637 in total (sorry, I can only see the numbers of players on Steam.) How many do you think there will be here when the event hits later on? Just place your bets and try to keep things civil.
What do you feel about Hawkins Lab leaving?
About a month till this realm is gone. What do you think?
Should map offerings be retired forever?
How's Freddie?
So after this SBMM I stop playing after reaching rank 1 because now it's really frustrating. When the map don't spawn with troll or good generators positions, 2 survivors or all of them escapes, rarely I'm getting 4k. The snare cast is long, the teleport becomes less useful everytime generators are done and the clocks on…
Which Type Of Killer Would You Like To See Next?
What type of killers would you like the next killer to be? Maybe another set up killer similar to Hag or Trapper, maybe a chase oriented like Nemesis, Pyramid Head, etc... Or maybe a super unique one that we haven't gotten yet.
Which Tier will be the new Deathslinger?
Should Dead Hard be completely removed?
If you choose no and you're a survivor main then you're 100 percent a sweaty survivor main who can't loop at all and dead hard carries you. If you choose yes and you main killer you're killer main who has to get tortured by dead ######### hard (same as me!) If you choose Yes and you're a survivor main and you never run the…
Part 31: How would you feel about the Conjuring Universe in DBD?
Hello one and all. It's been a while since I've done one of these partially because I didn't feel like doing them for a while and partially because I ran out of ideas for what to do. But now I decided to do the Conjuring Universe. I did a post on this previously which I'll link. Since this covers everyone from the…
Gen Perks, or Endgame Perks?
Which is your favorite type, gen regression or endgame holding? I'll make a lil pool of perks to help decide the choice Gen Perks: Surge, Pop, Ruin and Tinkerer Endgame Perks: Noed, No Way Out, Blood Warden and Remember Me I personally have come around to perfer Endgame Perks, gens just go too quick and Endgame tends to be…
Does the wraith need a mechanics overhaul?
This poll is looking to assess killers experiences as the wraith.. I Started playing wraith recently and noticed a few odd things. He is supposed to be a stealth killer with foundational near invisibility and suppressed terror radius when cloaked. However, the bell ring to unlock, without addons, is so long that there is…
What is your general opinion about trials versing Spirit?
How does the community feel about Nemesis?
I don't see him talked about often. Is he a solid killer, or does he need to be buffed/nerfed?
50% winrate vs luck of the draw
Imagine a situation where SBMM works perfectly and everybody gets very close to 50% winrate, and imagine another on where there's no restrictions on matchmaking and it's entirely random (so you would get a 95%+ winrate if you are close to the top and a very low winrate if you are close to the bottom on average). Assuming…
Are you happy that Halloween events are moving away from the Blight theme?
If I recall correctly the developers have stated that they are moving away from Blight-themed Halloween events. The recent leaks suggest the only Blight-related parts of this Halloween event will be skins. Did you like the Blight-themed events more, or are you happy that the developers are moving away from them?