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  • The entitlement is real lmao "BuT I dOnT wAnT tO cOuNtEr It By DoInG GeNs, ItS bOrInG". "I pAiD fOr ThE gAmE sO mY OpPoNeNt WhO NeEdS To KiLL mE tO wIn HaS tO pLaY NiCe". Bruh, the only question you need to ask yourself is this Did it work? If the answer is yes, then he did his job. If the answer is no, then you did your…
  • Honestly, the average game time should be around 2-3 minutes longer than it currently is. I feel like it'd be much healthier for the game because yes, on certain maps, or certain tiles, you pretty much start with a 40% chance of winning that quickly diminishes depending on how you play the first minute of the game. But…
  • The DBD community is easily the most toxic game community that I've personally been a part of. And I've heard that same sentiment echoed by a few a people. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is. Like this thread shows, toxicity might as well be encouraged because people will just blame you for having a problem with it.…
  • @Seiko300 Well all I can say is that's a pleasant surprise. The caffeine pills must have been swapped for Ecstasy cause they were clearly high when making that change lmao. Lopro Chains had no reason to make your chainsaw a m1 hit. Maybe for a few seconds after breaking a pallet with the chainsaw and even then I don't…
  • Yeah, the add-ons are almost unbelievably bad, but unfortunately that's just the way it is. They make changes and when people disagree with them, they just go "Its PTB so it's not final" even though we 100% know that they are just gonna throw it in anyways.
  • I think the game has improved BUT is held back immensely by game time and the matchmaking. I think games should last longer than the amount of time it takes to find a game and set up your build. However, due to the lack of objectives, survivors can just speedrun the game and end it in 5 minutes. Currently, making maps…
  • No matter how well hidden totems are, good survivors will always memorize the locations. My problem is that dull totems are completely worthless other than potentially spawning NOED and extra points. I made a post a while ago thay dull totems should have like a 3% repair speed penalty for a max of 15%. That way killers get…
  • Killers have the opportunity to be more toxic, yes. But are they more toxic? No. Survivors think anything that results in their death is toxic (generalization, do not mean EVERY survivor). Survivor players are waaaay more toxic than Killers. And I can say that with confidence solely based off end of game chat. A killer…
  • It alwaya goes back to the same thing. If the survivors are good, then prepare to lose in 5 minutes. If they're bad, then sure it's "balanced". But again, why balance around bad players? It just means if the survivor base suddenly decided to actually get good, killers would be screwed.
  • Yeah, when I see killers pressing w and doing nothing else but following the survivor, it feels so bad. Mindgames is a must for killers. And for survivors, I agree. When I play killer, I see hooked survivors hit second stage or straight up die, because no one went for them. Even when i'm not in the area. Sometimes they can…
  • Yeah, I noticed after the ruin changes the forums were suddenly filled with more survivors calling for Killer nerfs. I realized that it may have been because of a low skill level and not because they were trying to be "toxic".
  • I mean, that sounds great honestly. It would really add to the horror aspect of the game. Don't know if they would ever do that though.
  • She is difficult to play as so new players won't really enjoy picking her up. Especially because games last 5 minutes. More importantly though, no one likes not being able to play AKA there is a cooldown for your second blink and you also suffer from blink fatigue. That's two moments where you literally can't play and it…
  • Yeah, that's the gist of it. I've seen player say "X killer is a bit strong, what should the devs nerf about them?" It seems any killer that is "a bit" better than average, is deemed nerf worthy. Billy and Huntress are what Killers should look like. And the Doctor rework I think was great. But like you said, some people…
  • If I want to go for a 4k, then I will do what I like to secure that 4k. If I get outplayed, cool. But a DC hatch escape is out of my control. That's not fair. How can survivors unironically say "Does letting go of one kill bother you that much?" But the moment I have 1 kill during the EGC, and there's three survivors…
  • I just feel that if the game detects a 4 man (maybe a 3 man as well), there should be like an extra added layer of difficulty. No that I know what that would be exactly. But SWF just gets ignored as is cause "it only happens every once in a while".
  • Toxicity is at an all time high. But really, it's nothing new.
  • Well yeah, the get out of jail free card SHOULD be in the favor on the killer. But it doesn't stop survivors from camping the hatch, having come across it earlier, etc. You are not entitled to the hatch. If you want to end the game quickly, then just suicide into the killer. In the same way survivors expect a killer to let…
  • Scenario 1: You don't slug the last survivor. You don't know where the hatch is. Odds of finding survivor or hatch is ???%. Maybe you have BBQ (which has counterplay). If you find the hatch, gates are powered. Chances of finding survivor before or at a gate ???% (unless the gates are super closed together, which is RNG).…
  • Killers: Hey, don't nerf ruin. The game is too fast. I'll have to mori and tunnel. Survivors: MoRi AnD TuNnEl. Whatever baby killer. Killers: *brings mori or tunnels* Survivors: :O why are killers bringing moris and/or playing dirty. Pls nerf. I don't know what to tell you bud.
  • Because there are too many bad survivors at red ranks, which literally EVERYONE agrees with. Killing survivors because they're bad means nothing.
  • They said it on the forums as well. Something along the lines of "We expect generators to go fast early... the more people the killer kills and the longer the game goes, the more in favor the game is to the killer." Unfortunately, the early game is the most important, so if you're a killer without any mobility, then tough…
  • Map design is the real issue. Gen speeds happens to be the symptom. But y'all really need to stop saying stuff like "killers win all the time" and "teammates are bad/red rank survivors are watered down" in the same breath. To me, it obviously means survivor players need to get better. Because 4 real red ranks survivors…
  • You can't completely disregard matches that ARE impossible to win. They exist and there's plenty of proof. Even the God Killers that people love to mention like Otz, Tru3, or whoever, have stated this. Anyways, survivor ranks mean nothing and everyone is well aware of the number of bad survivors in the game. So is killing…
  • Nah, you're right. Although the forums are a small percentage of the playerbase, most of the posts are complaints in one way or another. Some people, like the ones on this thread, are just willfully ignorant because THEY are having fun, therefore everyone else is. And even if the devs say take stats with a grain a salt,…
  • It should be harder to get into red ranks but generally yes, survivors do need to "get good". It makes ZERO sense as a casual or competitive game, to ignore what good players can do in your game, in favor of those who are running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
  • Make DS turn off if a survivor does an offensive action like repairing and healing.
  • The reason that cognitive dissonance exists is because of the quality of the nerfs that survivors get vs the quality of nerfs killers get. And some of the stuff that they call "survivor nerfs" or "killer buffs" are neither, but a fix to the broken aspect of the game, like infinites. Freddy was absolutely gutted and left…
  • DS is stronger now than it used to be. You could AT LEAST dribble before. Generator repair time increased? How many years ago was that? Killer vault speed increased? Wow OP. That's closer to a QoL change than a buff considering how effective looping is. Do you remember the old self care? It was clearly overtuned. So much…
  • It's still a weakness for Billy. Doesn't matter if other killers happen to share the same weakness. Put simply, Billy can be ran around like any other killer. He has great map pressure and an instadown but if you run into a jungle gym or a loop, Billy is just an m1 killer. He's really strong against players that don't look…
  • I recently picked up Billy as you can see I only have him at lvl 30 LOL And i'm just poking fun at all the posts that are calling for Billy Nerfs!
  • That's what happens when you don't play for months at a time. SHOCKER.
  • I stopped playing around the introduction of the player exp progression. And like I said, I just started playing recently again. If you'd like I can climb to red ranks again and post a picture of it?
  • Honestly, I know the devs are trying to keep as many players in the community, but they have to be ok with cutting off the toxic/dc players. The community would be so much healthier as a whole.
  • Honestly, I don't know why this hasn't always been a thing. When I first started playing, I assumed that cleansing a totem worked in some way to my benefit. But it's just for points. The community has been very vocal about gen speeds, so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone. I mean it makes sense theme wise as…
  • True. But if it spawns on their side, they are likely to find it anyways. Good survivors will find the totem no problem. So at the very least, if it spawns on the opposite half of the map, they still have to walk all the way across to look for the totem. And the killer will be walking towards were the survivor spawned,…
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