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  • I am pretty sure you lose the offering no matter what so long as it was burned at the beginning.
  • Hide or Die is way too different to think about one "defeating" the other. Hide or Die is focused more on horror and hiding (hence the name lol). If the killer finds you in this game, you will most certainly die. It's way scarier to be survivor. Meanwhile Dead by Daylight killers are not threatening what-so-ever. Now…
  • I like your idea. It's something small and basically a qol change. Wouldn't really harm killers in any way, if anything it would make people more immersed, in other words they wouldn't be on gens or rushing saves. Sounds good mate. As a side note, Make Your Choice can be determined if the person unhooking you screams and…
  • It's okay. I thought servers were down for a second too until I remembered it was Tuesday.
  • I think this is about the time that Steam does their maintenance
  • DS is very easy to counter. All you need to do is slug the survivor. If you run a perk like Make Your Choice then you will know exactly when the timer for Decisive is out and you can go grab them. If its a swf then its even easier since they will most likely try and rush to get their teammate up, allowing for more pressure…
  • I recently found out that there is a fix coming in the next mid-chapter which is coming a week earlier than expected, July 23rd. Until then we just have to endure the use of this exploit. Luckily most people aren't total ######### so I don't see it every game. I will probably just leave any match that has people using it.
  • Yes, accidental use is obviously okay. But thing is, this ash admitted to knowing about the exploit and him and his team used it to win. If they don't plan on fixing this bug asap then they ought to place the threat of a ban for using it.
  • If they will "eventually" fix it, then why not threaten bans to stop the over use of this exploit? Why let survivors continue to misuse this perk just because they will get to it "eventually". I am sure if there was a noed exploit just for ex. , where killer could press some buttons and activate it before last gen and…
  • Difference is, those were all patched fairly quickly. Does that mean that we will have to wait several weeks for mid-chapter to see a fix? If so, then that means for those several weeks killers will see nothing but sprint burst exploits effectively getting free chase escapes for weeks.
  • Toolboxes aren't toxic. No items are toxic. But if we can say this, then might as well add that a mori is not toxic either
  • If I remember correctly, you have to get all four iridescent emblems to get the achievement. So against good survivors it would be pretty hard since they know to crank out gens and not scare easy. That destroys your gatekeeper. Sometimes a loop is too long to try and mindgame and that destroys the chaser. etc. etc. etc. So…
  • DS really isn't as horrible like it's previous state. If anything it's just frustrating when it happens. It is pretty easy to avoid though. If the hooked person runs into your arms, yes it is smart to down them again (call me tunneler i dont care lol), but instead of hooking just slug them. It still will slow the game down…
  • Yes, every game has bugs. Every. Single. One. It's normal. Us players are very lucky to have a game where we can say something is broken and then have it fixed in a week or so. Honestly the devs do an amazing job fixing bugs asap and still put out new content while also optimizing and improving older stuff. These guys do a…
  • Well that's not entirely true. There are plenty of times I have had the last survivor escape via hatch or gate. It's a matter of stealth and luck. If the survivor gets lucky and finds hatch first they get out, guaranteed. If the killer gets lucky and finds the hatch, they commence the End Game Collapse, which gives the…
  • I think if we get anything Stranger Things related in game it will be an event (possibly the summer event since that's the new seasons tagline). Could possibly be just cosmetics without the event tied in as well. It's interesting to think about what the collaboration could be.
  • Only leveled 3 killers, Wraith, Doctor, and Freddy. Freddy being the big boy with near P3.
  • What I liked about old Freddy was how unique he was. Sure he was the "worst" killer in game but that didn't make him useless. If you play him as you would anyone else you are sure to lose but play to his unique strengths and you can really wreck the team. Freddy was the first killer I actually got good with and was able to…
  • Yep. If a killer wants to rank up at all, they rely almost solely on the survivors. THEY decided what rank the killer gets, because of all the reasons you said. You have no control it feels like. (Stupidest thing to me is that you depip for literally winning too fast. Shouldn't that mean you need to rank up since you…
    in Pip system Comment by Ghostul July 2019
  • I'm sure they are being extremely sensitive with Freddy. Could you imagine the backlash if they nerfed him right away again? He is in a promising spot right now with not much to change from PTB, granted we are on day one. Once he goes live we will all get a real feel for his strength (or weakness). I trust the devs and…
  • Its not that. I can dominate a survivor in chase but it does not matter cause the gens get done too fast. Thats the problem. I dont mind losing when its deserved, which happens, but when they win just cause i couldnt stop gens no matter how optimal i played its messed up. My games usually end with everyone remaining dead…
    in Gen Speed Comment by Ghostul June 2019
  • You are so right. Ive noticed on smaller maps like The Game, i do much better opposed to maps like the godforsaken Yamoaka. I hope that the future reworks will be exactly what you said.
    in Gen Speed Comment by Ghostul June 2019
  • Just recently committed to killer. And as i stated in the original post, people mistaking normal repair speed for wake up bug abuse really smacked me in the face with just how fast gens are.
    in Gen Speed Comment by Ghostul June 2019
  • That would be a dream for perks like BT and We'll Make It. I could see your idea working then but No Mither would need almost a complete rework to make new benefits that fit with the exposed status effect instead of injured.
  • I agree that regression should be faster but the exact numbers would definitely need to be tested.
  • This isn't a bad idea but I can see it causing problems with other survivors in the game. If there is no sign that the person is running the perk then teammates will assume the killer has some exposed status perks or is hacking.
  • My friend got called a hacker because "he saw me across the map behind the rock"! Now if this survivor just looked a little to the left he would've noticed a nice ol tier 3 BBQ and Chili. My friend still got reported though lol
  • Yeah, I think it is to stop killers from "tunneling" down someone with a timer about to run out. Since that seemed to be a big problem for survivors when going against a Legion who would "moonwalk" on them. Though with the terror radius changes I don't know how necessary this was. I'm pretty sure Pig doesn't see Reverse…
  • Yeah, my friend always "pulls the plug" whenever he is about to die on hook so that he can keep his flashlights. :- \ I am hoping a ban will humble his trigger happy dcing, not to be mean but it's kinda ridiculous.
  • I have used a lot of Lithe and while it does help, sometimes when I know there is no where else to run but the loop i am on, it gets kind of wasted. I have started running Balance Landing for the reason you said, it opens up more loop potential without use of pallets. Haddonfield, Game, Lery's and Ironworks are the main…
  • EGC changes how the last survivor and killers are meant to play the game. You can't keep playing how you used to and expect the same results. You have to change strategy. Like I have read above, go to a door if you don't know where and hatch is and wait. Or try something else. Don't keep doing the same thing and say "this…
  • So it's okay for survivors to have lots of second chances but killer's aren't allowed one? Survivors have dead hard, ds, MoM, adrenaline and insta heals. But a killer with a perk that does not even guarantee a kill and can be prevented/destroyed, is "too strong"?
    in NERF NOED Comment by Ghostul May 2019
  • Basically anything super bright and flashy. The "I am trying to be chased all game" outfit. For the most part, only experienced players would wear an outfit that makes them easy to spot.
  • I play a low rank killer (cause I am #########), and usually dodge when I can tell the survivor in my lobby definitely should not be there. Mostly, P3 or "toxic cosmetics", flashlights paired with that and sometimes DBD related usernames. I know I shouldn't dodge but it makes it so unfun for me to get bullied by experience…
  • Legion was not overpowered or annoying to play against. I enjoyed that the games with them could last a little longer and put more pressure on survivors. Called for better teamwork and strategy. I was glad to see a killer viable without ruin.